Other urls found in this thread:
Dexter is still the worst
Evangelion (fuck off pseuds, those last episodes weren't good)
>making a poll right after the finale of GoT when everyone is still upset/mad
wow it's fucking nothing
Dexter is the worst season. The first half of season 8 of GoT was trash, but the last 3 were good. Great conclusion.
You can stop Dexter at the end of season 4, and suddenly it has a great finale.
I'm on season 3 so please no spoilers but I've seen some people say season 7 rebounds and that they had an opportunity to end it in that finale but didn't pull the trigger. Is that accurate?
Season 7 very slightly rebounds, but it's not worth going through seasons 5-6, and especially not 8. The show begins to feel aimless, with the "villain of the season" story framing becoming repetitive, along with writing in general just going down the tubes.
thank you, ever always goes on how great the ending is,
Zoomers have never heard of the X-Files
Dexter doesn't even belong in the discussion because no one gave a fuck about it by the end. I don't know a single person who actually watched the series finale
>not including the known worst finale for a popular show
Strange, I've never known a media member to show bias before
Plebs getting filtered.
I'm sure the things you don't know could fill a library, user
What is Quantum Leap, Mr Trebek
HIMYM, Two and a Half Men, and Dexter were worst.
Literally 0/10
>all these seething GoT fags
Dexter was never as big or hyped as Game of Thrones. Just admit it you cucks, it was beyond disappointing
After season 4 it's written like a bad piece of fanfiction. Like that other user said, the good bits of the later seasons don't make up for how terrible the bad parts are.
>I don't know a single person who actually watched the series finale
Yea Forums did. I watched it streamed live with everyone else. The live threads were the only good part.
>Lost still that strong after all these years
Yeah it's Lost
Dexter wasn’t as popular for sure but I’d still argue that its last couple of seasons were far worse than GoT.
How those writers found work again I'll never know
The real answer is True Detective season one.
holy shit, despite GoT being fresher in everyone's head, Lost is still not far behind. Was the finale of Lost really this bad? Or was it just a case of collective "I didn't get it"?
You meant season 3
Reminder that Roseanne actually did the "it was all a dream" finish and retconned its entire final season in its original finale
>Or was it just a case of collective "I didn't get it"?
There's nothing to get, it was nonsense. Even the creators agree.
What was it?
Evangelion ending was GOAT fag.
Lost is probably the first memorable example of the creators/writers monitoring the internet and essentially letting the fans write the show for them.
It would take too long to type out, just search up a youtube video if you're interested. It's not really worth knowing though.
Get LOST out of that poll. Get it right out of there, right now. I'll wait. Go on.
I guarantee they never said that. The only people that say this are people who didn't get it, and thought they were actually dead all along.
Lost fans came up with the ‘purgatory’ theory long before the finale.
It's always funny to see these mindbroken Lostfags who will defend this shit to this day.
eva ending was amazing if you actually knew what the goddamn story was about, you ignorant fuckboy
You're wrong and everyone your know probably thinks you're retarded.
How I Met Your Mother had a terrible final season overall, but that finale was still dogshit. It deserves a mention.
Eh, it does for ONE subplot, but it's not worth it making it through seasons 5 and 6. Do yourself a favour and pretend season 4 was the ending.
>not Seinfeld
>The first half of season 8 of GoT was trash, but the last 3 were good. Great conclusion.
True but if you include half hour sitcoms in a poll like that, the list would be way too long.
that was good in that it fitted the style of the show. the story didn't end, but just sort of stopped
Seinfeld's ending was kino. Friends on the other hand...
I actually like Season 5, although not liking the storyline. It closes the series off fine if you want to end on a positive/less open ended note.
>Two and a Half Men
I'm still mad
rewatched it all up to season 12 last month
Kutcher's first season was still tolerable, it felt like the writers were really having fun with it, but then any remaining soul evaporated with season 10 and it only went downhill
I dropped it when the mutt kid was introduced in season 12
you can stop GOT at s3 and it has a great finale aswell
They werent in purgatory. You didnt get it and thats okay
Lost is the ultimate pleb filter.
I actually liked Julia Stiles in season 5. She gets an undeserved amount of hate.
They're women. I can't find the image any more, but there's a compilation of them showing the writers from S1 to S8, and they writers progressively replaced with women.
I don't even watch TV. LOST is pretty much the only show in the last twenty years I cared about, so of course I'll defend it. I don't mind people not liking it, but not if they're misinformed or wrong about certain parts.
>0 Results
Easily the worst ending in television history.
I was heavily invested into the laguerta pension plan storyline, mate
It was pretty much purgatory, user. Come on.
>Asking this in the age of the hot take
Nah fuck off. It will never not be LOST.
Glad you've admitted your bias so everyone can dismiss your ridiculous statements and opinions.
Stop at 4. It's a dumpster fire afterwards.
fucking THIS
pic related, it was my face watching Dexter post season 4
she's good, desu, i have no complaints about her. only about the ending going all "lol nothing of this mattered. we're cleaning slate and everything is back to where it was" with literally everything, even quinn entirely dropping his investigation and now being cool with dexter again
Here’s what I’ve never understood about popular shows like Lost and GoT:
>nearly all the best episodes weren’t written/directed by the creators/showrunners
>the creators/showrunners ALWAYS insist on writing/directing the series finale
nobody watched dexter stop trying to compare it to actual good shows lol
I liked LOST finale.
Lost was by far the worst. Sure the rest of the show was a literal 10/10 but the way it went down the pan in the last 2 seasons was unforgivable
>jack and flocke literally running up to eachother and running jump punching like they're in a superhero film
In a way I'm glad I never saw Lost. So my most hated series finale to date might actually be Boardwalk Empire. The pottery went of the charts and it was just stupid
This is how LOST ends, for those asking about
The X-Files finale wasn't really that disappointing because they ruined the myth arc with scully's pregnancy by the time it came around anyway
The interesting thing about Lost is that it came out when shows were still made the old school network way of requiring 20 or more episodes per season. It would’ve greatly benefited from the modern era model of 10-12 episodes a year.
But I've actually done my research, user. You've already stated several false things. I think you have just as much of a bias, against the show instead. People might as well discard both our opinions.
The Simpsons. The end that never came.
>In a way I'm glad I never saw Lost.
if you never saw Lost you're either a zoomer or a newfag or probably both. in all those cases you don't belong on Yea Forums
person of interest had a shittier ending
You could end GoT here and cut out almost all the shit without changing anything thematically
>Jon at the wall dealing with a wildling issues
>Arya exploring
>Sansa asserting her authority
>Main antagonist of the show (Tywin) is killed by a family member who is effectively exiled
>The Hound dies protecting Arya
>Danys dragons brings death on innocents
this is the true ending of the show, prove me wrong you literally cant
Here's what I don't understand about Yea Forums:
How does a board dedicated to TV not understand how TV writing works? user, just because someone's name isn't on the script doesn't mean they didn't contribute to the story. All these episodes are broken by the whole writing group, then one writer takes all the notes and outlines the whole group did and just fills in the blanks.
This, WE were L O S T
the filler really wasn't that bad though. the exception being Kate flashbacks and that spider bite episode
Saw an early episode of Dexter once, what happened in the end?
Literally the same is true of Breaking Bad.
Hell, you can skip the entirety of Season 5 of Mad Men and the show ends up ludicrously better.
Bingefags will disagree with both of these statements.
How could you be dissapointed by the end. You went through four seasons of shit.
BSG was the worst. Lost was pretty bad but you kind of figured out by then they had no intention of explaining it all
I get that but the dedicated writers often understand the show way better than their bosses do. That was certainly the case with most of the best X-Files episodes.
It sucks.
ultimate pleb filter
Scott Buck got to run two other shows into the ground.
I haven't seen game of reddit but nothing will leave me as empty as that Lost finale
fuck damon lindelof stupid fucking kike. He ruined Prometheus too
You say that, but Cuse and Lindelof were easily the best writers on Lost. The Cuse/Lindelof/Jack Bender episodes were always kino
X-Files is one of those old school motw shows that actually did have writers do their own thing.
Serialized stuff like Lost, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, GoT--all that shit is down the whole troupe. TV writing changed considerably in the mid-late 90s.
Retard. The season as a whole sucked, but the conclusion to the characters who were alive in the last couple of episodes were handled well. Now fuck off, faggot
The contrarians have begun
S8 was fine, the plot points and ending of the characters all worked. Pacing, editing and some of the dialogue was pretty bad though
absolutely... the internet is the mob and they are all just piling on instead of thinking for themselves
in the years to come people will rethink this, it was great
Can u break it down more about the writers room, the role of the showrunner, and the assigned writer for an individual episode?
Hello Dabid.
Wait so what's the difference between a writers room and what the show runners do? Also, do they all do one big outline together, then assign certain writers to break pieces of the outline into episodes, then they send drafts of the episodes to the show runners until they get approved? IS this right?
This. I think the conclusion for the characters worked well because it came from the fat man
>those last episodes weren't good
Episode 24 is kind of iffy just because it introduces a lot out of nowhere and rushes through it just for the sake of traumatizing Shinji in time for the finale, but 16-23 are the absolute peak of the series. They're beautiful.
And the ending to the night king was great? wtf how? I can get behind the other charcters having great send offs like Jon, the hound, Theon, Dany, Davos etc.
TV, yea, EoE was good though
lost was quite OK
got wasn't so bad except for the quips and fanservice (ep 3 was where they really fucked up)
dexter was by far the worst
what? why is BSG on there?
The finale of BSG was perfectly fine and kino
Whats wrong with Lost ending? t. didnt watch
Cool minority opinion, reddit.
literally nothing
Lost's ending was great, outside of the weird-ass cork thing. S6 as a whole had issues (Temple arc, Sayid), but it ended well. And I actually liked the flash-sideways.
this to be honest
they didn't need all those jokes and could've used proper director
The TV ending has value because it works through all the characters' issues in depth, and it's a weird format, but it's well-written. End of Evangelion has value because, even though it skims over some of the depth of the TV ending, it's incredibly cathartic and is beautifully directed, great use of music, etc.
Season 7 is good for maybe the first few episodes, but then they just abandon that plot and go back to business as usual to tell some boring season plot no one cares about.
A character named Locke got on Yea Forums and asked what was wrong with the ending of Lost without reading the thread.
Because BSG was so good for most of its run, the ending was expected to be great. In hindsight, BSG's ending was good just not the great ending that many hoped for.
How I met your mother is the objectively correct answer
lost finale is good though you plebs
honestly never cared for the NK storyline, gave a couple of cool action scenes but thats about it.
I was totally fine with having Arya finish him off seeing as i expected it since Bran gave her the dagger in S7
You're literally fitting the profile of a pseud to a T.
>what if we were the ancient aliens!
it was fucking retarded
the island was revealed to be a prison for the smoke monster, who was the twin brother of the guardian of the island, who is the embodiment of good. Everyone in the final season was already dead and they were in purgatory 'waiting' for everyone until they could go to the next part of the afterlife.
>final episode is 4.5 on imdb and dropping
>Friends on the other hand...
Friends had a legit finale. It ended once they all moved out of the two apartments and we got an emotional sendoff.
Everybody Loves Raymond had the best finale though. It ended like any other episode would.
Sneed and feed
that was some of the worst writing I've ever seen to be honest
I still have a problem with the night king issue. But the new prequel will address it, so do you think that's why they skipped it? Should they get a pass for skipping it, since a prequel is being made about it?
I'm not even shitting you
What will the history books say about this?
>no Breaking Bad
quick reminder GoT season 7 has the highest imdb score in the series?
How I met your Mother was the worst, Lost and Game of Thrones finales were just unsatisfying and stupid, but HIMYM felt like they specifically were trying to shit on fans in the last 5 minutes by breaking up popular couple and nullifying character development for 3 out 5 main cast members making them act like their season 1-2 selfs, felt like it was hijacked by troll writers
are you sure? I think progressively dropped with each season since S5
It was awful you cuck
People are going to calm down about GoT after time passes and they realise that seasons 6&7 also sucked
people are still mad about it, it happened yesterday for fucks sake
The ending wasn't even that bad, it's less retarded than the season 6 ending where Cersei Rodham Lannister takes the throne with 0 claim by nuking all the people who were actually in charge and then nobody seems to care even though prior to that she was also fucking things up
most people aren't even upset because of the actual silly stuff like sansa being completely cringe or tyrion being left out of the book at the end all for a shitty joke
>member of the family that controlled the throne for almost the entire war
>served as hand to 3 monarchs one of whom was the person who raised kings landing the other was effectively the victor of the conflict as he became king
>was accused of murdering one of the monarchs and actually murdered the most famous king's hand
>nuked stannis with wildfire at blackwater
>not in the book of history
people are just upset because they didn't get their theories right or because their fantasy wish fulfillment didn't come true
it still wasn't very well done but the point of a series about despotic or shit ruler followed by despotic or shit ruler should be that leaders should be chosen not born
the finale is the best part of season 8, shich most people had no troouble with until the person who burns people who disobeyed her alive was openly portrayed as the villain
season 8 is still overall the worst season but the finale was the best episode at the least since season 6
the first half with Jon and Tyrion chatting then Jon killing daenerys was the most kino thing in the show since season 5
it was also the first episode in so long that acknowledged the passage of time, remember when dany flew from dragonstone to north of the wall almost instantly?
I buy greyworm not knowing what to do with prisoners except vague 'punishment' he lives to take orders
people who vote 1 on the finale dislike it for all the wrong reasons and probably think seasons 5 through 7 were brilliant
BSG was fine
what did you expect to happen?
It was terrible but the majority of sitcom finales are. Granted HIMYM had more buildup than most.
What's the BEST ending in TV history?
Six Feet Under?
>the worst series apart from season 8 has the highest score, all the episodes for which were worse than the season 8 finale
just shows you what most of the people watching this are like
>t. brainlet
no it's not
it's a terrible show and everyone knows it
Yup, season 6 and season 7 are higher than 5. In fact, 6 and 7 and 4 are the highest in the series, with s7 taking the first spot
Scrubs is up there when you pretend season 9 doesn’t exist.
It's quite different between LOST and GOT
the last season/episode of lost was great, it's literally the last part that made it shit retroactively
got on the other hand gradually goes to shit since the second half of season 7 (or even sooner), but the actual "ending" (the last 15 minutes) are ok
>What's the BEST ending in TV history?
Sopranos, easily. The entire episode was brilliant. The Wire also had a really good final episode even though the rest of that last season was horrible.
I still think season 7 is the worst. I mean, the spoils of war is probably the only good episode that season, but even that one was ridiculous with all the plot armor on main characters
Well, season 7 is their highest rated season on imdb kek
All in the Family
>everyone your know probably thinks you're retarded.
>everyone your know
eoe IS the ending retard
lost ending was kino
I might be a brainlet, so can u explain why the sudden hate happened? 1. Why is season 7 so praised when it had the same issues (pacing, plot armor during huge battles etc.) as season 8? Secondly, why did episode 5 slightly go up after episode 4, but then waaay back down for the finale? The finale was a good wrap up, I think
I would argue Season 5, but I literally stopped watching after the season finale because it was one of the worst things I've ever seen.
the shield
GOT was bad starting with season 5. You could make arguments for as early as mid-season 3 as well. The less of the books they used, the worse the show became. It's a direct correlation.
Top tier ending to be honest
Which X-Files finale are they talking about?
go watch Shepard vs.Lock final battle, the ultimate good vs. bad conflict resolution of the show, it is made entirely out of cliches
Imdb scores:
>episode three 7.8
>episode four 5.9
>episode five 6.4
>series finale 4.5
Idk I thought the finale was fine to me. What caused this drop and what's with the slight increase in episode 5?
I accept your concession.
The purgatory reveal was fine. Some brainlets thought the entire show was purgatory, and that actually would have been show ruining, but as closure to the flash-sideways plot it was okay.
looks like you got filtered
The season 9 finale in 2002. The second movie from 2008 was about as equally disappointing though considering they had years to give fans something more satisfying.
The Sopranos is easily the best
people who think Six Feet Under was good at all are just easily pandered-to retards. that show could have ended at any time with almost the exact same ending.
I think season 6 and 7 are the ones i hate the most because it was when they fully committed to their yass kween slay mentality and evil queen cersei, a decision which completely fucked up almost everyone's character arcs beyond that point
daenerys should seem more questionable before jon is revealed to be the true heir, it's hard not to want her rather than cersei when cersei murdered innocent people who were doing a better job than her at the end of season 6
also 7 is extremely boring and the characters have barely any agency
but i still think season 8 is truly the worst because of the often shitty dialog and the way that things like rhaegal's death happen, also episode 3 was so stupid and the previous 2 were entirely fan service
(i hate season 5 too because im a bookfag)
You liked Jon going back to the nights watch to guard against nothing??? Hmm perhaps the evil mad queen arc that was barely foreshadowed???
spectacle bumped e05
realization that the show had no big clever ideas to justify madDany is crashing e06. it will go lower.
EoE is not the series finale. Get checked for CTE.
drop is evil dany
increased is probably from people declaring ep5 to based and redpilled
>series finale is lowest rated
lmao it's the only episode this season that's mostly ok
He is going north with the wildlings to be free, you fucking retard. He will be with the freefolk now
nothing can be worse than malcoms dad having a fucking machine gun turret in his trunk
most people care about payoff more than logic.
the show got away with nonsensical plotting for years because normies assumed it would all be worth it. now they've discovered it isn't the chickens have come home to roost.
You meant season 2
Extremely bad taste
I don't remember the Xfiles series finale being THAT bad. But do they mean the original show ending or are they including the new season? or do the mean the first movie after the show meant to tie up lose ends?
true, the story of Six Feet Under was pointless. it was just characters struggling with life until the arbitrary ending
in hindsight I can't think of any other way to end the show
I could maybe concede the Dany point, but why are people so mad about the conclusion to characters in the finale? I liked how it ended for Jon, Ghost, Davos, Bran etc. I mean, aren't they essentially getting mad at GRRMs conclusion?
>The purgatory reveal was fine.
no, it was bad writing/fan service
IMO, Lost would be 10/10 kino if it was like this:
>season 1-5 same as they are
>season 5 ending where the bomb explodes and it fades to white
>season 6 intro right away with jack on the plane
>turbulence begins, crescendo music, ready to crash, etc
>cut to black
dany's death was kinda underwhelming and the fact that you don't get to see any reactions from anyone to it is absolute bullshit. Other than that it was a pretty fine episode that sets up the future of westeros.
NGE's ending was sublime and perfectly straightforward, stop being a moron.
Prove it.
>increased is probably from people declaring ep5 to based and redpilled
Then why did the finale tank so hard? Just weird how episode 4 has a shit rating, 5 slightly increases despite Danyfags reeeeing, then the finale absolutely gets btfo I mean, it's now worse than the Dexter finale
Why was he resurrected in the first place if he was just gonna go fuck off with the wildlings?
user's life
>thinking lost was good past season 3
he was destined to stop the mad queen like arya was destined to stop the NK i guess who the fuck knows anymore, they left so many plot threads on the table because the show half followed the books and then it didnt
i hate season 5 because im a bookfag but a lot of the actual scenes and arcs aren't too bad if you separate it from the source material
started rewatching the show alongside season 8 loved the first 4 seasons all over again
even shirtless ramsey scene doesn't bother me too much because the outcome of it (theon choosing to stay) is crucial for theon's arc
i couldn't get through season 5 though, knowing now how foolish cutting faegon was makes tyrions parts totally unwatchable for me even though scenes like him and jorah in ruined valyria are kino, i can't watch them because im reminded how they butchered the rhoyne part of the story
and knowing what was to come with stannis i just didn't want to bother sitting through it again
Literally anybody could have killed the mad queen like that, they didn’t need to Resurrect Jon for it. I think the writers were shitfaced when making these last couple of seasons
I just think it's odd that the Danyfags would rate episode 5 higher than 4 and the finale. Do you think it's because 1. Jon doesn't take the throne 2. Dany dies 3. No action
The correct answer is Merlin.
Would’ve helped a lot if Jon and Dany had literally any romantic chemistry at all.
To kill Dany, I suppose. Maybe in the books he is supposed to stop the walkers, but D & D fucked it up in episode 3. Remember the conclusion is the same as GRRM, but the journey to that point is different
the problem is that the show followed the books almost exactly in season one, very closely in two, and then still closely in season 3+4
then in season 5 they were kind of influenced by the books
then for seasons 6,7, and the first half of 8 they did entirely their own shit
and the last half of season 8 is back to what is probably the book ending
they tried to take the wrong route to the right conclusion is what's so wrong
Lost is a skinner box for morons.
They proved you can make a show so stupid that nothing has to make sense as long as you dangle another shiny thread in the viewers face every 3 episodes, that will never be resolved or concluded in a meaningful way.
Many shows after this took this approach and led people into essentially, never ending stories, that only devolved, the further you got into them.
If you're going to make a great work of fiction, write an ending and how you're going to get there. Unless you just want to RIP off viewers and care about steady ratings.
Fuck off.
>lmao it's the only episode this season that's mostly ok
Literally nothing happens.
No it is not. GoT overtook it.
Yeah ok, thanks for the insight, "everyone is wrong, and I'm right, because less people think the way I do"
((((you know how))))
What exactly were people expecting from this episode? Considering how long the plotlines take to resolve, some shocking twist right at the end would have been retarded, and there was no way Dany was getting redeemeed.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes did it better.
Fucking this bro, it actually wasnt bad considering they didnt know how to end it.
>GOT began airing after Lost ended
>D&D knew how Lost's ending ruined its legacy
>they still managed to shit the bed with 8 years of preparation
After season 4 there is no reason to watch anymore. You can see the quality of writing had gone down and they created too many threads to juggle in a satisfying way.
based retard
Show was about science vs faith. Finale went with faith. Only people mad with Lost are atheists.
Lost was disappointing as fuck. The first three seasons: some of my favourite TV ever. But then the last three seasons were fucking TERRIBLE.
It started out as basically a realistic show. Even The Dharma Initiative were perfectly plausible as an existing organisation. Then in the end they turned it into this weirdo fantasy thing. Fucking bastards.
"Niggers gather, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until they cum. They shall take my wife, my sister and my mother. I shall wear a dick cage and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post, watching them cuck me. I am the dick in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the hardon that burns against the cold, hard dick cage, the lightskin that bows to the darkies, the horny dude that watches my wife's pussy get wrecked by a bigger nigger alpha male, the faggot whose hungry faggot ass waits in anticipation of getting filled by BBC. I pledge my life and honor to watching superior Dothraki nigs fuck my wife, for this night and all the nights to come."
They definitely thought the fat old fuck would finish his books by the time it came to them writing the ending.
I hate that LOST threw out all the morally grey stuff the early seasons had and went with some shitty good vs evil storyline with Jacob and his Brother. Interesting idea but horribly executed and GOT ended similarly just because both writers got lazy.
It isn't anything out of the ordinary.
Retards got too invested to admit the show was going downhill and held on. Most people say they watched just because they had invested the time.
Once it's all over, they can now look back and admit it wasn't that good.
People have to learn to let go of shit.
You dont have to be a fan of something forever. Starwars is the best example. Appreciate the original 3, and just let go. They're never going to stop making them and you know this, because people refuse to drop something they've sworn allegiance to. It's a sickness
payofffags are the worst.
I'll never be able to understand what drives these retards.
This is dead on. The books dropped off horribly, but people refused to admit it.
filtered by a feast of crows
You're defending something that was literally pulled out of their ass on a weekly basis, with a formula to maximize returning viewership.
imagine getting pleb filtered by a feast for crows jesus christ lmao
Yeah, cause that's what it is..
Like clockwork the contrarians come out
Never watched Lost. Was never prepared for the MYSTERY BOX brand of (((storytelling))) JJ is so famous for. Didn't even know he existed till he ruined Star Trek, and even then I was just taken aback by how stupid the whole movie was.
wait did it really end?
Game of Thrones isn't for her kind
kys both the showing ending and movie ending are kino
oh cmon fuck off
never seen dexter is it worth the watch? if its really is bad post season 4 ill just read the summary and skip to the final episode
>implying anything ever beats dexter
Dexter was THE comfiest show for the first 4 seasons. That downfall was a kick in the balls. During season 6 I kept moving my cursor around to see how much of the episode I had to endure.
Holy shit I just realised that Game of Thrones was good for an exactly equal length of time as Dexter.
Jesus Christ.
Probably because the show ended appropriately, you subhuman.
It ends at season 4
>too many threads to juggle in a satisfying way
idk that i'd agree, what they cut from the books hurt them more than what they didn't
even if they had to cut stuff down from ffc and dwd to keep the favourite characters around they couldve figured it out
they could've had sansa and littlefinger mostly gone for a season as they run the vale offscreen
actually do stannis justice and have more of the politics with the northern houses instead of just
>boltons bad
>umbers help boltons so also bad
>stannis maybe good? actually he's bad, who cares that he's dead lol
>Jon snow and sansa good *clap*clap*clap*clap*
include faegon for fucks sake, have it so that tyrion getting kidnapped by jorah is part of the finale
then even if you want to cut most of the turmoil from slavers bay he doesn't meet daenerys til at least half way through the season after, probably not until right at the end
have cersei fuck things up more, jaime find out he was being cucked and after riverrun stuff happens he comes back and for some reason he kills her, cersei being the antagonist of this show for so long completely deflated evil dany, which without having a queen who is arguably worse than dany would've worked better and would've been set up well
unfortunately that wouldn't happen because the hack writers and shitty fans wanted yass evil kween to slay, they must watch too many disney movies
The Eva series ending is pretty much perfect, a beautiful affirmative message in the face of overwhelming darkness
Yeah,so realistic having a cripple suddenly walking after a plane crash.
Just go ahead and say you never even watched it.
I haven't watched GOT but yeah the writers definitely seemed to get lazy on Lost. Or I think what happened is that ABC decided to wrap the show up for whatever reason, and the writers' strike fucked things up a bit, so then the writers were like "damn okay we've only got a couple of seasons to wrap this up now, how do we do this". Maybe some of the original writers left too? I don't know, but it felt like that.
Who the fuck watches Dexter in 2019
Of all the bland forgettable shows that one fizzled out the quickest. Most people I know stopped watching in s2- even the. It was clear the show was out of ideas and going nowhere.
How the finale could be a let down or worse than what preceded it is beyond me, it was trash from the outset
people just don't realize how bad of an ending Dexter was even if those last 4 seasons were absolute shit
>Quinn and Batista witness him killing the big bad
>LOL nigga had it coming tho, nice job Dex (same Quinn that was suspicious of him for 2 seasons)
>leave your son to a fucking serial killer
>find no more reason to live after your sister dies so take her in a boat into a hurricane
>lolno, God knows what he did but ends up a lumberjack in fuckwhere town
I always knew it was going to wind up to different factions on the island getting into a big conflict with one another but the way it was handled like some really terrible good vs evil fantasy crap was just stupid. Again, very interesting concepts just handled incredibly poorly. The writers strike definitely had an effect on the show from what I remember.
It's already 4.8
This, ruined the entire show retroactively
This one is truly a terrible ending because it ruined any interest in future seasons and made the show a laughing stock in one short episode
The best place to end Dexter would be when he reconciles with Deborah after she crashes the car in the middle on season eight. (I fucking loved the incest plot)
Yeah but look at xfiles. That show had an equally appalling ending but because its older than lost it doesn't rank very high on the list. Lost was always just xfiles2.0
Game of Thrones was disappointing after such a brilliant start, but it's ridiculous to call it worse than most of the shit series finales we've been given over the year.
It's not great, but far from the worst. I hated the LOST finale so much more.
dont mind how it ended just the hamfisted way it got there
Oh fuck off, you probably would have been alright with it if he called it BASED or SHITPILLED
>season 5 is that high
>season 6 is that high
>season 7 is that high
>the first half of season 8 is higher than the second half
jesus christ it is complete normalfags who rate this shit
season 7 is the highest rated even though it was basically as bad as season 8
Last 2 episodes of season 6 were pretty good. Really got my hopes up
EoE is literally a glob of spit directed at everyone who was unsatisfied with the sublime ending of the show, including your dumb ass
If they called it when Dexter walked in on Rita’s body with the kid there it would unironically be one of the greatest finales ever
Honestly they could have cut off the entire Jacob/MiB shit and instead focused on John’s group vs Jack’s group in the final season,neither being entirely good nor bad.
The conclusion of the characters arch was good,but they did it in one of the worst ways possible with the whole magical cave and evil brother becomes monster thing.
I remember the first episode of season 5 being good before the second episode starts the awful story of that season
its not the ending itself you retards
its how every twist, every secret, every plotline got ether abandoned, didnt matter, or contradicted itself
same way got ending structure isnt as bad as everything around it is, the lack of scene to scene continuity, teleportation, res pawing armies, characters doing 180 from episode to episode, and list of unfinished or abandoned plot line so long you could make another show off it
lest ending was fuck awful considering the series as a whole, even if the final episode wasnt awful by itself
This. I would have accepted Bran as king if there was an actual path to get there, not ten minutes of Tyrion using SPEECH 100 on a council that set up in the middle of fucking nowhere (seriously, they decide the king of the entire fucking continent in a fucking gazebo?), mostly comprised of people we don't know anything about. We don't get to know them even a little bit anyway, since absolutely no-one resists in any meaningful way. Also Sansa at the last minute going 'OH OH, I want independance!', with not a single character also getting the idea to ask for the same thing.
No-one fucking talks properly, just one-liners and epic dialogue that instantly convinces people to do exactly what you want. The show seriously needed extra breathing room for the ending with much more fleshed out and realistic conversations, at least on the level of the early seasons.
>Was the finale of Lost really this bad? Or was it just a case of collective "I didn't get it"?
when you ask people (even here) a lot of them will say "they were dead all along" which is wrong, so yes, a lot of them didn't get it.
How about it's a fucking opinion slut
The Night King conclusion was fucking awful, but if you take it for what it was and just accept the show has to end, the last two episodes were fine. The finale was boring as fuck and had a lot of plot holes, but coming from D&D, I didn't exactly have high expectations.
>Dorne is completely ridiculous, especially the Sand Snakes
>le 20 good men
>Stannis burning Shireen after pledging his love to her (this was the first of major character assassinations by D&D)
The only good episode is Hardhome.
Pretty much. Squeezing everything into only six episodes doomed the final season.
Bran is a much bigger presence in the books and seeing his POV at least makes him seem human
fat man can still save it
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 6 >>>> 5 > 7 >>>> 8
Only way to rate the show.
The ending of Roseanne wasn't actually that bad, it's just the entire season before it that fucking sucked.
Why do you incels hate BSG ending?
How was 24's ending? I'm planning on rewatching the entire series soon since I don't think I saw past season five
The entire last season was a trainwreck (really the show became turbogarbage by season 5), by the time the finale aired nobody was expecting anything other than concentrated feces.
while i'd agree that this is the reason GoT is bad, it's not why everyone turned on it
if it had been why then people would've turned on the show at the latest in season 7
people didn't even really turn on the show until dany started going crazy
I honestly can't understand how you guys even consider Dexter a show, I watched the first 4 seasons and it's basically shit like all TV from those stupid free channels CBS/FOX/ABC/etc.. you have to be a fucking brainlet to even consider it remotely good. It's on par with Falling Skies, Sleepy Hollow, The Big Bang Theory, Wayward Pines, you name it
why did people think the end of season 6 was good?
Most people didn't get it
Most people only cared about >muh mysteries
The last season wasn't as good as the other ones (and season 1 was far above every other season), but the ending was still good. Comparing it to the shitshow that was GoT or Dexter is a joke.
I did watch it. There could easily be medical explanations for that you fucking nonce. Or at least there could have been some cool explanation involving the magnetism of the island or something. I didn't want the sort of pseudo-religious spiritual bollocks that the show came up with by its end. "HURR DURR THE BLACK SMOKE IS THIS ACTUALLY JUST ANOTHER FORM OF THIS EVIL GUY, AND HE REPRESENTS ALL THE EVIL IN THE WORLD, SO WE NEED TO KEEP HIM ON THE ISLAND BECAUSE IT'S LIKE A GOOD/EVIL ALLEGORY".
Nonsense. Why couldn't they just make the smoke monster a cloud of nanobots like everybody wanted?
If there was ever a show where the writers were completely out of touch with their fanbase, it was this one.
>I always knew it was going to wind up to different factions on the island getting into a big conflict with one another but the way it was handled like some really terrible good vs evil fantasy crap was just stupid. Again, very interesting concepts just handled incredibly poorly.
Couldn't agree more.
>The writers strike definitely had an effect on the show from what I remember.
I know that it cut Season 4 short, but it could just be coincidence that it coincided with what I thought was a sharp decline in quality. According to Wikipedia, the decision to have just three more seasons after the third was made just after Season 3, so before the writers' strike.
It wasn’t hijacked, it was railroaded. They had the ending in mind since season 2, and had to throw out 7 seasons of character development to fit a storyline that wasn’t relevant anymore. It retroactively makes every episode worse. I don’t think I’ve seen another show whose finale does that.
Hill Street Blues.
shut the fuck up you underage cum rag
everyone on here was posting about dexter finale in the same way they posted about GOT
>the writers were completely out of touch with their fanbase
And you were completely out of touch with the show's themes. From day one it was meant to be a story of redemption, with each character basically being given a new life when all of them were running away from something. It was never meant to be the sci-fi bullshit you're talking about.
>6 that high
for me i think seasons 5 and 6 are at least equally bad
6 had the culmination of the retarded sand snek plot with them killing doran
6 introduced euron for him to be ruined (they made him boring from the start and only made it worse by turning him into finger in the bum man later on)
6 had cersei being fucking crowned queen after nuking the sept, this decision is really what ruined that later seasons because it makes it way harder to route against daenerys
even when she burns the tarlys alive, who cares, they don't know that shes going to burn kings landing but given the way they talk with tyrion they clearly know that cersei killed margaery, the other tyrells and even her own fucking uncle to get out of being tried for things people now know she did
the decision to not have jaime turn against her and kill her ruined his arc along with so many others, clegane bowl should also have happened in season 6 if it had to happen (it probably shouldn't have)
Olenna tyrell calls cersei a monster and not only can the audience not disagree, even jaime cant really disagree
i only got up to episode 3 of season 5 so i haven't seen that stuff in years
if i actually managed to get through to that stuff i probably would hate it even more
>stannis and le twenty good men
yes i know this is one of the main reasons i didn't want to finish it
I understand your points,but still,how would they explain Christian’s body missing?
Walt summoning animals?
Even the smoke monster,while back in the day that nanorobots theory was strong,still would be a fucking stretch.
There was always a science x faith topic going on,the supernatural was a element in Lost and in no fucking way the writers would be able to explain everything with 'oh it’s just Dharma'
Six Feet Under is good, but the Shield has the greatest ending in TV history, and it's not even close.
>dude we spent several seasons slowly turning Barney into a decent human being, look he got married and everything!
>lmao they got divorced
>dude the entire point of the show was to finally know Ted's one true love and mother of his kids
>she dies lol
>dude we spent several seasons making it clear that Ted x Robin was never going to work
>lmao they get back together when Ted's wife kicks the bucket
The only thing that was consistent by the end of the show was that Lily will always be a bitch and Marshall deserves better.
All those shows are shit anywho so fuck off.
You niggers must not have watched Magnum P.I back in the day. It had an ending where Thomas Magnum ended up getting killed in the opening of the episode, but it got leaked prior to release, and the producers shoehorned in a resurrection sequence and made an entire padded out final season to appease the fans, ruining the whole thing with some of the worst episodes in the series.
>tfw no mainstream incest happy ending
SFU remains undefeated
have sex
Their first mistake was talking up the mother so much. She became an impossible character to live up to. And then she did. And instead of rolling with it, they resigned to their original ending. It was just sad.
it sucked but only idiots were suprised, they clearly had no idea of how to end it
There hasn't been new episodes in 2019, so no one.
Really Queerbags? No one has said it yet?
>Joy Reid
Everyone ITT is a disgusting subhuman.
it retconned way more than one season, i think it takes them back to like season 2, whenever she starts "writing" in the basement
You're wrong, and the people agreeing with me in this thread prove it. Everyone despised the way that Lost turned out. That's why its ending got such shit reviews.
I also never mentioned science fiction. I just expected (and so did everybody else) that the events of the show would have rational explanations. I didn't expect some fantasy pseudo-religious bollocks because there was never any indication of that within the first three seasons of the show. Everything initially had a rational explanation. Why's the hatch there? Ah, because these people called Dharma put it there. Why is there some mysterious radio message? Oh, because some French woman recorded it. Everything had a rational explanation, and The Dharma Initiative explained most of it. So we all thought we would find out more about them, and that would solve all the mysteries, and then maybe the show would wrap up with our heroes exposing the weird shit behind the island and then getting back to their normal lives. But instead we got pseudo-religious bollocks. Only braindead morons lapped this up, because the majority of people hated it.
>When Yugioh has had such a kino ending that no western show can ever hope to top it
What do you mean? Is that a viriginal opinion?
I watched Eva and EoE with my girlfriend, we had sex between episodes so I think my libidinal energies were aligned when I formed that opinion....
I still like EoE but its obviously a response to those fans who complained about the first ending
>how would they explain Christian’s body missing
I think things getting damaged and ejecting their contents in a massive plane crash wouldn't be completely out of the realm of possibility.
>Walt summoning animals?
I didn't even remember that and had to look it up. From what I can read on Wikipedia it looks like they planned that but never really wrote it into the show apart from just small suggestions, so maybe that's why I don't remember it. So like I say, fantasy type stuff was not really big in the first three seasons of Lost. Most things had rational explanations. Some people had visions and stuff from what I remember? But lots of shows have dream sequences / nightmare sequences so that's how I saw it.
>Even the smoke monster,while back in the day that nanorobots theory was strong,still would be a fucking stretch.
I don't think so at all. To me that seemed the most rational and logical explanation. The island's electromagnetism was a rational explanation of some phenomena, wasn't it? So it seemed everything would have a rational explanation.
>There was always a science x faith topic going on
Yes that's true, so you would have thought the show would have ended with some sort of balance between them, rather than going "yeah just forget all that science stuff, here's some pseudo-religious bollocks instead".
I mean I don't understand anyone talks ng about it or remembering it in 2019, genuinely it confuses me it was really average and i dont remnber ithaving a big fanbase or anything but commenters are in here all seem familiar with the ending
How did yugioh end........?
Alright then fuck off back to Twitter if you like it there so much
I'm sorry your #beautiful #kween #yaaas didn't win in the end, but tough luck i guess
Episode 3 was bullshit, but 5 and 6 were a return to form with a surprisingly satisfying conclusion and on top of that it btfo'd all of the worst parts of the internet
Danyfags btfo
Normiefags btfo
Twitterfags btfo
Tumblrfags btfo
Modernfags btfo
Alt-RIghtfags btfo
Nihilismfags btfo
Theoryfags btfo
Because that's clearly not a rigged poll at all. All those 1s are definitely submitted by level-headed people and not kneejerk emotion retards.
>internet polls
yeah, because we're really all here for the opinions of other chantards...
>the evil mad queen arc that was barely foreshadowed???
the absolute state
did you even watch the show?
>it was bad and every audience demographic thought so
Frogposter: that means it's actually really good. Must be doing something right if everyone hates it
seething Danyfag
Here, i found a video where you'll find yourself in good company
There you can sit with all the other Danyfags and talk about how mean D&D are to Dany and how she'll definitely come back to life aaaany second now.....
>Has not, in fact, posted frog
But s2 had a less worse finale than s3.
>I come to Yea Forums, but i don't actually want to talk to people from Yea Forums
Its pretty good at first. Just like GoT.
I Claudius
t. brainlet
Both the last two episodes and EoE are great you pleb.
>it was fucking retarded
Did you ever watch the original series or hear it's intro you stupid nigger? It fucking tells you that blatantly
the most based and redpilled person on this entire board
I never understood how people don't like Eva ending.. but apparently it was enough for people to get into a fit over it and threaten Gainax over it.