Why is he considered a great actor again?
Why is he considered a great actor again?
>Insults Trump
>Lives in the head of asshurt incels RENT FREE for years
because even if he's a libtard he's still talented as fuck
I don't know. His only good role was in the Godfather II. Everything else - he plays himself. Always the same mannerism, the same style of talking, etc.
Because more than 25 years ago he was Martin Scorsese's go-to guy and he made some great movies.
probably have ties to the italian mafia, the same with Nicholas Cage; both hacks with a lot of work.
I dont know op,maybe because he starred in
>godfather 2
>cape fear
>deer hunter
>once upon a time in america
>taxi driver
>jackie brownt
>raging bull
Because TWENTY years ago he was a great actor. He's been a complete hack for decades now but still gets movie roles. I hate this old fuck now.
Reminder that this is what happens when you knock up a black woman
>average sneedposter on the right
Being this much of a pleb.
Go watch Cape Fear, retard.
what this user said. De Niro was a legend before like 1995. Should have retired then
Play stupid games win profoundly retarded prizes
>implying any of those flicks are good
What happened to this board?
>people think he’s a tough guy irl
>shittalks POTUS with grade school tier insults and name calling
>still gets work even though he’s been cashing in for twenty years plus
he’s just a pleb version of Marlon Brando, who he got famous by copying and got exposed as a hack by not copying
Fuck Bobby Deniro
I more curious on why does a rich and famous guy like him never had a hot wife, not even an average looking one.
I'm a poor ugly neckbeard and I woun't touch that hoe.
He knows love when he sees it.
At least Brando went indigenous. Bobby settled for common street nigs.
name 10 good movies then you contrarian faggot
He’s into underage girls (maybe boys too), it was a hush hush conspiracy many years back, but i’m sure snopes debunked it so it’s “not true”. Why do you think he feels the need to call trump stupid names constantly?
de niro was a mutt too
she looks like Worf
something something taxi driver
something something goodfellas
>be a rich and famous Hollywood actor
>choose to bang and marry borderline monkeys
>yes one order of just fuck my shit up please
If De Niro's like 5'8" then this bitch must be like 6 feet tall
all black girls are fucking bald its so weird
Was talented. He has been Harrison Ford-tier phoning it in for the last 20 years.
Last movie of his I thought was good was The Score, which was a total Thief rip-off
He was until he hurt my incel feelings now I hate him because I'm an extremely fragile snowflake
saying that trump is bad doesn't cancel your acting skills, user
They all smell bad too
Holy shit. This user is stupid
brainlet post
More like Trump lives in his head rent free while /pol/ has a good laugh about his meltdowns.
You also don't realize that /pol/ dislikes Trump.
Trump curse is real though.
overrated crime schlock flicks
from the thumbnail it looks like you can see his skull through his skin
anyone else see it?
>/pol/ dislikes Trump
Tiny dicked manlet
I can't I'm too busy shitposting and sucking cocks in my spare time
Him and Al Pacino have been mailing it in for decades now. At this point, I'm convinced directors only offer them parts when they need someone with serious name recognition to attract people to their movie.
he got all his best work out in the beginning, now he just needs to make money
even though he's complete loser in life, he's one of the best actors that has ever lived
I should re-watch Stardust.
"Snopes says it's fake, so it must be true" isn't really an argument.
My favorite role of his is in Jackie Brown.
he made Rocky and Bullwinkle
did you not see the quotes around "not true" in the post you replied to?
mean streets
taxi driver
raging bull
cape fear
deer hunter
good fellas
godfather 2
bronx tale
midnight run
king of comedy
hes been garbage for some time now, but he was once unrivaled in his field.