What is *blocks your path*?

>What is *blocks your path*?

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nigga is unstoppable

here we go

look at those chumps
he gon win

He's not making the game fun. And he's disrespectful to other contestants.

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yikes, no wonder she's so asshurt


>want to watch a game show
>have to sit through dozens of commercials aimed at boomers

Is Alex trebeck still alive?

He can’t have much time left.

james is based it's not his fault he's so much smarter than the other contestants

What's the deal with his bets?

What will be aired after Wheel of Fortune when they have to cancel Jeopardy? No way can it survive Trebek retiring AND this mutt.

4d chess

Can someone pls shoop the head smaller

Trebeck plans to die on that stage mate.

>imagine getting on Jeopardy
>once in a lifetime opportunity
>tell all your friends and colleagues about it
>take off work
>make a short vacation out of it
>"prepare" as hard as your can
>show up
>filled with excitement and hopefulness
>go up against this guy

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Lmao 8k swing for our guy

>Alex, could you please make the contestant with the least money read the next one? I'd hate for them to come all this way and not participate.
Honestly unnecessary.

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The thing few fail to realize if that this nigger has to pay taxes on his winnings, and that’s California tax rate.

So he will only have 1.5million instead of two million

a dumb meme for preteen redditors

One of his go-to's is the date of the Las Vegas shooting. He lives there so it's not totally random, but it's still odd nevertheless.

calm down, incel

Is he sending us a secret code in his daily doubles???

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James was piloting the helicopter that was no-scoping country fans


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