am i just stupid or does this scene actually make any sense?
Am i just stupid or does this scene actually make any sense?
No, neither do the jew writers
I think we are meant to assume that he and his 3-4000 remaining niggers are occupying an empty city with no food surrounded by whatever armies there are and he's pretty much bluffing.
Episode might have been okay if it wasn't for this shit
But how else are you supposed to resolve the entire Game Of Thrones™ in literally 13 minutes
All those years wasted. We're never getting that time back, guys. Let that sink in.
i dont know why we're supposed to care about greyworm or why he has any say in anything at that point
it's bizarre
Just end it when Drogon melts the iron throne.
It seemed out of character.
Him just murdering Jon and Tyrion would have made more sense than this.
greyworm was never supposed to be a character. the fact they tried to make him one just shows how out of touch the shows writers were.
I enjoyed nearly every episode - barring a few this season and last season and some Dorne ones in S5 - and am super glad that HBO made such a grand, complex, and spectacular show for me to watch with and discuss with my friends
You seem like someone who read the leaks a month in advance, angrily talked shit about how much you planned on disliking the finale online for easily longer than its runtime, and that bitterly watched it alone, scoffing. How close am I?
Agreed. The same ending could have been accomplished by havig Arya break out Jon and Tyrion, and smuggle them to Riverrun with Davos' help.
>I ate shit nearly every year - barring a few times where I chugged piss
>yes, elect the brother of the man who killed my queen, at the behest of another traitor, and then let him carry out the punishment of her killer, which I will never verify as I am leaving the continent forever
>Gray worm: you must punish this dwarf
>Bran: some bullshit excuse that makes no sense how being hand of the king is worse than being executed
>Gray worm: This isnt enough
cut to black and start the next scene
>issue suddenly solved
Scene made zero fucking sense
>You dont have a king, this my city
>Ok you can pick a king and take the city
>Ok I wont kill the man who killed my queen and the person I look up to most
>Ok I will take your word that you will banish john for life, now let me sail away in my boat to never return and hope you keep your word even thought I will probably die trying to free other cities but wait, my men have respawn abilities so I probably do too
Unsullied dont fear death, he especially. Why they should fear for their life instead of aveing the death of their Queen and liberator?
Jokes on you I only watched 5min recaps of each season
I see, so you feel as though you accomplished nothing personally since the show started. Tell me more...
It's called a dragon you dumb nigger
Settle down Virgin, we’re talking about potentially the most popular series in the world that is a critically acclaimed, Emmy accumulating cultural icon with genuinely unparalleled production values, phenomenal acting, and top quality craftsmanship from the cinematography to the score. I’m glad to have watched it. Meanwhile, you’re a salty little bitch who’s greatest artistic achievement is a crayon drawing on his mother’s fridge and think that repeating others snark fools absolutely anyone into thinking you’re discerning. Don’t (You) me
hehe got him
madDany probably isn't really viable even with time to transition.
she was basically set up as dragonjesus at the start. she's not really any greyer than characters like Eddard or Jon until she starts freeing slaves, at which point the audience was already completely on her side.
if she was going to go evil she needed to be established in basically a completely different way from the outset, not as an abused kid who demonstrates strength of will in multiple ways long before she is personally responsible for anything bad happening.
You do know the name of the dragon is Drogon?
Stop baiting you fucking idiot redditor
You're not stupid. The whole scene came hair's breadth away from breaking the 4th wall with how meta the conversation was. Edmure got ridiculed for no fucking reason, then they ALL laughed at Sam's proposal (he might as well be the smartest person left in Westeros and they all know it). Even Sansa laughed at Sam what the fuck?
At least you're not watching TWD. Imagine still watching it lmao
Or are you?
They needed Tyrion or Varys to have already set up a new system, with the only requirement being Dany dying.
The tension comes from wondering if the conspiracy is going to be outed, and if Jon is willing to do it.
> Endgame: a lazy, moral-less mismash of lame jokes, inane and inconsistent rules, lazy plot devices, disbelief shattering unearned fanservice, character regression, product placement, already dated quips and ugly CGI
Sweet Man
> Game of Thrones: a grand, complex parable about the interplay of morality and power, deftly weaving together the character threads of a dozen fully-formed arcs complete with real and meaningful growth, artful shots, true pathos and dramatic tension, and an ending that poetically explores the fallout of flawed characters behaving in believable ways
Douchebag Fag
Lmao never fucking change, Yea Forums. You’re indistinguishable from reddit
I was honestly so confused about wtf was even happening for the first few minutes of that scene.
I do like how grey worm has somehow ended up as being the arbiter for leadership of the seven kingdoms though lmao. Looked like he was so over all that shit and just wanted to go home. No clue why he didn't just kill Jon and Tyrion in a blaze of glory once Dany died. Guess he took the freedom thing to heart so once she died he felt like he didn't have anything left to die for? The ultimate sign of freedom is choosing not to throw your life away for no reason.
I may be giving D&D far too much credit for that though.
If you're pretending to like this garbage, you're reaching the contrarian event horizon.
Turn back before it's too late.
It’s pretty hilarious that the Unsullied force Jon to disarm when visiting a prisoner in a cell, but not when visiting their unprotected queen.
I thought someone would come in and say THE QUEEN IS DEAD and Grey Worm would go crazy. No fucking clue it was a fucking timeskip
Edmure is canonically a joke who spent the last several years as a prisoner, bungled the battle of Stone Mill, failed 3x to light his own father’s funeral pyre, and would never have been accepted as King. Was his character hitting his scabbard on the tent pole as he tried to sit down not enough to remind you what a putz he is?
Also Sam is not actually smart, he just knows esoteric bits of trivia bc he’s well-read. His idea was foolish and there was no way in hell Westeros was ready for full democracy, most of the population are illiterate drunkards who were fully supportive of a regressive cult not even a year prior. That ending would’ve been awful and unearned and I’m glad no one let you write it
And Jaime fucking Lannister got captured in Season 2 and turned into a joke for the whole series in Season 3. Who fucking cares, it's wartime, you don't control every factor of the situation unless you're a womyn Mary Sue sitting at home like Sansa
A representative from the Iron Bank should have been there.
You sound like a really dumb little reddit bitch.
What did he mean by this post?
Yes, enjoying one of the most highly acclaimed, Emmy-decorated, beautifully realized television series of our lifetimes is contrarianism bc I don’t spend all my time amongst bitter Virgins who hate everything save for Hentai in internet shitholes... very good point, user, great contribution
Nobody would’ve let Jaime be King either, user. But even he was portrayed as competent enough to have some grudging respect; Edmure was considered a fool even by his own kin
I almost never laugh at GoT (outside of Davos)
Endgame got a few chuckles out of me. Pacing is much better
Kill prisoners cus my Queen told me to kill everyone who opposes her.
Oh, the guy that literally killed my Queen? Nah, brah, let's put him in a cozy room.
You just called someone being from plebbit while in the following post you call other people virgin hentai watchers. On an anime site. It's time to stop posting before you embarrass yourself even further you absolute mouthbreather.
You don't even go far enough, democracy even as late as the 19th century was seen as a sign of imminent apocalypse for a lot of politicians. Nobody wants a tyranny of the majority. The reality is Sam actually would never say that because the feudal society he is in is too far away from anything like a democracy. It's just mocking the viewers who wanted that.
>emmy award winning most highly acclaimed etc etc
Literally using the “breaker of chains, mother of dragons” appeal to authority argument I see
No it doesn't make any sense.
Daenerys fucking dragon-nuked the capital killing thousands of children and then her lover stabbed her in the heart amongst the ashes of the dead.
Then all the Lords come to sit in the sun and chuckle at Edmund Tully and a 4th wall breaking joke about democracy and then randomly elect Bran the King despite most of them not really knowing anything about him. And Grey Worm, the Unsullied, the Dothraki, who have all come across an ocean and fought wars to put Dany on the throne, just shrug their shoulders and leave.
Lmao, this^ is the typical channer in current year
> Why didn’t Game of Thrones have the Mountain dabbing or Gendry in a ridiculous fatsuit playing Fortnite? How’m I s’posed to laugh? Where was the post-credit scene? 2/10
How far we’ve fallen...
not that I was going to do anything productive with it.
nice selfie
Don't talk about yourself like that
>a character can't turn bad if they start out good
Damn, and I thought the show's writers were retarded.
why the capital V&H?
This. What the fuck? Did they punish him more? Did they cut his ear or something and we didn't notice?
Are we really supposed to believe Grey Worm, Unsullied and the Dothraki would have been complacement after the assassination of their Queen?
Even without Drogon, they out number the size of everyone else.
This. My friend and I were legitimately baffled when he was at the council trying to dictate to everyone. At what point I turned to my friend while he was talking and went
>Why don't they just tell him to leave? Is no one going to say it?
The fact that Grey Worm, or the rest of the Unsullied, even took Jon a prisoner instead of killing him immediately is fucking retarded.
They clearly don't give a shit about dying, don't give a shit about land, and Grey Worm personally lost any reason he had for living. He'd execute Jon and Tyrion on the spot, but for some reason he settled for taking them prisoner, without torturing them, and neither got a real punishment
It was an argument about whether enjoying a program was ‘contrarianism’, of course that gets retorted by gesturing to its myriad accolades. Pay attention, user
>Why don't they just tell him to leave?
Did you and your retarded friend miss the part where he commands an army holding the city and jon snow hostage?
They all actually died in the battle for Winterfell, as seen in the actual fight. The people you saw were just magic holograms, or ghosts. Now that Dany died they disappear. Problem solved!
That's kind of my point, it was all there so they could wink to the audience like "yeah bitch we in yo head". Edmure and Sam were in character but the rest had such weird reaction that it felt like a meta joke.
They ran out of invocation of Nehek casts and couldn't resurrect anymore.
Capeshitter with no meaningful retort, per always
For emphasis, primarily. To try to drive home the idea that these are more or less defining character traits, if that makes sense
Why did they have the scene end with him saying "it is not enough" in reference to Tyrion's punishment? That implied that he was going to subject Tyrion to further punishment, but then in the next flash forward he and his men are leaving and Tyrion is fine. It reminded me of the scene in the crypts where it looked like Sansa and Tyrion were going to commit suicide, this season had some really bad editing.
>not liking a show that became acclaimed before it was filled with plotholes and nonsensicle story threads is contrarian
I think youre the one not paying attention. Appeals to authority and popularity is never relevant, btw
>drogon lets john live
>burns the iron throne instead, symbolizing that now that Dany is dead the wheel is finally broken
this is probably kino to people who have IQs below 110
>Why did they have the scene end with him saying "it is not enough" in reference to Tyrion's punishment?
It's in reference to them giving back control of the city. Both Jon's and Tyrion's punishment was up for consideration.
I Think You Are A Retard. Typing In Capital To Emphasis You Being A Retard.
Dude that whole plot point is fucking retarded from top to bottom. At one point someone says that Bran is king so what Greyworm dictates as to how Tyrion should be punished won't fly. Then they continue to listen to him run his mouth.
>Jon Snow hostage
Also retarded. Whether or not the logistics even make sense isn't the point, its just dumb unsatisfying writing.
Jon should've killed Dany, then Drogon should've tried to burn Jon and Jon should miraculously not burnt, then Drogon lowers his head and Jon goes and sits on the throne with his head in his hands. Not fucking Greyworm comes and takes him to prison offscreen.
What would stop jon from literally going to Winterfell and ignoring the wall? The whole scenes is so illogical.
it gets worse when I think about reading 5 main story books and the 3 novellas :(
You've permanently warped your brain, lad. Consider suicide.
Would have solved all their problems
Absolutely nothing. It's not like the Night's Watch even exists anymore. Or the Wall. Or any threats beyond the Wall.
>At one point someone says that Bran is king so what Greyworm dictates as to how Tyrion should be punished won't fly.
>Then they continue to listen to him run his mouth.
Because he decided to let the laws of westeros decide but he could still say fuck it and kill Jon if he didn't like the punishment they decided. He wasn't king but he still was able to dictate terms because he was the head of an army of thousands that still held the city. Damn user, this isn't complex.
>Whether or not the logistics even make sense isn't the point
What logistics? Jon was clearly locked up in their custody.
they were gonna avenge that shit. but decided to take some land and enjoy their lives.
Very few things made much sense in this season. It was pure cringe from start to finish (not that GoT as a whole was really any good, but come on).
And then he just ups and leaves because Tyrion gets "punished" by receiving the highest office in the land other than being the King and Jon gets "punished" by being sent back to his bros at a place he's already been. Its retarded no matter how you slice it.
>commands the army
The only reason these people even won is because of Drogon. It isn't in Greyworm's best interest to start more shit right now, all of Jon's men, the remaining King's Landing men, etc. would unite to fight him off. Good luck to the gay ass Dothraki riding their gay little horses through city streets and whooping and hollering while Greyworm is facing down people like Arya and Bran on the other side. It's in Greyworm's best interest to quickly fuck off.
Not to mention now that Daenarys is dead the Dothraki should have no reason to even be there anymore by their own customs
Not to mention that the fact that Drogon zooms off and doesn't switch loyalty to Jon due to Jon being the only remaining Targaryen is lame as fuck
What did grey worm mean by this?
The north is even it's own reign with it's own rules, the 6 kingdoms law wouldn't apply there.
You’re demonstrating your illiteracy increasingly with every post, but the claim was that enjoying Game of Thrones was contrarian, not the inverse. Even if we’re limiting discussion to the finale, reputable reviewers like Empire, Rolling Stone, AV Club (twice), BBC, The Guardian, Richard Roeper etc all gave it very positive reviews - it’s mostly clickbait shitholes like Vox and Slate that are seething about it
Have I explained this well enough for you yet or are you going to keep haranguing me despite being clearly in the wrong?
>Greyworm: YOU DO NOT SPEAK!
>Tyrion gives a huge speech and chooses a king
>Greyworm: O-ok. I guess we'll just fuck off on our boats to another continent
Was Greyworm the biggest beta in all of GoT?
So dead on, then. Lmao
Found the Hentai-watching Virgin^
>but he could still say fuck it and kill Jon if he didn't like the punishment they decided.
Except he didn't like the punishment they decided. It was a clear point made both when Grey Worm said "It's not enough" in regards to Tyrions punishment, and when Tyrion told Jon that no one is really happy with the outcome
I think he meant that Jon should be punished as well.
Point of my post flew over your head.
Just stop.
are you baiting or are you really like this?
Why was the Onion Knight seated next to all the lords again? Why was Sam a literal lord also a Maester at the same time again?
Nothing whatsoever. To boot, the North is an independent kingdom, so the council has no authority to assign taking the black as a viable punishment as they have no way to legally enforce it. There's nothing to stop Jon from simply returning to Winterfell.
After Theon, yes, but that’s completely in-character
Only on Yea Forums is a mindlessly submissive literally castrated former slave being a Beta construed as surprising. Well, on Reddit, too. But I repeat myself...
>Sansa could 100% lawfully pardon Jon since they are a completely independent kingdom
>Bran could be like "j/k you're free, Jon" as soon as Gray Worm and his towelhead army leaves
>Jon could simply just not carry out his sentence, it's not like Bran would start a war with the North over it
>Gray Worm thinks this is a good punishment for killing his precious kween and fucking leaves
It's stupid on so many levels. You can tell the writers gave absolutely zero fucks.
>13 do 50. Would you call that just, greyworm?
>He wasn't king but he still was able to dictate terms because he was the head of an army of thousands that still held the city. Damn user, this isn't complex.
They should've just called his bluff. The Unsullied would lose if push came to shove.
based retard
it doesn't even make any sense to symbolically destroy something that is immediately reinstated a few scenes later
He's not even trying to be subtle.
People expecting them to be consistent throughout the season but they couldn't stay consistent for 15 fucking seconds in one episode.
Just have Drogon melt Jon and show everybody else preparing for round two now that the targs and lannisters are gone, instead of this philosopher king bullshit.
>The so-called butterfly fever is a disease native to the isle of Naath. It is believed to be transmitted by the local butterflies, particularly a large black-and-white variety with wings as big as a man's hand, according to Archmaester Ebrose. Even though the Naathi themselves are immune to this sickness, all outsiders who remain too long on Naath fall prey to it.
Was Misandry retarded?
>Except he didn't like the punishment they decided.
But he did. Tyrion even says gray worm was ok with Jon getting a life sentence.
>and when Tyrion told Jon that no one is really happy with the outcome
He was referring to the old chestnut about the nature of a good compromise. Good god user, are you 12?
i dunno he's obviously baiting but i think he's actually kind of like that too
Seethe all you want, but we both know you have no actual points of refutation
It wasn’t worth a war, but yes that’s why the Unsullied got the worse end of the bargain
They would still kill whatever hostages they had, which is what the council was trying to avoid.
>I think we are meant to assume
And there's the problem
why didn't he just execute jon as soon as he found out what he did?
why does he care about what some foreigner lords have to say about it?
Yeah D&D didn't give a shit and phoned it in as hard as possible. Most of the episode is just fucking filler, its just these long slow shots of characters faces for 15 seconds.
30 second shot of Tyrion's face
15 second shot of Jon's face looking at Tyrion
15 second shot while Tyrion turns around to face Jon
5 seconds pass as Tyrion opens his mouth and mumbles something
10 more seconds of Jon looking at Tyrion
The whole fucking episode proceeds like this, its like dragging your nutsack through glass. Every scene felt like it would never end but also like it was threadbare at the same time
There's a point where someone can be so retarded that their posts are worthless no matter what intent they were written with.
This person has reached that point.
>Bran can warg into animals
>Never used in the final season
>Arya can change her face and appearance
>Never used in the final season
>The Hound is fearful of fire
>Never used or resolved
>Jon is Rhaegar's son
>Didn't end up mattering at all
>Jaime has been gradually becoming distant and disillusioned with Cersei
>Didnt end up mattering at all, went right back to where he started
>Dany hatched and nurtured her dragons for years
>Immediately taken out by a random Deus Ex Ballista
>Night King's hazy background and purpose and relationship with Bran were built up for years
>Is killed matter of seconds without any fanfare or resolution
>Varys has thousands of informants and secret intelligent from all over the world
>Never used, killed unceremoniously in about a minute
Just read the novellas user
He said that no one is happy, which makes it a good compromise. Do you honestly think the Unsullied, and Grey Worm in particular who has nothing left to live for would be happy letting the man who killed his queen just serve a life sentence at the watch, which cannot even be enforced?
>We're never getting that time back, guys.
It's not like i spent watching GoT all day every day. Just one hour per episode makes it like between 80-90 hours. I've played Skyrim 2000+ hours so...
You had none. Keep trying to save face retard.
What? Jon Snow was Greyworm's only real barganing chip simply because he was an important person to everyone else. If Greyworm killed Jon Snow there was a 0% chance he was leaving King's Landing alive and if he wasn't a based retard he would know it.
Tyrion not simply calling Greyworm's bluff and telling him that he has no power and his only real recourse is to hand over Jon Snow and take a peaceful leaving of King's Landing while he and the Unsullied still can was madness.
The Hound stopped being afraid of fire after he saw Arya fighting with the wights.
No one even knows or cares what you’re sputtering about at this point, as it’s several levels abstracted and removed from the substantive conversation about the episode that you’ve been shown up in. Don’t (You) me
>If Greyworm killed Jon Snow there was a 0% chance he was leaving King's Landing alive
That's the point retard. If they call his bluff, he can just kill the hostage when they try to retake the city. Do you not know how standoffs work? Fuck, this was a dumb show, but it's still too much for some of you brainlets.
>>Bran can warg into animals
Reminder that Bran is no longer Bran, but an elder tree god who saw that he would eventually become king. And with Drogon on the loose, he has a dragon he can warg into and destroy whatever enemies he wants while being able to pretend it's just the dragon throwing a tantrum on it's own
This, Greyworm was fucked. It's comical that everyone capitulated to him.
oh no, the standards of an anime shitposting forum are slipping, is nothing sacred anymore?
No u
>>Dany hatched and nurtured her dragons for years
>>Immediately taken out by a random Deus Ex Ballista
Then the complete opposite happened in episode 5 when an entire city filled with those things couldn't take out one dragon
Dumb and Dumber gave 0 fucks about season 8
are you black? i've noticed black people who want to think of themselves as intelligent write like this.
>Not to mention that the fact that Drogon zooms off and doesn't switch loyalty to Jon due to Jon being the only remaining Targaryen is lame as fuck
This. Biggest disappointment in the episode.
In a standoff you have to have some leverage or power. Greyworm had none. If he killed Jon Snow he would be dead himself. I'm saying that Tyrion should have called the bluff because Greyworm's own life was more important to him than killing Jon, and Tyrion should have leveraged that.
It's like a hostage situation where a dude has his gun to someone's head and a bunch of people have guns on him and then they go "bro, if you just let the hostage go you can walk away free". Anyone in that situation would take that deal in a heartbeat seeing as its the only outcome in which they get out alive.
you are... talking about GoT right? Not Yea Forums?
Fucking Varys has better posture and more confident gait.
why would you care if he's black or not ypu incel faggot?
They settled on dwarf jokes
ESL? Explains a lot
Should’ve watched with subtitles, friend
No, I’m Norwegian and have demonstrably elite-level intelligence as corroborated by standardized testing. Were you a National Merit Scholar, user?
This actually needed another episode where the westerosi smite the dothraki and lay siege to KL, and then have a grand council. Hack Martin needed his own scouting of the shire basically.
weird cunt
the jews will take everything from you including tv show endings whether you like it or not
The fact that Dragons can outmaneuver dozens of ballistas at once if they're aware of them makes that one scene even more retarded
>They know that the enemy has ballistas that can hurt dragons
>They know that they have the Iron fleet
>Danny and the other dragon are just flying carefree and somehow don't see a fleet of fucking ships armed with ballistas opening fire
Ballistas aside, she should have been flying like a mile high in the air to do recon and make sure they weren't going to run into enemy ships.
It's just fucking incredible that they were aware of the iron fleet and did nothing to avoid it, but at the same time somehow weren't looking for them and got taken by surprise
>implying anything matters but IQ in terms of establishing intelligence
Typical dumb Nord
>In a standoff you have to have some leverage or power. Greyworm had none.
The hostage. Pay attention user.
> If he killed Jon Snow he would be dead himself.
They don't care if they feel Snow wasn't properly punished.
> Greyworm's own life was more important to him than killing Jon
They literally don't care about death, Grey Worm especially.
You and your retarded friend are too dumb to understand a show for brainlets. Good job.
The only scene i found ok was Brienne filling in the Jamie bio but worst offender was probably:
>Dany walking in throne room
>dismounted Drogon 5 minutes ago maximum
>snow is barely falling at all
>Drogon is completely encased in snow because it would be a neat visual or something?
>I’m Norwegian
pakkis kom deg ut
It's ash user.
The real thing that makes it thematically retarded is that they had a chance for a high impact moment in the Night King episode to cash that dragon in. If the dragon had died fighting the undead one it would have raised the stakes and the battle would have felt more consequential. Instead they choose to cash it in at a retarded random time.
>Dany hatched and nurtured her dragons for years
>Immediately taken out by a random Deus Ex Ballista
If you disregard how comical it was presented in the show, the fact itself is actually pretty based and consistent with how easily characters lose their power e.g. big bad Khal Drogo getting btfo by poison, super duper swordsman Jaime losing his hand, Robb getting backstabbed right in the middle of his successful military campaign etc.
What sucks is how these same ballistae posed no threat whatsoever to her remaining dragon.
CGI too expensive user
>why didn't Gray Worm just kill Jon
Convenient writing. It was the only way to have the council meeting take place obviously.
>The hostage. Pay attention user.
Lol, cheeky cunt. Doesn't make up for your stupidity though.
>They don't care if they feel Snow wasn't properly punished.
He wasn't. Like I said earlier, the writing is retarded no matter how you slice it.
>They literally don't care about death, Grey Worm especially.
Kek, no. Greyworm wasn't going to open Jon's throat in exchange for open war on himself and his army, otherwise he would have just done it. What is stopping him otherwise, retard? If he doesn't care that he lives or dies, and is unsatisfied with Jon's punishment, and if he supposedly would be willing to exchange his own life just to kill Jon, then why didn't he DO it?
>You and your retarded friend are too dumb to understand a show for brainlets. Good job.
Post your IQ mate, I have you estimated at 87 right now.
They decided to do it at a random time both for shock value, and so that Cersie would get cocky. Dragon doesn't really seem scary if you've already killed one.
It was still fucking retarded though.
If you even the very most basic understanding of psychometric test correlations, you’d well know that the PSAT - of which I was 99+th percentile - has a very close correlation with official IQ tests like Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Stanford-Binet - r=0.9 (do you understand what that means?)
>What sucks is how these same ballistae posed no threat whatsoever to her remaining dragon.
Even an idiot could see that those ballistas were put in at such a retarded positioning. They covered nothing but the walls surrounding kings landing with ballistas, so once she got past one, the rest couldn't do a thing since they turn slow as shit.
They should have layered them a bit
>Greyworm wasn't going to open Jon's throat in exchange for open war on himself and his army
He would if he thought Jon was getting a pardon by whoever the new king was.
> and is unsatisfied with Jon's punishment
He was satisfied with a life sentence to the night's watch. Again, you need to learn how to pay attention user.
Is it just me or was Greyworm looking tubby and jawless as fuck
I have close to 6000 hours in Dota 2, you don't know shit about remorse
It’s incredible how GoT finale fans have empirically far higher intelligence than spittle-stained GoT finale detractors. We should commission a study to examine this vast disparity further
It's so weird. The whole scene and the conclusion felt like a dream sequence.
So you don’t understand, is what you’re gesturing at it in a characteristically stunted way? Interesting
I'm not a "GoT finale fan", retard.
Grey Worm unironically got hooked on pussy. If he wasn’t a general they would slaughter everyone without emotion.
It's wyvern actually
>He would if he thought Jon was getting a pardon by whoever the new king was.
No, he wouldn't. The fact that you don't see this shows that you can't grasp the logic of the scene.
>He was satisfied with a life sentence to the night's watch
No he wasn't lmao. Why am I talking to someone who can't even understand what he watched?
Literally no one knows who the f-ck you are or why you inserted yourself in this conversation, pal. Having trouble following basic quote hashes?
If that was really true he just would've killed Jon on the spot and executed Tyrion instead of negotiating.
you should have spent this time finding a cure to cancer, NOT.
Get real, your time is not worth shit anyways.
>Unsullied dont fear death
>literally ran away from the army of the dead in ep3
Salty NEETs getting bodied left and right in this thread. Somebody call a medic
It doesn't make sense, no. You have to turn your brain off.
>No, he wouldn't.
What are you basing this on? Jon got a punishment they agreed with.
>No he wasn't lmao.
Tyrion literally says he agreed to it. Jesus, pay attention user, this is just sad.
The surest sign one’s brain was never turned on to begin with is having trouble grasping the simple, coherent, and elegant events of ‘The Iron Throne’
Incredibly poor writing, i'm soi fukken mad...
They held the line while northmen and like 12 dothraki horse fuckers were retreating. The fuck are you talking about?
>ripping off the witcher
>ripping off LOTR
> i’m soi
We know, user. We know
>What are you basing this on?
Read this repeatedly until you can understand it:
>f he doesn't care that he lives or dies, and is unsatisfied with Jon's punishment, and if he supposedly would be willing to exchange his own life just to kill Jon, then why didn't he DO it?
>Tyrion literally says he agreed to it.
Agree to =/= satisfied. Tyrion also says he was unhappy with the punishment. If Greyworm has the capacity to agree with a punishment he isn't fully satisfied with, it implies there are other things he values more than revenge on Jon that he's receiving in return. His own life, for example, and the lives and existence of his army.
I know you're just a bad troll but I'm explaining this so you don't lead brainlets astray
The biggest twist of all is how it turns out D&D are too smart for their audience. Even extremely basic aspects of this episode like Grey Worm not throwing away his life and the lives of his men on an utterly pointless and out-of-character ‘tism fit seems to be beyond the capacities of our average Reddi- I mean, 4channer
>and is unsatisfied with Jon's punishment
>and is unsatisfied with Jon's punishment
>and is unsatisfied with Jon's punishment
This is what you continually fail to grasp. Grey Worm is satisfied, otherwise he would have just killed Jon. Christ, the writers really tried to dumb this shit down but it wasn't enough for you brainlets.
Kek, laying it on a little thick don't you think? Should've replied to the individual points with more goalpost shifting like you did previously.
>arguing with one person
>assume this represents everyone else
dumb cunt
No, its the reverse. You're giving the benefit of the doubt to the writers and ignoring Tyrion's word.
>samefag this obvious
>Tyrion's word
He said there was a compromise. What is so hard to understand brainlet?
>But how else are you supposed to resolve the entire Game Of Thrones™ in literally 13 minutes
you had a fuckin' season. if you piss it away it's your fault
HBO just cutting the budget for the last season like they usually do.
Boardwalk Empire
Shit gets expensive and they just abandon it.
There were 3,000 on arrival.
2,000 died at easterly rock, leaving only 5,000 unsullied.
The fight against the white walkers killed off 4,500 of them, the rest wounded, leaving only 8,000 of them.
The ships being sunk by euron and the unsullied never having learned to swim due to having lived in deserts, meant the drowning deaths of 7,000 of them. This left only 12,000 of them for the attack on king's landing, where 4,000 of them died.
Unfortunately there were only 17,000 of them left at kaleesi's speech.
By the time they were on the boats, there were a mere 23,000 unsullird remaining.
You can count/estimate the number on the side shots from the last episode where they ate all standing there. It's between three and four thousand. It's fucking stupid.
i've wasted my youth here one way or another
Yep, which goes to my logic chain and proves my point correct.
nice photoshop attempt
Not at all. Try again user.
>d00d look at his NECK...
Nah, I'm good. No need to try again when I won the first time.
rome was bullshit in a whole other arena than "cutting the budget"
No, not really.
thanks, 6000 hour project
why is he walking like that? is he being self conscious of his chin?
>"Emmy accumulating cultural icon with genuinely unparalleled production values, phenomenal acting, and top quality craftsmanship from the cinematography to the score"
And yet all of this is meaningless without good writing. Good try, though
Watch it again. They ran like pussies once that excuse for a barricade fell.
Yes. Black people are objectively the stupidest race so they fell for an obvious machination by Westeros that permits Jon to live North of the Wall like he wanted.
You annihilated them, user. Owning GoT finale detractors is like blastfishing fish in a barrel, to be fair
Still fun, though
Gotta love when Virgins^ attempt to damage control haha
What about Aborigines?
this, fuck off retards
how will grey wog ever recover?
>everyone quickly accepts bran without a real rebuttal
>taking the advice of a traitorous queenslayer
>letting winterfell walk free without any other kingdoms wanting to walk free as well
>Arya not sticking up harder for Jon
>greyworm somehow being the only person left of danys supporters capable of politicking
It was all just so fucking bad. Like a fever dream.
Seething reddit tourists in ruins as GoT Chads successfully defend the record-shattering finale ‘The Iron Throne’ against their vapid, poorly thought through complaints, revealing them for the inattentive and critical-thought-devoid simps they are. Lmao
>Kill Prisoners who cant fight back and have no repurcussions for doing so.
>Kill Warden of the North and former King beloved by everyone in the continent which we are unwelcome in with no food or supplies of our own and it's still winter. surrounding our city which is broken and it's defenses utterly shattered.
>Sure let's kill the man our Queen loved and throw all of our lives away instead of negotiating for them to allow us to kill him first.
Yup who is paying for the mercs, the bank could be stronger than all of them.
>they ALL laughed at Sam's proposal
That was the only scene that made sense desu. If they’d all agree to a democracy I’d turn off the tv right at that moment - it would be too retarded.
Robert Baratheon's supporters sacked King's Landing too.
bro I only nitpicked after I thought about it. The general feel of the entire season was that something was wrong. As I watched it I just wasn’t enjoying it.
The final nail in the Virginal GoT finale detractors’ coffin...
how long will your autistic shitposting energy rush last for?
could have spent that rewatching GoT 100 times, or playing league of legends.
Sorry you felt this way. I agree this season left something to be desired, but I felt they redeemed it somewhat with a great finale. What were your nitpicks?
Probably going to leave the office in half an hour to get ready for a date tonight - wbu?
Him not killing John makes a bit of sense but not killing Tyrion makes 0 no one cared about Tyrion.
What made even less sense is people in the north just accepting the exile of their “one true king”. Apparently “the winter is coming” and “north remembers” are just silly memes and no one cares.
They only did it temporarily to get him to leave. Jon wanted to go North, he said so 2 episodes ago. He was happy with the Free Folk. Tyrion says nobody is 'really' happy, but Jon can just fuck off from the Night's Watch and Sansa isnt about to stop him because fuck it, she didnt agree with the punishment to begin with, and once Greyworm leaves it's not like he can do shit about it, and Dorne and the Iron Islands arent about to start a war they cant win against the rest of westeros over one guy killing a queen that burned the capital for no reason. They were fucking greyworm over and he really had no defense for it, the moment Jon was out of his physical grasp he's free, and he goes to the wall because it's where he wants to be.
How are the lords OK with a Stark on the Iron throne, AND a independent kingdom of the north that doesnt pay taxes also RULED BY A STARK.
At face value it looks like corruption.
High quality bait
I really don't like this thing.
I'd like to see an interview where the actor says "yes I made myself as abhorrent as possible, I stood and walked like a sloth, and made a disgusting ape-scowl at all times so people would want to hit me, I think I did a good job"; but I don't think that's the case.
None of this made sense it was all a joke.
people like you unironically are why we cant have nice things
>lying on the internet
You know you are going back alone to eat a microwaved piece of plastic.
This. The show was too good for its audience. Shame, really
so another half hour of this? i feel sorry for your date
Satisfied and Happy are not the same thing.
it was too much of a self referential joke.
it is like telling varys to pop a viagra then turning to the audience and winking
I have roommates and doggies who I will see briefly before my date, which is at 8pm. Don’t spend much time alone. What’s your Snapchat? I’ll add you and you can see for yourself
Yea, like another 35 minutes or so at most. Why’s that?
Sneed and chuck
you should get some self awareness man
Everyone died in the battle of winterfell. Rest is just dying memories of Bronn.
They needed to destroy it because it wasn’t wheelchair accessible.
all valid points
I really didn't see it as something they should laugh at. Least of all Sansa who really hasn't reaped the benefits of being high-born until very recently. Can't remember seeing if Gendry was laughing, I fucking hope not. Either way the scene was very meta which is like my main complaint.
No, what is more retarded is that the dragon was lying down in front of 30 of the bolt throwers while the army was lined up in front of King's Landing during their final attempt at peace. Cersei, who is all about fair play, just let them mosey off while Dany, and all the top shelf were right in front of her.
Fuck, every time I think about this season it makes me madder.
It was either this or porn, so...
>DUDE let me just let this traitor convince the highlords of Westeros to vote for a king so he can get a royal pardon LMAO
>also they sent Jon Snow to the Wall so that's pretty cool, except I'm leaving for deadly butterfly island in 2 minutes and the North is independent now so it's not like Jon couldn't just travel to Winterfell and live there while my skin melts off my bones
It somewhat made sense to me because he wouldn’t return anyway. He didn’t care about power and only fought for the realm.
Wildlings became closer to him than his cunt sister who was the reason he had to kill his queen. They should have made his hate for Sansa more obvious though.
Speak plainly, I’ve no time for games
Stop dancing around it and come out with it
Sucks to be you, I stopped watching after the Red Wedding.
Token "black" guy
>Not to mention that the fact that Drogon zooms off and doesn't switch loyalty to Jon due to Jon being the only remaining Targaryen is lame as fuck
I’m pretty sure dragons didn’t care about the bloodline, they cared about the person who raised them
>literally doesn't even know how to spell dragon
Third worlders need to die.
Lucky for me I waited until last year to watch the show.
>not making screencaps of all the titties
>organizing said tits be season and episode
>going down memory lane and fapping to these glorious titties whenever i want
no user, i enjoyed this show and truly lived
there was nothing there for him, he knew he would always be a shitskin among whites, better to go amongst the shitskins and rule there
>tell prisoner to stfu because you rule the city now
>let prisoner continue speaking anyway
>he uproots the entire political system in 2 minutes
my Snapchat is #superleetbedroomdancerking420
live stream the date to me and I'll speak into your earpiece and tell you what to say. it will be like that film with will smith, planet of the apes.
are you afraid to be alone.
Democracy is trash
Popular sufferage is trash
I think what he is saying is that your date will probably want to kill herself after you spend 40 minutes describing how you won an argument on an imageboard about GoT.
that OP is a masterbaiter
yeah which is why it sniffs him and lets him stroke/ride it when no one else could go near them.
makes sense.
She doesn’t watch Thrones so I wasn’t planning on bringing it up. Wish me luck, I’ve been on a dry streak since last Wed
If you give me your real Snap ID I’ll add you. I’m not live-streaming the entire date though, my iPhone battery life is pretty bad these days
they went back to wakanda to hack into computers and make nanobots like in real life
Thank you for confirming that I won though :^)
I feel like Greyworm would have just killed both Jon and Tyrion as soon as he found out Dany was dead. The Dothraki would have all gone ape shit as soon as they found out too. A lot of this stuff was just way to convenient to be believable.
I didn't read the argument or see what it was about, I just saw your cringeposting at the tail end.
you sound like a boring drip
I'm Not Sure if anyone's paying attention.
this desu
No OP you are a moron, a bunch of fanatically loyal freed slaves would be more then happy to give a man who killed their liberator a fair trial, and they would be more then happy to wait for months for a bunch of people who they don't know to select the punishment for the said man.
Sounds like you could still tell I won haha
Virgin spotted^
>he spent years watching Game of Thrones is that possible?
haha more like you'd be telling the poor 'girl' about it and thinking you'd 'won' no matter what, because your warped personality shines through even in text haha
carry on being completely unaware of how others perceive you though haha
i'm not, though.
"We are the Knights Watch, we are faggot white boys. We submit to bigger nigger alpha males as our true sexual overlords. Our hungry faggot asses pucker in anticipation of being filled by superior BBC. I, Jon Snow, Faggot White Boy of The North, hereby surrender any and all claims to my ass to the nigger race. May our girlfriends, mothers, sisters and daughters as well as my own faggot ass be WRECKED by large Dothraki members. I, queer faggot white boy of the North, will forever be in service to nigger dicks and the niggers who bear them, may my Watch never end."
th-thanks george
>The Hound is fearful of fire
>Never used or resolved
The Hound tackled his brother into the pit of fire below them, he embraced that fear at the end to finish what he came to do.
>Jon is Rhaegar's son
>Didn't end up mattering at all
Not executed all that well, but it mattered a lot - it's what drives Jon and Dany apart.
>Jaime has been gradually becoming distant and disillusioned with Cersei
>Didnt end up mattering at all, went right back to where he started
This one is kind of a meme desu. I'm disappointed with how that storyline ended but he always loved Cersei despite her terribleness and it was never a stretch to think he still loved her enough to go back to her.
>Varys has thousands of informants and secret intelligent from all over the world
>Never used, killed unceremoniously in about a minute
He did use them, that little girl at the beginning of episode 5 was one of his spies. He'd begun to spread the rumor that Jon was the true heir to the throne to turn public opinion against Daenarys.
>Dany hatched and nurtured her dragons for years
>Immediately taken out by a random Deus Ex Ballista
This one isn't that bad, it's more in line with the deaths in the old seasons. I liked it myself. I can't really justify the stormtrooper aim for Drogon though.
I'll agree with the treatment of Bran, Arya, and the Night King though.
watching it on repeat for 6 hours a day spread out over 8 years would result in 2 years' viewing time.
post a Snapchat video of the event or it didn't happen
why didn't you mention the unsullied BBC?
oh, yeah.
>Pick a damn leader or i'm going to fuck you all and you know i don't have a dick to fuck people with!
you are a really strange fucking person user
you see varys' little bird crucified in the distance of one of the long shots after varys is crispified. surprised more people didn't pick up on it.
alright I guess how it's possible is the wrong question
what kind of maniac would actually subject themselves to that?
They were ordered to retreat, I saw the episode, that's not fleeing, fleeing would be running before an order to do so is given. If yo are given an order to retreat and then fail to do so it can have catastrophic effects on the plans of your superiors, every military body should know that
they'd been drugged at that point by the essence of poppy.
>this is probably kino to people who have IQs below 110
The target demographic
the kind that shitposts on here for the other 18 hours of the day for 8 years, and offers to snapchat their 'dates' with cardb
lmao pwned, im still waiting for the books which never will be finished so i wont even get a bad ending
I don't remember which user you are, so I can't accurately estimate what is your personal reasoning for saying that.
target demographic is people with 90 iq on average, that is how it is globally popular.
have sex, soiboi
then why didn't he retaliate and kill jon and tyrion? This hostage thing didn't make any sense, considering that greyword is a fucking soldier with no political experience or anything else. This episode should've lasted 20 minutes, ending with jon killin dany.
because they had to make at least one nog appear to be semi-important, despite it not making any sense at all.
Better question is why didn't Jon fucking kill Grey Worm right after he refused to follow orders and started killing prisoners. Fall back, get some of your north troops and go motherfucking Red Wedding on those bitches.
>right after he refused to follow orders and started killing prisoners
Greyworm was following the Queen's orders. Jon had no authority to give orders because he dun wan it.
The fact that he didn't immediately execute Jon upon discovering he murdered his queen was completely out of character, considering his entire character throughout the show is "I AM COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY LOYAL TO MY QUEEN AND I WILL DEFEND HER WITH MY LIFE"
They should have had Greyworm discover him in the throne room, infer what happened and in a tard rage try to kill Jon, then have the goblin or something kill Greyworm and a small civil war starts with the northern armies massacring the remaining unsullied. But this would take at least another episode to resolve and flesh out and clearly D&D couldn't give less of a fuck to take the time to give this a sensible ending.
Hell even have Jon killed, but having both Jon and Greyworm live makes no sense. It's a copout because they didn't want Jon to die or their only remaining nigger character to die, so everyone lives and conveniently forgives and forgets.
that is what I expected too.
completely went against jon's character.
Why was Greyworm letting these people choose his new king? Why was he letting Tyrion nominate a candidate? Did they forget Tyrion was sentenced to death for treason?
Rekt with ease
Whew, good thing your life doesn't completely revolve around a shitty tv show that airs for an hour on a sunday.
Holy shit summer is here. How could anyone take this bait?
permanent summer since 2008
Sam is heir to one of the most powerful houses in the Reach, and technically he's the also representing the citadel as the only Maester not dead in the immediate vicinity.
He forewent his claim to a lordship by taking the black, c’mon guys
Lmao! Kid got his shit pushed in
Why did he let himself get cucked so hard? He has the strongest army in the country now but ended fucking off to a mass death of the unsullied via gay butterflies because he's still asshurt about his girlfriend getting her head chopped off. He was demanding Justice for the guy who killed his Queen only for Jon to end up fucking wildling pussy and hanging out with his dog
Season 9 of TWD was better than the last 4 GOT seasons
It actually made sense. Sam served as brother if the nights watch, which actually has a true democracy in which everyone casts a vote for their new lord commander. Those that cannot leave their posts give an attending friend their vote to cast in their name. The suggestion, especially being from Sam, who has experienced it, isn’t out of left field.
The reaponse was also equally appropriate. Far too much fan service bullshit scenes like “uncle, sit down” where we are supposed to pretend that these characters that never do anything command respect and change the way everything works on a whim and everyone just goes along with it
>rule there
By overthrowing a bunch of pacifists on an island to protect them?
They are going to get a rude awakening when they all get butterfly fever and die
That’s what the Dothraki were supposed to do, they were all named her bloodriders. They were supposed to die avenging her or fall on their own swords
Sam disinherited himself TWICE.
Also, he didn’t have a single maesters link yet
>okay we will go to the place with flesh crawling diseases i sure hope you will keep your promise of sending jon to the wall goodbye
>Also, he didn’t have a single maesters link yet
Whos gonna call him out on it? Hes good friends with the Kings brother :)
they can't really fall on their swords unless they fell in a loop.
their proto-klingon swords are useless.
Nope. I enjoyed the first seven seasons and at least two episodes from season 8. The ending was shit, but it was always about the ride getting there. And it was a good ride. #YOLO
The diseases were never once mentioned in the show, you’re actively looking for things to whinge about at this point. Grow up.