>Mr. Bran? I've come to collect the crown's debt to the Iron Bank
Mr. Bran? I've come to collect the crown's debt to the Iron Bank
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The debt is exactly where it should be.
>dozes off
>watches Friends reruns inside head
>you know that thing you do that would ruin you in the eyes of your peers if it got out?
>I know what it is
>forgive the debt
>The break, Ros...
>Suddenly Bran stands up and goes running out of there
*cue laughtrack and end credits*
Cersei paid it all off
>ill refer you to my master of coin, bronn
>bronn: fookin cunt ill shoot ya with my crossbow if yah dont get me a castle on essos fooking poofter cunt
absolutely kekd
>Be brann
>Bet all the realms money on chariot races across the sea
>use powers to ensure you win every time by looking into the future
>Pay off loans and become the majority investor in the Iron bank.
heh nothing personal jews
haha fucking idiot
should've waited until after she won the war
>I kind of forgot about you
>*Iron bank disappears*
>got thread
>nearly all replies are reddit tier humour
i wonder why
How would the Iron Bank collect? The Golden Company got massacred.
have sex incel
with what money?
The Iron Bank, and the rest of Bravos, all works in conjunction with the Faceless Men. Remember, Bravos was founded by slaves who broke free from the Valyrians. Those now free slaves were the first Faceless Men.
i have had sex 9 times this week, how about you?
Except the Bank doesn't control the faceless men.
They literally got nothing, since they dont have anyone to fund in Westeros, and nobody in Essos gives a shit about Westeros.
How can you have sex 9 times a week if there are only 7 days? Fucking liar
>your majesty, we have come to collect our debt.... Bran? WAKE UP!
>wow, was I sleep? It was a very beautiful dream
>we want our money, Mr Brann
>so beautiful... want to see it?
>the rape... it’s beautiful.
And that’s how bran pays Kings landing, sharing his mp4 of his sisters rape.
Nigga read the books. Iron Bank is pretty much the most powerful organization in the world and they ALWAYS make sure to collect their debts.
The money stolen from the Reach, did you even watch the show?
Based, branhub
With what army are you gonna get it?
Because they had the most expensive and grand mercenary army called the golden company. Remember what happened with them? They got slaughtered in 30 seconds.
>>Mr. Bran? I've come to collect the crown's debt to the Iron Bank
>the rape tycho the rape was beautiful...
>w-what are you talking about
>the kids, the secret dungeon... I saw it all...
The iron bank bet on cersai, she lost. So sorry Iron Bank.
and how much shall the cost of this dragon remove from my debt
or should i say
the drogoncaust
based backup mp4 .mem files in hordor drive
>How would the Iron Bank collect? The Golden Company got massacred.
Subversive actions.
>Bribe minor nobels to argue/fued with wardens
>See that weapons/supplies are provided for upstart houses
>Spread general chaos across the realm
>Hire iron Islanders to disrupt shipping
>Pay vale nomads to attack holdings and travelers
>Pay whores to gossip that the imp is eating babies or something
>Watch as westros implodes and begins a new war of 20 Kings
The iron bank will have it's due.
You have a nice fantasy but didn't you see season 8? Politics literally stopped mattering, it was all just to get a bunch of no name actors on different seats in that one scene and then they all agreed with whatever named characters decided.
>didn't you see season 8?
There was no season 8.
>You looked beautiful that time you visited a brothel
>Bran sees there isn't as much rape as he expected, but there's still a ton of fucking going on at brothels
>instructs Bronn to build as many brothels and game houses as he wants
>King's Landing becomes Vegas and develops a thriving economy based on lewds
>pays off the debt to the bank in a couple months
In the books she's an idiot and uses up all of her Lannister gold to pay it off in a lump sum...only to find out the lannister gold mines are dried up.
Why do you think I'm here?
I like that he's got similar clothes as Littlefinger given the latter's Braavosi heritage
they can hire new ones they have plenty of gold
>I payed you a small fortune
>And you think this gives you power over me?
>I-I'm in charge here
>Do you feel in charge?
Lmao just wait until Bran dies, then bribe all the lords to elect a king that'll pay the debt back.
Are you people genuinely braindead?
>Nigga read the books. Iron Bank is pretty much the most powerful organization in the world and they ALWAYS make sure to collect their debts.
It was Cersei that had the debt. She's dead. Bran is not her successor and doesn't have to take up her debts. The Iron Bank supported Stannis because he promised to assume the debts of Lannister kings, which he would not be otherwise obligated to take up after seating himself on the throne.
>The iron bank will have it's due.
It was Cersei that owed the money, and now she is dead and has no heirs. The debt is gone.
House lannister and the other houses still owe money to the iron bank
Wrong. The braavosi banker states clearly that the debt belongs to the throne, doesn't matter who sits on it.
"King Bran, if you don't pay, we'll break those little kneecaps of yours..."
"... Nobody tell them."
Mr Nestoris, Tycho, sir.
The crown owes no debts.
The iron throne is gone.
Your golden company is gone.
And quite frankly it was beautiful.
It was beautiful, Tycho.
>Iron bank?
Fucking KEK
>How about I give you some stock tips instead?
>Invest in bitcoin
The Iron Bank sort of forgot it will have its due.
Nope! Wrong!
Then she took out more debts to hire the Golden company
>Bran searches the Kingdoms for more wargs with his powers
>teaches them how to share their visions with other people
>random people can now download rape.mp4 and whatever other amateur sex they want directly into their minds
>creates and monopolizes the porn industry
>infinite money to pay off the Meme Bank
>wargs are now in demand everywhere and considered critical to running a city
>rape severely cut down, nobody wages war anymore because everyone's too busy jacking off all the time
truly, the king that Westeros needed
>control a raven
>steal the keys to his vaults
>sell them back to him for the price of one debt
Cersei literally paid off the entire debt when she sacked Highgarden and had enough left over to hire the Golden Company
>like rape
>adore rape
>hate rape
>sarcastic joke about rape
There's no way "master of whispers" is a real small council role
Why do you think Im here?
>*falls asleep*
>*watches Avengers Endgame*
>Tycho: Mr. B—Bran?
>*podrick enters *
>"''Scuse me milord"
>*wheels Bran out*
>Tycho: What is the meaning of this??!
>*Podrick wheels Bran back in*
>*Bran wakes up*
>"The meaning is right where it should be."
>*dozes off again*
>*wheels Bran back out*
>Tycho: Stop this circus, at once!
>*podrick breaks the wheel*
>"Sorry milord, looks like we have to replace the wheel, come back tomorrow?"
>Tycho: do y—you take me for a f—fool??
>*Bran wakes up*
>"It was beautiful"
The CIA has a director
throne destroyed tho
no more have debt now
Bran become the magical equivalent of napster and his getting shut down by the merchand guild of bravos
Could a faceless man sneak up on Bran?
Bran pulls the ultimate plot twist: the trigger of his pistol
The worst thing is we don't know his tax policy so we'll never find out how he's going to pay.
>It was Cersei that owed the money, and now she is dead and has no heirs. The debt is gone.
>Mortgage company/country to get enough cash to buy troops/equipment
>Die/gamble said company/country away
>Suddenly mortgage is GONE
No. Just fucking no.