Are you looking forward to the next season?
Stranger Things 3
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I'm looking forward to the torrid Mike/Eleven/Will love triangle.
Nah, have not even seen the first two seasons.
Stop advertising Shlomo
I'm looking forward to masturbating to Millie and Sadie with all the new content.
they should masturbate each other in the next season
Enough with your fan-fiction
Excuse me, but Yea Forums is for GOT Threads only.
Will the redhead get properly BLACKED this time? Literally the only reason to watch this garbage.
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kind of. the show has potential but season 2 was honestly total garbage.
I'drathe season 1 been the end then make a new ip doing something else. I don't want 10 seasons of shit dragging itself down the entire time. Too much milking goes on.
You have to go back
>eleven will turn into some bitch instead of the socially awkward girl in S1 and 2
>steve becomes some cuck working in an ice cream shop instead of becoming a cop training under hopper
>redhead now in the crew despite not doing shit in the last season
>season is marketed with some 4th of july stuff instead of the comfy halloween setting last season
Nah, can't say that I am.
That theory going around that Will has powers turns out to be true then Mike certainly has a type.
That would be as you kids say "key-no"
Max teaches 11 how to properly masturbate.
11 who has been detached from society knows nothing about these things
>mall vapor wave aesthetic
Could be cool
No. Season 2 was awful and the monster was lame.
unironically reddit-level excitement for season 3.
Fuck sake that's the oldest looking 15yo i've ever seen
>a fag
>a mutt
>and a nigger
dropped the series the moment the nigger BLACKED the redhead
They're both way past their prime but still fuckable.
i just want to see will crying about mike
She already became some bitch in s2.
you can tell s03 is going to suck from the trailer alone.
How could things possibly get any more strange?
>that's a real, official poster
wtf that's low even for netflilx: shamlessly marketing millie's boobies
I didn't like the first season and didn't watch the second. It felt like a hollow imitation of "the 80s" made for zoomers.
she looks much better without caked on makeup
It's [Current Year].
Will probably be some degenerate threesome. Since it's netflix, they'll throw in Lucas too.
>children are way past their prime
kill yourself
That was basically part of the premise of last season, he deff gonna have even more residual upside down senses after that thing stretched his body hole
Absolutely. She was really cute when she was 12 and under, she has aged a lot in the last 2 years and has cranked up the thot. Not ideal but meh, thots gonna thot.
14-16 is when 90% of all women hit the wall. That's a fact.
Are you a fag or something? And it's to show shes in puberty, they're entering actual teen mode now.
They got really lucky with Finn. Judging by how he looked in Season 1, he could very easily have grown up to be fugly by now, instead of the beautiful twink he is.
Will best girl return?
Do you have any evidence that this is actually happening or did you get this information from hysterical girls on twitter?
>14-16 is when 90% of all women hit the wall
this. wouldn't expect msm to admit it anytime soon, tho
I forgot about this episode completely.
Now this is prime Millie.
There's no evidence as such, but that script excerpt from the Winter Ball scene coupled with the S3 trailer suggest that it's at least not unlikely
tite tummy
You forgot to post the new short OP
Eleven lookin' thicc, so why not, I'll probably just end up shitting on it like last season.
WTF is that ugly poo thing
Fellas, this is Stranger Things producer's khazar daughter
Stupid goyim
Steve deserves so much better than the show gives him. Generally a good guy and he ends up getting cucked and then turned into "le goofy ice cream man"
Too old
Underrated my friend
I can't wait for all the incels/MRA wailing IMAGINE THE OUTRAGE IF THE GENDERS WERE REVERSED
He looks qt here, is this a recent pic?
Unlike feminists and useful idiotic teenage girls I don’t see men complaining about this, well at least not at the same scale women would do.
Whats the appeal of this show outside of cunny?
Yeah, it's from a con he attended earlier this month.
She's 19...
I swear Yea Forums is just a pedo honeypot
19 IS old
Chads enjoy shit like this because he made all those women feel better. Back when I was a chad like Billy I used to do that too.
Millie was only good in S1 and Sadie was alright in S2.
for fuck sake
The ST pedos in this thread are giving us ST ephebophiles a bad name.
Pedophilia is not cool.