I just saw this. Was is kino?
I just saw this. Was is kino?
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Goose looks terrible with dark hair tbqh
Kind of. That cutaway thing to celebs explanining things got old fast.
It’s literally a movie about how the banks gave the average man a fat dick in the but dry then took their tax dollars to recoup their losses. Take it as you will
Jumped the shark at the end. They implied through whiny text that what caused the crisis was illegal. Unethical, yes, but nothing illegal was done.
more like
They repaid the Fed the full value of the bailout plus interest. Why can’t you populist retards actually do research?
The Big Short is good but Margin Call is for the true aficionados
It was okay. It lacked the melodrama of Margin Call, which wasn't a good film in the first place. It also generally suffered from catering to a brainlet audience who can't be fucked to read a wikipedia article on what a credit default swap is, so it never achieves the stark tautness of something like The Smartest Guys in the Room. 6/10.
>the banks gave out predatory loans that caused an economy wide crash that harmed many people’s livliehoods.
>but it’s ok cause Obama’s and Bush helped their banker buddies and they paid it back plus interest. I’m sure the (((banks))) learned their lesson and won’t do it again.
How much of a good goy can you be?
>defending retards who didn’t have to take the loans
>defending poorfags who waste their money on cigs and take out loans they can’t afford because their financial decisions are so shit
This man fucks.
Banks have been fined so much they now have enormous, maze-like compliance departments and anyone who has ever gotten stuck in that hell knows the US banking system is no longer competitive and international transactions will stop using the USD very quickly at this rate.
Yes, With money made out of nothing (illegally by the fed who after the shortest of time limits literally benefits a dollar for every dollar they created out of nothing, afterwhich they then use the irs to tax the commoner ten times for every dollar created out of nothing)the inflation of which is incumbent upon the meanderings of the first Lords of the Ponzi scheme, the Fed. By which the common person being taxed a hundred times the value of the initial fiat singular value. But do tell us how the big bankers lost individual wealth to repay their most heinous crime.
goose was based in it
if you unironically defend the banks you are a jewish shill
It's literally a movie about how the market rewards reason and value investing over irrational exhuberance. The protagonist speculators helped bursting the bubble sooner and they're the heroes of this story.
They lobbied (bribed) the government in Washington to lessen and remove regulations.
>a dollar for every dollar they created out of nothing
Why do ancaps pretend to know Econ when they don’t even know how the financial economy works? Most of that shit comes out of the money market, retard.
I really liked Steve Carell in this.
>a bloo bloo I blame da joos instead of taking personal financial responsibility
Lobbying isn’t bribery, as unethical as it is. Fuck off populist retard.
get a load of this jew
>attacking poor fags
>not the decision to give some dishwasher a 300,000 dollar loan made by the bank
Again, keep shilling for the banks goy.
So I’m supposed to feel bad that US banking can’t get its bottom dollar from poorfags without getting fined anymore? If raping the average man is what keeps banks a float perhaps they need to change he their system. Those bankers are lucky they don’t get treated like the poor. Imagine if they got prison plus a fine on top of having their profits seized.
So what I hear is that we learned nothing then?
This and 12 years a slave made me really hate Brad Pitt.
What a fucking sanctimonious liberal cock.
loan me millions of dollars and i'll pay it back with interest too
Why do you assume ancaps are in favor of taxes subsidizing private banks?
In Actuality they were given bonds. Maturity of which is incumbent upon the economy alchemists at the fed WHO OWNS EVERY CENTRAL BANK ON EARTH!
Did I stutter? They oversimplify complex problems and propose retarded solutions.
I bet your credit score is shit, Jamal.
All their profits go to the Treasury. They get audited twice yearly, they answer to congress for any shenanigans. Presidential appointments, publicly visible financial records, etc. Unironically you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I’m an individual, not a commercial business.
Ancaps aren’t worth listening to when they say retarded unsubstantiated shit like “a dollar for a dollar out of nothing”. I don’t know any other group who spouts that maybe save for other anarchist types that are just as retarded.
especially the pop celebs who dont have a clue what the script they have to read means.
They get audited by the teeasurey? Is that what they told you?
Government accountability office, outside auditor retained by the Inspector General, financial statements audited by an independent outside auditor (Big 4).
>duuuude just ignore all of the secondary economic costs of the housing crisis, they payed back their bailout eventually lol
>hahaha who cares that the government is setting a precedent of bailing out malinvestment with 0 punishment, go get your loan from rocketmortgage we're definitely not going to repeat 2008 again lmao
>lol we get closer and closer to the 0 bound every recession but as long as they repay the bailout its fine we'll just go into negative interest rates that worked for japan right?
retard alert retard alert woo woo woo we've got a retard right here woo woo woo watch out everybody we've got a gigantic retard here woo woo woo somebody call the tard wranglers because there's a retard on the loose right here woo woo woo
yes idk why but I find myself watching it once a year its super rewatchable I love it
Pretty good, but it forgot to mention the regulations requiring banks to make bad loans, which played a significant role in starting the problem
It was like a documentary for brainlets.
I didn't care about any of the characters or about what was happening.
>It was like a documentary for brainlets.
user I'm pretty sure the movie advertised itself as this from the beginning
I didn't see any of the marketing. But I guess I was accurate then.
I mean I'm pretty sure there are several points in the movie where they basically say "we're not going to explain X to you because you're a fucking idiot but take our word for it that it was bad"
Not even a theme of the movie you stupid faggot