Bobby Edition
Why did they forget about him?
Gods he had glowing eyes then.
Bobby no!
this is /ecg/ now
Would Eddard be proud of any of his children? I feel like they've all let him down.
Maybe Azor Ahai was the friends we made along the way
i copied this post number to reply in the new thread but i cant remember what the post said
How the FUCK was this ending bittersweet? Unless you like a character like Bran, Tyrion, or maybe Sansa. It feels like every other character had a pretty sad ending, hell the most liked Characters Jon and Dany definitely didnt have happy endings. Dany literally died before she could even sit on the throne once. And Jon was clearly miserable about getting sent back to the wall
>hurr but he smiled towards the end
Sure. But one little smile doesnt change the fact that he was clearly unhappy about being sent back to the nights watch..
Now this is pottery
Doesn't the Stark dynasty technically die out now?
Everyone had a good ending but danyfags.
They didn't.
>dany being killed
>jon reuniting with bros
"Davos....I dreamed of a splintered kingdom, ruled by a cripple, a dwarf, a sellsword, a fat pig, my onion knight"
oh yeah
i dont know if anyone ever said the show would have a bittersweet ending
grrm talks about it for the books, and im sure 90% of the plot will be handled better there so that the core ending beats (jon north, dany dead, bran king, sansa queen, arya hobo) have oomph
There was actually EPIC foreshadowing all the way back in season 2:
>Qarth storyline
The show foreshadowed it was going to turn into a contrived piece of shit!
But that's what bittersweet means. You take the good with the bad.
Sure maybe more characters had good endings than bad. But id say the two most populsr characters Jon and Dany didnt have good endings.
Our queen needs your support. Kinvara will resurrect her, but only if this post gets 10 (You)s
It was a good final episode.
I'd watch a sequel about the characters managing politics in the new realm.
Ahem. Gather round fellas.
You people with sense are all welcome to come north with me and the lads and find out what lies beyond your wildest dreams, we're going to go find the fucking ice spiders boys. We're going to find the unicorns. We're going to find the home of the Others and we're going to take all their technology and find out the source of their magic. Make sure to bring a fluffy coat and your biggest dog.
And to you Danycels,
'ave sex.
Bitter: No Stannis on the throne
Sweet: Dany got exactly what was coming to her.
>Bran becomes a just and wise king, even though he can never be a knight
>Sansa keeps peace in the north, doesn't end up being a baby oven for Joffery
>Arya grows into a good swordsman, follows her dreams instead of marrying herself off to some lordling
>Jon finds peace in his life, still thinks of Eddard as his true father
I think he'd be happy. Besides Rickon dying, but he's not gonna die in Winds I pray.
No, Sansa gets to be raped again and again and again and again to produce numerous heirs in a matrilinial marriage.
queens regnant pass on their name matrilineally, so sansas husband will become a stark
Numbers fer stannis
>marry the Queen
>lol no bitch you're going to take MY name
yeah nah, Stark lives on
Jon killed Hitler and gets to be free for the first time in his life with his wildling bros. He got off better than most.
Was it really necessary for Jon to be given the exact same haircut he had in the previous seasons when they sent him back to the Wall?
but why?
Yeah, but that's the point George was going for. People will pick their kings and queens are their own merits until someone inevitably puts things back to where they were because nothing good can happen in this universe and there's a reason why they've been in the medieval ages for thousands of years.
How does a villain's death make the ending bad?
>It was a good final episode.
>I'd watch a sequel about the characters managing politics in the new realm.
>Be with me, build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been from the beginning, when you were a little boy with a bastard's name, and I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20. We do it together, we break the wheel together.
Ned should be pleased of Jon the most due to pretty much everything he did pre-s8 but his autism would force him to shit all over him for queenslaying, no matter how right it was
the writing was goofy reddit shit, but the small council meeting was comfy, felt like old thrones where there were actual alliances of people making jokes and not just grimacing at each other
I....don't want it to end bros
To be fair he fits right in with the bunch - the tips of his fingers are missing, so that qualifies him as handicapped.
>matrilinial marriage.
Not a thing in westeros.
Yes, this is why the Stewarts are still the royal house of the UK.
As clusterfuck as the writing was, this season had some absolutely K I N O shots and scenes
Numbers for artie
Were (you) happy with your favourite characters ending?
Bruenne got made Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, which is an excellent end for her, and the scene of her filling in the book was the best bit of the episode
>Sequel is a revived Daenerys coming back to finish what she started
Could it be kino? what are some other scenarios a hypothetical sequel series could follow?
I'll keep looking for you in the catalog.
They are, the Windsor usurpers are illegitimate.
I recognise no King but the Duke Franz of Bavaria, the one true and rightful King of Britain
She was so qt here, and right. I would dicked her then and there and shot my load directly into her womb before the iron throne
yet they let women vote
>kill off the liberal feminist revolutionary
>have a scene laughing at democracy
were D&D redpilled all along?
Jon did get a happy ending though. As for Dany fuck her and fuck targ shits (stark-targs are ok).
What was the point of Jon being a Targaryen?
What was the point of Arya learning how to change faces?
What was the point of Bran learning how to change the past?
>Brans first act as king is to deport the unsullied and dothraki to Naath
Yes it is.
>Could it be kino?
No. Dany was always the worst part about the series.
she got pumped and dumped by the only man who ever respected her
Brienne getting cucked and still writing a glowing eulogy was a fitting end for a pathetic shell of a character that shes become.
Who the absolute fuck is that old boomer at the top? I figure the skinnier one is howland but i havent a clue about the other
So apparently Daenerys' heart is located at the very bottom of her ribcage
Everything she said sounded good. Why did he do it?
It's a long knife and it's angled upward to puncture it.
She may have noticed him going for her overarm right into her tits
Who will go down as the best Adventurer of the Known World?
>Oberyn Martell
>Euron Greyjoy
>Gerion Lannister
>Arya Stark
>they did this scene
>but not with Sam writing in a book under the title "game of thrones"
>Oberyn Martell
>Euron Greyjoy
>Gerion Lannister
this general is mine, mine by right
>it's angled upward
very slightly, not nearly enough
Prolly some meme Vale lord
Meanwhile Stormlands got the biggest number of people
>prolly also the lord next to Gendry
Unknown husbands all. Easily explained as being cousins. Matrilenial marrage isn't a thing in westeros. Its almost unheard of irl feudalism.
Sorry, Stannis cannot make it
dwarfie said he should, he must be right you know
Democracy is shit, though.
Who /unable to actually bring themselves to watch the episode/ here? I'm drinking heavily but the knot in my stomach won't go away.
You mean as opposed to crying and shitting up his Kingsguard report card with how much of a meanie he is? Yeah that sure would've been a knightly thing to do....
lmao kit stopped posting here when the last episode dropped
>Mfw Edmure was closer to bing king then renly or stannis ever was
Holy fucking based
Euron by a ridiculously large margin
Jon for his expedition north with the watch, arya just went to another city on holiday
>mfw there's an Arya spinoff show in a few years where Arya goes on exotic adventures in mysterious lands
>mfw HBO recast Maisie Williams with a hotter actress
They clearly just didn't care this season. D&D really should've sucked it up and dipped a few seasons ago when they stopped wanting to do the show.
Nope. The stark line has ended. Sansa will probably marry chad arryn and give birth to baby arryns.
>that pic
Why did Jon stab Dany on her right side? Shouldn't he stab her through the heart?
he read in the script that there would be surprisingly few negative consequences as a result of doing it.
This is how it ends in the books:
>Jon kills d*ny
>refuses the throne and blabbers something along the lines "es nu mi rat" no one really understands
>still goes North, but hes accompanied by Davos
>they ride past Winterfell
>both enter the nearby forest on foot for some reason
>theres a random pile of twigs that vaguely resembles a hut
>wait, theres a shield with a flaming stag laying besides it
>a man clad in black armor with an overgrown beard lumbers outside
>it cant
>it can
>its him
>its the rightful king Stannis I Baratheon >Jon and Davos get on their knees while Davos says "less Houses to trouble yourself now with"
>"fewer, Davos"
>"but it's mine by right"
>Stannis is the winds of winter
>written by George R.R. Martin
do Emilia and Maisie still post here?
>writing a glowing eulogy
Apart from the last sentence about protecting his queen, she just wrote down what he did with no bullshit.
it was 5,4 a few hours after airing. it just keeps dropping hahahaha
i did but brain won't compute it as an actual happening, no problem here
no shitposting now, if Jon fucks wildling bitches, new Targs will be born.
Why is nobody talking about this?
They managed to build King's Landing back quickly. I'm also surprised they didn't discuss the fact that the city must have a population of 100 after Daenerys' attack.
now it begins
Cutest psycho
Ser jamie the kingslayer. Pumped and dumped the lord commander of the kings guard. Died in roof collapse.
Okay why did the council consist of Great Lords, and then minor random lords, and some not even lords like Sam?
maisie fucked off when she had her fill of memes
emilia's probably just drunk right now
>voting 10 or 1
could he smash in a dragon's head?
Pretty diluted Targs though
not the stark but the targ one does.
>new targs
why do all of you people act as if Jon isn't as much stark as he is targaryen?
Targshitter incest blood will just get more diluted and diluted with every generation of big titted redheaded norfern slags that is born
Jonno won't be calling himself a Targ, the kids won't know.
na eet enz
they more or less balance each other, the ones voting 1 are surely less guilty than the ones voting 10
>sjw roastie women gave it 4.6
>chad redpilled men gave it 4.7
It's hot in Morocco and that was probably the 10th take
>Tards' life is to crush beetles
>Other tards' life is to sit in a iron chair
So this is the meaning of the Game of Thrones (all rights reserved)
They did that with A Song of Ice and Fire you pleb.
>I helped with the title
The absolute state of this show's writers.
>tfw no huge tittied wildling redhead wife to breed with
what am I looking at?
Where did the small council meeting even take place?
This. Why the fuck didnt they? Idk why HBO let D&D have their way rushing the last couple of seasons. HBO wanted more, why didnt they just let them walk and hire different (better) writers?
Bitter: Radmure got told to sit down by some insolent niece
Sweet: He will lead the invasion force to reclaim the north for King Bran
does Bran age
nice callback to the KUHHHH KUHH with tyrion smashing the rocks over his siblings' corpses
someone got the ''sansa the rape'' vid?
Did they really just toss in Howland Reed as an afterthought? And what the fuck was the point of him voting for Bran as King if Sansa was just going to make the North secede?
Targ power is based on blood purity. You think they do incest for fun? Valyrian magic is based on fire and blood, the latter being very important. I think if you ever dip below 50% Targ you lose your dragon commanding powers. The only way the Targ Dynasty could have been reforged was with Dany and Jon, which makes the death all the more tragic, they were made for each other. Is also why she is obsessed with him since he is the only one who can give her babies
yes, but he is immortal
We need a house Dayne spinoff immediately where a new sword of the morning is chosen.
>The tard ends up as King
Also crippled the king bran the broken as a child.
What happened to Arya's horse?
that's the setup for the sequel
Jon becomes Mance Rayder and fathers the true heirs to the Seven Kingdoms
the Greyjoys and Martells side with the wildlings in a new war for the Iron Throne
I disagree.
They unironically thought that their ideas were genius and that people would love them.
There were too many people involved for D&D *not* to have had the weaknesses pointed out to them. They must have actively defended this as a good ending and believed in its literary value.
Is Stannis dead in the books or are they worth reading?
what the fuck. I missed this. This is a massive fuck you to fans who were wondering what the fucking deal was with howland.
Did we even see meera again?
time to pull out old pasta
How Stannis will become king in ASOIAF
>Stannis will defeat Ramsey Bolton & the Freys soldiers with the help of the Manderly soliders, by using his already setup trap of the ice lake.
>King Stannis will fake his death to Trojan Horse himself into Winterfell and defeat Roose Bolton, take him captive and complete his plan to take back the North.
>After King Stannis realizes his pink letter scheme didn't work to get Jon Snow back to Winterfell, to then become lord (base on Jon Snow still being out of order).
>Davos will arrive in time to bail King Stannis out with Rickon Stark and stamp King Stannis and Fat Manderly Alliance.
>King Stannis will then make Fat Manderly Warden of The North, until Rickon Stark (who'll be Fat Manderly new ward) comes of age. Manderly will also marry Rickon to his granddaughter.
>King Stannis will buy the Manderly fleet of ships he badly needs and Manderly badly needs to sell.
>King Stannis will head back to Storms End to get the Golden Company to betray Aegon Blackfyre and join him, before he imprisons Aegon.
>After that King Stannis will take his campaign to Old Town and the Reach to save them from Euron and stop his rampage on the south.
>After King Stannis finishes off Euron (kill him) and takes his Valyrian steel armor for himself.
>King Stannis will give the Iron Islands to Asha Greyjoy and his own man Ser Justin Massey.
>Next King Stannis will make quick work of the Freys in the River Land and basically unite the majority of the realm under him, before Tommen dies and all the realm has to bend the need to him anyway.
>Also King Stannis will go back to Dragonstone and start mining for dragon glass to arm his army for the Long Night.
Can we all agree that the finale was an OK ending that the prior 3 seasons of episodes didn't deserve and actually made it less satisfying?
The finale itself could've been fine.
>mfw Sam gives Tyrion A Song Of Ice And Fire
She ate it
yes, but he will live forever as the bloodboomer until someone else succeeds him
Totally forced and retarded scene though.
Digits for stan
Nah Stannis is riding from victory to victory in the books.
These cheeky bois are having a nice laugh. bet it was fun to film this total shit show
That fanart is so grotesque holy shit what the fuck
The ending clearly had GRRM's guidance
I just want to say that I'm gonna miss /got/ and you guys.
Stannis is stuck in a major snowstorm trying to get to Winterfell.
Not yet, the books haven't reached that point yet
>Dabid I'm so glad to be cast as the main villain for this season, I can't wait for all my big scenes!
>Wait, why am I only in it for one episode? Aren't we doing the Long Night?
What did they post? I'm not a native to Yea Forums.
They didnt even reforge Ice
Bryan Cogman could have just taken over. He would have done 10 seasons for pennies, that's how passionate he was about the show.
All forms of government are shit.
Would King Jaime have been the kino ending, lads?
>favourite characters ending?
They all were dead by the end of the show anyway.
I guess Davos becoming Master of the Ships is a fitting end for him. Everyone else is garbage tier characterwise anyway.
Bronn as Master of coin makes no sense whatsoever.
It's not even OUR ASOIAF, Tyrion isn't even in there, which is bull
Would've been better if they nodded the books by saying he was fugly
>jon spends all his time fucking qt wildlings north of the wall
>his children will conquer the seven kingdoms riding atop ice dragons
Was the city rebuilt? Everyone keeps saying this but they never really showed the entire city. Maybe the docks didnt get too fucked up. The room or whatever the council had their meeting in was at least still damaged (could see the map on the floor was still cracked). Also we dont actually know how much time has passed when they had the council meeting. I mean apparently enough time to write the book and get everyone organized (Bronn getting his spot in the reach etc)
yeah but the shot tho
What's he thinking about?
"that was some shit, huh?"
We all are, user.
Lords, what a trainwreck.
No but anything except both his and Cersei's pathetic deaths would have been more of a kino ending.
>really, REALLY wish i had listened to her and just not left that fucking cave
He looks absolutely fucking miserable. And yet people claim his ending was happy.
Probably Stannis
if he made the right decision. He probably did but the cost was heavy on him. He will lead the true north and protect the realm of men from what may lie beyond the wall as he was meant to.
>This is a massive fuck you to fans
no, it's like the "iron price" line. it seems like a fuck you but actually it's just a bit of misguided, afterthought pandering that was bungled because no one paid attention.
He murdered his queen, shit takes a toll
thanks to you fuckers now i want to laugh everytime I hear english or scottish accent
>da qween in da norf
>you gawt a loicense fo thawt mate?
Thoughts on Davos bros?
Did Yara kind of forget that she wanted independence for the Iron Islands too?
>implying jonno has ever NOT looked miserable
Going to the Summer Isles and taking the black.
I liked this scene because I have a fetish for monstergirls.
Beric had the most kino dying scene tb h
He could have fucking agreed to rule with her and murder her later after he secured his power.
He is a retard.
if so, thank god GRRM now has test marketing for his ending and can go with something less stupid.
I should have mate pressed my aunt before the iron throne
He didn't want to be king
So is winter still a thing?
Do the seasons go back to normal, or will there never be winter again? Or maybe nothing changed in which case there's years of darkness and cold coming up and Westeros is dwvestated from war and millions are going to starve. Not a good way to start Bran's reign.
they never posted here
they don't even know this place exists
it's just memes and schizos
She probably realized the Iron Islands are full of Ironborn that all hate her.
>lorelet knows nothing of how dothraki loyalty works
also the unsullied would never follow him.
>as he was meant to
by finally accepting his targaryen heritage and becoming the new craster
you mean Bryan "lets make Sansa marry Ramsay" Cogman?
None of mine were in the show thankfully.
When you eating out her puss puss but you don't got no skill.
this dumb norfman got played by his not family sister
Wait is that real?
I have found you in the catalouge, NOWITENZ!
No and it's horrendously retarded - even if it is George's vision. Westeros jumps from absolute, brutal feudalism to fucking democracy in an afternoon, with absolutely 0 philosophical process and no genuine reason to change.
What would happen in Martin's book universe is that the hawks would be circling, looking to get as many swords into the capital as possible to fight for a new throne, who the fuck cares about the chair, the rule is what is important.
I'm sure if this is close to Martin's intended outcome for the books, he would do it over a better arc so it doesn't come out of fucking nowhere.
But in the show, for the purposes of the show, it's truly horrific. Awful. Far and away the worst episode of the entire series by far, worse than the rest of season 8 combined, coffee cups and all. It smacks of a horrific laziness to just hamfist modern democracy into this time and place. It's a copout ending of the worst kind IMO and, much like The Last Jedi, done for pure 'subversive' reasons, which have no entertainment merit and are just immature and cheap shock tactics.
Does anyone have the Season 8 OST for download?
apparently yes
dorne plot got solved very well tho
Winter in the show was a complete joke. There was like two episodes of a bad storm in the North 3 seasons ago and that was it. New York has worse winters than Westeros.
Meanwhile in the books it's just the start of winter and there's feet of snow in King's Landing.
>ywn double team a big titty wildling girl with your bro Tormund
Arya threatened to kill her so she shut up about it
I legit got hard when she was making her Hitler speech
Davos as master of ships and Brienne as Lord of the Kingsguard are so obvious they're almost worthless. in particular making Brienne both the first woman on the Kingsguard and also the commander is just dumb fanservice.
Is a giant hammer even a viable option for a weapon in such a battle?
It's not a democracy.
>to fucking democracy
that's his standard face tho, he isnt really giving half a shit
dany's face was broken and with sleep bags when she was facing pain
Hey guys remember when everyone thought Bran would be R'hollor or even NK?
When Dany dies, why doesn't her Khalasar collapse and start wreaking havoc on King's Landing and the surrounding lands? We saw in Season 1 & 2 that when Drogo died, his Khalasar split into numerous factions and starts raiding the nearby lands. It was only under Dany that the Dothraki were mostly prevented from raping/murdering the smallfolk of Westeros. Yet in the show, after the 3-4 week time skip, we find out that not only are the Dothraki still in King's Landing, they are seemingly just chill with waiting around for someone to tell them what to do. For the dothraki that Dany named as her bloodriders, shouldn't they have all immediately tried to find and kill Jon, to avenger her?
Why were they rude to Radmure when he brought all the weed for the party?
It probably goes back to normal. The north wasn't always permawinter
She was already Kingsguard to Renly
You know what I fucking mean. Shut up.
>I vote we install a cripple with 0 claim!
>Why yes lord tyrion what a wonderful idea!!!
Its not fucking modern democracy nigger. And it makes sense the lords would be down for this since it makes it a bit easier for them to try and sieze power.
Dany named ALL the Dothraki her bloodriders. So they should have all killed Jon, and then probably the Northern army for good measure, and then killed themselves.
kingsguard to a cuck pretender to the crown doesn't count
>Who though Miri Maz Dur how to heal and speak the Common Tongue?
>Who can talk with hairy Ibbenese and pitch-black Summer Islanders in their own tongues? >Who confirmed there are no living animals in Asshai?
>Who makes sacrifices to weird-ass gods in Oldtown?
>Who managed to light a glass candle?
Motherfucking Marwyn the Mage, that's who!
You're a fucking moron. So don't say untrue shit to exaggerate some half-assed point.
>Killet at the conclussion of Robert Bara Rebelion
Sounds like a plot to a Hardcore gay porno
So who would you put as lord commander of the guard?
>how Stannis will become King
>refer to Stannis as "King Stannis" in the second line
woah spoiler alert
The dothraki kind of forgot Dany had been killed
Pity. It would have been funny to find out Maisie was behind the rape Sansa memes.
>ywn suck on giant tiddies with your bro tormund
The rainbow guard doesn't count.
what the fuck? Do europeans actually do this?
Can someone please link me the Alt Shift X post-episode stream
>I'm sure if this is close to Martin's intended outcome for the books, he would do it over a better arc so it doesn't come out of fucking nowhere.
This is more or less what I'm saying, the show didn't deserve or build up this ending in a good way but it could've been fine in a different/more developed story.
>And it makes sense the lords would be down for this since it makes it a bit easier for them to try and sieze power.
You're writing the script for D&D. You are literally making excuses for things that are not indicated in the script or the filming whatsoever. You're making up material to justify the way this episode went - doesn't this tell you that something isn't very well written? When headcanon is literally necessary to make the episode make even a slight bit of sense?
Are you the same Dothraki bloodrider dude we had this discussion about yesterday?
They're a bunch of savages that only want to rape and pillage when they know they can do it without repercussion. They're waiting around to be told what to do. Do you think these simple people have a brain to think for themselves?
Yeah, the Dothraki Loyalty works in a way that they don't react to her death at all and simply enter ships with the unsullied and leave.
>the hound could’ve spent the rest of his life eating red head cunt
Damn it.
why on earth would the Reach tolerate Bronn as their liege
Even then, who the fuck even knows the significance of the Three Eyed Raven? Was he some legend everybody knew, why would anyone outside of his circle even give a fuck about him?
"Why is he king"
"Well he can see shit from the future and the past, also he doesn't want it. Or anything."
I hope GRRM sees the negative feedback and changes this horrible ending.
The king said so
its a bong thing
>what is a joke
i bet you thought it was real when a police department posted about apprehending the night king
>wheels and the leg man
>in particular making Brienne both the first woman on the Kingsguard and also the commander is just dumb fanservice.
But i don't care about her and the question was about favorite characters and of all who are still alive at the End Davos is the clostest to being a favorite.
And ofc its obvious, but what ending would have been better for him?
how is she so cute bros
Everybody knows that was fake cause Arya killed him.
It was crammed down in what time they had just like the 5 books of material Martin is gonna try and fit in two books.
What are you talking about? He’s fucking dead
I would kill Brienne in the sept explosion in book 6, then go for a relatively cynical realpolitik ending under Sansa x Willas, and a lot of the positions are unknowns and minor characters from the reach and the vale, reflecting an adult attempt to achieve postwar consensus rule.
Yeah nah Beric should have been king.
Literally the last representative of the rightful government of Ned and Bobby
>Do europeans actually do this?
Yes. Yes they do. Enjoy your freedoms and do not give them up under any circumstances.
>Second son of Lord Beric Dayne of the House Starfall
So his real name was Arthur Starfall?
I kek’d
They installed outdoor mailboxes so people can deposit their knives to get them off the street. I guess they didn't realize that the criminals of the UK saw it as an all you can take buffet, they were stealing the entire box
Beric is dead
GRRM doesn't change major plot points based on fan feedback, he's not a /complete/ hack. What we can hope for is that the ending will be built up better than it was here.
Give me proof its fake and ill concede
I don't really feel that "mad Dany" is something Martin even has on his mind. it strikes me as fanfic resulting from people who don't normally read books finding her chapters annoying.
>Finally i dont have any responsibilities i can chill with my boys Tormund and Ghost while those nerds bicker about thrones and stuff
Emcel General?
delet this
It says right there his name is Dayne
You could just prop his corpse up on the throne and put some strings on it
Why did Brienne go with Bran when she was sworn to protect Sansa?
>Named Sword of the Morning and wielder of the great white blade Daww, forged from a fallen star.
>know about the 3-eyed-raven and maybe some of his powers:
Everyone else has no idea about that stuff, nor would believe it at all.
Radmure and Robin might vote for Bran because he is family, but everone else? What the fuck.
Why would Dorne agree to be ruled by a cripple they don't know at all while the north gets independence? Why the Iron Islands?
Because they knew that he was the rightful king
My guess is that GRRM wants an ending where Bloodraven is on the throne through the proxy of Bran. He'll be aware of the reaction to the show's ending.
The bad thing about this is that it probably means more delays to the books. But the good thing about that is that the books might never end, because the way things are shaking out, that might be a better outcome.
The way they transitioned into her madness was absolutely rushed and it almost seemed like they wanted 1 scene to get it out of the way so it was in everyones face., "Oh look guys shes fucking crazy and evil and she likes killing children and innocents"
Aerys was proper mad, he was literally driven to insanity over paranoia, all Dany did was seethe a little.
>Oops this book doesn't even mention you Tyrion heehee
Did the maester who wrote that forget that Tyrion 2 scenes ago literally rewrote their entire system of government? Or did D&D forget that they're supposed to be writing a drama and not a sitcom?
Stop embarrassing yourself with those gifs.
Mad Dany is heavily alluded to in the books. Its a question that is pondered in every book even by dany herself every so often.
She pledged an oath to the kings mom to protect the king. Like getting most good jobs, she has connections. I think she might also be the strongest now that Cleganes are dead and Tormund is gone.
Sounds legit.
>Why would Dorne agree to be ruled by a cripple they don't know at all
They were ruled by a cripple until not much time ago, user
>Rickon: cannot zig zag
user, the entire second half of the episode is a mess
100% agree
>its never crossed martin's mind
>has her crucify over a hundred and fifty men
if you want a realist ending: Davos gets offered master of ships but declines, and instead asks for and gets lands for his remaining sons. he goes back to his own estate in the stormlands to live with his wife.
Is it really 5 books worth of material? Feels like 2 meaty books should be satisfactory, but I admit I haven't read ADwD yet.
>I could have been conquering the world with my hot aunt, I could be at the Summer Isles or Qarth but by now, enjoying the long summer, but no, I had to "save the people from the mad queen" so they would exile me in the frozen hellhole for killing the mad queen seven hells god fucking damn it Tormund just fucking kill my retarded ass please and take good care of Ghost
The seed is strong
very nice
It might have made no more sense but if Jon had just said fuck it and put that dick down on Dany on the throne and they just became tyrannical, incestuous rulers together, I would have been perfectly content.
all this shit was rushed as fuck. why did they decide to only shoot 6 fucking episodes. D&D truly are retarded
Maybe dany wasn't insane. Just ruthless and power hungry....and a commie.
Or what if GRRM getting to the point of Bran being king is just explained much better than what D&D shat out in their attempt to get the show over with ASAP
>I'm gonna gonna break my oath with SO many wildling women. I'm gonna make Crastor look like Ned Stark.
Yeah Season 7 I think
Wait....THAT is robin?
No she was definitely insane. that is not how rational humans think
He looks like an absolute lad here, the actor probably keeps fit.
He looks like he eats gabagool at Yankee games.
D&D literally said all the cared about was getting to the Red Wedding. As soon as that was done they've been looking for something else to do, and when they got the Star Wars deal, they wanted to just rush through GOT and get it over with.
he looks fucking indian
He is a very long winded writer. You get a full page on the consistency of someone shit they are taking.
Who's this faggot? Is that a mockingbird on his chest? Is that supposed to be some heir to the Baelish seat? Why would that even be a seat worth recognizing?
wish i was monching on sum ginger minge
Britcucks do
People keep saying this, as if they didn't waste 3+ episodes this season on fanservice and a massive, POINTLESS cgi fight. Having more time wouldn't have helped the show's lack of competent direction + writing.
yeah I had a small smile when they were discussing issues on the small council, felt like old times
And the first two episodes were nothing but reunions
Probably relieved that it's all over and now he gets to hang with Tormund and Ghost and fuck hot wildling cunt.
Given how slow everything happens in the books i dont even see dany reaching westeros before the end of winds. Maybe in the last few chapters.
That's the Lord of the Vale dumbass.
My perfect ending would be to see Jon on the throne after killing Dany, Ruling like his father would, with honor. However like Alliser Thorne said, he will be fighting the peoples battles forever. I doubt he could peacefully unify the Six Kingdoms, and like Ned his honor would probably get himself killed.
I don't really think GRRM will end the books like the show ended, with everybody going there seperate ways then cut to black. He's going to go into more depth, we may never see Aryas westwesteros adventure, but it'd be nice to see Jon exploring the Land of Always Winter.
You are aware Sam was just fucking with him you retarded redditor?
This whole plot point was so damn dumb. Dany kindof forgot she was visibly conflicted about committing genocide.
Except it absolutely is. The books allude to it all the time. If D&D had it their way Dany would probably have just ended up ruling and everyone has a happy ending, but they had to stick somewhat to the source material.
I know a lot of men like this too, big tough guys even.
>without any reason or provocation
Aerys and Cersei are both legit attempts to depict mental illness. they're clearly not developed in the same way as everyone's favorite oversexed 16yo dragonwrangler.
if Jon stabs Dany in the books its just as likely it'll be some kind of nissa nissa bloodsacrifice to save the world, and D&D didn't like the magic aspect so went with their own bilge.
Top kek
Based Sweetrobin. I can't believe he survived the show lmfao
promote that user
They did know him though
it's how poorly written characters think, and no one else.
Anyone find it funny that Jon's "punishment" is to go north, the only place he's really comfortable in, probably become lord commander of the nights watch, pet his dogue and drink marrels full of mead with tormund while he fucks wildling bitches like theres no tomorrow?
>Convinces wildlings and northmen to thin their population into manageable numbers
>Also convinces the dragon lady, delaying her and forcing her to take drastic af measures after the world is saved
>Doesn't do anything to stop the literal purge by fire of the capital, thus rebuilding the entire thing as he pleases
>Sends the arriving foreigners to die from butterfly fever
>"Sure guys, I will look for the dragon, leave it to me"
>Allows the Watch to keep existing in order to keep having a threat on unruly lords
Bran's plan to Cleanse westeros couldn't be stopped, he played 5D meta-chess with the seven kingdoms and now faps eternally seeing historical rape scenes in his brain. And that's a beautiful thing.
The book of the Greyjoys will say "He served as high king Brahn Stark's personal guardsman. Died in a duel with the king of the undead."
Also hilarious about this is that the only people who wanted Jon punished, the Unsullied, all fuck off from Westeros permanently one scene later. So what the fuck is stopping Jon from coming back to take the throne? lmao
>Dude, I'm right here.
Because Bronn is rich as fuck now and will subsidize the treasury like the Lannisters used to.
Why did he throw out the monkey statue with Bran?
who the fuck is the dornish guy? weren't doran and his son both killed? is he supposed to be a martell?
I'm gonna miss Bobbyposting
She backed the wrong horse. Like Tyrion, she’s doing pretty well just to be alive and in power.
Ah yes an immortal alien intelligence, truly the best king they could've chosen.
Evil Danny is hot as fuck.
>'wait, if the unsullied have fucked off to Naath, the nights watch is completely unsupervised and my spiritual brother is the most powerful person in the universe, why don't I just leave?'
This guy gets it.