Now that GoT has jumped the shark, lost all semblance of seriousness, and just reached stupid levels of absurdity, am I the only one hoping for a spin-off following Arya exploring the live action version of the One Piece universe?
Now that GoT has jumped the shark, lost all semblance of seriousness, and just reached stupid levels of absurdity...
Why did she decide to travel? She never really talked about wanting to travel, did she?
They spent time in the last episode showing what she did and saw during the dragon attack - why not build on that? Instead she just goes "give me a ship, I'm gonna sail west" without any real reason.
In my opinion, they have no plans of giving the Aryia (or however you spell it) a lead roll in a spinoff. She is getting a little chunky, won’t be pretty very much longer. This is the problem with younger actors. Look at Bran, that fucker got ugly, with a Maester Aemon bowl cut to go with it. I think she’ll have minor roles in other projects, but her acting and looks are far to weak.
>*Crazy Rainbow Star starts playing*
>I don't want to be a noblewoman, I want freedom!
>I don't want freedom, I want to be an assassin!
>I don't want to be an assassin, I want to be a Stark!
>I don't want to be a Stark, I want to be an explorer!
What's next?
None of it makes any sense. Like, who the fuck is her crew? She's going to sail into the unknown with a bunch of people who just met her and have some allegiance to Winterfell, which sure as fuck isn't a port town?
That is Kublai not Genghis
unironically would watch that desu
i don't want a prequel spin off that d&d will inevitable ruin
>>I don't want to be an assassin, I want to be a Stark!
She didn't say this.
The Hound convinced her that living your life seeking revenge is destructive and unhealthy, and not something anyone should be after.
Her interest in exploring is what she's replacing the revenge-seeking with.
Couldn't tell you why, but it's not like she's out of the blue decided to do something different - she was previously shown why she should.
It's such lazy writing. They've developed Arya into a character who's perpetually too-cool-for-school and centered around conflict, but with the magical fairy-tale peace ending, they can't have her do anything else but fuck off into the oceans cuz she's a loner and has to be unique. Bad-ass adventures await!
>Arya D. Stark
I'll giver her the D if you know what I mean
why doesnt bran just tell her whats there
he can even warg birds that are over there to draw a map for her
>arya manifests major depression and savior complex
>audience: you go girl
>arya overcomes depression to make an actual career in life
>audience: reeeee
I was expecting this reply as soon as I opened this thread.
she said that in braavos when she stopped saying she was nobody, she said she was arya stark and picked up needle
She's the modern day Rimbaud.
>living your life seeking revenge is destructive and unhealthy
>now Arya sails west
Is that the 3DPD version of vinland saga?
yes, you are the only one that wants that garbage.
I wanted more Masie boobies, reeeeeeeeeee
I hope they give her the Nami treatment.
You mean she said it like 3 seasons ago? Before she returned and was killing people on her list?
GoT season 5-8 is the best
Sounds boring. First thing they need to do is recast Arya.
But she already looks like a One Piece character.
It has honestly never been as bad as the finale.
*sucks air in teeth*
ayyo this bitch ate the uggo uggo no mi
How could fucking anyone want this. We got more than enough of this bitch.
Are there really people who dislike Arya? Aside from Braavos she was by far the most interesting character since the first season.