What will become of her?
What will become of her?
die at sea or get stranded halfway across the world because the weather in the west is ruthless
she isn't the first one to try and explore west of westeros
shes going to assassinate atlantis
Plastic surgery hopefully
she's going to middle earth, there's one last thing she wants to do
She's about to colonize like a motherfucker
she's fine
a 5 season spin off
most likely die.
Sandokan Prequel
And out there
Living in the sun
Give me one day out there
All I ask is one
To hold forever
Out there
Where they all live unaware
What I'd give
What I'd dare
Just to live one day out there
Spinoff in about 10 years after the negative feelings about GoT have cooled and there’s some renewed goodwill about the franchise because of the work of other showrunners.
Cross over with the new LOTR series
She's gets mistaked for a goblin and gets killed by Gimli.
Best case scenario die from some tropical disease in some god-forsaken land.
Worst case and most likely scenario die from thirst or hunger at sea.
guarantee we get some series in a few years taking place long after the show, with some mention of Arya the Adventurer or some shit
She should have gone with Gilbert Farwind. He's already been west of Westeros
doing it in photoshop is one thing.
you are re-sculpting her skull in this webm
hopefully not some shitty spinoff
death by scurvy