Muh comic book movies

>muh comic book movies
Grow up
>muh Star Wars!!
Grow up
>muh game of thwones
Grow up
>muh favorite corporate product make more money den urs
Grow up

Attached: DEA73C4F-CD0C-428B-AC1D-AB90803FE425.gif (680x315, 114K)

>Grow up
Have sex.

engage in coitus, young maid

>have sex
Grow up


What would you have me do instead of watching comic book movies, Star Wars, and GoT? Tell me. I'm serious. What activities should I enjoy?

Fuck off, tourists!

work hard, be honest, get off the internet, travel as much as you can, find your passion, find out what your good at: make money doing it.

>Grow up
>Have sex
>Grow up
Fuck off


Eat shit. You've proffered nothing that shows anyone should live life to your specifications. You've provided nothing but the most generic or consumerist ideals.

Attached: 1547537070866.gif (800x371, 75K)

>complains about consumerism
>consumes the most basic corporate schlop

>bought a phone for retarded gay people
>posts memes after 2010
Grow up.

>assumes I like corporate movie
>assumes corporate=bad
>adopts philosophy of life based solely on the worship of money

why are you here, then?

He's too small minded to realize how is pitiful ideal life, which he pretentiously implies he lives, and his actual lifestyle are at odds.

Any time spent wasted watching childish crap is time that could've been spent working and being productive.

But user, you're on 4channel, we're all NEETS here

>calling it 4channel
Tourist leave


>Spend all your life working
What a depressing sounding existence

Cope, NEETcel

>wagiecels working on walmart while tyrone fucks their crush in the janitor room