They're screwed
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Well hopefully if he those brothels get rebuilt
I Shupose he could embezzle as good as me, but he still doesn't get Harrenhal
people like the crowd in Burlington Bar are the sole reason Bronn still appears in the show, and they made him lord of Highgarden? they made him Master of Coin
He didn't even know what a loan was
That's why he's better than LF. Can't fuck the realm up by borrowing from the Iron Bank.
Finale was retarded but the epilogue in Kings Landing was /comfy/
might as well have had fookin legend on the council
are they in KL at the end? Why even bother ruling from that city any more?
This. Based Bronn and Davos
What happened to that debt again?
nigger do you know how much it would have cost them to build a new set
Bronn is bankrolling the crown. Who do you think will be the richest person in westeros?
As well as*
bronn should have pulled off his mask and revealed that he was cia all along
Repaid with Tyrell gold. Then Dany showed up and burned the food the Lannisters were taking out of the Reach. Then in S8 Dany and Sansa argue about not having food. Now Bran has a new loan to deal with courtesy of Cersei hiring the Golden Company.
Not a single one of the normalfags I know that liked this show liked Bronn. Everybody seemed to bitch about him being abrasive. Honestly they fucked him the past couple of seasons.
They could pick Dragonstone. It's nearby, intact and empty.
How long do you think their rule lasted? A year? A couple months?
>Yea Forums has become so reddit that they're triggered by Based Bronn being the real hero of the story
go back
Bran will live to be in his 100s and they have the might of all the kingdoms behind them
The first to open a new brothel.
His King is literally Deus ex Machina.
Bran will know if Bronn decides to fuck them over somehow and I doubt Bronn would risk his new fancy noble life.
Have you guys thought about how truly screwed the 6 kingdoms are?
But the golden company was absolutely destroyed, you think they reclaim the mercs war chest and pretty much have the money back.
>putting a sellsword as Lord of Highgarden and Master of Coin
Can he even count to 21 without getting naked? Why hasn't he been killed yet b6 any of the allies of the Tyrells? It's not hard just trick him into going outside and looking up when it's raining.
"you master of grammar now too?"
>show is ending
>Disney contracts
D&D stooped giving a fuck long time ago
If he is incompetent Bran will just not save him when inevitably the bitter Reach lords will assassinate him in less than a year for usurping their rights to Highgarden
OP here. I actually thought of that.
But what if this happens?
> "Your grace, Bronn has been making some... poor decisions regarding the crown's debt and it's financial reserves."
> Bran: "Yes."
> "You knew?"
> Bran: "Even before he sat on the council."
> "Then why didn't you tell anyone?"
> Bran: "It was why he has been brought here."
It was cringe and amateur
based and grammarpilled
Master of Coin is a joke title with almost no power behind it. Don't you normies remember that time Tyrion was made MoC by Tywin and everyone in the small council gave him a smug look while he protested the new position? Or that time Cersei granted the title to Mace Tyrell to get him to STFU, and the show made it a point to portray Mace as a politically incompetent fool that is honored by being granted a token title and role in the small council?
Civil war seems inevitable.
There's Yara, the still seething Grey worm and the Reach lords.
Imagine you are House Hightower in the reach. A raven arrives and says a Stark is now king. It also says Bronn of Blackwater is now our lord. A filthy peasant. Are you going to accept this? Of course not. So you get the other houses to marshal your very large army that has barely been hurt in the wars to oppose it. What is Bran gonna do? M-muh raven? No. Lannister/Arryn forces? Badly depleted and/or the nobles that comprise them of little loyalty. Baratheon ? Alright maybe they show up since they don't like the reach bu they are horribly depleted as well. Greyjoys don't like Starks so fuck off. Dorne? Dorne is probably ploting its independence and barely does anything or the throne usually. so Bran can't enforce Bronn's claim. Bronn won't be lord of the reach, and he will have to pick a reachman noble this is the Reach crisis.
Already Bran looks weak. This is the first of many crises I can foresee
That seems questionable. How is being in charge of the nation's money supply something to scoff at? You could make governments your gimp that way if you know how (Usury)
Unless it's a middle-man position between the supplier and the debtee.
>assassinate him
he lives in KL. He's also good at not dying.
I watched the finale with my grandma, who has enjoyed this season
and even she said "what why is Bronn there?"
Littlefinger was able to make the best of it, enough to buy himself noble titles and prime real-estate.
Bran HODORs their leaders and turns them into braindead retards.
Hey. There's our Master of War!
The high lords looks down upon it. Royce even tells LF to his face that it's a grubby job for a grubby man and he wasn't surprised when LF got it. When Mace visits the Iron Bank he talks about how a Targaryen king wanted to ban money lending with interest.
Or just fills them with himself to control their minds and make them rule the seven (Or is it six?) realms the way he sees fit.
Don't you remember Varys' riddle about the king, the merchant, and the priest that all try to convince a sell-sword to kill the others? Power is amorphous and enigmatic. The master of coin certainly wields some power in the form of gold, but the crown has devoted followers with swords. I'm not saying it's impossible to weasel your way to power as Master of Coin, but it'd take a unique kind of genius to do so, so it's pretty much a token title when clueless people like Mace Tyrell or Bronn sit in the chair.
The master of coin was pointless when the Lannisters were on the throne because it was just Lannisters asking Lannisters for more money, when Robert was alive it was fairly important and mostly how Littlefinger became so powerful.
>still hold small council meetings in the tower of the hand
>pod has to pull bran up and down 900 steps each time
Shouldn't the dude who did nothing but fight and kill, was made a noble for his role in the Battle of Blackwater Bay blowing up Stannis' fleet, was made Captain of the City Watch, taught Jaime Lannister to fight after being crippled, went on a two-man invasion of Dorne, took Highgarden, and valiantly faced the Dothraki hordes to shoot a dragon be like Master of War? Is that a position? I can't remember.
Hey, let's Bronn the Paramount of Highgarden, the richest realm on Westeros, even though he has no connection to it. The lords there will be perfectly happy about it. He's a murderer for hire, a low born scumbag, but he blackmailed Tyrion into it. He has no leverage anymore, but that doesn't matter. And what better start to Bran 9000's start as a King than to force him as their Paramount. It's a favor to his buddy Tyrion. Absolutely doesn't scream incompetence and tyranny.
It is.
Bronn's not much of a strategist (Only for not really doing much of it). But still makes more sense.
Bran can literally foresee and brainwash any rebel.
Shouldn't one of the nobles of Highgarden be made the Paramount? After all, they were now into electing leaders. But then the first thing they do is to install an outsider as a favor to someone.
So the Amry of the Dead was defeated only to bring about an army of Brans?
He has plenty of strategy in the show. It's just small scale strategy that's framed as small pragmatic decisions that make him a great fighter. He claims to be able to take the Vale with like 10 men and climbing gear. That's pretty good strategy, I think.
Why would any of the lords of the realm agree to having Bran being their King?
His house isn't even part of the Six Kingdoms now, and his legitimacy was based on him being the Three-Eyed Raven and helping to defeat the White Walkers, neither of which anyone outside of the now independent North would have any reason to believe considering the White Walkers never made it more south than Winterfell
>pod has to pull bran up and down 900 steps each time
I bet they've built wheelchair access now that bran is the king
or even elevators
>The Night King real mission was to stop the 3-eye raven from taking over the world.
Few days max , dorne , ironborn , vale will leave 6 kingdoms for sure
He knows everyone's dirty secrets.
Bronn would never be accepted as the paramount of the Reach. Do D&D have any clue about the background and history of Westeros? Or are they only into explosions and soap opera level characters and twists.
What's the point in questioning it? The show's own established rule no longer matter.
>vale will leave 6 kingdoms for sure
Isn't vale a northern ally?
If only he could talk.
As Tyrion said, people will accept easily a king if he has a cool story behind. Bran will be known as that guy who went beyond the wall, returned with magical powers, killed the army of the undead, defeated two mad queens at the same time and can see you while your are fapping.
Why the Vale?
Not sure what beef Lord Robin has.
Sansa will rape Robin into submission.
Pro-tip maybe, Bronn is going to end up very well off in the books. He surely won't get Highgarden, but he is unironically the third or fourth best schemer in the books and has been consistently bettering his position in a manner only eclipsed by Littlefinger.
all propaganda to make you believe it's worthless
the one who controls the money controls the nation
Which are the seven kingdoms again? I forgot.
Him getting all the titles was the perfect example of how much DD care and know about asoiaf.
It was utterly stupid. The people will not care about some autistic cripple because he has a cool story, bro. Fuck, D&D even outdid their usual shit writing with that.
He got lucky being in the right place at the right time to get Lollys and the castle. Hell, him naming the retard child Tyrion just to spit in Cerseis face was priceless.
Dorne would fuck off the moment they're somewhat stable again. The Ironborn would either pressue Yara into leaving or depose her to do it since being ruled by a Stark wouold be the last thing they want. The Vale would remain, the Stormlands thanks to Gendry as well, unless the other lords remove him for being a bastard legitimized by a queen who controilled KL for half a day. Same shit with Bronn, the other Lords wouldn't even wait a day until trying to kill him to get their hands on the Reach simply because they have a better claim and aren't some sellsword that got lucky with nobody to back him up inside the Reach.
>bronn all-but completely written out of the show
>jamie used to be fun but became depressed and boring
>tyrion used to be the whoring dwarf that drinks and knows things has forgotten how to have fun
>hound barely any screen time at all anymore
>euron became even dumber and one-dimensional
It's like D&D exactly knew which characters i liked and made them shit with the sole purpose of pissing me off.
Brothels are legitimate businesss and give ton of work.
Also smart. He provoked her into trying to kill him which led to him becoming lord of Stokeworth rather than just being married to a second daughter. His mercenary army he's amassing will be in a great position to capitalize on opportunities which open up when the official armies get fucked up by the Others and/or continuing civil wars. Bronn is a cunning dude, but the show neglects that aspect of his character post season 4.
They still have Harrenhal, Dragonstone or Highgarden to meet for the council. KL is dead and wasted anyway.
What if you don't pay them back?
Bronn worked really well with Tyrion in S2. Somewhat okay with jaime in S5 or 6 whichever it was, tough it already felt that he was wrong in it. Inserting him in the end just for him to be there was just a stupid choice all around.
So it would be "Lord of the two realms"?
>Wha if the sellsurd become royal treasaruur for da relm?
Has Bronn ever shown any experience with financial matters not in his own personal interest?
> "They fund the Reach lords. Perhaps the Ironborn, the unsullied. They're not very happy with us."
Not to my recollection. Just that scene where he learns what a loan is with Tyrion. Even then he seemed like he just didn't give a crap.
That was in Season 2. So a while ago but still probably one of, if not, the only scene where he's talking about finance that doesn't involve "When am I getting paid?"
Does Bronn ever interact with Cersei in the show? Surprised he doesn't at all, his only job from her given by Qyburn.
Correction. Season 3.
Just putting him back in charge of the goldcloaks would be more then enough. He did reduce the crimerate within his first month when he held that position the first time.
nah, and it's actually contractual. The actors dated or got married or whatever, it ended badly, can't stand each other, and contractually can't act together.
How is Grey Worm supposed to replenish his ranks when he takes casualties?
it's not that it's a meaningless or powerless title, it's that it's seen as an honorless job. going to war and telling people what to do is manly and honorable. counting coins and taking out loans isn't suitable for men or women.
Bran the Broken's Stannah Stairlift advert when?
>literally just chilling in the pub
>some bitch wants an imp captured
>end up as lord of highgarden and master of coin 8 years later
It came across as being Davos' idea of a sick joke.
But the writing took it seriously.
>it's fucking true
>bronn gets to be master of coin because he likes money
> the man literally realises where to make some money out of to fund more of the reconstruction of KL
Bronn is a genius
> count to 21 without getting naked
fucking kek
Where does the coin to reconstruct them come from?
I mean do people really like Bronn that much,. He was cool and pretty loyal to tyrion and jaime, but he was always a "extra hand in battle, side guy" kind of character
> people will accept easily a king if he has a cool story behind
even a Middle Age peasant would have never excepted a king that never fought a single battle or was commonly known to be a witch.
Might as well give it to Mr Krabs.
He'd still be a better choice for actually having business running experience. Unless he's corrupt.
More like the writers needed to include him in the wrap up and didn't want to waste valuable screen time, so they just squeezed him in a group scene and realized they needed a new small council. But what are they going to make him? Master of ships? Davos needs an end scene as well, so no. Master of whispers? That's even more stupid than master of coin. Not even sure what else there is on that very small council.
taxes on the services?
So why exactly did Greyworm want to sail to Naath again?
To mourn Missandrei? Or to find another woman like her to love?
>The people will not care about some autistic cripple because he has a cool story, bro
How do you know, have you talked to all of them?
Would he even need to be physically present at the meetings? Couldn't be just rewind and play them back?
Bronn should been been killed after threatening Jaime and Tyrion.
Master of arms
>Bronn - Master of coin
>Davos - Master of Ships
>Sam - Grand maester after 4 months of training
>Brienne - Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
>Tyrion - hand of the king
Missing a master of laws, master of whisperers and master of war.
>all the nobles start wearing weirdwood hats to protect their minds
What now Bran the cripple??
he had a point though, pretty much all the great houses started from nobodies that got lucky one way or another
Master of laws doesn't make much sense either. Master of war makes more sense but how do you write some Reddit dialogue between him and everyone else that way? Much easier if he's meter of coin.
He advocates sending raids to the great cities of Essos to liberate whores.
this post was funnier last night and it got more replies
except you can't just transition the leaders from well established noble houses of the most prosperous region to literal cutthroats
no reachman would ever accept bronn and rebellions would start as soon as he was made the head of hg
It's not a joke title, it's actually rather important as you're handling all the Crown's finances. However the other Lords think its beneath them, that's why they all look smugly at Tyrion when he's forced into it, and why Littlefinger was able to achieve so much while appearing powerless.
Then if they put up a fight. The Reach can join forces with the Ironborn and maybe the Unsullied. Who else would be interested in taking up arms against Bran the Broken?
none of it matters. Cersei literally blew up the westrosi vatican and claimed the throne with absolutely no claim and nothing happened
Recall when The Sand Snakes murdered Doran, took over Dorne and nothing happened?
basically after season 4 nothing matters .
that's because dorne is just that one castle and an unseen cave they pull new princes out of
So Bran's first job as the king is to install a scumbag criminal as the Paramount of the Reach, no doubt against the wishes of the people of Highgarden and the rest of the Reach, as a favor for his buddy. Even Cersei was not that corrupt and tyrannical.
Nigger, Littlefinger destroyed the kingdom with that position.
Yes, it's not like Tyrion already introduced the dwarfs penny
>tfw you accumulate enough renegade points to get the good ending
Based Jerome
isn't tyrion lord of casterly rock too
looks like bad boy points do pay off
All that for him to sit there for 30 seconds and then leave. Why didn't Bran just send Pod as a vessel and warg into him instead of actually attending the meeting?
Surely they would have built some sort of elevator. I wonder if they made the rest of the Red Keep wheelchair accessible.
Rhetorical question
bran can only warg animals and retards
I can imagine Bronn on his death bed.
> "Lord of Highgarden!? Couldn't believe it meself. Spent all those years worrying whether some Reach whore would pull a dagger on me or if some Reach noble would show up with a bunch of toffs in armour and pin me with treason. Nothing happened. Guess they didn't care or our dear old king had their memories skewered."
Send a retard or an animal up there instead then
>the only people left after all the wars and fighting are a handful of Stark relatives and some servants who have little to no qualifications or experience running a kingdom
Found this on YT. Sums it up.
> Yes complete bs. Also how is Samwell the Grand Maester? It takes years of training to get all the chains? And how is ser Davos the master of ships? He was a smuggler not an Admiral. The only time he commanded a fleet was at blackwater bay and we all know how that ended. How did Brienne become lord commander? She has no connection with Bran at all. She is probably hated in the stormlands and the reach for killing renly. She hasnt done anything that makes her the lord commander. She barely won against Jaime and the hound while one was imprisoned for months and the other was wounded. This is truly the worst ending they could have done. The north is independent from a northern king? Really???
what was the deal with the chairs
why did bran come there just to say he was going to do it himself and leave
Hey Stannis. How are you hanging man?
Why even ask them if they found Drogon. Only just to say "I can probably find him."
Is he trolling?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Bronn?
The Iron Islands have lost every war they've fought in this show's context and they recently lost like 100 ships they arent a threat.
The unsullied have no dragons thier army is just like everyone else now, fuck em
If GoT was realistic littlefinger rothschild would have won.
You know that relationship was full of choking, slapping, and lots of angry sex.
Full stop
Lots of bitchasses in here
I named my dog Bronn cause I liked how uncouth he is in the books.
I don’t think Bronn being master of coin is quite as disastrous as everyone thinks it would be
This episode really wasn't that bad.
We've been saying "it's not that bad" for two season now.
Many episodes were complete crap though, this one really was ok.
>What is Bran gonna do? M-muh raven?
He's gonna look into the future and see that the Reach IS gonna accept it like a bitch.
I mean, you can make he argument that the Reach *wouldn't* accept it, but you can't make the argument that King Incel isn't gonna know beforehand and act accordingly.
>The unsullied have no dragons thier army is just like everyone else now, fuck em
Are the Unsullied literal incel eunuchs, hence the name Unsullied? They'll be gone in exactly one (1) generation. Fuck Gray Worm's lack of chin and fuck the unsullied.
He didn’t usurp anything. The Tyrells were wiped out because there was only 4 of them, and the lordship was granted to a new noble
stop posting rational thoughts, we're here to shitpost
>borrow from the iron bank
>warg into dragon
>erase Braavos from the map
>claimed the throne with absolutely no claim
Wtf are you talking about, Cersei was Tommen's closest living relative and his legitimate heir
>mfw random meme I saved pretty much sums up the series finale
> Eight seasons of scheming about who gets to be king
> In literally the last episode they throw all claims / schemes / wars out the window and just go "Err let's have a council and pick some random for it"
S8E6 rendered every episode that came before it pointless.
It was S8E3 all over again in terms of "Obviate plot points 10 years in the making"
Highgarden has to be given to someone. You have an argument that the Hightower’s or Redwynes should have been LPs over him, but he was promised the LP as well as the castle because Cersei’s offer was Riverrun and the Riverlands.
Ultimately though you would want someone you just installed in charge of the whole thing, as long as you can get the lesser lords to accept it
He doesn’t need a reason other than “everyone else is and I can enforce it”
So he becomes the lord paramount of the reach because he threatened the now hand of the king with a crossbow? Tyrion might not want to execute him since they are friends but why not tell him to fuck off.
That scene showed great aptitude. Tyrion thinks it just isn’t possible to reneg on a loan. Bronn brought a new perspective and insights
The problem is that him being "promised" something means jack shit when the promise was made at the end of a crossbow bolt. The whole thing becomes confusing as fuck. Does Tyrion not think Bronn was going to kill him ever?
>King Bran bows to Bronn
>In contact with the Iron Bank
>Rumoured to have dragon shooting capabilities
>Controls westeros with an iron fist
>Owns Highgarden and holdfasts all over the westeros
>Direct descendant of an ancient fleabottom blood line
>Will bankroll Kings Landing and the six kingdoms for generations to come
>Said to have 200+ IQ
That's not how succession works. After Tommen's death it would have been one of Bobby B's cousins next, Cersei has absolutely no claim.
When Philip IV was in debt to the Templars, he just arrested them, tortured and burned.
No debt anymore.
It's not about the money, it's about the power which money can sometimes buy.
The thing is, this whole thing was started by a bunch of nerds reading fantasy books who pushed it into a show. Then it got really popular and the normies came in droves and it was slowly degrading in time.
Anybody got that pic of a fanbase being ruined?
What were they thinking ???
>kings landing getting nuked wasn't a black plague analog with the continent and empires breaking apart but leading to some renaissance
would have been kino
Do we see more of Dorne in the books? Or is it all court stuff?
He's an uneducated peasant, no lord would accept him as lord of Highgarden, he would be assassinated within the week.
i just noticed his fingergloves. fuckin big jay oakerson ova heea
(i had to google his name because i havent watched legion of skanks in years)
There are some POV chapters in Dorne in the books, but they're not as recurring as the ones for major characters like Jon, Tyrion, Cersei and Daenerys.
North, Vale, Iron islands, Westerlands, Reach, Stormlands, Dorne and then Riverlands is the other one but not considered a kingdom
Hightowers control all from the shadows with the citadel. who sits on a chair doesnt matter, the maesters are the true rulers.
Tyrion has a soft spot for Bronn and vice versa. And Bronn had a point, that Jamie fucked him out of the castle and high born bride Tyrion arranged for him.
Tyrion made him head of High Garden/Master of Coin, both to honor his deal with Bronn and pledge to double whatever offered to him to betray Tyrion.
Bran in pic related
Would not be shocked, if Tyrion arranged for Bronn to marry the prettiest daughter of House Hightower. Lets them be the power behind the throne and Bronn doesn't have to worry about them plotting against him.
Yara is seething, but the war took out the Iron Island's fleet and more to the point, Yara grew super disillusioned with war watching her dad fuck shit up like he did in S2-4. Worse case scenario, is that Yara bides her time while trying to enslave Drogon by finding the book only mcguffin in the form of the dragon binding horn or seeks out an alliance with Victorion, assuming he's off doing stuff and ducking all attempts at communication from his family, in hopes of him shoring up the Iron Islands if they rebel.
Finally, I'd like to think that Elleria and company completely fucked up Dorne during their short time as ruler and as soon as Euron captured/killed them for Cersei a random upper class family seized control over the nation and has been spending the last two seasons trying to fix the economic damage done to the place by Elleria's incompetence. Which, among other things, has them approaching Tyrion and Bronn with the prospect of them being a more active ally/friend in exchange for help unfucking their nation up.
The river lands will leave too when Edmure realizes that Bran can't enforce shit and everyone is leaving.
Bronn is the best, you are the worst
The vale is near impossible to conquer. They bended to the dragons and then Arryn kept them for Robert's sake. They can the very next day and all the 6 kingdoms combined can't do anything about it.
grrm is not the sort of person that would let the story conclude that way.
>white chad who gets bad pussy
>moral nihilist, active sociopath
>hates/is unaware of (((money lending)))
literally the ideal man bro
Why not? It's gritty and realistic. He won't be a high lord, but he can have some power. Feudal lords really all were just effective warlords, there was nothing noble about it. And Bronn was an effective killer and didn't risk more than he had to.
the nobility(queen of england) is above the banks
Oh that's very smart of him. who is going to borrow money to the French Crown now?
He won so hard he also became master of coin in John Wick
>People are concerned that Bran is in his room all day with no response
>They break the door down
>Bran and every surface of the chamber is covered in seed, formerly clean
>He's just mumbling 'haha fuk er bruv' and drooling
>Lannisters bow to Bronn
>In contact with Others
>Possesses psychic-like abilities
>Controls Highgarden with an iron but fair fist
>Owns castles & brothels across Westeros
>Claims no descent from great houses because he founded his own
>Will bankroll the first cities on Americos (Bronn's Landing will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of alchemist guilds on Planetos
>First magically-constructed whores will in all likelihood be Bronn babes
>Said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Planetos has only existed deep in Hyrkooni monasteries & Old Valyria
>Ancient Qartheen scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Westeros and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented whoremongering with him
>He has teams of maesters discovering the STDs he spreads around Planetos
>You likely have Bronnorrhea inside you right now
>Bronn is in regular communication with Hugor of the Hill, forwarding the word of the Father to the Faith of the Seven. Who do you think set up the meeting between the High Septon & the Temple of R'hollor (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Septon's first trip to Essos in history literally a few days later to the Bronn bunker in Andalos?
>Learned fluent High Valyrian in under a week
>Free Cities entrust their gold reserves with him. There's no gold in the Iron Bank, only the Iron Bronn
>Bronn is about 4 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by the maesters
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the birth of dragons to the day the blue-eyed giant wakes up. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's benevolent.