Other urls found in this thread:
>D&D will always be my queen
bootlicker to the end
I dun wunt kino, nevah av
would that count as a "have sex" invitation?
is kit one of us?
God damn it Kit I want to like you
Kit is based and redpilled
luv muh kween
luv muh norf
luv muh mates
'ate da Lannisters
'ate da ded
'ate da iron frone
Simple as
>it was hard work making this complete and utter trash so you can't criticize it!
Maybe he wouldn't have made a good King.
If he knew who should fuck who there wouldn't be a smoldering heap of a show.
For those that don't want to hit the clickbait.
>“Whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their judgment on it, in my head they can go f–k themselves,” he tells Esquire. “Because I know how much work was put into this.”
>He goes on to apologize (“I don’t mean to sound mean about critics”) but says the show means far too much to him to let it be dragged mercilessly.
>“A lot of jobs, everyone goes back to their apartments at the end of the day. They have their lives and they have their families and they have their girlfriends or boyfriends back home,” Harington says. “I think part of what made [‘GoT’] successful was the fact that we got on like a family. Everyone who came in was welcomed into the family.”
>tells GoT haters (people who care about Season 8 going to shit and your character going to shit because they know you deserve better lines and a character arc to go fuck themselves)
Damn, if it ever did come to it, let's remake the season without him. We were on his side. Guess he really is KIN O DA NORF YER MA QUEEN
Kits right. This season wasn’t boring, that’s the only thing I care about. People complaining about the writing are double digit IQ midwits. Everything that happen made sense considering the restrictions of what they could do.
>speaking like a union leader
real man of the people, faggot
He's angry at people who wanted more episodes kek
Is this real? Why would he say such a thing? Very disappointed.
>Because I know how much work was put into this
This nigga didn't do SHIT
If anyone put effort it was be the CGI people and music guy
jesus christ are you kidding me
“Get fucked” is what you say instead of “have sex” if you aren’t a tranny or a numale
>turn down a longer schedule and budget
The surviving Starks have all been shit, I can't say I wasn't expecting this.
Fairley, Madden, and Bean were phenomenal. All the rest are just SJW's, SJW goblinos, goblinos, and this fucking cuck.
idc if he's got stockholm syndrome, i'm annoyed for him. they made him embarrass himself for a decade by forcing him to fake a gruff voice and a northern accent. imagine how much better the show would have been if littlefinger and jon had been allowed to use their real voices.
Found a picture of you
sounds like you should have sex
Arya nailed it when she was young though
go back to /pol/ already, there's a reason that board was made.
HBO wanted more seasons.
GRRM wanted more seasons.
They had carte blanche. This is what they elected to do with a blank check just because they want to fuck off and do something else.
It's ironic Kit's "argument" boils down to 'all the hard work and passion put into it' when it was the creators themselves that euthanized the show. No one else.
Not feeling sorry for what you do even if it’s complete shit is an alpha move, based retired actor.
based retard poster
Based Redditspacer
>Harington says. “I think part of what made [‘GoT’] successful was the fact that we got on like a family. Everyone who came in was welcomed into the family.”
Literally: Maybe the real Game of Thrones was all the friends we made along the way.
based retard jehn sneh
>the show is good because people worked on it
>give me A for effort
What is this, kindergarten? What a total faggot.
If it sucks, it sucks, regardless of effort.
>yeah go fuck yourselves hehehe I got money so wathever hehe
Danyfags btfo
Normiefags btfo
Twitterfags btfo
Tumblrfags btfo
Modernfags btfo
Alt-RIghtfags btfo
Nihilismfags btfo
Theoryfags btfo
>HBO wanted more seasons.
>GRRM wanted more seasons.
HBO knew that when GoT ended they lose a gorillion subs
GRRM just wants more money
I'm sort of glad that D&D fucked literally everyone
>HBO wanted more money
>GRRM wanted more time
I dunt want et
Is he paid to even give another opinion other than supporting the show?
I never see CW show actors bashing their shows. Why wouldn't Kit defend something that he put years of his life into?
The finale sucked because they wrote themselves into a corner. Dumb and Dumber are going to be fine with Star Wars because that series has been fucked since Rey/Kylo were introduced. What a depressing few years for TV and Movies. Breaking Bad will always be the best TV show. Ever.
fuck this closeted gay cuck. Cucked till the end.
>What a depressing few years for TV and Movies.
Are you 12 years old?
>“A lot of jobs, everyone goes back to their apartments at the end of the day. They have their lives and they have their families and they have their girlfriends or boyfriends back home,” Harington says. “I think part of what made [‘GoT’] successful was the fact that we got on like a family. Everyone who came in was welcomed into the family.”
Said every fucking actor ever; they still take whatever the fuck the critics have to say. Who the fuck does this dweeb think he is to think that he's beyond criticism?
fuck me yourself you coward.
>Breaking Bad will always be the best TV show. Ever.
Imagine being this much of a pleb
>“A lot of jobs,
He has a point that critics often fail to grasp. Your job as a critic is not so much to tell people what is good, but rather what matters/what stands the test of time. The show is fuck-all huge, that matters.
What a faggot he doesn't have to talk shit about it but there is no need to come out like a cuck and defend this shit like D&D have you by the balls.
Why is Kit still in character?
Episodes 1, 2, 4, and 6 were beyond fucking boring.
Easy for him to say, weren't actors blacklisted from talking to the cast if their character got killed off?
That's literally what he's talking about smooth brain.
Right in the boipussy?
Cuck Basedington
Are you? Films were fucking amazing until 1995, now there is like maybe one good one a year if you’re lucky.
2 was easily the best of the season.
A critics job is to rate the show. Not the crew that made it. Not the money it made. Not the fans it has. If it is shit, it is shit, period.
If you watched more than capeshit I'm sure you can find a couple more.
>once the show is over, then lashes out
stunning and brave
you should watch non american films.
sometimes its boring and sometimes is a shelter from capeshit and diversity.
Now he wants it? But didnt want it the entire run of the show?
Found the poltard, go back son.
i bet getting fucked by him feels like two snow balls slapping at your ass with a icicle stuffed up your anus.
roasties BTFO
the entire show turned into a disaster once they got beyond asos because all the material after that is a mess. affc and adwd cannot be turned into a tv show, they are too long with too many characters and too much shit going on. they were already struggling adapting asos, they cut out a ton of detail from that book. anyone who says affc+adwd can be turned into multiple seasons is a fucking idiot that obviously hasn't actually thought about how the hell that would work.
it really does seem like they were still trying to write in s5+s6, but it was just garbage. s7+s8 is just them saying "fuck it" and ending it quickly.
>This season wasn’t boring
>first two episodes were boring filler with nothing happening.
>the long night was literally nothing
>the winter was literally nothing.
>the wights did literally nothing.
>the white walkers did literally nothing.
>the night king did literally nothing, then died along his whole army.
>no one important died in the long night, only "half" of the fodder.
>Jaime did literally nothing.
>Brianne did literally nothing.
>magic cripple did literally nothing
>4th episode was boring filler.
>Rhaegal did literally nothing.
>Varys did literally nothing.
>The Golden company did literally nothing
>Qyburn did literally nothing.
>Clegane bowl was shit.
>Dany burns everyone at KL because ???
>Drogon bruns the iron throne because ???
>everyone votes for Bran because ???
This season was a huge borefest, most of the characters did literally nothing and the few that did things went full retard.
Half true, the finale was boring. Eps 3 and 5 were awesome though.
That's the job of a reviewer. With the internet you don't need someone to tell you what's good, people tell each other that. Critics need to discern from this what actually mattered/resonated for posterity. People who watch and rate/regurgitate what happened aren't critics, they're just a waste of space.
Of course there's a need - he wants to be cast in D&D's shitting on Star Wars.
>it´s about FAMILY
can they really not come up with another reason at least once why we should like something?
It is not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert's heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son. I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done after the Trident.
His career is over and he know it.
Also his wife is about to leave him for fucking that hoooker in Luxembourg
So in the end nothing changed except that Westeros is now Polish style elective monarchy and Da Norf is independent, until some competent king conquerers it in few centuries.
Too bad that time has long passed, she was a cute rapier girl.
>one of the best GoT memes (Jonposting) only becomes a thing a couple weeks before the show ends
It's not fair
>surgery fails, patient wakes up a vegetable for life
>You know what fuck you critics we worked hard, nurses, anesthesia, pa, techs.m, and the surgeon. We got families.
Kit is a retard. He worked hard, but it’s a fun job everyone wants to do and he got paid a shit load of money to dress up and pretend to be a king.
yeah don't allow him to reprise his role in GOT: The reddit edit, that will teach him
>affc and adwd cannot be turned into a tv show
how did the tv series handle that in your opinion?
thats not redditspacing, stop trying to fit in
He makes it sounds like a cult.
In all honesty, I'm the one shilling the jonposting today. I'm just so fucking pissed at his ending that this is a coping mechanism for me. Fuck DnD for making him say "YER MUH KWEEN" in every fucking episode this season
Go fuck yourself, Kit Harington. Learn to act, you puppy-faced cunt.
Same expression in every scene cocksucker. Well done cheating on your wife, a real family man huh? Eat my shit.
wasn't the last line in this epic fantasy tale something about Tyrion taking an ass and a honecomb into a brothel? anybody who takes this show seriously after that really should fuck themselves
If D&D had made the whole series at the breakneck pace of the last half of S08, the entire series would have been at most what, 3 seasons?
>Kit: Have sex.
Our boys Angryjoe's review is up!!
I feel for him, a lot of people put their lives into making it. Shame they had retarded Jews who can't write directing the whole thing
there is barely anything similar between affc+adwd and what they did in the show. they changed about 80% of the stuff that happens in the books
Fat Fernando doesn't have opinions of his own
reviews =/= criticism
go read some armond white libtard
dubs of truth right here
What has his post to do with pol? How knew are you? You should know better not to mindlessly copying the things other said.
Lurk moar
The 2 jews managed to spin the negativity on the white guy
That's nice Kit but escorts don't count
>Only idiots like well-written shows
They all worked very hard and most people did a great job, this is their careers, I get it about being defensive. Giving cast and crew shit over social media and even just personally attacking
or ragging on people, not the product, is bullshit. But if you make a big budget movie or TV show, some people won't like it now matter what and they're allowed to say they don't like it. A chef can work really hard on a dish, I might not like it. Maybe that particular dish he let it burn even though he usually doesn't, maybe there's something wrong with the stove or one of the ingredients, maybe I just don't like that food. But I can say, "I don't like this."
People are only criticizing D&D's approach for the past few seasons not the actors or anything else anyway.
yeah. i'm thinking its based
>something is good because people put hardwork into it
Everyone puts hard work into most things they do
If hard work was the basis for something being good then Loving Vincent would have won a Oscar or mothers in African would be able to feed their kids n shit
Quality is not entirely measured on effort
This is the most stupid fucking comment I've seen an actor make, everything was good apart from the writing and the one or two shit actors.
>they changed about 80% of the stuff that happens in the books
what did they change?
It wasn’t ‘filter’, zoomie. Maybe you should just stick to anime, I think that’s more your pace
I get what he's saying - and I think everyone gets it. There's no complaints about the actors and actresses, everyone worked hard - except the two who mattered the most, the writers. They slacked off 3 seasons ago, and wrote the dreck that everyone is upset about.
I'm not even mad at Martin - with two 1500 page novels to build up to this ending, he could pull it off credibly.
I think we'll see a lot of this kind of "Don't pay attention to the story, we worked really hard and became a family" type rationalizations from the cast - one, because they want to keep working, and two, nobody wants to admit they threw away 10 years of their career, because of two hack showrunners who stopped caring when the Lucasfilm contracts were signed.
D&D are the ones who fucked up. It would bother me that Lucasfilm hired them, but with Kathleen Kennedy in charge, it would be surprising if she didn't.
It's great he made friends, I'm happy for him, but the script for the final season sucked. He shouldn't take it personally, people aren't even blaming him for the mess.
Such hard work that everyone on set and everyone in post managed to completely miss obvious litter on set while shooting/editing.
Such hard work that the writers repeatedly forgot what had previously happened in their own narrative and ended up with a contrived mess full of loose ends and weird misunderstandings - like Yara forgetting her independence and Bran forgetting about his powers whenever they're inconvenient to the plot.
A film critic's job is to tell you if a movie is worth going to see, or not. "Stands the test of time" was never in the job description. You understand that "movie critic" used to be a job at newspapers they gave to people who had nothing better to do?
What the fuck is wrong with him? That is literally your fanbase you idiot, they wanted more for your character. Who the fuck shoots themselves in the foot like that?
>pls giv more roles dabid
>dabid pls
I wanked meself to sleep many a time and never fallen asleep with the laptop literally in my hand, what is he playing at?
>Our boys Angryjoe's review is up!!
Lemme guess, he's angry?
Why are actors such thin-skinned, foul-mouthed little bitches? Just give a diplomatically neutral response like an actual professional.
From this I can only take he's starring in the Star Wars trilogy D&D will make
If you aren't at least a bit fucked in the head you don't become an actor. Not a good one, anyway.
t. worked with actors
Oh yes!
based alcoholic philandering manlet
>thats not redditspacing
It is. Literally. Like, literally literally.
Are you retarded, by chance?
Just remind yourself that actors are mostly retards that work waitress jobs until a small few of them break out and make lots of money. They are still uneducated and mostly stupid unless its the rich parents type.
>Daenerys standing in front of the gates with her dragon, all of her important staffers and a thousand Lannisters ready to shoot her - Cercei, a murdering bitch who blew up half her own city because of a jealous fit, let's her go.
It totally makes sense you guys!
>Some of the best soldiers and generals ever come up with a strategy for fighting an infinite zombie army that involves putting your artillery in front of your defenses and sending your cavalry out to initiate a conflict while you're on the defensive.
So much sense!
>Magic Satan ice zombie whose only purpose in existence is to kill Bran decides to just stare at him long enough for someone to run up and attack him. He has the ability to immediately turn anyone he touches into a zombie, or just straight up kill them, but doesn't, because he's so impressed with her ninja moves I guess.
>Euron could've ended the war by taking Dragonstone with Daenerys was out and slaughtering the ones who survived his ambush on the beach as they swam to shore, largely unarmed and exhausted. Instead he kidnapped her least significant advisor and called it a day.
the final episode was nonstop quips and memes, they even brought Edmure back to meme on him. and of course the final council scene was nonstop meme
Where the fuck did this come from? When some lady was interviewing him he said flat-out the last episode was disappointing. What happened?
>“Whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their judgment on it, in my head they can go f–k themselves, because I know how much work was put into this.”
Everyone, welcome to the new generation brought by parents and teachers that kept repeating "Every one of you is special, you can achieve anything you want, your work or art will never be bad as long as you think that you put EFFORT into it, so never let alone criticize you for it".
>made fun of his height twice
>he's still a loyal dog
>in my life
hello Kit
Fans shouldn't be mad at Kit for saying this. Be mad at the kikes hiding behind Kit.
Hitler put a lot of work into WW2 but still got his ass kicked.
But I guess Kit thinks he's a winner too.
he's right you know. you trannies can go dilate.
imagine being a seething nerd and hating on this. not like there isn't any badly written parts in *insert your favorite show* too.
GoT has been good entertaining fantasy show from the beginning and i appreciate good fantasy kino whenever i get to watch one.
also remember this is very popular show so there's bound to be retards who doesn't understand anything about anything.
i'm usually very perceptive about errors but i didn't notice any error in the finale. maybe it's something about the low average IQ of the mass.
I don't know what you're talking about because the post got deleted but Kit Harington is a very busy person and wouldn't access sites like this one
The season redeemed itself with the last episode. I'm still a little salty about the WW not being endgame and Cleganbowl if I am to be perfectly honest.
our prices have never been lower
so many people falling for this obvious bait
oh lawrd I'm get'n a case of da vapours
Anyone else read this in Jon's voice?
Stannis, Robb and Renly not aligning and working together will always baffle me. I still don't get why they didn't.
Holy fuk you just made me like Stannis and I never did watching the show. I guess all you Stannis' fags were right all along he should've won
>These two bastards are slaying giantess pussy and basically you're fucking retarded.
Most everybody involved seemed to do an excellent job. The problem was entirely D&D
Yeah, I'm thinking it's based.
dilate, tranny, and go back to plebbit so you can name-fag you fucking pathetic degenerate
>After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son. I
Is this actually how it works? I love on a free country so I never bothered to learn how the monarchy worked, but does a daughter really beat out a younger brother for succession? I would assume Renly then Gendry would have the claim when Stannis died
Kek, they stuck the landing and didn't end it like a liberal fantasy.
Talking about critique is always pretty when you're not on the receiving end.
When I create something and show it to people, I don't give a shit what they think, especially when the work is done and they come around with "but this would make it better". No, I don't give a shit, if I change it according to their wishes, it stops becoming my work.
I think the main problem is not the quality of the show, but once it got downhill, people realized that they have zero controller over it and that absence of controller is manifested in this whining over a damn TV show.
It says he apologized later.
Of course. If Stannis is king, then every kid of his is on the line for the throne.
brapping bad was dull as ditchwater and repetitive. it had about 3 scenes in it that they constantly repeated.
Kit is based. Femcels on suicide watch.
>my opinion is contrary to popular opinion therefore I’m smart
Season 8 had it’s moments but they were too few. The season sucked donkey ass and even the normies were bright enough to see it
You betcha. No other reason to shit on a near decade of following.
Stannis tried to work with Renly until the end, proposing him an alliance and reminding that Renly will be the next legal king candidate anyway as Stannis has no male heirs. It's completely on Renly being a retard who thought that having looks and charisma is enough to break the line of succession.
Why Stannis was so bitter and hell-bent on killing Robb instead of finding something in common, I don't understand though. Stannis found Ned a honorable man and knew that he wanted to support his claim, and planned on avenging his death anyway, so why going all out against his legal son?
I genuinely kinda enjoyed most of this season. Its the best one since season 3. Normies are massively hypocritical, saying its poorly written now. NOW? Not when the show jumped the shark in season 4 and was just miserable in season 5?
>HBO knew that when GoT ended they lose a gorillion subs
what about the nuclear kino?
I fucked myself. I shouldn't have done it, I feel absolutely disgusted. Bad advice from Kit Harington, I don't know what fucking oneself is supposed to accomplish.
i liked the first part. up until the iron throne was KIL. that's when the nonsense started.
>Kid: go fug yourselves :DDDDDD
>*2 years later*
>also Kid: can I bls get into the convention bls I need to sell audographs my career is ded I need money :DDDDDD
I guess everyone cheering for him for so long convinced him it was good
>it didn't go as i would've wanted WAAA MOO-OM!
every one of those could be logically explained, but doing so for double digit IQlet like you is just a waste of time.
also in your eyes, you believe in dragons and what ever other magic things that has happened but you can't enable your suspension of disbelief so much that you'd enjoy the story? and just accept that for example maybe the night king were surprised that a girl could sneak up on him. how? why does it matter? i don't see you demanding explanation on how the dragons were created or how they breath fire.
you're just an autistic punk kid.
There was no such a thing as unified succession law in whole middle age Europe, each nation had different laws in different times, ranging from gavelkind to agnatic seniority. It's completely sensible to assume that in Seven Kingdoms woman wouldn't be allowed to sit on the throne (aside from cases like Cersei being queen consort for a set period of time). No one ever talked about Myrcella getting the throne either.
They don't realize that it's their actual base of leftist lunatics they are telling off and all the right-wing types dropped this shit years ago.
This is actual career suicide we are seeing.
hey, Jon is a broken man after dany's death.
Dude's a fucking noble related to the royal family. Money is the last thing he needs.
>he still hasnt figured out that they filmed four more episodes which is why the cast is allowed to bad mouth the most recent season and create more discourse and controversy around the "ending"
It's like you guys haven't figured out how Jews brains work yet. They've just subverted the normisphere and next week the hammer will drop. Screencap this.
Fuck yourself faggot
I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene ..
where did you get that info, from a thread on Yea Forums LMAO
Kit put a lot of work into the show. It's not him we're pissed at, it's Weiss and Benioff
>babby's first acting job
All the actors put it a lot of work. Emilia Clarke probably got shafted the hardest
wh't he being assblasted?? I think all the fans are praising the actors and cinematography, etc . its just the writers that are rightfully hated.
I feel bad for him t bh . All of their efforts wasted on terrible writing all because Dumb&dumber wanted to move on to Star Wars. He's just coping and in denial, but interviews show that he knows what a dumpster fire this season has been
Based and redpilled
>how the dragons were created or how they breath fire.
What are you talking about? They breathe remotely activated explosives
can be pirated, is not worth it having hbo for it
Absolutely Based
>can be pirated
enjoy prison and millions in fines
Translation: I want to be in star wars
Huh. You know what? I love this show now. D&D confirmed for geniuses.
Thanks user.
>"Oi, go F dash K yuhself."
What did he mean by this?
It's pretty amusing how the dragons fire was destroying buildings like nothing at Kings Landing, but the bad dragon couldn't get through a rock or wall Jon was hiding behind
You're telling me that you've been paying for this garbage from day one?
>What did he mean by this?
>Well done cheating on your wife, a real family man huh?
based white knight
yep. HBO has a lot of other good shows too.
this is so fucking gay, he himself described this season as disappointing
He was joking in that video you fucking autists. Most of the "hurr the cast hates the show durr" is pure projection on your part
holy shit is this real?
Thing is, the only ones people are mad at are D&D for wasting everyone else's hard work on their miscarriage of a script.
Kit Harrington hate this season he said in one interview that its dissapointing and in other that its terrible. and this interview was made 15 april, and has different contest, everyone worked hart on it actors, crew etc they did good job. D&D are to blame, they fucked up everything they should be ashamed.
You are legitimately retarded, Hollywood hasn’t been good since the end of the 70s
meh, he's got all the money he'll ever need know, he doesn't give a shit anymore.
>Kit Harrington hate this season he said in one interview that its dissapointing and in other that its terrible
Why can't NPC's understand sarcasm?
what do you think kit is like in real life?? like is he mildly autistic or just your typical chav that apparently gets in fist fights in mcdonalds at 3 am
You're the NPC because you cannot use your brain.
Dany called him short twice. Tormund made fun of his height and penis size.
>a creative work is great when nobody likes it
go stare at a turd, retard
>fuck me?
The main issue people have is D&D being hacks and ruining a good show’s legacy because of nu Star Wars
The other stuff has mostly been solid like the kings landing set inside look was really interesting
>It's pretty amusing how the dragons fire was destroying buildings
Not to mention they melted steel with a yellow flame
At least it brought everyone together around hate.
Nary a dick sucker left working the balls and shift of this show.
don't be a nigger and pay for it
Lmao fuck off shill
>I know how much work was put into it
>that means it's good
No Griff and the Dorne arc completely changed with no Arianne or Quentyn removes a lot of the books plots
t. poorfag
Fair enough. A lot of people worked their asses off to make this work. However, that doesn't mean the writers worked as hard to produce a decent original ending. It means everyone else had to work hard or even harder to make the bad writing palatable.
Working super hard. But it seems like he's not even praising the quality of the finished product, just that they were like "a family" and everyone worked hard.
Given the amount of camera work, CGI, acting, to make the shit script sound good, yeah I'm thinking he's praising the finished product. They made it work, as best they could.
But they were working off a unstable base.
LOL, fucking incels. He's distantly related to the royal family, his father is a baronet, which is a useless title in the modern age. It allows him to use "Sir" in his name, and that's pretty much it. He doesn't get money from the royal family, and neither does Kit. Kit doesn't even inherit the Baronacy, as he's second son. His father is a businessperson, and not especially well off.
I guarantee you Kit is worth more than his father, with GoT money. And that GoT money means he doesn't have to worry about money, for a while.
But you keep thinking someone who's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather was a king makes you wealthy, because it's fucking hilarious how clueless you are. And yes, it's eight greats, I looked it up.
He doesn't even say season 8 was good, just that
>“A lot of jobs, everyone goes back to their apartments at the end of the day. They have their lives and they have their families and they have their girlfriends or boyfriends back home,” Harington says. “I think part of what made [‘GoT’] successful was the fact that we got on like a family. Everyone who came in was welcomed into the family.”
So just because they have lives outside of the show, you can't criticize season 8.
Westworld is pretty kino
Okay, this is true and based.
He's emotional. He and everyone else put all that work in just to get trashed for it. They probably had to work twice as hard to make it work. What he should realise is that no-one is attacking him, at least I hope we're not SW fans, we just think it could have been better.
>I go to work
>I go home
What a special fucking snowflake.
I enjoyed season 1.
Haven't seen season 2, heard it kinda sucked.
Yeah, the acting was fine, the visuals were fine, but people aren't complaining about that. They are complaining about the script and the destruction of the story.
Go home, D&D.
I can't blame the guy for being angry at the shitstorm. This is ten years of their lives getting collectively run through the mud and trampled on like ALL the work they put in didn't matter. I'd go crazy/emotional too.
>Haven't seen season 2, heard it kinda sucked.
Season 2 is pretty food. Season 3 won't be out for like two years though.
>they did it for free
>they have their girlfriends
A lot of work went into bringing Jon Snow back from the dead. Some say the red lady fucked him for 3 days straight.
Nice facts Shit Harrington. Reality is the finale was objectively the WORST of any show in history.
shame he can't act
Holy shit, calm down your levels of basedness. You're making all times of circlejerks mad.
Honestly this is one thing that stuck to me. If I was Edmure, I would've just said, "Fuck you you midget fucking ginger bitch and your brother Robb for losing the war that almost made me lose me family."
Robb was likely going to declare for Stannis until the King in the Nawth autism jumped into high-gear.
Stannis refused to work with Robb because he saw him as an unlawful usurper who was taking half the realm.
Renly didn't work with Stannis because he wanted to be King himself, which Stannis refused to allow.
And Renly was going to work with Robb but he got assassinated before it could happen.
Because Robb was unlawfully trying to secede from the Kingdoms. It's perfectly incharacter for Stannis.
Based retard
>Viewers who felt the finale didn’t deliver can always look forward to the first of four prequel spinoffs in the works at HBO.
Remember to tune in!
i hope not. guy’s one note as fuck.
I really don't blame HBO for this though, they offered more episodes / another season. The fault lays solely on D&D.
HBO could have gotten new writers. Why did it have to be exclusively D&D?
if there was a contract, they might have had their hands tied
>It's perfectly incharacter for Stannis.
Like burning his daughter alive?
i wouldn't be surprised if this bitch fag was stabbed on the streets of London
There's always ways out of contracts all the time. You see it with the republishit fox news hosts when their rape victims come forward.
>"You see, we didn't set out to appease everyone. We all knew going in to this season a lot of people would not be happy with the way some characters were portrayed and how the story wraps up, and that's fine. A finale to anything, a show, a movie, whatever, will inherently not satisfy everyone. And it doesn't have to. This was the natural conclusion to the show and most people get that but there is always this vocal minority of sad, unemployed, joyless, incel, virgin guys on Twitter or a Reddit which seek to just ruin other's enjoyment of the show. And that's what I don't accept. All I can honestly say is *laughs* get out of your stinking bedrooms and get a f****** bird, mate."
Fuck this guy, the show was a piece of shit.
Why leave /comfy/ rural Scotland for nig and mudshit filled London?
That's because the show intentionally set up Jon and Arya spinoffs. Both are venturing off into the unknown--leaving Westeros behind.
fake quote
Jon is just at the wall, we already know that area
D&D are truly the Apostle Paul of our time. Years of degeneracy and ruination of characters. But just after all seems lost, they redeem themselves in the most glorious of ways. God bless them
>Jon is just at the wall
>just at the wall
WRONG. He went to the real north
He isn't at the wall--he's venturing off North of the wall with the Wildlings. He briefly looked back as the gates closed, smiled, and then moved forward during the finale. He smiled because he knows a Wildling spinoff is in the works.
Kit already said in interviews he's done playing Jon and doesn't even want to play "a character anything like Jon" for the next ten years. There is no Jon Snow arctic adventure spinoff.
That's not even the same kind of contract. HBO owns the TV rights to the books, but all the decision making was in the hands of the production companies that had been formed to make the show. Voiding a contract by the end of the series would mean either buying them out - and having to pay as much, or more, to have new writers come in - and showrunners, because D&D did more than just write - or getting sued, if D&D didn't want to leave.
It was cheaper to just let it play out. HBO made their money back, and will make more using it to sell their streaming services and merch. I know a couple people who haven't watched at all, they were waiting until they could binge watch the whole thing, because the gaps between the seasons were too long.
Trust me in that nobody will lose their jobs over GoT. In the grand scheme of things, the show was one of their biggest successes.
based nigger
He previously called it "Disappointing, er -- Epic, one of those things, whatever."
This is backpedaling and denial.
you are correct
Why are the normies and NPCs complaining about this season being shit? It wasn't good but it was certainly better than last seasons, and considering how far the writing, acting, and overall quality has plummeted since season 4 i just dont see why all of a sudden they've realized that the show is bad
>no one important died in the long night, only "half" of the fodder.
>episode 3
>they keep zooming in on that dumb little mormont girl's face
>they keep showing the dead dothraki guy who has appeared 5 times and had two lines since he showed up
did they seriously think anyone actually cared about these fucking jobbers?
>they keep zooming in on that dumb little mormont girl's face
BASED wun wun took care of that cunt
Truly gormless.
season 2 was ass
maeve was the EPITOME of mary sue
>hey lets just add a godlike character that can do whatever she wants and turn off the robots ability to die, feel pain, or make them as strong as she wants
I’m totally with him. Bunch of ungrateful losers that couldnt write a short story and this is easily top 3 epic fantasy series ever created
You really should go back to
You just hated the fact that the est character was a woman and black. have sex incel
h-how did you see through me!?
It works better if you watch the whole series in it's entirety rather than just the last season sporadically between zoomer posting
...it was the ROAR OF THE CROWD
Maeve was unironically the best character. Dolores was just some dumb basic bitch roastie that had no purpose.
i hated both of them though, they were both poorly written and thought out
Yeah, I think the most consistent thing about the show is everyone loves the actors and feels like everyone suits their character very well.
Hello new guy here.
Why weren't there more seasons? Why were the writers forced to wrap it up in two?
Pic unrelated, my pet moth :)
dubs of truth?
he gets more action from roasties than you ever could and hes a manlet kek
not forced, HBO offered 10 seasons.
showrunners got sick of working on it but their egoes were too big to pass the torch to someone competent
Considering DnD were basically forced to finish GRRM the fat hacks story for him you have to cut them some slack, they were inevitably going to get hate because its like getting a half finished painting with a rough outline of the rest and being forced to finish it.
That said however it was a BAD move to accelerate to the end in 6 episodes to cover up for the lack of subtext required to make everything make sense.
also the showrunners are jews and arguably deliberately destroyed it. jews don't care about our cultural memes and themes, they hate us. they systematically killed and cucked the honorable and intelligent white male characters. the whole project became demoralization propaganda.
>I know how much work was put into this
What a brainlet. It’s as if he thinks he’s doing some type of civil service when he’s cashing in millions of dollars per season. HBO themselves are making billions as well, and for sure anyone that’s working on these shows is being paid a handsome amount.
he's still alive in the books
I hope he really enjoyed that toilet paper he won.
this site is garbage run by brainwashed wagecattle goyim.
>"It may be that we shall lose this battle," the king said grimly. "In Braavos you may hear that I am dead. It may even be true. You shall find my sellswords nonetheless."
>The knight hesitated. "Your Grace, if you are dead — "
>" — you will avenge my death, and seat my daughter on the Iron Throne. Or die in the attempt."
I hope Lord Varys gets a second chance too. he didn't deserve that silly ending , as dumb as unlikely and out of character for both of them (him and Tyrion)
daughter died in a lag b'omer celebration
D&D themselves can’t write though. They’ve literally produced nothing noteworthy throughout their careers and the success of GOT is based solely on the works of GRRM. It’s no surprise the series went downhill without his source material.
not in the books, although the wildlings are getting ideas
Gods that charging scene was a wreck, where she killed Wun-Wun. Holy fuck I thought I was watching a CGI film from the late 80's.
Lmao what a fag I'm glad his career flopped
yeah in the after show excusefest they said that wanted her to be a strong character.
Its not even that, take a look at the entire scene. I mean literally how it was shot and executed with CGI. It was terrible from a production view.
Reminder that his father is a literal baron and he will live a life of privilege and joy, incels.
Good, now these faggots will know what its like when Ruin and TLJ cast was telling us the same thing. Good, let them know
That obviously wasn't, but even in the books Stannis refuses to ally with Robb for the same reason, he won't bend the knee.
You represent everything that's wrong with accepting mediocrity
>muh books
This is Yea Forums not Yea Forums
Based as fuck
Now watch all the dany jon shippers go postal
He doesn't ally with Robb in the show for the same reason.
>I got paid MILLIONS to do a job ANYONE could do and we had FUN like a FAMILY why do you hate us so much for wasting everyones time!??!
What a fucking cry baby cunt.
The man is as short as he is based.
based one digit IQ poster
>pillow is longer than his head, torso, and goes a bit past his waist even
Poor guy. I thought I was tiny
Well well well, I guess Kit is going to have a career after all. Watch for the announcement that he'll have a major role in D&D's Star Wars project.
There's this country called the United Kingdom. It has a queen called Elizabeth II, she is queen because her dad was king, despite him having several brothers and sisters.
sigh the petition faggots!
almost 1,500,000 signed..