Bale in my favorite Batman, but i also fucking loved Affleck's Batman.
Who's the best Batman in your opinion, Yea Forums?
Bale in my favorite Batman, but i also fucking loved Affleck's Batman.
Who's the best Batman in your opinion, Yea Forums?
Affleck is a joke compared to Bale.
Affleck was unironically the best one we've ever had
I've only watched the ones with michael keaton
I felt Affleck had a more Dark tone.
The Bale Batman gravely voice always knocks the performance down a couple notches. His Bruce Wayne is pretty on point though. And even though he looked damn near perfect in BvS, Affleck only had one or two really good scenes as Batman though. It almost doesn't seem fair to judge him considering what he had to work with.
Overall Bale.
Bale got the better movies to work with. Affleck was fine in BvS but Justice League completely shat on his character.
Bale is the better Bruce Wayne, Affleck is the better Batman.
I'm a brainlet.
Why did the critics and people overall considered BvS and Dawn of Justice bad?
Honestly i enjoyed both, BvS more.
Pattinson will be, and The Batman will make another billion for DC. DC will hire only chads and overtake Marvel by 2022
I'm conflicted with that decision desu.
I was also with Affleck and it went out nice, so i hope it's the same result.
For BvS (and all Snyder movies really) if you want to say it looked good, I can't disagree. But the story is just there to serve visuals. Summarizing, they were rushing a justice league movie and Death of Superman story without building up any of the history that would lead to a meaningful outcome. The movie is pretty much Superman's been around for a year or two Batman is paranoid... because. Lex Luthor hates Superman... because. Batman and Superman decide to work together... because (Martha). Character motivations are just really weak verging on not important at all to the movie.
Justice League once again was just a rush to get a Justice League movie made. Weak villain, uncertain threat, flimsy reason to get a team together. Then on top that they had reshoot stuff so Snyders cool visuals are mostly gone, actors are moving on or are between projects so they look off for one reason or another. It really is a fucking mess dude.
And I don't want to shit on you for what you like, they aren't without any merit but, the best comparison I can make is them being like action porn movies. Nothing makes sense, no ones actions seem natural or understandable but you really don't care that much because you just want to see the pizza guy deliver the sausage, you know what I mean?
I prefer the Batfleck in terms of both look as well as temperament. I'd have like to have seen him pre-wigout and a trifle more in control. He came across as an arrogant, judgemental, self-righteous asshole, and that's spot-on for Bruce.
Keaton best Batman. Atmospheric, gothic, crazy cold eyes, etc.
Bale best Bruce, but it's unfair. Affleck didn't have his own movie. He had almost nothing to work with and when he was doing stuff, he was great. His party scene was great.
I agree.
It really felt that BvS was rushed, but it didn't bothered me as much. Maybe i'm biased because i really like Batman.
Justice League even though the shitty villain, i liked seeing all of them fighting in Group.
Honestly now that they're gonna try to rebuild another DCU, i hope they bring other """""significant""""" characters like Green Lantern(John Stweart), Stactic Shock, Question and others.
>The Batman will make another billion for DC
Why are Batman movies the only thing they seem to consistently get right?
Keaton was the best.
It's a stiff character so it's hard to get it wrong. Characters that are softer are harder to pull off, like Spider-Man. Too many variables in personality giving writers the possibility to fuck up. Stiff, straight-forward characters like Batman and Punisher are way easier.
I think they got Superman perfect too desu.
Besides that bullshit of covering his mustache with CGI.
BvS was fine.
Justice League was an atrocious mess of a movie, but it's okay that you enjoyed it.
bale is a better actor but his batman was totally wasted in these films. Never got anything to do besides being in shape and having a dumb voice.
DC going with matt reeves instead of Denis Villanova or Fincher might be a huge mistake
It just makes me sad really that we still don't have a capeshit universe as rich as MCU.
They must do something decent now that MCU is going to phase 4 and people are already tired after the Ultimate.
>i hope they bring other """""significant""""" characters like Green Lantern(John Stweart), Stactic Shock, Question and others.
I don't know, it's not just DC/WB. But I don't have a lot of hope for any character really. It's like every writer has this secret shame about working on cape shit or this ego that says
>You know this character that's been around for decades and amassed this huge fan base, I can do better than any of the people that wrote those characters. So I'm going to change them completely. IT WILL BE GLORIOUS.
I'm at a point where I really don't want to see any character I like get a movie or tv adaption. I'd just rather remember them fondly as they were.
Yeah, they must hire a decent writer and not rush stuff like they did.
I really want to see my nigga John beating baddies.
I didn't like Bale's Batman voice.
Bale is better than the previous actors chosen for Batman.
Batfleck is best though, so:
1. Affleck
2. Bale
Robert Lowery: Eh. A bit outdated & obviously low-budget. Can't really judge against today's standards.
Adam West: Not bad, too comedic for my tastes. Bad costume.
Michael Keaton: Very unconventional but pulled off a reserved, intellectual Batman.
Val Kilmer: Looked far more conventional. Hampered by pedestrian movie.
George Clooney: Had potential. Definitely had the voice. Could've made a nice "older" Batman. Again, hamstrung by pedestrian movie.
Christian Bale: Cookie Monster voice definitely knocks his performance down a few notches. Helped by generally good films.
Ben Affleck: Not horrible. A bit subdued. But how could they not cast Matt Damon as Robin? Huge missed opportunity.
>But how could they not cast Matt Damon as Robin? Huge missed opportunity.
He's was olf af at the time.
Joseph Gordon(who was already, but he wasn't Robin yet) would still be a good choice.
I liked Batfleck the best but I’m very frustrated that he only got one decentish movie, a shit movie, and a cameo in a shit movie.