GRR Martin can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Martin doesn’t ask the question: What was Bran’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these Dothraki? By the end of the war, Daenerys is gone but all of the Dothraki aren’t gone – they’re in the seven kingdoms. Did Bran pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby Dothraki, in their little Dothraki saddles?
GRR Martin can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good...
Other urls found in this thread:
Based and Anglo-Saxonpilled
GRRM wrote nothing after 4th season.
Even though I find Tolkien is a far better writer in literary sense, GRRMs world-building is fantastic.
GRRMs "world building" consists of ripping off Dune wholesale - complete with a family diaspora, face changing assassins, and dragons instead of giant worms. Any child from age ten and up could "world build" as well as GRRM simply by drawing maps of imaginary countries and making up fantasy armies based on his warhammer figurines
>dragon = drogon
>lands with lots of rivers = riverlands
>lands with lots of storms = storm lands
>man that weighs a tonne = mountain
>blonde hair blue eyed house = targ-aryan
>jeffrey = joffrey
>richard = dickon
>jamie = jaime
>ross = roose
>keep that is made of red brick = red keep
>bay where the water is black = blackwater bay
world building in what sense?
all tired cliches apart from a handful, but these are also ruined by Martin's simplistic view of feudalism and feudal morality.
not based on real world tectonic/hydrological/geological processes and is an upended Ireland stuck onto the British isles, which clearly was done before any names or houses were envisioned to populate it.
laughable, contrived and simpler than even Arthurian legends or Shakespeare in terms of court intrigue and feudal systems of governance. A continent sized empire is apparently ruled over entirely by 1-5 people and a handful of houses. The House system itself is illogical and the concept of bannermen never existed, the King raised armies through taxes and would never have trusted Barons with maintaining armies.
nothing unique and plays on tired concepts of fanaticism, mob justice and reactionary radicalism. The faith has zero impact on the decisions or motivations of nearly all the players or it is their only driving force.
not even worth broaching, it's childishly simplistic and often illogical with lending based on zero economic assurances or income. Martin never even bothers to tackle how years long winters are dealt with or how the people live and prepare for such things.
All a direct rip of medieval cultures only with many cues that show Martin has little grasp of history in the first place. Language is barely delved into, nor history or even how the different lifestyles have changed the culture and influence it's perspectives.
I really hope you're not implying grrm's world-building is better than the guy who coined the phrase 'sub-creation'
>George RR Fatfucks worldbuilding is fantastic
Grrm is a hack who cant finish what he started. Overrated as fuck, throws a bunch of names and storylines, cant finish the mess
>land of the angles = angland
>land of the deutsch = deutschland
>land of the frank = france
>land of the poles = poland
>land of the swiss = switzerland
>land of the finns = finland
>land of ice = iceland
>land of the thai = thailand
>lands below the sea = netherlands
who does he think he's fooling?
>blonde hair blue eyed house = targ-aryan
Fuck after reading the first book when it launched until today I never got this. Should I kms?
fucking based
Daily reminder: Tolkien stole everything from norse mythology
Based British Martin
>The House system itself is illogical and the concept of bannermen never existed, the King raised armies through taxes and would never have trusted Barons with maintaining armies.
That's not true at all.
You literally know shit about (early/high) medieval history.
based drooling retard
Based Tolkien preserving european culture
Tolkien (on jews): If I am to understand…
…that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.
My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient.
I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army.
I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.
GRRM (on jews): iSrAeL iS wAr CrImInAlz!!!
dont be that guy
Tolkien - based but not redpilled
GRRM - unbased but redpilled
it's rare but it happens
He stole 50% from poetic edda, 50% from bible
you're hopeless
>GRRMs world-building is fantastic.
>A collage of ideas from, and references to, other and better fiction writers
>The continents and even the planet have boring uninspired names, and they're all rectangular for some reason
>Rip off European medieval history
>Throw in some character names and titles from Eastern Europe and Eurasia for some reason
>Wa la
feel free to demonstrate otherwise, it was never the responsibility of noble families to raise forces out of their own pockets, they sent their sons to ride as knights and their taxes were used by the King to raise forces for wars. Also no noble was ever sworn to follow a greater house, they owed allegiance to the King alone. Bannermen never existed and you are a moron.
I know this is bait but I still just want to say to any zoomers that might be out there: the books are really fucking good. They're immersive, the world building is great, the long and tedious descriptions of clothing and food are great.
im sure he would love to see what the world has become thanks to jews winning and germans losing
also go dilate
Tolkien - killed innocent germans in a war to further jewish interests.
GRRM - saw through the lies of the jews and refused to fight in their wars.
Dorne would rebel instantly after the "election". Bran is a moron with some magical powers.
He was actually quite disgusted on the treatment of post-war Germany by the Allies
He died in 1973 and was a staunch supporter of Israel till the end of his days.
g*rmans don't know how to do anything but fuck the world up.
>muh cultural appropriation
Because only the based snowniggers had dragons, dwarves demons and gods battling each other on their mythology, right?
He literally lifted the names from german epics. Read books for a change, you illiterate fuck.
Agreed. Other people are commenting about place names being a bit silly, but that isn't the entirety of world building. The way he represents the politics of his complex world is very admirable.
He can write like total shit, though. His descriptions are trash and he often finishes sentences... this.
Tolkien shits all over him in terms of literary style, weight, philosophical musings, etc.
t. happy merchant
redpilled and unwaveringly based
wtf I love tolkien now
did you know that you can hate jews and germanoids?
The council of Elrond is already a more complex political exchange than anything we see in Martin's work, I mean just compare it to any good historical fiction like Wolf Hall and it looks embarassingly incompetent. Saying such a poor attempt is admirable just cements yourself as a poorly read and ignorant person.
>A-at least the books are good
tolkien would really like that quote from carl sagan
>If you wish to make apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe
I studied Literature at undergraduate I've probably read more books at 26 than you'll read in your entire life
>demonstrate otherwise
France until mid-15th century.
Tolkien literally admitted that he stole the idea of the ring from the Völsunga saga.
He also admitted in letters that Gandalf = Odin, Narsil = Gram, The One Ring = Andvaranaut, The Balrog and the collapse of the Bridge of Khazad-dûm = Surtr and the destruction of Asgard's bridge etc.
But of course, brainlets who don't know anything about European mythologies think Tolkien came up with original ideas.
You are retarded.
Tolkien wrote the Hobbit and LotR as a philogical experiement, he wanted a land and peoples to populate his created languages. It's biblical in a sense, since 'in the beginning was the word' and it is true really, the past only exists for us through words so if you are going to create a history/fantasy you should start with the words themselves.
and you learnt enough to praise GRR Martins worldbuilding, congratulations. Many here have no such degree but more intellect and critical thinking than you.
>GRRM has even the most basic understand of the relationship between church, state, people, and other feudal customs
>da church was mean ta da people cuz da people couldnt red
>dragon = drogon
*wyvern = drogon
>I studied Literature at undergraduate
Yikes. I’m sorry to hear that, user.
He stole more from the Kalevala than the Völsunga saga.
I sure hope you don't think you have those skills when your first reply to me suggests one can't have good worldbuilding when someone else has done it better.
Just because War and Peace is a masterpiece doesn't mean something like Saving Private Ryan has no merit.
But hey I hope you felt like you validated your intelligence, Bucko
>GRRMs world-building is fantastic.
Kalevala = Silmarillion.
Völsunga saga = Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
This was like Lennon’s bigger than Jesus comment. GRRM is one of my favorite living authors, but he’s in no position to even quibble with Tolkien.
That's right, but IIRC in Tolkien's "bible" (the Silmarillion) there was nothing at first, and the cosmos started simply as a thought of Iluvatar. Then harmony came to be as melody from Ainur, and chaos was represented as an Ainur singing inharmoniously.
As soon as I read that, I was amazed. So beautiful, so simple, pure and fine. Fuck Game-of-Thrones-SJW-faggots.
He didn't steal directly from Völsunga saga. He stole from Wagner, who first stole from Völsunga saga. There was a human centipede thing going there.
it's not my intelligence that's on trial, kid.
>brainlets who don't know anything about European mythologies
Silly user, europeans don't have any culture.
But what was their tax policy?
>world building
People saying that Tolkien "stole from Norse mythology" or other types of lore should be ridiculed. You cannot steal from a people's tale. You cannot steal from something that belongs to nobody and everyone at once.
Then you have no excuse. Jesus the absolute state of you.
Based Wyvernposter
ikr. Fucking retarded, green-haired orcs. They don't know what romantic/poetic literature is. BuT mAh FemINisM. Mah RealIstiC sTory. ppft
Good. Better to steal in part from old mythology than from modern generic shit.
>The lands of always winter
even Narnia wasn't this infantile
Yeah, right. But the surprising thing is that it has actually landed me a few jobs.
Tolkien was also a big fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter. He stole Shelob from the giant spiders in Barsoom.
>blue eyed
pretty sure anyone whos ever had a passing thought about tolkien knows this
>blue eyes
Targaryans don't have blue eyes in the books, assmouth.
He stole from the things that was modern at the time. Like Henry Rider Haggard's She, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom, Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen (Ring Cycle) etc.
True master of world building is Brian Aldiss with Heliconia because he made the world the main character.
Nah, user, everything Tolkien every wrote was 100% original and he singlehandedly created fantasy as we know it.
kek what a hack
A "medieval" society would name things like that, THAT society are NOT WRITERS.
I cannot even begin to describe how fucking stupid and ignorant you are. Literally every European kingdom, from Rus/Kiev to the thrones of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland utilized military power provided by their duchies, counties, and baronies. Do you seriously think that every country has been an absolutist-monarchy with a purely centralized system since the fall of Rome?
It's funny that Tolkien (noted Jew lover) stole from Wagner (literally Nazi)
You can say that the South of Westeros is Ireland upside down, but England is a stretch. Aside from vertical shape, it really doesn't have any other similiarities.
what is the point of this post?
Why haven't you done it then? Are you saying you aren't as creative as a ten year old with Warhammer figures?
Tolkien was a jew-like shabbos goy. I don't know why people defend him.
Barsoom is based tho
>wHy hAveNt u DonE iT thEn?
The Dothraki have deserved a total genocide since the first episode. It's abhorrent that we didn't get to see all those horse niggers get killed. Oh wait, we did see them all get killed, but next episode they were back.
Because millennials watched Peter Jackson's trilogy when they were kids and now worship Tolkien without knowing anything about uncreative hack.
He's one of those people who misunderstands some post on /his/ or elsewhere and then constructs a fantasy based on that and ''redpills'' people.
What he originally read was that armies of medieval period weren't lords pressing peasants into service and sending them to battle with pitchforks. That's true.
Mercenaries were also widely used.
But most feudal European states had a system where recruitment was delegated to nobility, and nobles would bring men for campaign, and also fight as heavy cavalry. He mentions taxation, yet in many states nobility was free from taxation. It really depends on the state and exact period, but I offered him France as an example where things were very decentralized and chaotic. Of course, he failed to respond.
Chad Dorthaki's literally resurrecting themselves from death while Westeros Soiboys die by the thousands.
I wonder if tolkien ever fapped to dejah thoris
>fighting against commieshits is a jewish interest
>sanderson: creates and entire cosmogeny from scratch so that all magic has internal sense without handwaving it away
>writes dozens upon dozens of books centered around different worlds in the cosmos
it should be a crime to be this edgy and tryhard
You know he did, user.
To be considered 'wise and good' by Westerosi standards pretty much means not being a morally insane, vicious machiavellian cunt and making a honest effort to improve people's lives, so expectations were probably pretty lax. As for the left-over Dothraki, they were severely diminished as a fighting force. Their leader, dragons and Unsullied support is gone, they're severely outnumbered, stuck in a foreign land, they don't speak the language and are universally hated, so they really have no incentive to stay in Westeros. It is conceivable that Bran struck a bargain with them, making efforts to integrate willing remainers and offering the rest passage back home.
Dumb and dumber - pic related - made sure to magically bring the negro-Dothraki army back from the dead to please the expectations of twitter, and yours.
Tolkien wrote an entire goddamn language for his books. George's world-building isn't even comparable to the shit Christopher Tolkien botched in editing. Middle-Earth has more thought put into it than any other fictional world, bar none.
Most of them didn't even read the books and now suck tolkien's cock
Keep on seething dumb frogposter.
grrm go finish writing your travesty of a book and stop shitposting on a tolkien appreciation Internet forum
>all of these people shitting on Tolkien
>it was never the responsibility of noble families to raise forces out of their own pockets
Erikson > Sanderson >>>>>>>>> Tolkien > Martin
go fap to dothraki futa, faggot
Anyone who has a passing knowledge of European literature would shit on Tolkien. Even when he was alive, people called him out for plagiarism and he had to cry and defend it like the cuck he was.
Oh thank, God. I was a bit confused with this topic about how I was gonna mention the Jews but a B&R user did it for me.
based post
It's the ONLY book they read, user. So now they have to defend it on an azerbaijani monkey smuggling forum.
targaryans have purple eyes
At least it was named after Drogo. Much better than dragon=eragon
>Fuck taxes, if someone needs monies they just go to the bank, and the bankers bitch them out but ultimately give up the cash and they never ever have to pay them back.
- Gurm on finance
>anyone who is smart like me would make [baseless claim without proof]
Because op wants to make edgelord 500, the racing movie with werewolfs, vampires, and ghosts race in a spooky world would be dogshit.
And fucking Scooby Doo already did it.
Lies. You cannot steal from tales that nobody owns, stupid. You faggots focus on how parts of Tolkien's story kinda look similar to stuff from mythology and legend, and completely miss on the languages Tolkien made, the poems he wrote, and the overall story that's not plagiarized by any stretch of the imagination. If Tolkien had a dog, and that dog took a shit, that would be ASOIAF, faggot.
>European mythologies
holy fuck
>muh languages
Is that all Tolkienfags can come up with? It's like their go-to defense of any criticism towards Tolkien.
Oh right, cause creating languages is something your dumb ass does for fun. Also, you ignored 80% of my message. I didn't just mention the languages. But I guess I can't expect you to be honest when you shit on Tolkien with nothing but lies.
Bear Island = Isle of Man
Saltspear = Bristol Channel
The Wall = Hadrian's Wall
""The dwarves of course are quite obviously - wouldn't you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic.""
― J.R.R. Tolkien (Letter 45)
Lord of the Rings was about Elves (Europeans) and Dwarves (Jews) overcoming their differences and fighting together against Orcs (Fascists) and Haradrims (Turks).
>what is the songs of the ainur
tolkien was a good goy
>Gotfags coping
Tolkien fought in WWI, not WWII. His orcs were based on soldiers from the German empire, not fascists or nazis.
Humans = English
Elves = French
Dwarves = Jews
Orcs = Germany and Austro-Hungary
Haradrims = Ottomans
Houses of the Dwarves get destroyed because their greed for gold causes them to “dig too deep.” In Tolkiens universe evil is self defeating, this is why Frodo doesn’t throw the ring in the fire but it ends up in there either way. I think his commentary on the nature of greed itself is self explanatory whether or not you think he was a good goy.
This shit right there is why I judge books by their cover and avoid the ones with sparkling colourful covers like the plague
Holy fucking shit, can you stop trying to parallelize Tolkien's work with fascists and nazis and jews? It makes no fucking sense. It was a children's TALE. At first, he wasn't planning on publishing it.
Christopher: But dad, I don't wanna worship jews!
JRR: You're gonna let the gifted people fuck your ass and you're gonna like it, boy!
then please, find any reference in a historical source of the the medieval period of 'bannermen', nobility bringing standing armies (nobles didn't even levy the troops, it was organized by the King's officials of varying titles like Master of Arms or First Lieutenant (the name itself derives from the officer being given power in lieu of the King). Obviously this could change given circumstances like civil war, the crusades or if the noble had a special charge to protect a border (hence the term 'border marches') but again bannermen didn't exist and all standing armies were under the King and paid for by the King out of taxes.
Professor Tolkien was also heavily against Apartheid and was a big supporter of the black liberation movement in South Africa.
Basically, he was a good decent man who would have hated /pol/fags with a burning passion.
No! they're niggers! and sauron is the jews!
"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White."
― J.R.R. Tolkien, From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959
Source for /pol/fags in denial
Underrated pasta
How are Dwarfs the Jews? They were created by an Ainur (not Iluvatar, the God) and they were not as "good" as Elves of Men. And Jews are supposed to be God's chosen people. No connection. If Tolkien wanted to parallelize Dwarfs to Jews, I'm sure he could have done a much better job at it.
Fuck he was a jew-lover AND a nigger-lover???
Yes your role model was a decent human being and would've cringed at your ass if he saw you yapping about the evils of Jews and Blacks.
Now go kill yourself and rid this world of your presence.
More relevant than ever
I didn't get the Lez Zeppelin reference. What's up?
because Tolkien's parallels with real world races were language based not culture based. Dwarves are similar to jews only in their language, he used hebrew as inspiration for a secret and 'sacred' language for the dwarves with spiritual significance. Just speaking in that language was a holy act which defined who the dwarves are through shared history. Just like how the Rohirrim use old english but they aren't particularly like the Anglo-Saxons, who weren't big on horses and who weren't invited to settle England as client Kings by a bigger power.
Here we see a /pol/fag realizing his life was a lie
>The Wall = Hadrian's Wall
Can't speak for the other examples but GRRM was always very open about his inspirations. He even said that the idea of the wall came to him when he was standing on Hadrian's wall at night.
>you must be 18 to post here
“and GOLLUM”
I think the Rohirrim (and the race of Men in general) spoke in "old English" cause somebody has to speak English in the story. And the English was "old" cause Tolkien was old.
Now, I get what you are saying about languages, but I doubt that's proof enough. I repeat, if Tolkien wanted to parallelize Jews to Dwarfs, he could have done so much better. Don't have Dwarfs be created by a lesser deity for one. I am not convinced that it was the intention of Tolkien to make Jews out of Dwarfs. He used Hebrew (if in fact that's true) cause it's an old language and Tolkien loved languages.
Zeppelin were Tolkienfags
>literary style, weight, philosophical musings, etc.
All worthless.
Maybe learn so geography and history and you would pretty soon notice that most places are named in that way.
why do you think he DID want to do that? He purely wanted to experiment with philology and work backwards, so that rather than having a culture and seeing how language was created by it, he wanted to start from a language and create a culture from it.
BioWare did better world building with dragon age. Game of thrones is literal overrated trash I can’t believe brainlets hold it with such high regard.
>GRRMs world-building is fantastic.
/tg/, /x/, /pol/ and /d/ can do better, much better.
The middle ages were a time of divided sovereignty, between the absolute holder of land, the king, who theoretically had sovereign power over his desmene, and his tennants, Lords and freeholders who had lesser jurisdiction over over their lands. The key idea is that law making authority and military power transferred with the rights granted by being a holder of title to lands. For a tennant the most significant source of legal authority was not to the absolute holder of title, the king, but to his immediate landlord, to whom he owed lands for his service. The relationship was semi-contractual. The Land lord provides protection and law enforcement and the tennant provides a service to his his lord, be it military, agrarian, administrative, or financial.
Standing armies did not exist for most of the middle ages and nor did the concept of a common law and a singular sovereign authority originating from the crown. Almost all war was "civil war" because landlords had personal armies that they could use to settle disputes if the law enforcement power of their lord proved to be against their liking.
Your idea of the middle ages is closer to that of the Renaissance, after kings managed to establish common law over their domain and establish their absolute authority. In Germany power accrued not to the absolute ruler of the land, but to intermediate lords. And so it remained fractured well into the 19th century.
>Fucking Bronn is the Master of Coin
I would watch a Parks & Rec show just about the new small council.
>the books are really fucking good
Only people who read nothing but mediocre genre fiction can claim this. Read more books you fucking zoomer.
Martin IS a Jew. He did a DNA test. He's just the secular subversive sort instead of a zionist.
World building isn't hard
Making a compelling story is
there is no diference between the common tongue from the vale and the reach aside from small accents or even none. just look at spain and how many languages they have comprised in the little peninsula. Westeros is supposed to be the size of south america and bigger.
G*rms and kikes are the same subhuman tribe hellbent on destroying european civilization.
>creates the same magic system in every single new "universe"
>writes the same characters in every "new" novel
The guy is a living proof that Creative Writing programs only produce predictable, unimaginative contract monkeys.
>Bronn is lord of the Reach AND master of coin
>Even when he was alive, people called him out for plagiarism
What is literary influence and intertexruality for 500 Alex
Good post