>house Stark is literally finished now
Bravo, DABID
House Stark is literally finished now
Why is it finished? Sansa can marry and have children and whoever her husband is would take the Stark name.
>whoever her husband is would take the Stark name.
maybe if hes a peasant or a bastard.
Non-inheriting male of a different Northern house
Wow, amazing!
Sansa continues as the leather-clad queen in the north, that's probably quite sufficient.
That's not how it works
>thinking big dick Sansa will relinquish her family name
>men taking the woman's name
>in GoT's universe
not happening
Isn't Rickon still alive on some island? Why would Bran be infertile? Couldn't Jon change the rulers of the Night's Watch consider the whole organization needs to have its nature transformed?
I believe in her position, she can decide the succession laws and marriage modalities as she pleases.
The Baratheon name was taken by a Targaryen Bastard by marrying some Baratheon chick.
>implying history will give a fuck and slow this later
More likely Sansa dies a old hag and the norf goes back under Bran the God King Stark the Eternal.
sansa is never gonna marry again
all the rape has repulsed her from sex
Thats exactly how it works retard
Yeah, it is
That's literally what happened when Bael the Bard took the last Stark daughter for his wife and the last name Stark.
rickons is killed on the show and sansa said in the last episode that bran can't have children [spoiler/]
Rickcon was murdered by Ramsey at the Battle of The Bastards. Ramsey let him go and used him for target practice.
Starks are cucks then
Sansa is technically still a Bolton.
We’ve had Queens in medieval times whose’s sons inherit their name and title as ruler
I bet if Qyburn were still alive he could find a solution.
maybe she can give her children both names?
who cares it's over
Rohanne Webber married 6 times and kept her name every time a husband died
Pretty sure Sansa is alive brah. Her kids would be starks
Also, I think it's implied that Jon is fucking off beyond the wall. His kids would be at least part stark also.
Never consummated. Anal rape doesn't count
>There are no full heroes or villains GoT! The characters are nuanced
>Absolutely none of the Starks painted in a bad light ever
I guess Eddard and Catelyn were damn good parents
What the fuck did you just say you little heretic?
sansa is the fucking queen in the north, she can basicly fuck a guy and then kill him so her child can be a stark..
she has the guts to do it.
uh in books ramsay fucked fArya in the pussy tho
So he probably fucked sansa in the pussy too
Book Ramsey would have. Show Ramsey can only climax with hardcore anal rape. Look it up
Don't marry.
Have a bastard son.
Legitimize him as a Stark with your power as queen.
>uh in books ramsay fucked fArya in the pussy tho
I thought he just made her fuck dogs?
There is no house Stark you moron ,
We fucking KANGS NOW.
Both ruled by STARKS.
No, even a minor lord would suffice. Of course she wouldn't pick a Great House suitor to avoid claims on her lands
>Robb is an idiot swinged by pussy
>Rickon is nobody
>Bran is a brain-damaged autist with implication that all that happended in last seasons was his powerplay to get to be king
>Sansa quite openly fucks up Jon Snow together with Tyrion
>Arya is the only sort of a hero
Nah, Sansa is an egotistical bitch
Every noble house in Westeros does this.
Based retard
how do they know Bran can't breed? Why didn't they try having a girl ride him, or milk his prostate?
Jon got Sansa pregnant
>he's never played Crusader Kings 2
How would it be different in the books?
Robb => dead
Jon => Targ
Arya => woman
Shansha=> woman
Bran => cripple
Shaggy dog boy => shaggy dog story /means probably dead
The Stark uncle => NW + MIA
Ned => dead
This. The books will be the same, just not as forced.
too ugly
retards. Sansa will marry matrilineally and her heirs will preserve the name. Sam will figure out a way to extract Bran's semen and impregnate Gilly (is she alive?) or someone.
Yes it is, It's called Matrilineal marriage
I'm sure they did. Arya and Sansa gave him a hand each.
>stick us with the pointy end!
>That's not how it works
Who cares? The North can make up their own fucking rules now that they're an independent kingdom
>be ridiculously highborn
>have babies with some inbred savage
Bael wasn't real faggot. Quick, find that Stark's name in the family tree after Aegon's Conquest since Bael had to use the kingsroad Jaehaerys made, pro-tip, you can't
Jon will fuck a wildlings, abandon his Targ shit and come back
>Sam will figure out a way to extract Bran's semen and impregnate Gilly
just cut a ball off and squeeze it on the lemon squeezer, dude doesn't feel a thing
Sansa will have bastard sons from jon and one will rule in kings landing and the other in the north
Sansa is a woman, that means the male's last name takes priority over hers
If he marries Gendry then Winterfell and the North Crown will be inherited by the Baratheons
the worst part is that even if they didn't exile Jon they can rely on him because he's a nigger haired Targaryen
the starks dun goofed by not doing more to protect Rickon
if only she was the independent ruler of a powerful kingdom and had the power to change laws that were inconvenient to her bloodline
>Why is it finished?
Because Stark died in Avengers Endgame
It is how it works, both in this universe and the real one. And even if it isn't how it works, Sansa is Queen in the North. She'd just make it happen.
Shes gonna find and get bedded by some random Northern dude who meets the requirements of loyalty and honor, traits her father and brothers exemplified, get pregnant by him, have the children out of wedlock and then legitimize them. With the stark name thus continuing Ned's name and Biological legacy. It's happened before. Male Stark line is actually broken and continued through a sole Stark Daughter and a random wildling named Bail the Bard with the Child being legitimized by as his heir by the elderly Stark King afterward.
that is true if she marries a lowborn man who doesn't have his own title
She could always marry her brother.
>what are matrilineal marriages?