bout to crack open an ice cold Bang's and marathon Cloud Atlas
what am I in for?
bout to crack open an ice cold Bang's and marathon Cloud Atlas
what am I in for?
It's Banq's dumbass
Holy fuck, I just had a can
This isn't even a funny joke because it's obviously an R, and if you think that could be mistaken for an "N", well then you're probably an illiterate nigger who should be bludgeoned to death.
>This isn't even a funny jo-
don't care.
>hey guys I just got here from reddit, thought you all should know
shit tasting root beer
they aren't coming from reddit they are coming from /pol/
based bangsposter
absolutely seething
same thing these days, /pol/ is the premier newfag destination now
Never seen that soda before. Is it good?
bonjour reddit
Cloud Atlas is unironically the most high IQ and best movie ever made.
it's Barg's, retard
Bang's rootbeer posting, who cares about Cloud Atlus
I know right.
These right wingers are trying to invade our inclusive trans safe space.
if i cant dilate in peace IM GOING TO LOSE IT