THIS IS #531

Attached: cityslicker.png (418x2500, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:


These threads are just an epic meme by now.
Reposting the same lame pics to increase the thread number and feel like part of an epic movement.
No oc no valuable insights discussion or good posts

I've made a lot of OC.

Fuck (You), you (You)ing troll OP.

We have great new OC, insights, discussion, and general good posts every fucking thread. If it weren't for assholes like you shitting up the thread with negativity and breaking our flow, we'd have even more of it.

Attached: 1558357875387.jpg (1279x720, 407K)

what is a lot actually?

Dozens, probably. I don't keep track.

No you don't. I have observed you people for a long time now.
There is no discussion about the making of the film, the themes etc.
It's just blanket posting and ship autism.

You're a FUCKING liar. How many theads? 'long time now', my fucking asshole. If you were in there day in and day out, you'd have to admit that we do do all the things I mentioned, good posts, OC, discussion, every fucking thread. Maybe not as much as we should 'ideally', but there's at least a sufficient amount every fucking thread.

Attached: 1558293432184.jpg (803x677, 70K)

Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

Attached: 1557108261023.jpg (1600x1854, 632K)

>ship autism
Are you referring to the Agent K memes? I hardly see those anymore, and those are more Yea Forums than exclusively /alita/

I have watched over you since the days of /ABAG/ when a small number of brave men fought because they believed in something. Not just counting threads and making pointkess bumps in pursuit in pursuit of the next thread.

Can someone explain to me why these threads still exist?

Attached: 1557733516471.jpg (960x786, 58K)

>moving the goal posts

Rot in Hell, you liar. Regardless, none of your negativity is going to stop us from discussing this film we love and making OC for it.

Attached: 1558201375263.jpg (1238x2684, 1.6M)

Besides, it's fucking funny. K shipping with Alita works perfectly for both their characters.

Attached: 1556939011258.gif (288x216, 2.63M)

Hi anons how's it going

Attached: mynamesalita.jpg (837x472, 69K)

Anyway expecting an official Blu-Ray announcement soon? Doc Ido said all the info was scrubbed from the official sites and everything.


Attached: 1558043337984.jpg (540x384, 44K)

Attached: 1556149302610.jpg (1313x642, 408K)

Reminder that Tanji, Gangsta, and Vector all did nothing wrong.

Attached: Sending to Zalem.jpg (620x1951, 897K)

Rumor is it's bumped back to August

Bros, all I can think about is stuffing my head into Alita's asshole like a tick stuffing it's head into your leg. Anyone else have the same thought?

Is there any way to fulfill my fantasy? Bros, I just gotta do it

....you're joking, right?

Attached: 1557847768614.gif (1073x858, 337K)

I come here to witness how pathetic it is. Morbid curiosity I suppose.

what's up mein Negers

Attached: 400 gorillion.png (627x538, 506K)


Attached: Ido mad.png (285x314, 108K)


Attached: 2032023B-EB97-434F-95E8-8094C9BC701F.jpg (600x1174, 449K)

Does anyone else print out pictures of Alita, bust loads on them, then laminate them to put in a binder? I don't know whether or not to sort them by date or subject.

Thanks in advance.

Oh I am Alita-guy2003 for response purposes, I don't have my Yea Forums ID yet

Previous Thread:

Attached: 1550219524008.jpg (486x482, 45K)


Attached: motorball.jpg (800x332, 71K)

Which look or outfit do you think looks best/works best for Alita? I've got to stick with my personal favorite of the black leather jacket w/ blue shirt

Attached: Looks & Outfits.jpg (1024x8108, 2.15M)


I like it!

Attached: 1550992861529.jpg (612x380, 320K)

Daily reminder that Endgame won't beat Avatar

Attached: based Ido.webm (960x402, 2.99M)

This is facebook level stupid.
[Spoiler]fucking live it[/spoiler]

>still no Blu Ray release date

Attached: 1555083837486.jpg (750x790, 133K)

I guess you're retarded

This is as good as I'll make this cut-out, but it's exploitable I guess

Attached: cameronbowl.png (286x430, 165K)


Attached: glamlita.jpg (223x456, 15K)

unironically pretty
not ourgirl
but pretty

Do you guys ever go back and read the old threads for nostalgia purposes? I started at ABAG and now I'm into ALITA 212 just today but my pace is slowed since my mom needed her laptop back. Can't wait to move out so I can ALITA all day, but I can't really move out unless I work all the time, and that means less ALITA. Is there a job that I can get on Yea Forums all day? Otherwise my mom is gonna keep using the laptop randomly and all she is using it for is her stupid accounting job. I looked at those excel things and it's really boring. I messed with the numbers before I closed it LOL. Serves her right for messing with my Alita time

based trollpost

Attached: 1550409938849.jpg (747x370, 51K)

I've watched these threads frum afar, this best general on whole site and always makes my day seeing any of its images. Alita's awesome, can't wait 4 bluray

Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!

Attached: 1553283246901.png (528x538, 471K)

It was better when he pretended to be Chuck Wendig or someone. Anyway, Tilly Lockey posted this.

Attached: D7CSWA0W0AAaUj3.jpg (852x1200, 140K)


Not sure I understand. Also when is there going to be a special edition Alita laptop I can buy? I think my grandpa might die soon and I'll get some money for Alita stuff and I obviously need a laptop and some other Alita things like shirts and stuff.

Wowzers really hoping this is just Russia...

>vk.com (SLASH) bdanddvd?w=wall-67429811_139460

Das cool mayne

>can't wait 4 bluray
you're going to have to, shit still isn't coming out , still isn't up for pre-order, and still doesn't have a release date

Who could it be?

Attached: 1550375869798.jpg (600x800, 71K)

Well at least its not GoT, I guess.

Attached: 1553641326230.png (1152x1296, 1.91M)

based Pink Floyd reference, actually

Hopefully the digital release date hasn't changed

Attached: 1555958059933.png (1819x1080, 2M)

Some day!

Attached: 1557362684993.jpg (2055x1577, 998K)

Attached: joy3.jpg (1819x1080, 737K)

>ethnicity: cheerful


Attached: 1556770059887.jpg (642x640, 127K)

>Still isnt up for pre order,
What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190520-224425_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 352K)

Some people claim to have been able to order it. I kind of doubt it though.

Log cabin in the winter would be pretty hard seeing as I live in Florida
I hope we get a trilogy box set like that but we'd also need two other movies as good as this one to make it worthwhile. I can't tell you how many times I've been let down by planned trilogy.
I can make a Hot chocolate and eat on the side oranges right now, that one is easy
I already snuggle my dog while watching movies/TV every night, although I usually dont' need blankets because it's generally warm enough without them down here.

So I can already do half of that.

Soooo October of 2020????

Zavvi is like the only place saying they have it, how did they do it?

Reminder that Alita's the type of bitch to kill a rat with a 30mm sniper rifle

Attached: BFec2rQ.jpg (1260x1800, 489K)

Hello fren

Attached: 1556228508918.png (1279x1279, 3.33M)

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

July 22nd 2019

You can pre order In the UK, Germany, Australia and a bunch of other smaller EU countries.

It's bong format, so 22nd of July 2019...

>You can pre order In the UK, Germany, Australia and a bunch of other smaller EU countries.
Yes, I was referring to the steelbook version, which still isn't available at Zavi. I see the screenshot was for the regular version. If they have pre-orders up, they should at least have a guaranteed number of units on the way, it not a release date.

>exterminates rats, snakes, and dung beetle


Here's one of the Germans who did a big roadtrip around the country to see Alita this weekend.

Attached: road_trip.jpg (472x599, 84K)

They sold a batch of steelbook's earlier this year, so who knows if they're getting any more, would like to hope so...

And good that's a lot of travel....

Is there a colored picture of Alita in her wedding dress?

It would be nice to have her next to the rest of them

Attached: 1558371952771.jpg (1000x504, 192K)

This is CUTE

At least two Germans claim to have seen Alita 100 times.

Attached: germans.png (833x948, 298K)

Based poster

Attached: 90958D71-6C43-4C60-9E77-C5B3E29AFB71.jpg (4032x3024, 2.85M)

Oh damn that kinda neat, this your's? or did you just find it on the internetz?

hello friend.

>finally get home from work
>spend longer than usual looking through the catalogue
>it's virtually ALL GoT whining
never change, Yea Forums.

Attached: blanket-comfy?.png (780x766, 206K)

>You sure this is the right way user!?
>Looks kinda steep...

Attached: 1553391359585.png (960x1075, 1.43M)

They're the new Sneed.

Attached: 1556848200854.jpg (436x461, 82K)

I've never seen anything as vertigo inducing as the picture where they're driving Hugo to Zalem.

This Brainfart does not deserve a pastebin, so greentext it is...

>SLAP - Shack for Lost and Abandoned Potential.

>Metaphisical bar for characters that died, or became so obsolete and forgotten, they might as well be dead. Yamcha is bartender here and Krilin was a frequent guest, until he got the hottest wife in the series, and now cheers himself up in the bedroom.

>Still, there is no shortage of patrons, who seek to brighten their time in limbo of irrelevance.

>Legends and heroes of original Star Wars trilogy as well as the majority of male cast of the new movies, spend their time here when they arent made useless and one upped by Rey and the rest of feminist crew.

>In a small alcove, behind a curtain, there's a little shrine to commemorate the retconned marriage of Peter and MJ.

>At the table under the wall, you can see the forgotten figure of of Captain Marvel, from the times she still had feminity and humanity, trying to drink herself into a stupor. Heterosexual Bobby Drake is already lying under the table in drunken coma.

>There are also two young men at another table, stuck in a rather depressing discussion.

>Hugo: So how did you died?
>Jack: Hypothermia made me unable to cling to a driftwood and I drowned. You?
>Hugo: Prostethic arm got damaged and couldn't handle the weight. I fell from lethal hight.

>A mocking snort from another table, cut into their conversation.

>Joffrey: Hah! At least I died a king. You two got wasted because you... Couldn't "get a grip". Har har har.

>Hugo: I draw a line at killing, but you're already dead, so that's a no issue. And I remind you that I'm still hooked up to very hard and very strong metal body, and I made my living by dismembering people. Have something more to say?

>Joffrey: O_O

>Jack: I can stab him with a pencil.
>Yamcha: Can the person who dumped Jon Snow's enthusiasm and personality in the toilet, flush after themselves? The stench of apathy is bothering other guests! Thank You!

Sneed Alita is for losers

Eh, I dont recall that one? You dont happen to have it do you?


Attached: E9561E59-B262-41A2-8A11-0A37EB5A0BEE.jpg (768x960, 155K)

>tfw your Alita bluray comes and inside the case is the disc for Aladdin

Attached: hugowtf.jpg (585x585, 117K)

Top one looks odd but the bottom one is nice

pls no

Someone should make him a bunch of these shirts but with Alita instead of Fox

lmao oh, that made me sad.

Attached: roar!.png (407x421, 186K)


Attached: 1554215855942.png (676x538, 266K)

He already has Alita shirts though - he wore one on the Avatar set at least.

This legit the best post I've seen in these threads in weeks.

Attached: 1519763263412.gif (600x338, 2.62M)

>pic related

Attached: 1556714638512.jpg (800x783, 90K)

They STILL haven't fixedthe AMC glitch in Google and Alitatickets.com, ffs.

Attached: 1557831574665.webm (480x270, 1.59M)


Attached: 73b.jpg (680x676, 59K)

thank god this hasn't happened to me with the theaters, i'd be so pissed




lol the Aladdin phenomena is so fucking weird.

user, jack in the boxoffice

Attached: genie.png (518x943, 210K)


Attached: goofysmile.jpg (280x287, 8K)

Anyone know, if anything came of the stickers some user made a while back? Thought they wear neat as fuck.

Attached: 1554940040958.png (1941x1985, 1.39M)

I don't know if they actually got made or if it was just a bunch of us saying we wanted them.

Attached: alita-sticker2.png (1000x1450, 822K)

Attached: BlueZapan.jpg (448x477, 29K)

Ah damn, well I might get some printed some time. Idk where i'd put them, but I'd find somewhere.

I've got a guitar case that can always use more stickers. I just want to make sure the quality is good. Die cut stickers are usually best as far as I know.

Vin Diesel's cousin?

Yea, it's mine. Got it from Redbubble

Ah sweet!

And you dont happen to have some of the ones the user did, do you? Apparently all I had was that one and the colored UwU one of Ali in front of the mirror. If not I could try and trawl the archives. ;__;

Attached: sticker.jpg (1151x826, 93K)

All of the extremely mild support posts the movie is getting is almost torturous at this point. Rosa adds 'Battle Angel' to his insta bio, shared a couple pics of behind the scenes, RR occasionally sharing fanart/etc, the official twitter is STILL making posts, Tilly's post... Pure agony. I'm sure SA is enjoying this though.

Attached: TrungBrui-Artwork.jpg (692x767, 81K)

I think there as only 3 that were done. We posted 2 of them. Here's the only other one I know of.

Attached: sticker-evil.png (500x700, 143K)

Ah okay, thanks for the help!

Attached: 1554542787871.jpg (906x774, 58K)

That's why they deserve a healthy dose of sufferance from time to time.

Attached: Alita vs Incels.webm (720x400, 2.99M)

Attached: 1556295933851.png (2252x1030, 1.26M)

>mild support
Have you seen the twitters recently, every avatar post gets spammed with Alita.
>his insta bio
And last time I checked Rosa was a girl.

Nigga what?

I liked Det. Pikachu but I cannot forgive them for excluding my favorite Pokeman. Onix.


That god damn file name...

Attached: alitapoint.jpg (642x593, 33K)

I meant mild support from the official outlets. Obviously the fans are intense and it's impossible that JC/RR haven't noticed how dedicated people are for sequel news. calling Rosa was an accident sorry; have a cute Rosa in good faith

Attached: rosa-smile.webm (354x480, 342K)

you can pretty much tell who it is when you see that filename.

Ah okay, mb.
And thanks for the Rosa!

Attached: 1557699392937.png (290x280, 174K)

Based trenchcoat believer

any longsleeve/tshirt combo looks good to me. But what is truest to her is probably the catsuit honestly.

Attached: 1556356525992.jpg (540x597, 38K)

Found another!

Attached: 1555020901621.png (2139x3056, 1.78M)

Alita is MUCH creepier than Will Smith Genie

1000 will never happen. prove us wrong.

Attached: 5613265561_04.jpg (1007x820, 368K)

with pleasure

oh nice! I like the subtle /alita/ text too.

I dont think I could disagree any more with this statement...

Attached: BlueBoggyMan.jpg (842x338, 66K)

We're more than halfway there. Why do you think we'd stop now?

Attached: have-you-been-healed-sir?.jpg (826x600, 217K)

Rosa is a cute mutt, so is Alita

Attached: 1553923645692.jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

its nice to see this general is dying fast

we get this every dozen threads or so. try again later on

people say this and yet...

Attached: listeningtobs.png (480x401, 293K)

People have literally been saying this since before we hit #50 in the /ABAG/ days.

It was a bummer that the thread this morning fell off page 10 for lack of posting. I'm glad someone was a to catch it and start a new thread. We need to be careful to watch threads round the clock and keep posting at a fast enough rate to make sure they stay on the board. Its gonna be difficult to keep threads up with so few people posting in /alita/ any more I fear.

Just trawling trough the archives, and noticed this.
Really makes you think.

Its not like people have been saying this for 40+ days...

Attached: lol.jpg (605x151, 17K)

hopes are high

Attached: 1548671673152.gif (436x376, 2.22M)

Its the fucking huge nearly 6 month's gap in between the BR and theatrical release thats really fucking us here...

god damn mouse.

Attached: hai.jpg (880x980, 136K)

Attached: Alita kill mouse.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

An absolute classic.

>Atilla bros

i'd post random cheap edits like this just don't have to time or skills to do nice shit. a lot of us don't wanna repost the same images

time to pay the mouse a visit

Attached: not a witch.jpg (872x955, 100K)

We're not going anywhere.

Attached: 1552954371579.png (1137x1043, 936K)

real jacks your cyborg, huh?


Attached: 60409489_10219883536578489_8313845268055326720_o.jpg (1945x1705, 506K)

that wasn't that long ago, this general hit page 10 today 100s of posts before the bump limit

>why does this exist

Attached: 1554513728191.gif (490x490, 399K)

Attached: 1552257765364.png (414x424, 318K)

I honestly think mutts are cute but Rosa is the cutest.

Attached: American Eskimo Pomeranian mutt.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

as if the continuous shit stream of GoT threads had nothing to do with it

Attached: dumbpepe.jpg (689x795, 24K)

>wasn't that long ago
>over a month ago

Again our thread made it past bump limit and was archived. We just couldn't link the new bread in it before it was pruned, but it hit the limit and was archived, so I don't know what you're arguing. Not to mention the anomaly of 90+ GoT threads at once.

Attached: 1557731497632.jpg (1364x1536, 110K)

>that wasn't that long ago
40 days ago... have you lost the concept of time user?

Lets not pretend like Alita wouldn't be into Death Metal.

Attached: Battle Angel Alita Vol. 06-143.jpg (1355x956, 730K)

Based lil marks, I'm 90% sure he could of taken Grewishka 1 on 1, if it weren't for grews cheap shot catching lil marks off guard before the fight even began...

how does that pic relate to death metal judging you with my most metal-elitist look right now

Attached: 1553431981938.jpg (1070x1215, 816K)

She goes by Angel of Death, nothing is a bigger giveaway.

okay I guess if you mean in general yeah her nature is pretty brutal. That pic was just had a goth look. Slayer isn't death metal though.

>implying she wouldn't be into all sorts of pop

Attached: 1556707315307.jpg (770x433, 175K)

Attached: shut up.jpg (1045x1161, 153K)

>that's funny and gross

Attached: Nope.jpg (1028x1130, 149K)

Attached: oh yes.jpg (942x1277, 149K)

Attached: 1558138304381.jpg (408x402, 46K)

never have I wanted to see Leeta more than I do now.

>you're gonna make me puke, user

Attached: hey you.jpg (857x1218, 425K)

already doing that, thanks

Leeta got married last I heard. She has a busy life as a mom and a homemaker ahead of her I don't think she's coming back to hangout anymore.

I'd be kind of into this if the shop job wasn't so bad

There not that bad... a lot of work went into them.

Can I see you're Alita shops? huh?!

poll time boys


? it's a filter man, it's hard to make it look better

Filter yes that's what I mean
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't

You talking catching up on Mars Chronicle as finished or up to the end of Volume 9?

I read the original Manga decades ago in print at my local comic shop. I reread the original a second time back when I heard James Cameron's next hollywood movie after Titanic was going to be Alita, I tried to read Last Order around this time but after the first few volumes I lost interest and couldn't give a fuck. Beside the disappointment when I heard he was doing Avatar before Alita I didn't really think about her again until right before this movie came out.

In preparation for the movie I reread the original manga again, tried to read Last Order again and dropped it again getting not much further than I did the first time round.


Attached: doggy alita.png (378x379, 154K)

Her face profile looks odd in the first two and it makes me uncomfortable

they're good, just not sure why the neck seems so fat

is that a martian pupper?

Attached: cooool.jpg (602x561, 51K)

Last Order really needs an abridged version, a lot of it is good but it really drags in places

Not enough floof to be alita

The hair cuts part of her face making it look fat

just a reaction image i added blood too, saw some user earlier adding blood to some pornstar so i tried it with my pornstar

Attached: Cadey Battle Analgel Blood.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

>y-you... you watch porn?

Attached: 1552959988203.png (381x434, 210K)

i took a page out of another user's book and started to also lick batteries and huff wd40 to get the full experience


I only watch Alita-related porn.

Attached: 1550359521637.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

>I only watch Alita-related porn
Not anymore you won't

Attached: 1556945037137.png (501x503, 544K)

Attached: piper2.jpg (715x450, 248K)

Attached: 1437624744292.gif (276x260, 1.08M)

This makes me diamonds desu

Attached: BCB1680A-AD31-45F3-903B-F0D1545CAD73.jpg (960x704, 70K)

Attached: B0D038A1-FF51-4ED5-9AD7-70A337B8A425.jpg (448x448, 81K)

bigger version

Attached: kwak six UKpwRW_KRMU.jpg (982x1080, 720K)

Attached: 1557417736536.jpg (1080x1080, 327K)


Holy shit those are hideous. Why would anyone post Alita shoops like that? Are they trolling?

>watch movie with good female protagonist
>keep relating her to /ourgirl/

Get out of my head!

Attached: 1557339289653.jpg (1080x934, 105K)

Shit, I've never seen that picture with all the hunter warriors in it. That's nice.

They aren't wrong though.


Here fren take the non BLACKED version.

Attached: js31y2mxoky21.jpg (1080x909, 156K)

I mean, it's hard no to. Alita is a force of nature. Of course you'd compare to any other female lead.

> 5 days til beach meet

Attached: 61D97EFB-EAA1-4C20-8F96-165F2C7FB695.jpg (1600x2000, 660K)

You wouldn't happen to have good Alita wallpapers for phones, would you?

I've been using this one

Attached: Alita W020190220543392135979.jpg (2244x3307, 3.12M)

any gent have the mega? had to make space and clean browser

Attached: 54783522.png (640x360, 168K)

no one will show. meant to ask about that

I'm just killing time until then, fren. I may have overdone it with the goodies.

Attached: 1556984763948.png (395x483, 448K)


Never realized that guy with the cannon in the motor ball scene is so god damn small.

Attached: SmallAndNotSoDeadly.jpg (1080x909, 251K)

excited; overdid what goodies?


He might be leaning over weirdly

Ah yeah, I can kinda see that now...

Chocolate and candy

July 23rd for bluray release apparently


appreciated. too much drink to go back.

Me on the left

nonsense I'm split 6-8 ways it'll get consumed.

What did you watch?

what is with Rodriguez's apparel? he's fuckin insane with those jeans

Attached: 217321D9-F517-40E0-B1E8-F45592E28877.jpg (879x712, 151K)

He’s a gigachad and doesn’t care about what he wears

I think if he's on set he probably just wants to be comfortable

Attached: 1557550085440.jpg (800x534, 93K)

Edit: I'm pretty sure he's visiting the Avatar set in this pic

but of all things. like he's still wearing handmedowns. money well spent. he's a boss



gib me battle angel Hepburn NOW AND NOBODY GETS HURT

Attached: hammertimecutout.png (914x489, 345K)

his fits are fine. Laundau is the pinnacle of 'idgaf how I dress I get to help make movies I want to see get actualized'.

> Wears a hat indoors

Does anyone have screencaps of the user threatening to shoot up the meet up?

just saw this; amazing how even THIS long after it released to theaters they STILL use the old footage for the page image.

A classic

Attached: 1557958305738.png (1361x2050, 1.49M)

Pretty sure Landau's just "i'm fat and old idgaf anymore how I dress."

Hop in dudes

Just so you guys know I'm going to the meetup and I'm going to fucking beat the shit out of janny when I figure out which one of you he is
You shouldn't have been so open with your plans you idiots

>beating up anybody
lol our ex-janny is East coast. But he could still take you lol

Attached: disdain.png (400x489, 273K)


I don't care which side of the argument you take, you're an asshole. They aren't wrong in the bigger picture. Discussion of the movie is way down, OC has slowed to a crawl and most of it isn't anything new or even interesting. These threads are becoming more and more just mile markers as we march mindlessly towards what? #999? Why should anyone care how many threads we've had?
Half the time I drop into these threads they aren't even fun anymore. Its repetitive same memes, when bluray, when sequel, /soc/ posting and arguments. Maybe these threads should have already ended. There is only a handful of people even posting anymore regularly.

Post a pic of your art with a time stamp please.

Would be cool is Tilly got a cameo in the sequel, a bit of a stretch. But a fun one nevertheless...

>namefag who shitposts in here all the time
>anyone listening to you or taking you seriously

Attached: 1404672584942.jpg (251x242, 11K)

I wish them all the best desu I haven't seen it yet but it seems fun

Reply to this post if you've been here since /ABAG/

Attached: final 4chan.png (1076x807, 1.2M)

There's partial truth to what you're saying, but even the worst /ALITA/ threads are better than any other threads on this board. I'll take it here anyday. The problem is lack of new material for fans to work with and the blu-ray being now two months away only puts further detriment on things. The camrip helps, but no one but me really uses it for OC's.
But I'm not going to the meet-up, I'm in Florida.

Attached: rod4.jpg (640x427, 65K)

This is v cool thank you user

Attached: 1556823335001.jpg (1804x2235, 2.18M)

I invented it.

Attached: 4384393843.png (2400x1600, 2.45M)

if i find out you did anything to this fuckin chill group, i will find multiple uses for your meat

why do you check in if it's not worth your time? why are you namefagging

In my defense I never namefag. That was an accident. I used that name to shitpost that CreepyThinMan fag earlier up the thread. Then I forgot to turn it off. I guess I'm kinda stoned right now. lol

Since at least #15.

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So you're a lazy shitposter? Jesus man get your life together or at least try harder.

Any alita lewxs

I check in because I was here since the beginning.
I fucked up the namefag shit. This

only correct response.

I so wish I could say this, but I've only been here since #139.

Forgive me. I would've been here sooner had I only known about the movie sooner.

we love you equally, fren

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Oh please its not like anyone who's been on 4chin more then a few months doesn't drop a deuce post now and again.

I'm still going to make fun of you for it

I started alita posting a few days before the generals started.

That's ok. I am so high right now I could a slap to straighten me out. lol

Only been here since 250....

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I mean if you feel like you're getting nothing out of it then why do you come back? Just because you've been here that long doesn't seem to matter much if this general just seems like a futile exercise to you.
there's no elitism about who's been here longest or shortest.

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July 23

You can start by sucking my dick you HARLOT
Janny is getting it

Why is this allowed to exist but /frz/ had to go on the run. At least Frozen has a future.

Why is Jerome such a pathetic beta?

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Down since day 1

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>missing all of the golden era
>came in right as everything began going downhill.
That's a bummer man.

>ywn see Elsa x Anna x Alita

Why are you telling me to go away? I loved the movie. I had a good time during ABAG. I stop back in one to three times a week these days just to see what's up. I can't believe I'm being told to leave.

nothing stopping you from making it, user.
nah, it's only since the 500s where things are kinda bleh. But I attribute 80% of that to incessant shitposting. We're just hibernating until we get news/bluray updates to our OC.

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guys it's time to keep going forever

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>Why are you telling me to go away?
waht? I asked why you come back when it sounds like you get nothing out of the thread anymore. Stay all you want, idgaf.

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Interesting, cause I stopped posting around 500. Maybe it's my fault it went to shit.

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Don't you mean "Alitism"?

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well... there is a rip...

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I've heard the best thing about this film are the visuals so I refuse to watch a camrip or screener.

it's trying to be like katawa shoujo generals

thread theme

Yeah, was looking back at the archives and they look like a much more wholesome place.

but I know we still have it in us

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whoops, wrong link

You are going to be so let down if you waited this long for godly visuals my nigga hahaha holy fuck you have no idea
Its just marvel tier

If you try, they’ll just take it down

YO! anyone got the anal version of this?

Need it for research purposes...

damn it

Yeah the CGI is top notch, making the action/fight scenes real fuckin' nice.

> “With the face of an Angel and a body build for battle”
> movie is called Alita Battle Angel

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The darkness is but a challenge for the believers before the dawn. Hold fast brethren.

I read about Tilly's story and it makes me cry. Stop being so goddamn inspiring! I'm trying to be miserable over here!

we always have the spark of community and wholesomeness here. We just can't give into shitposting or doomposting.

We welcome your return then friend.

maybe there's a board more open to it? What about Yea Forums?

Visuals blow Avatar out of the water and unlike a lot of modern blockbusters the fight scenes are still really fluid and well choreographed, nothing worse than a $150M movie where you can't tell what the fuck is happening

And most importantly:
>We do not stand by in the presence of evil.

name a movie with better CG
you can't

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Hey guys, glad to see this general is still going. I just finished the original manga today. I liked the ending a lot but I understand that it's not what Kishiro planned it to be. Do you recommend Last Order? I'm hesistant because I haven't heard very good things from it.

Last Order is good but the tone is a little different and it's kinda long so it could use an edited version, but it's still worth reading if you like the series

shitposters are the dragons that must be slain.

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here since the first general
posted the first webm
saw the movie in a free pre-screening offered by based Jim

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How different is the tone? Is it like more serious, edgy, talky?

checked. quit throwing that word around

>tfw i'll be able to afford the premium masterline deluxe alita figure very soon
wait for me bros

It's not that much weirder but there is more weirdness in total and most of it takes place around a big fighting tournament so all the fights are very detailed and take up a lot of pages

Nice, wish I had that sort of disposable income atm...

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>can only get the POOR MANS $250 one

We wait for everyone. People will doompost and complain and we will smile and let it wash past us as we keep our comfy sanctuary afloat.

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Yeah the whole tournament-arc thing is a little painful but I still liked LO in general. Nova becomes a lot more fun imo in LO

Thanks, that helps, I'll get my hands on LO.

Train left last week bud, and Scott was driving...

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I just want to say a big thank you to everyone still here. You guys are the best and I think that the time we've had in this general has been memorable in many ways.

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I'm staying until the bitter end, friend. See you next bread.