Why doesnt bran just tell her whats west of westeros? he can make a map of it for her

why doesnt bran just tell her whats west of westeros? he can make a map of it for her

Attached: arya-west-westeros-game-thrones-finale-episode-6.jpg (1200x741, 57K)

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He's too busy plotting how to take Wintefell from Sansa. He needs to make an example of what happens to separatists

Because it's not in the script

Of all the things this part seemed like the most silly portion of the end of Game of Thrones.

She can never visit Jon, because she's just going to sale westwards indefinitely?

That's not what explorers do! Explorers never just went out with no clue where they were going and no intention of ever coming back. Even Christopher Columbus at least thought he was going to reach India. How the hell did she assemble a crew for this suicide mission??

This is like some 8 year old child's idea of adventures sailing the seven seas.


if they really wanted to set her off on an adventure, they could have just had her go off to essos

She already went there dumbass

Because Bran is dead. The Three-eyed Raven doesn't really care about Arya or any of the other Starks. He's just using them as pawns for whatever his goal is.

She doesn’t want to have a boring adventure

Bran is busy watching every rape in real time all across westeros.

West of Westeros is Essos

Because he's jacked into Bran.Tv and watching copious amounts of live pornography

Yeah but you get to nightmare park with the fuck coasters and demon tea cups before getting back to Essos.

>Explorers never just went out with no clue where they were going
are you retarded...

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So Arya just becomes Christopher Columbus?

Going to discover Americos yes

It's a land full of blackjack and hookers.

>La goblina sets out to discover Las Americas
Like Pottery

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are you? they would at least turn around when food hit a certain point, not just sail to the horizon until they starve.

This bitch should have died this episode.

More like Magellan.

What was bittersweet about the ending?
All the Starks are happy and where they feel most comfortable.

Explorers found land by chance.
Columbus wanted to go to India by going westward,he found north america.
Pedro Alvares Cabral was going to India when bad weather forced them to go a little more westward and they found South America


Cyrodiil is west of Westeros. She's coming home.

what's to stop the crew from getting debilitatingly aroused and raping arya to death and then eating her?

Just like Maise slowly becomes Gerard Departieu

Attached: actor-gerard-depardieu-attends-the-1492-conquest-of-paradise-beverly-picture-id156135060[1].jpg (438x612, 32K)


Westeros = Akavir it all makes sense now


Her face

have sex

no that's easteros

>It's a sphere, you stupid.
>The world is a sphere, the moon we see in the sky, the sun, the planets, they are all spheres, and ours must be a sphere too.
>So... so what
>So if you go west you'll end up in Essos, you dumb faceless assassin
>Now, change my diaper, your king commands it.

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holy based

So people were really supposed to sympathize with a near emotionless killer hellbent on vengeance by any means? I figured her arc was supposed to be a tragedy in a way, but this ending says otherwise.

I will never get over how ugly she is. It's one of the main things that kept me from watching this show. In all the screenshots, everyone is just so ugly.

Was this an intentional artistic decision?


he kind of forgot


he literally can mind control who ever he wants
he doesn´t need to plot anything
he can just make sansa kill herself or press his rights. winterfell is rightfully his as the only male child of ned stark left alive

>gets to new land
>she brought over westerosi diseases the local natives have no immunity against
>millions die just because she wanted adventure
worst than Dany ever was.

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Brendan Fraser of Andy Serkis?

bran isn't omniscient. he just knows the past and that seems restricted to what previous TER have seen through weirwood net (westeros only) and warging/greensight.


tfw arya's boat falls off the world because the fat fuck didin't draw the rest of the map.

Because she's the one that discovers what's there. If any other person was supossed to find out what's there, he could just tell arya "well, in 124 years, some asshole is going to discover a new continent full of cat girls, your welcome", but since she's the one making the map, he can't tell her, because then she would't have a reason to go there.
jk the show is retarded, don't make questions, just consume product and get excited for the spinoff