Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that this is the most kino fantasy film series of all time?
Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that this is the most kino fantasy film series of all time?
>can we finally agree
Everyone's been in agreement on that forever you noob.
Reminder only White people get this trilogy.
This. Literally everyone agrees on this.
even though Game of Thrones completely crashed and burned at the end we still have the first three Lord of the Ring movies. they are PERFECTION
get fucked
They also didn't know how to end this, so they kept filming until even the last audience member fell asleep.
yes its 10/10. after that the battle of winterfell i rewatched lotr the two towers just to remind myself how awesome a castle defense can be put on screen
shield skateboarding ftw
fellowship of the ring goat
fight scene in balins tomb goat
shire aesthetic goat
aragorn aesthetic goat
>one cheesy 10 second scene invalidates an amazing 45 minute battle sequence
go outside mate
...the elf right...? JFC
Reminder that they eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for young people aged 15 to 25. If you disagree then you are a seething young person aged 15-25.
what does kino mean?
>no Tom Bombadil
have sex
youll have to toss me
youre right tho, overall an amazing scene. the extended edition special features talking about it is pretty interesting. a lot of the rain was real and it was mostly just kiwis beating each other. plus the arming of the old men and boys... its a good sword
haldirs death.. the sunrise.. goosebumps
miyazake needs to make a 45 x 1hr series which follows books to the letter.