>humiliates her uncle who has done nothing but suffer for the stark cause along with his people and lands when he could have just sat the whole thing out infront of all the most powerful lords of the realm for literally no reason
What the FUCK was her problem?
Humiliates her uncle who has done nothing but suffer for the stark cause along with his people and lands when he could...
That time of the month, and she's a dirty Stark. Too bad she didn't attend the red wedding.
Have sex incel
this is shopped, her face isn't hat wide
Yet another "yes queen slay" moment. I still don't get why the northerners would follow her. Fuck this show. At least Dany lies beneath the ground.
She's a populare
What has Edmure ever done to deserve a putdown though? He's been an unwavering punching bag, his only fault was putting his pregnant wife before his own honour?
I saw it more as a "no we aint having people nominate themselves sit the fuck down" thing and that could've been any of them and she would have still told em to shut up.
Don't watch the series bit he was a total faggot in the books so he had it coming.
Turned over Riverrun, which saw the Black Fish killed. Fuck him.
No such thing
>10 seconds latter nominate yourself queen of the norf
Who even was that XD?
100 years from now there will still be Lord's named Tully.
Can you say the same about the Starks?
Radmure won.
That too, she was a hypocrite.
How would you react if your bumbling dipshit uncle who always ruins everything was about to embarrass all of you by making a claim to the throne of the seven kingdoms?
>how dare a woman do that just a yass queen slay god i hate women REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
unironically have sex
she was killed by Cersei, wtf are you on about
Actually in the books he allowed blackfish to escape before surrendering
So hes based
Edmure Tully inadvertently lost the War of the Five Kings.
If he didn't throw the Lannisters back, Robb outflanking them and fucking up the Westerlands whilst the Lannister army wouldn't be able to get back to King's Landing in time meant that Stannis would have taken the Red Keep, and Tywin would have been fucked.
He's also a cuck who had to ensure Blackfysh had a stupid-ass off-screen death.
Westeros needs disabled and female kings otherwise it will not survive.
She's the queen of 50 men. Congrats!
Didn't follow Rob plans, can't aim well with a bow, putting his newborn son life above a castle. Apart from that literally nothing (still can't see him as King)
>stabs her brother/cousin in the back immediately after talking about the importance of family and swearing an oath
>gets triggered that her loser brother gets to be king
>shows the seeds of civil war by seceding
>such damage control
Her head is a watermelon
Fuck Salsa
Maybe Robb should have said something instead of expecting Edmure to let Lannister forces rape and burn their way across his lands.
What don't you understand, user? She was raped. She has suffered more than anyone. Being crippled doesn't compare to the being a woman that was raped. She DESERVES to be Queen.
He can't keep everyone below him informed of his grand strategy, also it increases the risk of leaks due to spies or turncoats. In those situations he needs his men to follow orders, which Edmure couldn't do.
>He can't keep the second most important man in his kingdom informed of his grand strategy
When that man is a bumbling fool like Edmure, yeah, I would keep him far away from strategic plans too.
>second most important man in his kingdom
kek, blackfish is more important than that douche
Blackfish is a landed knight dipshit. Edmure is essentially Robb's equal.
>Edmure is essentially Robb's equal.
Clearly not since he's a bumbling fool whose entire family looks down on him.
>be Edmure
>father an heir
>be Robb
>house dies out
Based Codman strikes again
>be edmure
>ruin father's funeral
>ruin the war for Robb
>get captured like a cuck
>get admired on a vietnamese bike stealing board by other cucks that fantasize their uselessness will pay off somehow
based indeed
>be edmure
>defeat the mountain
>drive lannisers from your lands
>kid nephew throws a fit
>fucks some foreign bitch
>breaks alliance with your bannermen
>you have to make up for this
>she ends up being cute anyway
>kid nephew gets himself killed
>you're captured
>still married to qt
Seething Robblets
Why did everyone just allow north to leave the kingdom? Why wouldn't everyone else do the same when they saw weakness in bran?
It's the exact same reason all of the prophesies went nowhere, and why anybody cared what Greyword thought, and why nobody thought to mention that Gendry was the legitimate heir if Jon was out of the question and everything else wrong with the show; shit writers.
particularly fucking Dorn who never had any real reason to be part of the Seven Kingdoms to begin with.
>yes, I'll just go right ahead and accept you as my liege lord for no reason
not how it works
>Sansa does shit like this and becomes queen in the north
>retards still claim that this show is mysoginistic now
jesus christ we need to burn it all down and start again
Why the fuck does she care about it anyway, she is going to da norf and rule it as sole queen. It was just contrived and bitchy
He killed Caesar in a cowardly way and was part of a failed rebellion.
>Coke bloat + MDMA mewing + anglo genes =
this guy HBO's
>Why the fuck does she care about it anyway,
She was keeping him from embarrassing himself as much as her and the rest of the family. Don't understand why you're butthurt about it.
Because everyone was sick of constant war and the North had been victimized for the past 10 years by the South and bore the brunt of the undead army. Also the North technically conquered King’s Landing so they had more sway considering it was a city they conquered along with their allies.
Yes you can. Women can carry on the name of a house aswell, it has happened often in game of thrones lore. You can bet your ass Sansa will not have her name taken by some low born cunt
because women are 1 out of 4 homeless people
women watch their husbands and sons leave and die in war
women have to sit at home not knowing if their husbands will come back from the mine
tl, dr have sex incel
>nd the Riverlands had been victimized for the past 10 years by the South
>because women are 1 out of 4 homeless people
So 3 out of 4 homeless people are still men
Don't understand why are you so uppity about this
>muh embarassment
She literally did that to him. Let him put forth his name and realize his lack of support. Just seems dumb of her to create emnity with a family member as powerful as he is
> it has happened often in game of thrones lore
>putting his newborn son life above a castle
That's his job as a father though.
Books aren't the show. Show Edmure deserved the bitch slap.
The whole strategy of the war was to outflank Tywin and ensure the loss of King's Landing, collapsing the Lannisters and eliminating the three "Baratheon" Lannister children. Edmure would have understood that much.
Even if the Tyrells would have still sided with the Lannisters(unlikely since Stannis would have the heads of all marriage claimants), Stannis is one of the best siege defense commanders in Westeros, perhaps quite literally the best, and Robb would have been comfy in the North.
Edmure was bragging over killing 600 Lannisters. That wasn't jack shit. He's a moron if he thinks killing 600 was braggable when the entire fucking army just went elsewhere.
>She literally did that to him.
He did it to himself, and it would only have gone on longer if he kept talking. There's no need to be upset user.
reddit comment there
>St*rks think Edmure is to blame for not being psychic
She was already queen of the North, you idiot. That comes with being a Stark.
Militaries are based on following orders. You're rarely going to have the entire strategic plan told to you, that's why orders are so important.
They didn't read the opt out clause.
>Edmure Tully performs a stunt to lure the Lannisters in that's different from Robb's plan and thus probably worse, but it gets the job done
Okay he's not psychic that's fine
>Edmure can't follow the most basic strategy of allowing the North to outflank Tywin and have the Lannisters collapse from the rear
He's fucking stupid. As a commander, he would have known this.
He has the mental capacity of a peasant.
How about the fact that almost the entire Dornish royal family got killed for pissing off ONE powerful Westerosi family? What do you think would happen if they pissed off the entire kingdom? The Starks were in a unique position because they defeated the White Walkers, Jon killed Dany, and they all helped topple Cersei. The other kingdoms didn’t do shit so they’re not entitled to randomly abscond.
The Tully’s also control the Twins Radmure won and he didn’t even realize it because all trade goes through him meaning his Kingdom is now super important as the border, buffer, and toll booth for all interactions between the North and the 6 across Lands.
apparently a similar thing already happened to house Stark in the past. Apparently a Stark girl fucked a wildling and then got their sons legitimized or something
>tee hee don't be silly, uncle, ONLY I can be regent
I fucking hate Sansa.
Edmure is an even bigger waste of space than salsa, so yeah she has a better claim.
Dorne is naturally fortified against any invasion, not even the Targaryens with their dragons could subdue Dorne
not everyone is the king's sister
> You're rarely going to have the entire strategic
You should when you're the second most powerful man in the realm
> not even the Targaryens with their dragons could subdue Dorne
That's a stretch. Targaryens burned down like 80% of Dorne and the sandniggers still didn't give up and so they decided to retreat rather than make them go completely extinct.
That's not quite the same as losing in a direct fight.
Some people are the king's cousin and uncle
It seemed like she was trying to be polite to me.
Jesus. Watch some link, you absolute plebeian.
I'm a kike academic who makes up phobias and isms, and I say it's a real thing. Bend to my will goy
Why did you think he had a shot? I was so glad she spoke up to mercy kill this attempt. What a warm and gentle niece.
Yeah, a lot of people would do that and that's fairly honourable if anything.
>second most powerful man in the realm
and a known dunce. We've been over this lad.
He's literally a perfect peacetime ruler
>and a known dunce
Except he's not, Ned describes him as inexperienced, Caitlyn as too kind. Only Walder Frey calls him a dunce and he's perpetually seething that his daughter didn't get the cod. It's only after Robb fucks up that Edmure is labelled an idiot.
>cares for the commonfolk
>not a big spender
>will listen to council
Davos was all of that on top of not being a bumbling fool.
>ambiguous labels that can be attributed to literally everyone sitting in that council at one point or another.
Sure, I am convinced.
Why don't I vote for my dog too
Your dog would be a better ruler than Edmure, yes.
seemed to me he was just being overly formal not that he was going to make a claim to the throne
>he was just being overly formal not that he was going to make a claim to the throne
What do you think he was even talking about? Why do you think he was talking about himself and his "experience?"
He's an Alsatian so that's not fair.
to introduce himself to then say something else
No, that's Warden on the North.
sit down OP
is there any kind of center where jews program goyim to say this kind of bullshit?
The North had its army parked at what remained of the King's Landing front gate.
Nobody else did. It's a power play. Also remember that the North is significantly more cut off from the rest of Westeros than the other kingdoms are, who more or less have to endure each other. The main, big way of getting from North to South is past the Freys, and while they're gone, it basically leaves the North quite capable of walking off, closing the door behind them, and never coming back (historically the North prefers to be a long way from the South, and the South prefers the North as far away as possible).
The Vale did too, and I'm pretty sure their army is considerably larger than the North's at this point
she's just a cunt if you haven't noticed it yet.
The north is ruled by a Tully now, at least by phenotype. The starks are ended.
Underrated post
Yes, and Edmure as a lord has other duties aside from being a fucking commander. His other duty is to his people and he fucking fulfilled it as much as he could.
blackfish is a cunt and its good hes dead
shes Bolton
The whole family naming rules are retarded. Jon should have been Jon Stark, then Jon Targaryen. Your name should simply pass down from the father. This should be legal procedure.
>uncle, have sex
arent all the boltons dead? who will care if she has reverted back to a stark?
uh, her uncles a useless fumbling idiot, sitting out most of the story & important battles, and when its time to pick a king hes the FIRST TO nominate HIMSELF lol, and you ask what her problem is? he can go fuck himself, he should of sat there with his mouth shut like a good little cuck.
The Vale has Robyn Arryn though, and he wants to be in Sansa. He'd back her.
Maesters keep track of that. She's Sansa Bolton.
Jon being Jon Stark would mark him as a legal heir. Hence Snow. Although since he was born in Dorne, his name should technically be Jon Sand, I think?
I think he's out of her league now
have sex
Marriage is about children.