This scene does more harm to Jon than Dany. It's a weak and cowardly move. A righteous hero would never stab someone in the back, even a dangerous enemy. A hero doesn't hide in bushes, he declares himself.
Most anti heroic kill
He stabbed her in the front though.
with his dick. lol
>This scene does more harm to Jon than Dany.
I agree. He made the wrong choice.
It's a symbolic stab in the back as it was a surprise attack and he betrayed her. He should have told her he disagreed and fight her like a man. This scene makes him a pansy. I know why Kit was pissed off
Pre-s8 Jon would never kill her the way he did
>He should have told her he disagreed and fight her like a man.
Could you describe how this would play out?
>in the back
hmm watch the fucking show maybe
>implying there's anything heroic about killing
Are you like 15 OP? If you have to put someone down like a rabid dog, you may as well kill them like one too.
t. don't even watch the show
How is he supposed to kill her? Challenge her to a fair fight?
Ned Stark would literally unshethe his sword and run at her while screaming as high as possible so that she could hear and fight back
didn't watched GoT ever
here for the shitstorm
is she a feminazi/feminazi icon/SJW icon or something?
Is he based for killing her?
she seem like a whore
Why does she bleed out of the mouth and nose.. its stupid
>Rip off her clothes
>Force her onto her knees and throatfuck her till she's gasping
>Throw her onto the floor and pound away at her pussy
>Choke her as you cum inside her unprotected cunt
This entire season was a fuck you to Jon. Remember when he actually cared about Daenerys and how she felt in season seven, despite barely knowing her? Remember when he had opinions about what happens in Westeros and in the future? Well, D&D decided "Fuck that, let's have one scene of Jon and Dany being happy together in the beginning of the season. That will convince the audience that he loves her, even though Jon acts like he can't even be in the same room as Dany in every other scene between they are in."
Jon was Bran's and Sansa's pawn the entire season, and he didn't even realize it until the end. Now he is a Queenslayer, a Kinslayer, and a bigger Oathbreaker than ever before, but I guess it's a "bittersweet" ending because he got to pet Ghost and live with the Wildlings he showed zero joy of being around.
used to be SJW icon then became literally hitler
stfu, that bitch needed to go.
Also, Game of fucking thrones is all about subverting your fucking, dumb expectations. Enjoy. If you want heroism, romanticism and poetry (which IMO make for a much better fantasy story), seek elsewhere.
This would make the scene even funnier, like a final boss except it's a level 10 boss and you're level 50
>Pre-s8 Jon would never kill her the way he did
Pre-season 8 Jon was an actual character who cared about Westeros and his loved ones. D&D massacred their own interpretation of Jon so the Mad Queen plot could be possible.
>because he got to pet Ghost and live with the Wildlings he showed zero joy of being around.
This peeved me the most. When Tyrion first informed him he was going to the wall, he could have at least smiled. Instead he has to be Mopy Dick on the wall instead of just slaying wildling poon for the rest of his life.
>Throw her on floor and hold her down with knee
>tears in eyes
>I, Aegon of House Targaryen, sixth of my name, etc etc and protector etc etc, do sentence you to die
>execute the bitch properly Ned-style (which is also Jon-style since he's done it before)
should i watch GoT?
fuck no. or at least don't pay for it. pirate it.
When you stab someone, shouldn't they realistically at least say "ouch" or something?
If ISIS/cartel executions have taught me anything, is that you usually wince really hard because of the pain.
>How is he supposed to kill her? Challenge her to a fair fight?
He should have told her she was a mad queen who needed to step down and see how she reacts instead of pretendins she MUH QUEEN FOR EVA AND EVA and then stab her like a coward.
season 1-4 are god tier, then it declines but still good for memes
You'd have to be a 100% genuine retard to not know how she would react to that information. She would arrest him, execute him, and destroy every continent ending in "os".
>he challenges her to trial by combat for the right to the throne
>since she can't fight she is allowed to name a champion
>names Drogon her champion just like her father declared fire his when he roasted Jon's grandfather
>Drogon breathes fire on Jon, everyone assumes he dead
>walks out of the flames unburnt, stabs Drogon in the heart
>declared winner and the true king of Westeros
>Dany flips out seeing her last child killed, runs herself on Jon's blade trying to attack him
>uppity nigger and horselords cant do shit because it wasn't murder, it was a proper trial of combat in the eyes of god and men
there, I fixed it.
Lmao, why would she accept trial by combat? His ass would be getting spearfucked by Unsullied before sunset.
I'm more concerned over the fact that they retconned life after death in-universe. Pretty shitty way to make jon even more of a doomer.
when did they establish it?
So what was the point of Jon being a Targaryen
I don't even know how this is a bittersweet ending for him.
>tens of thousands died because his father wanted another child for prophecy reasons
>both parents die and his uncle lies to him his entire life to keep him saying
>joins rapists and murderers at the Night's Watch because he believes he doesn't have a place to belong in Westeros
>both Stark uncles die and his Targaryen great uncle dies before every finding out they were related (Viserys died, too, but fuck him)
>wildling girlfriend dies
>gets stabbed to death for trying to do the right thing
>raised back to life again and has to watch his cousin die right in front of his face
>gets elected King in the North despite not wanting it
>other cousin, who lied to him about the Knights of the Vale, criticizes and undermines him for trying to keep the North united and for seeking aid from a foreign invader
>foreign invader turns out to be his aunt whom he falls in love with unknowingly
>returns back to Winterfell, everybody doubts him and hates his girlfriend
>cousins successfully tear his girlfriend and him apart before the zombies even show up
>gets cucked out of killing the Night King by teleporting goblin cousin
>blindly follows his ex-girlfriend/aunt despite everybody's protests
>loses dragon he rode twice and treats his direwolf like shit
>ex-girlfriend/aunt goes crazy and has to be put down, partially because of his inactions
>cousins rule Westeros while he has to live with his "wildling friends," whom he shows zero joy of being around, for the rest of his life
>but at least he got to pet his dog
Jon was so upset his enemy's city got destroyed he stabbed his girlfriend to make things better.
Besides Jon has been stabbed to death, it's no big deal.
drama i assume.
>slowly and painstakingly saws off her head with the knife
>So what was the point of Jon being a Targaryen
So Bran could use him as a weapon to turn everybody against Daenerys and drive her mad.
Why didn't just defeat Daenerys in a debate?
t. Arthur Dayne
Jon kills first gf with an arrow.
Then stabs the second one to death.
Some cartel vids had fairly agonizing screams though.
To explain why he exsists in the first place, did he make more sense as Eddard's bastard?
This is it. Much better.
Jon would beat any unsullied lad.
>Danny fucks men and kills them (Drogo)
>Danny allows her brother to get killed (Vyseris)
>Danny has men love her, she knows it and doesn't love them back (Jorah, Daario Naharis, countless other buffons)
>Danny backstabs her allies for her gain or "the world's safety" (Qarth, the dothraki leadership, Jorah, Jon, etc)
>Dany genocides nobles, masters, advisors, councilors indiscriminately because she feels or wants so
>Danny terrorizes children and innocents with her dragons, doesnt care for the carnage, only has them stop when public opinion gets negative
>Danny only cares for the masses to love her
>Danny has her dragons eat people for sports
>Danny, knowingly, commits incests and gets creampied by her brother's son
>Danny commits genocide on a level ABOVE HITLER AND NIGHT KING LMAO, wipes out 1 million people in 1 hours and 20 minutes
And then what happens to Dany?
>Is in love, but not loved back
>Gets fucked by her lover, then killed
>Loses everyone she trusted around her
>Danny is used by her lover for his own interests
>Danny is backstabbed by her allies (North, Jon, Vale, Tyrion, Varys, etc)
>Danny has her dragons hunted and killed like dogs
>Danny history will be written with lies and pathos, just like she avoided the truth
>Her lover doesn't commit incest with her anymore
>Danny's armies get wiped out, indirectly
He shouldn't have killed her. Arya should have.
To gain some tiny modicum of respect considering she is only ruling with fear.
Because the lungs are in very close proximity to the heart, and when that amount of blood starts flowing, it will work its way up the respiratory system to the nose and mouth
This, just have the goblin jump in from off screen and stab her. You've already pissed off your audience with anticlimactic shit, might as well go all the way.
Makes sense, at some point they decided to subvert everyone's expectations by making Arya kill the NK and Jon kill Dnay regardless of logic and consistency.
>he showed zero joy of being around
how dense and stupid can you be? did you watch anything the entire season besides your dany waifu disney lovestory?
I like how the mass murderer arya is all of a sudden innocent and redeemed hero, the frey massacre was one of the worst things anyone's done in the show, she cut someone up into food and fed it to his father, killed him, wiped out 100 people with poisoned wine and watched
>he declares himself
>gets instantly incinerated by Drogon
yeah I think he did it the right way
>how dense and stupid can you be? did you watch anything the entire season besides your dany waifu disney lovestory?
Yes, I did. I am also talking about the END of the season, where Jon wasn't happy being around the wildlings. He had a scowl on his face almost the entire time.
>when that amount of blood starts flowing
Getting stabbed in the heart would stop any blood from flowing pretty fast. So where did that pool of blood come from? On top of that, the freaking knife shut the wound close, ffs.
Agreed. Jon, the honorable son of Ned Stark would have faced her openly, not stabbed her when her guard was down.
Also, this. What kind of retard turns down world domination with the woman he loves at his side?
>defending the Freys
Fuck em they got what was coming to them killing a guest at a diner is a taboo in westeroos
>hurrr why is he so sad? is it because he killed a loved one, and said goodbye forever to his remaining family? lol no, it's because he's with wildlings lmao xD
>he could have at least smiled.
He killed the woman he loves. This on top of being partly responsible for the death of the previous woman he loved. Realistically Jon should be suicidal.
Y-youre joking right? Theres a reason heart wounds are almost always fatal. You will literally dump buckets of blood rapidly. The wound channel is already there, the only reason you dont take a knife out is to avoid widening it.
some anons idea of an ending where in the last scene beyond the wall he sees a white walker danny and approaches her with tears is better than what we got
>did he make more sense as Eddard's bastard?
The Freys violated Guest Rights. They got what they had coming.
Also Arya only killed the men; so that's probably 50 Freys or so. The point was to make the Freys a non-house; Westerosi inheritance isn't matrilineal.
Most of those men were innocent and just happened to be born in the wrong house
>Most of those men were innocent
They all participated in the red wedding. Arya disguised as Frey even says as much.
She's ruling with fear because she stopped giving a shit about love and respect
And now the starks are gone too.
What kind of retarded white Knight fedora tipping is this? You do understand the cost of war right? Especially after everyone is tired of fighting countless of them and especially if the enemy has a dragon and you don't have a way of killing it
she was the token mary sue "women can do anything" character who did a heel turn into killing thousands of innocent civilians and Jon (the guy who killed her) pretended to go along with it and stabbed her
yes she was a complete whore
Half siblings aren't cousins, you mong
They're his mother's brother's children.
Why is Yea Forumsmblr historically unable to comprehend valor in combat?
Imagine the most honorable man in the show raised by the man who died for his own principles kill an unharmed, defenseless woman by lying and stabbing her with an hidden knife.
This show was fucking stupid in retrospect.
Not necessarily. Sansa could marry somebody from outside Westeros or someone with no house affiliation. This would sidestep the issue of inheritance since the only holdings the kids would get would be Stark holdings.
Jon always did self-sacrifice for the good of others. It's in his character. In this case, the sacrifice was killing the woman he loved.
His own life didn't really matter that much to him compared to everyone in the realm.
Ok...and? That's not what I'm saying.
Am I the only one that wishes Aemon lived to see Dany and learn Jon was named Aegon like Egg? Or that his death scene with Sam was instead with Jon and Aemon calling Jon Egg since he's Aegon VI?
Is this bait? I really can't tell with how retarded people are these days
Ok then.
I don't think so.
What if Daenerys was pregnant with his child?
She’s peak SJW at the end though. No metric for victory, thinking that the fight isn’t over even though she accomplished her supposed mission, justified the suffering and deaths of thousands all in the name of equality.
Nigga didn't want to pay child support
The story which mission statement is shitting on heroism ends with an antiheroic kill, what a fucking surprise, stop the presses!
He clearly wasn't there, they even let it roar in pain from quite a far when he felt something happened to his mother.
targshitters deserve knives in their back. Both jamie and jon did the right thing.
>why did he stab her in the back? Why didn't he fight through thousands of her soldiers and a dragon to kill her with Honor?
anyone else laugh at the terrible acting here?
Ollie sniped Igrite with an arrow.
>in the back
it was in the front
Some genuine retards ITT. Since when did Yea Forums become filled with a bunch of pussy Tumblrinas who wanted a fucking Disney tier love story between these two? Jon was based for betraying her and putting her down like the dog she was.
>Stabbed Dany in the heart
So this practically confirms he’s Azor Ahai in the books right
I literally laughed at this scene, it was so anticlimactic and just so contrived.
he had longclaw tho
He didn’t want her to fear death, he tried to make it quick.
Fuck off Dabid
That user is a genuine retard.
>heart is in the right side of chest
>you bleed through your mouth when stabbed in the heart
kys yourself
It shouldn't have been the cliche 'stabbed during embrace' and it needed an audience.
>Jon's is able to speak to Dany before her speech and sees she's nuts
>Dany giving her evil speech at the top of the stairs
>Jon suddenly decapitates her
>Greyworm attacks Jon but Jon kills him
>Drogon lands on the stairs and freaks out over Dany's death, blocking reinforcements
>Drogon eventually calms down and is subservient to Jon because he's a Targaryen
>Jon uses Dogon to order the unsullied and dothraki to fuck off
This, it’s fucking hell. I hated this end. So he's Just back to square 1. Shouldn’t have bothered.
>What kind of retard turns down world domination with the woman he loves at his side?
a man who would actually deserve it
You fuck off, Tumblrina. Also stop stealing our catchphrases.
lol These motherfuckers are literally regarded as muh brave American heroes, when all they do is fistfucking farmers with a stone age technology under the cover of stealth and darkness. So it depends on perception.
The knife was not hidden you disneyfag
>t. oldfag from 2016
I literally assumed it would happen in front of her entire court because that's the only way to make Jon not look like a dick.
I mean all he did was stab an unarmed 5' woman in an empty room. Even if she'd had advance warning she couldn't have stopped him.
So where is Drogon going with Dany?
Getting resurected by the Lord of Light?
>missed the biggest plot point involving Jon
The retards who watch GoT.
Okay, so he fights her the "honorable" way and then gets reduced to ash in seconds. Woooow such great writing!
Jon getting close and stabbing her without her awareness shows that he's finally willing to make practical choices and get his own hands dirty to save the kingdoms, even if he's not proud of it.
the whole shebang was shoddy as fuck- the way jon snow was arrested offscreen was a failure, because lets face it the way their respective characters had been set at the executions of the Lannister soldiers moments before, Greyworm would surely have attacked him on hearing of Dany's death?
>Jon is an ultraloyal drone who can only utter two phrases: AH DUN WAN EET and YER MAH KWEEN, is basically Dany's bitch throughout the entire season and has no agency of his own
>people complain
>Jon finally grows a spine and kills the crazy bitch in the only way he realistically could, fulfilling his character arc and becoming the literal savior of Westoros
>neckbeards still complain
Jon had to kill Dany and he did it the most merciful way he could. If he'd announced his intention she would have resisted and would only have caused more pain. Jon took her by surprise and got a clean shot at her heart whilst allowing her to look into his eyes so she could see his sorrow and pain as her life slipped away.
>Drogon just grills the iron throne into lava
>Flies off with the corpse, leaving no evidence behind
Jon must've went straight to Greyworm admitting his treason (which isn't treason since he's really higher ranked).
>blood in the snow
>dragon let's out autistic yell and is now gone
Bruh moment
>Jon walks into the throne room
>immediately notice he has a huge dagger on his belt that he's never carried beforem not even within the episode
Oh surely they wouldn't be so obviou- nope the scene played out exactly as expected oh boy how thrilling
You kill because you have to. The people you kill aren't a force of nature you're heroically rescuing innocents from, they're human beings. His rabid dog analogy is apt.
I do not know if anycunt up itt has studied moral philosophy at an advanced level
>like me
But I think most philsophers wold agree that murdering a loved one and family member even for the 'greater good' is a morally reprehensible action. Possibly even that of a sociopath.
>t. john stuart mills.
He had it in E5.
>that he's never carried before
You people are really bad at critiquing things, holy shit. Pay attention.
>I disagree with you and I will now fight you like a man!
>EN GARDE! *unsheaths Longclaw*
>*shank* *shank* *shank* *shank*
He also had it when he first went to Dragonstone in S7.
I remember that knife
I cant tell you where but he definitely used it before
The worst part of all this is that the Kikes assassinated Drogon's character with this scene. Drogon was always a good boy who loved his mommy, and they mean to tell us he wouldn't avenge her? Bullshit Dabid
He had it since way back and used it to stab the first wight with piss poor results.
how did anyone even find out? the dragon grass him up? fucking stupid, unlikely her body will ever be found, he could have walked
Pretty much all warriors and soldiers in those times would carry a dagger as a sidearm/utility tool/last line of defense.
Knowing poor idiot honorable Jon, he probably went and 'fessed up immediately.
what's the reason for Davos being recycled ? I didn't watch past s6
Except fucking Oberyn
>Hey guys, Jon Snow just went in after the Queen and 5 minutes later the dragon went apeshit and burned the fuck out of the throne room then flew with the Queen in its claws instead of on its back. Should we check it out?
OK but to be fair he had it hiked way up to his armpit so it couldn't be missed as he approached Dany
Yes. He shoulda submitted a betrayal notification 15 days in advance. This writing is so gay.
He just took the stability drop
Stannis sends Davos to Jon after he becomes Lord Commander to ask for men to defeat the Boltons. Stannis burns his daughter and gets defeated. Red Woman flees just before that happens and ends up at Castle Black. Jon gets stabbed and Davos convinces the Meli to resurrect him. Davos then helps Jon take back Winterfell and sticks around. He then becomes hand of the king to Jon when he's declared King in da Norf. Davos goes to Dragonstone and seems mighty interested by Missandei. S8 he does nothing much and survives. Becomes master of ships in the end.
Why the fuck would Grey Worm, who was just shown killing captives, not kill the murderer of his queen immediately? What was the point of that whole adversarial subplot between them? It went FUCKING NOWHERE. Why was Grey Worm ok with letting him go to the wall that was so weak
checked and honked
He had clear casus belli.
oh yeah you're right I saw some of it in s6
Only get away that shit in first season of HBO show
Drogon, the black one, is only 1/3 of the dragon population yet responsible for 100 percent of the dragon crime in Westeros
>not unzipping dick and fapping on her face
Dude, imagine her last moments are just seeing you releasing on her face, literally her last images on this world
The first season/book is all about a traditional hero massively fucking up and getting beheaded.
>kills night king.
>leaves her friend to die in a 1v1 vs a huge undead zombie.
>runs around the ground using innocent retards as meat shields instead of running across the top of the roofs like a ninja.
He wasn't set on killing her when he entered the room.
Then she smiled at him because in the end everything is perfect she's gotten the iron throne and a Targ nephew to make babies with. Doesn't give a flying fireblazing fuck about having razed a whole city for no practical purpose. In fact the only thing she might not be comfortable with at that time is telling him she's gonna have to kill Arya and Sansa (and probably dracarys the shit out of the North for good measure).
Jon finally realized she was bat-shit crazy. Killed her for his vision of the greater good and will just go get drunk with Tormund until he dies or forgets about it.
>valor in combat
>fighting an unarmed teen girl
she just needed to die. He killed her gracefully and as painlessly and quickly as possible. What are you fucking retarded?
why didn't he just chimp out on Tyrion so Bron could swoop in with his cool new xbow and shoot that fucking slave.
>should have told her he disageeed
and promptly be swarmed by unsullied and eaten alive by a dragon
Jon WOULDNT be 20 Unsullied fags
Wait, what was jons dagger? Is that lightbringer?
>what if she killed his sisters and burned the north
IF my mother had wheels she would have been a bike
it's quite the opposite he is heroic because he killed her, a true hero would never be able to live with himself by letter an evil live on.
The previous episode was "what if she burned KL to the ground?".
She mentioned winterfell by name when talking about her "revolution to the world gas the jews" stalin/hitler/general hux speech, it was the only thing he understood in it.
No she wouldn't have. If Jon had actually stopped spurning her he could have brought her nice side back quickly. Dany was deeply in love with him and I don't believe she would ever do anything that would make him abandon her like killing his sisters. That rage at King's Landing was because mainly Jon had abandoned her, thats it. It wasnt muh bells or anything. Its because she felt alone and unloved.
Literal retard
>she genocided a city because she got blue ballsed
yeah that's exactly why he needed to kill her bruh. having some borderline personality disorder lunatic that destroys other people on a whim when they're upset is the problem.
It's weak and cowardly to let that insane bitch live. It's not up for discussion. She had a God complex and all that is and will ever be would be filtered through her lens.
>Yeah she burned a city full of civilians to the ground
"Niggers gather, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until they cum. They shall take my wife, my sister and my mother. I shall wear a dick cage and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post, watching them cuck me. I am the dick in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the hardon that burns against the cold, hard dick cage, the lightskin that bows to the darkies, the horny dude that watches my wife's pussy get wrecked by a bigger nigger alpha male, the faggot whose hungry faggot ass waits in anticipation of getting filled by BBC. I pledge my life and honor to watching superior Dothraki nigs fuck my wife, for this night and all the nights to come."
Jon is a somplete whore for what he did. Daenerys was character assassinated even hawrder than Stannis, so stfu. Its absolutely digsusting what these two hacks did to this character.
Why did Tyrion consider Drogon in his chat with Jon? It's like they didn't even consider the possibility that the badass dragon that just flattened a city for shits and giggles MIGHT become a problem if they killed his mom and left him to his own devices in grief and without guidance.
Series should have ended with Drogon going absolutely berserk and declaring war on all humans minus the Dothraki/Unsullied.
Drogon died on his way back to his home planet
you need to go back. She has more balls than Jon will ever have, fucking coward killing unarmed woman after he kisses her.
why does a dragon going apeshit (the same unpredictable and mysterious beast that just torched an entire city and very few people understand) immediately implicate jon in stabbing his queen and gf? suppose you decide to kill your wife but your violently autistic wife's son comes home, sees her body, decides to smash up her favourite sofa in a way unique to himself, and then carries her corpse off down the street before disappearing with it completely. with no witnesses to the actual crime, who'd be the prime suspect?
God Ned is so based
The father who let his autistic son run off with his wife?
No, Moshe. Take your kabbalah and shove it up your ass.
He didn't even had the balls to do it after the kiss, he did it while kissing so she wouldn't react
i feel sorry for the writers really, ruining the end of their own show due to their cultural indoctrination.
atleast the book ending will be relevant to the story rather than an ideology
The only good thing in this season was Mad Dany
Have sex, incel
if she was still hot, i could dig banging a hot hitler, but not this pudgy-faced mumbler
Honk for those digits
>implying she's not the hottest she ever been
are you a faggot?
you dont know what prime is
>She had a God complex
Messiah complex.
And Borderline Personality Disorder.
Letting her rule would be the doom of Westeros; her paranoia and craziness would inevitably lead to her "freeing" others through fire and blood, just like she did at King's Landing.
agreed, the fact that he was making out with her to distract her, while stabbing her in the heart is SO not jon :/ doesn't feel like something he'd do AT ALL
S8 Dany >= S1 Dany > S7 Dany > all
There's only one choice
>A righteous hero
Doesn't abandon his post, like he did the Night Watch. There wasn't a promise or oath he didn't break. His father would have been ashamed of him. He abandoned his family for a woman he literally just met, who turned out to be his own aunt. And that's AFTER he abandoned his post in the Night Watch for a woman.
He's no hero. The harm to his character has been the entire story. Jon was shit. He should never have been brought back, the Night Watch who killed him had the right idea.
Being a hero is all about killcount. Retards need to get themselves familiar with classic epics and actual heroes who came from a culture that gave us a concept of a hero.
Brans hotter :)
>You will never be hand of the king, push him around in his chair, gently bully him in private, ruffle his shaggy hair, rub his soft cheek as his head bobs up and down on your cock :(
why live
kys degenerate
Mil he stabbed Dany un the tits fag, no the back
no khaleesi pls
There is no escape user, you can't outrun or dodge a bullet
fucking faggot
Batman doesn't play fair either user. It's all about the result.
i'm gonna outrun YOUR bullet if you know what i mean
>and promptly be swarmed by unsullied and eaten alive by a dragon
youre a dumb brainlet. Even mad dany could never kill jon. that much is obvious
Yeah, no shit sherlock. enjoy your dead waifu while i enjoy my immortal twink demigod husbando ;) sorry about the dagger in her heart hehe notreally
user, please not in front on user.
Seriously though, what kind of fucking magic are they using in GoT
if i could have 8 wives
>in got
>implying she's not cuter outside of got
Why did they off the 2nd dragon in episode 4. If they killed it in the battle of Kings Landing, Dany would at least have a reason to go apeshit on the city.
Unironically perfect.
stop cherrypicking images of her chub days. she lost the weight and is cuter than anyone
so explain terminator genisys
She was bloated because of the aneurysm meds brainlet
i think there is something magical about dany but emilia is super cute irl too
That was the point. Like Ned, Jon could disregard honour when it was necessary to do so. Eddard lied about committing treason to save Sansa's life, and he lied about Aegon's origins to save his life.
oh yes for sure, she was surely chubby in that movie!
My mom thinks she's extremely ugly without her Dany makeup (meaning actual brunette Emilia), but thinks Jon is pretty. No, she's never watched the show; just a few episodes in S1.
one of the most anti-climatic deaths I've ever witnessed, terrible!
So was Greyworm a literal King of King's Landing for two weeks before Sansa & Northmen arrived in?
Did Jon get the worse ending in the show? all he went through just to end up back in square one, freezing his ass off at the wall. His true ancestry plotline was completely pointless as well.
CGI is expensive, user
>thinks Emilia is ugly
>but thinks Jon is pretty
seething roastie theory never fails
He killed the woman who risked her life to save his life and his people from the literal undead and killed an enemy the waged war on his kingdom for the near entirety of the series.
Jon was truly an ungrateful disloyal prick or he was incredibly dense and easily manipulated by the midget.
realistically Dany would have acted more than just lay back and bleed out of her nose.
>Fuck em they got what was coming to them killing a guest at a diner is a taboo in westeroos
Didn't Arya kind of violate guest right too? She had to have been there for days, sleeping under their roof and eating their food.
catalyst of Dany going mad. That's it. No other reason.
>tfw my medical school gf looks like Emilia
Feels good, man.
Or maybe Emilia IS ugly. Only you faggots waifu her. Next thing you'll tell me she's Nicole Kidman...
proof or BTFO
Still retarded but would have been better than what we got
>Next thing you'll tell me she's Nicole Kidman...
??? Also the way you write makes you seem like a girl faggot
kek. they say the same stuff about trump. hurrr he speaks like us. huurrr he says it like it is. huuur his rallies are fun.
Should’ve had the dragon try and scorch him and when it didn’t work Dany gets on her knees
heart is at the hight of your nipples, not under your breasts.
and it's not middle of torso. Nor would you bleed out of your mouth or nose in that case.
what a fucking shit taste
Thee writing for the finale was bad enough, didn't need to added yelling and screaming after getting stabbed.
what kind of knife did he use that caused her to bleed from the mouth & nose?
>unironically thinking that dabid knows anything about human anatomy
>not fucking that dragon pussy forever while conquering the whole world with your waifu
>all because of muh peasants
gods jon is such a fag
He stabbed her in the front though and there is such a thing as an element of surprise. Also, only losers are dead. There are no rules. Kill yourself.
Nobody cares what your fucking mother thinks, kid. You have to be 18 to post here, fuck off.
Not if you ask Christoper Lee
>TRIAL by combat
do you even know the meaning of the words you write? Besides this isn't snowniggery, you can't just challenge the chief like that.
for me, its season 5
>not fucking that dragon pussy forever while conquering the whole world with your waifu
She killed 500,000 people. Would you?
Absolutely. Not to mention Kings Landing was filled with enemies of the North. Jon should have been happy considering they would have purged the northern kingdoms had Cersei won.
one thrust for each dead. I'm hard just thinking about it. Nothing hotter than getting a powerful woman to submit to your cock
>She killed 500,000 people. Would you?
>Would you?
Where do you think you are
The cartoon fans are apparently much more mature than the comic book ones
Wait, so why was Sansa ok with the Southern Kingdom just sending bunch of felons through her lands to the Wall which purpose had turned obsolete now that Wildlings were in good terms with Northerners?
*mumbles something about dany being his queen for an entire season*
That's what you get for not having guards by your side 24/7
>but Drogon
Yeah, and he did such a good job protecting her huh?
Ascendency to the Throne is settled by... wait for it... a trial!
You’re a spastic, kill yourself.
those fucking eyebrows are nasty as fuck. is it really so difficult to dye her eyebrows?
>has Longclaw
>stabs her with random dagger he apparently had stashed in his ass
I allow it.
Go for it. First four seasons are kino and the last four are innofensive fun. People are disappointed because years of theories were thrown into the trash, but the ending is not even THAT bad. It's serviceable for a TV show.
>"Let me eat my pizza you fat faggot, and for the last time my name is not Neo"
You fucking mong, he literally had a scabbard on his right side with the dagger when he walked in. How can you be so wrong and still think you should commentate about a shitty show when you're obviously even more retarded than the biggest normie piece of shit who genuinely enjoys this shit?
Even the dragon knew...
Why did the dragon chimp out and destroy the throne? Did the dragon know what it meant? Why didnt it kill jon?
I don't remember her being that hot in season 4 . Dayum
>Can literally see the progressive weight gain
Tyrion didn't care, he just need Dany dead so he had a chance to live.
but it isn't you retard
S6 is the peak. That costume is hot as fuck
Roll for S7
>having some borderline personality disorder lunatic that destroys other people on a whim when they're upset is the problem
So you're a misogynist then? Because most women are like that.
If he stabbed her in the lung, no.
Your mother was a bike, the village bike.
Just want to thank you Danyfags for all this shit.
Watching you shit your pants over your pajeeto waifu was everything i expected and then some.
it was supposed to mirror jaime breaking is oath and killing the mad king
now jon is gonna be remembered as the queenslayer
Killing Dany in the first place is symptomatic of how sick our culture has gotten in general and I'm sure it's not a coincidence. Our media these days really seems to enjoy promoting killing your opponent when once upon a time this would have been looked upon as abominable or at the very least a villainous act. The heroic ideal was generally about striving to be better than the villain, even when it wasn't particularly easy to do so, protecting life, seeking to redeem, and so on. Now, as viewers we're supposed to cheer the bloodshed as our "hero" becomes judge, jury, and executioner. Some examples that come to mind in no particular order...
>Luke Skywalker going to kill Ben when he's having a bad dream.
>Superman snapping Zod's neck
>Batman suddenly being okay with killing people
>Optimus Prime executing an opponent that has yielded and is begging for his life
>Thor beheading a defeated and mostly powerless Thanos
>Jon killing Dany while she is unarmed and her defenses are down because Jon is kissing her
Lol u mad
Sit down uncle
He’s a manlet user, she was basically a titan from his perspective
He needs to get it on with another queen, so he becomes the queenslayer. If you know what I mean.
You're dumb. Almost every example has the villain either about to do something horrible or having already done it
I bet you'd be the type of Bond villain to tell him your entire plan giving him just enough time to escape and wreck your shit.
What's going on in here
She was queen for like a day
Dany did nothing wrong.
Did she ever perform the salt & bread ceremony like Robb did?
He has had the dagger for quite a long time. But the whole discussion with Tyrion made its presence REALLY obvious in this scene.
oh man I hope she doesn't eat the people in that castle or shove them down her pants LOL
absolutely and literally nothing wrong
yes but stop at season 5.
why didnt her dragon incinerate him?
Cause bren is dragon
He knew stannis was the one true king
Because of shitty writing
>A righteous hero
There are no heroes in GoT.
>But I think most philsophers wold agree that murdering a loved one and family member even for the 'greater good' is a morally reprehensible action
dumb wannabe "philsophers" maybe. if anything not murdering a loved one and family member for the 'greater good' is a selfish and selfserving act.
She looks CGI. Like Uncanny Valley level CGI.
>What kind of retard turns down world domination with the woman he loves at his side?
Fa/tv/irgin logic people
Daenerys was a symbol for the United States this season
>I'll save the world from Tyranny!!!
>even if they dont want too!!
>bombs everything to hell and back from the sky
>we good guys now
>lol I freed you!! now thank me!!
>who is next??
Yeah she's perfect i know
I mean, I'm on the sexbot hype-train so I'm 100% okay with it but... let's not pretend she's a person.
This pic pure is CGI, maybe the others not but i'm sure this is
What’s the big deal about fire and blood? Government is literally only the monopolization of violence. It was fire and blood that created the 7 kingdoms and brought in 300 years of prosperity. Alexander the Great revolutionized the world spreading culture and civilization by the sword. He, like Dany burned cities to the ground. Dany would have united the world under one banner. She would have ended slavery.
Dany is my queen.
She did nothing wrong.
Under her reign the petty fights between little lords would have came to an end. The old world order would never die quietly. It needs to burn down.
Now after winter fell gains independence, why shouldn’t the other kingdoms get the same? Jon has only issued a new era of civil conflict. If the clash of Kong’s was bad, you got another thing coming.
>There are no heroes in GoT.
It was an act of mercy. Dying hurts alot more if you know its coming.
Idk cause he's a targaryean?
>Drogon awkwardly picks up Dany’s body with his feet
>as they’re flying away her arm is sticking out of his claw and flapping around like a ragdolling video game npc
>the dagger is still visibly jutting out of her chest the whole time
I actually thought that scene was pretty effective and tragic until that point and then it was borderline comedic.
>Muh trial by combat
Did you even watch the show? Usually trial by combat if offered BY the powerful. Currently Dany is 'the powerful' and she clearly doesn't want to do a trial by combat for many reasons.
But user, she just wanted to bring FREEDOM(™) to the world how are you so blind omg :)