Now that Sansa is the queen of the north, Who does she choose as her husband?
Tyrion would be an obvious choice but he is in king's landing.
Now that Sansa is the queen of the north, Who does she choose as her husband?
Me. Please wish us well.
It's 2019 sweetie, heteronormativity is cancelled. Sansa will take a queer PoC from Naarth as her xueen and there's nothing you incels can do about it
Did he do some roids or something?
that's her cousin bro...
mommy's milkies were doing him good all along.
Nah bro just lots of titty milk
it's called aging user.
>appear in one 1 minute scene since season 5
how much they get paid for this?
They're upper nobility. They do this shit all the time.
Aren't they cousins?
>Sansa is the queen of the north
makes no sense
Daily reminder that breast milk is scientifically proven to be extremely beneficial for child development even past infancy.
another go at some milky tits
what is her tax policy?
I duuno bro maybe egyptians did it but did current black nobility do it?
>Tyrion would be an obvious choice
Sansa IS married to Tyrion already.
preach gurl
Lord Payne is in the Kingsguard he can fuck Bitches Whores and Hoes never more.
Shes gonna find and get bedded by some random Northern dude who meets the requirements of loyalty and honor, traits her father and brothers exemplified, get pregnant by him, have the children out of wedlock and then legitimize them. With the stark name thus continuing Ned's name and Biological legacy. It's happened before. Male Stark line is actually broken and continued through a sole Stark Daughter and a random wildling named Bail the Bard. With the Child be legitimized by the elderly Stark King afterward.
She dont even need to do it outside wedlock, the laws allows her to force her name upon guys she wed
>sansa gets rammed by some northerner
>bran wargs into him
But Would she actually share power with that Man??? and allow him to be lord of Winterfell through marriage.
God damn, this is so accurate I would bet that you were a actually a lefty psyop larping as a salty incel mocking your own side as an ironic shitpost
>Who does she choose as her husband?
How can one cripple be so based?
He'll never touch another redhead again
>Resurrects Ned Umber
>Has him chained to her bed
>Rapes him repeatedly every night
>goes on about her day and just leaves him there crying all day until she comes back at night.
Some wildling chad.
she will marry herself because its empowering
wife still wont let me name our next kid this
No she isn't.
She would probably choose some under-the-thumb beta who would let the kids take the Stark name.
>continued through a sole Stark Daughter and a random wildling named Bail the Bard
Pro-tip thst never happened. IT'S a folk tale, the legend says there's a kingsroad and a king Stark except kingsroad was made under a Targaryen king (which would make that stark a lord)and there's no Stark by the name in the legend in the family tree
>dies of random disease
>succession crisis
>has kids
>son claims Iron throne as Bran's heir
>civil war
This world is FUCKED
>ywn vigorously fuck her brains out
I'm just citing a lore wise example I know of the inaccuracies in the tale.
>Who does she choose as her husband?
She will get a german shepherd, if ya know what I mean.
Bran to unite the Kingdoms
Probably one of his banners. Normally the main houses get married with minors from their own land. All that Stark x Tully, Stark x Baratheon, Tully x Arryn thing was a conspiration of the master evil Rickard Stark and his southern ambitions
You sure about that?
>Iron Island and Dorne will probably secede at first chance
>Bronn and Gendry are lowborn and probably got shaky as fuck positions among their bannermen
>Any kids Sansa or Gendry have can in the future try to claim the throne based on their family names
The moment Bran dies there is bound to be conflict, probably sooner
They seem to have good chemistry
He's already married.
Qyburn would have found a way.
Did you miss the part where they turned it into an elective monarchy i.e. bloodline doesn't matter for kingship?
Because thats gonna be enforced forever
> bloodline doesn't matter for kingship
*Laughs in Habsburg*
Sure user. That's TOTALLY how elective monarchies pan out.
puberty is one hell of a drug
>Bloodline doesnt matter
And who chose the kings?
High nobles whose title are inherited.
And which group off people will they chose the kings from?
High nobles whose titles are inherited.
>Bloodline doesn't matter
Congrats for stopping the quote before the relevant part of the post.
If she became actual Queen like should have happened, the quickest/easiest connection would have been to Podrick.
But now after a few romps with whores only into his tripod and seeing Cersei, Dany and Brienne up close - he swore off women for life.
they never had "consensual act of procreation confirmed by lawyers" so the marriage is not completed. sounds retarded but they explained it in the show.
>Some guy is elected king
>He marries another high noble and have a son
>The son also marries into another high noble
>Suddendly the son is a favourite to be next king
Yeah, bloodline won't matter at all
If the same small group of people vote from the same small pool of people some guy will coup it sooner or later
There’sh only one man for the job
he got his nickname whilst holding his cock!
Marry an Umber. The Mountain That Eats Lemoncakes + Great Jon genetics will breed Starks the size of Clydesdales.
Cousin is marriage is pretty common in Westeros.
See: Tywin Lannister, Rickard Stark (Father of Eddard Stark), Paxter Redwyne etc.
If bloodline is that important surely Jon will become king after all.
This. She already has ultimate power and authority, might as well choose someone with a magic dick on the bedroom
Pod's busy fucking's Bran throat at his command.
very nice
god her face is just so goddamn WIDE
no one
she's gonna die childless
I fucking love GOT guys! What an epic finale!
this little soifilled bitchboy cant handle Salsa
it's wider than long
Darth Sansa is the stupidest fucking thing to come from D&D
>S-sweetrobin, when did you get big?
A Northman to please her bannermen
Kingsbros can fuck whomst ever they want tho, right?
/ss/ansa /ss/tark
Why would he be Lord of Winterfell? Queen Elizabeth's husband is not called king and neither was Queen Victoria's for example
the power of milkies
Their marriage was never annulled.
>when mummy was feeding me milkies from her titties they laughed
>I do not believe those who laughed then are still laughing today
Based and /ss/pilled.
She would probably marry politically. So it would have to be a northerner to consolidate her power and stop said house from ever rebelling against the Starks.
So probably a Manderly or even maybe a Karstark. So the likeliest answer is this guy's going to be pumping his baby batter into the Queen of the North until she produces an heir.
This Jon already fucked his aunt fucking his first cousin is an improvement
is that the same actor?
how the fuck is she not still married to tyrion anyway?
Probably an obscure Northern lord from a good family who wouldn't question her power. I don't think she'd marry for love. She'd only care about producing an heir.
She still is. I guess she doesn't recognise the new gods/septon and therefore the marrige is null in the north.
She joined the northern indipendence train as a round about way to get a divorce.
Wasn't consumated so doesn't count.
Bran will live for centuries.
based Lord Royce put him on Starting Strength
Genuinely happy for the guy, he's like reverse Bran
>wife still wont let me
Your kid will not be a chad