in 10 years this will be a classic show that people will bring up along side breaking bad, sopranos and the wire
In 10 years this will be a classic show that people will bring up along side breaking bad, sopranos and the wire
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lol breaking bad, I bet you love the walking dead
If you stop watching at the end of S6 it's amazing.
Sopranos ending is still controversial but I think people like it the more time has passed
>The Wire
So I just got done watching the first episode of The Wire and I was blown away! There is a scene where D'angelo is explaining chess to the other kids and teaching them about all the pieces. I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but when he was telling them about pawns, he actually meant THEY were the pawns! What an amazing allegory!
I've never seen such brilliant writing and I can easily say just by having watched the first episode that this is the best show ever made!
Also the acting is phenomenal! Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
This. The Winds of Winter was one of the best GoT episodes. It all went to shit afterwards.
Nope it will be forgotten because the ending sucked.
Huge wake up call the Yea Forums shows and movies are a huge waste of time and absolutely unrewarding hobby
half of why WoW is great is because of Light of the Seven, nothing more
Nay lad.
Blu ray sales will be disappointing.
As a TV show, you are only as good as your last episode, this has been proven time and time again. You think dweebs would still be dressing up as Star Trek characters if TOS had ended with Kirk violently buttfucking Spock and pushing him out of an airlock?
You can rewatch Babylon 5 and enjoy every single episode knowing that all the foreshadowing and worldbuilding actually leads to a terrific climax.
You can't rewatch LOST knowing that the smoke monsters is an eyptian knobhead with magic powers, or that Walt didn't have any powers.
more like lost
Is that why season 7 has the highest average episode rating?
Season 7 was beautiful when put next to season 8...
Not a chance
>Bodie's ambush scene
>Notice Bodie shoots diagonally as pawn, at Chris and Snoop as they move straight forward as rooks. Then O Dog comes out the door at an L shape much like a knight. Where Marlo; much like a king is nowhere to be found
>Sopranos ending is still controversial
No its perfect
>the wire
in 10 years it will be a second-tier show that everyone looks fondly on but not really interested in discussing in detail anymore, shows like Lost, NYPB Blue, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The West Wing, Dexter, etc.
You probrably never watched it.
go back to /pol/ retard
Absolutely not. GoT will end up like Lost, totally forgotten because of how poorly it finished
Based and true. This also applies to music, comics, video games etc.
It's all just lonely people trying to be part of something disguised as a hobby. Complete waste of time that will add nothing to your life and character.
I guarantee you are boring as fuck
Wait why the fuck /pol/,holy shit rent free.....
Stop trying to push the wire. It wasn't that good. Someone must be paying you
You've permanently warped your brain, lad. Consider suicide.
>t. manchild
Show us your funko pop collection user!
I don't know why this brainlets revere The Wire so much, it is a meh show that nobody will remember 5 years from now except this retards, even today most people don't even know it exists.
Sopranos was awful
Only obese brainlets like sopranos
sniggered at this, have a you
>The Wire
>Written by an Israeli Jew
>Primary cast is entirely black
As a liberal white male, I empathize with the show so much!
lel, the Wire was good because it was a breath of fresh air. One of the few things on TV that would actually show computers running Windows. That's how down to Earth and real it was, it had Windows.
I can name a modern multiple season show that’s objectively better than GoT.
>be kike
>try to elicit sympathy in white liberals by making a show about dope dealing niggers
>actually make a show about what worthless pieces of shit niggers and their kike lawyers are and how they ruin a city with their niggerness
I love it when they do that
It will fade away like LOST
this show is unredeemable
Game of Thrones got shit after the end of Series 4. Breaking bad is overrated by normies and underrated by Yea Forums. The Sopranos is god tier and the Wire isn't. Facts
The Sopranos is based because it never reached the masses
It did, just not zoomers, which is all that matters
>only media is pop shit
Are sales of physical media even that much of a factor anymore?
nobody cares about the wire
This. In fact, fuck HBO’s “prestige” hour long dramas in general. I’d much rather rewatch Curb, Entourage or Eastbound & Down.
Heaping pile of shit