Just watched this again

Just watched this again.

Holy shit.

How is this not legitimately the worst film ever made?

>the obi wan investigation subplot is utterly tedious and doesn't even make sense
>the climactic battle on genosis is overlong, cringey humour, terribly acted, the stunts are fucking comical, also nonsensical
>don't even need to mention the romance scenes
>cgi is somehow worse than the original trilogy made 20 years ago
>a million boring lightsaber fights to the point where they become saturated and boring
>the dialogue holy shit is so bad, literally was george on crack?
>the fucking ACTING, christ

I hate everything about it. Good memes though.

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Because Last Jedi somehow had even worse dialogue.

I'll never understand why Phantom Menace is considered the worst of the Star Wars prequels when Attack of the Clones exist. Menace isn't even that terrible and is somewhat coherent and ties everything together in the end nicely. Clones is just a mess.

those obi wan adventures are comfy stfu kid theyre one of the only redeeming parts of the prequels

The difference between PT badness and ST badness is that the former is due to autistic dialogue and cartoonishness while the latter is due to unappealling characters who have no chemistry with one another, obnoxious political pandering, derivativeness, incompetent storytelling, and general shittiness.

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Clones is the best prequel and kino

Now fuck off

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I agree, I wish Star Wars had more of this kind of stuff instead of le epic battles, the sci-fi noir genre is too underexplored

If you could go to Kamino and pay them to make a clone army of someone, who would it be?

TFA and TLJ still exist you know

I feel like a lot of material from Clones could've been two movies but George had no idea what to do and we got this mess instead.

It was the worst SW until TLJ.

a harem of daenarys

Christina Hendricks.

Fuck the war.

PM has the worst and best parts of the PT. Without Jar and Annie, it is the best of the PT.
CW was wretched and tedious and only reminded the viewer how much better Gendy's cartoon was.
RotS was the worst of all three and if you are one of those prequel fags who thinks it was the best then you are handicapped.

Nuwars is bland. Only the first one had the right feel but it was stupid. R1 wasn't a good movie but it was the only decent film of the new shit. As bad as the PT are, the sequels are as bad or worse.

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post moar Lexi, nigger!

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This and Suicide Squad are two of the only big franchise movies I find borderline unwatchable. It's baffling how they turned out the way they did.