Film student here. Im trying to film a porn/drama movie of the famous Shindol doujin Emergence

Film student here. Im trying to film a porn/drama movie of the famous Shindol doujin Emergence.

Im having some issues adapting the script and I seriously need some ideas.The main problem I have is where the mom kicks her out of the house and how the people kill a homeless girl in the street for nothing. That came out of nowhere and I need something more realistic. Some small adjustments.

Also Im forced to make her 18 yo.

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Fuck you ironic weeb faggot

I will cast western women if thats your concern. I feel there is some kind of good story here behind all the memery and schlock and its my job to tell it.

I'd like to see it
might be abit too redpilled for normies

maybe she should stop being an adulterous whore? wow this is an issue we solved like 2000 years ago

The japs are already making a JAV porn out of it.

>The main problem I have is where the mom kicks her out of the house and
replace the mother with the father.
>how the people kill a homeless girl in the street for nothing.
makes the killer white supremacist

What's the problem with the mom kicking her out of the house?

Living on the streets can be dangerous, some messed up predators hurt and attack the homeless.

Starring whomst?

Film student here too. I haven't read the manga so I can't help you.

Yeah OP how do you know what's realistic? Have you ever been homeless? Also how are you going to make me sympathize with this disgusting aids ridden whore? being attractive isn't good enough. in fact, I would like to see all attractive people melt in a cauldron of boiling piss.

you're mum

what if there was this story but she stayed normal and nothing happened

What? Oh fuck, there it goes my opera prima

>replace the mother with the father.
yes, it could work

>makes the killers white supremacist
It doesnt sound realistic but thanks for your input

they don't kill her they just beat her up.

How many homeless people are killed by female school students that insert bottles in the anus of random street whores?

>The father kick her out bc she fuck her mother
Sound really good

how many homeless people are 2d?

Idris Elba

Well, that ruins the kino suicide ending

never read this, just heard about it, what's the tl;dr

Can you at least explain what the main story is and why it doesn't make sense her mother throw her away?

> the mom kicks her out of the house
Right, pick any of the ways in which you can become homeless in Japan or more easily in a poorer nation.

> how the people kill a homeless girl in the street for nothing
Well, anything like that will be somewhat forced drama. Even if it's a wild animal that preys on her while she's out or whatever, it's still going to be forced drama.

omg u guys are such assholes :-

>film student
>weeb faggot

Jesus. No wonder writing has gone down the shitter.

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Who's gonna play Josuke?

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Girl without friends starts hanging out with the cool girls, starts dating a drug addict and becomes addict, she cant keep up with her school friends because she is not rich, she starts prostituting herself, her father rapes her, she is thrown out of her house, then her boyfriend starts prostituting her, has an abortion, the boyfriend kicks her out from his house, some homeless people rape her, she is pregnant, some random bystanders kick her in the gut and makes her abort, she commits suicide while dreaming about her lost daughter and what could have been

do they tag team her like the homeless dudes?

>i prefer the current western propaganda. Love the batwomyn trailer btw

OP here, this doujin is full heterosexual and punishes the woman for being a whore. I admit is still degenerate but I really dont see the point you are trying to make

make the guys that beat her up from a rival school and they recognize her or something

No they just fix her and leave.

Actually sounds like kino.

Make the killers homeless crackheads to make it more believable.

It's not a realistic story. It's an exaggeration of human cruelty and depravity. Having other characters treat her with mercy would miss the point and kill my boner

Eeyore for one

some things aren't meant to be created OP, stop

I can't stand this doujin but it's for the wrong reasons.
In the beginning, there's nothing wrong with anything she has done except when she gets coerced into doing drugs and hooking up with a guy that does drugs and how she lets him manipulate her. Casual sex is whatever but everything else she goes through is what fucks you up physically and emotionally.
Any girl should become more social, more outgoing, learn to make connections, friends and healthy sexual relationships in her life. It's a shame that the author is a jaded incel like the rest of the guys that shame sex and women because they never learned how to get what they want from life themselves.

i'm pretty sure the girls that egg it on are from her school group though it could just be shindol drawing same face.

this shit was so corny it made me laugh

Shindol is a woman. This is their no1 fantasy, you would know this uf you'd ever had sex, incel

>there's nothing wrong with anything she has done
having premarital sex is degenerate

>not knowing women want to get destroyed
go back GoT is over

The author is a guy, you retarded monkey.

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Shindol is a woman incel. Have sex (with somebody you love because casual sex is degenerate) faggot.

Just get whoever played him in the live action DiU movie


There's nothing wrong with casual sex. Have sex.

Yes. Reading a neckbeard interpretation fantasy fic will get you closer to understanding women and sex.

based kekposter

Wrong, incel

>There's nothing wrong with casual sex.
So you'd have no issues with your gf/wife fucking random dudes, right?

Casual sex is what ruined society. Die, shill.

I do have sex with my long term girlfriend multiple times a week. Game of thrones is over so you should fuck back off to whatever subreddit you came from. Casual sex is degenerate and only brings with it unexpected pregnancies, sti’s and makes it harder to pair bond when you do want to settle down, especially for women. The more parters a woman had the more likely she is to: get divorced, be unhappy, be depressed, use drugs, drink ect. Again, have sex (with a long term partner) faggot and fuck off so I don’t have to dab on your fucking grave again.

>Coming to Yea Forums to get them to write your already written movie for you

Look, I'm not saying you should just give up but if you're actually wanting to be a director part of your job is going to have final say on the script and what happens, so now might be a time to brush up on character, motivation, and story telling so you can solve this "problems" yourself rather than asking other people to do it for you.

The fact that you think people enacting sadistic urges on homeless people is unrealistic/outside of the realm of credibility shows that you've had a pretty sheltered upbringing.

>with my long term girlfriend multiple times a week
>not wife
Finna boutta get cucked, huh?

None of my peers who engaged in casual sex have been able to form a stable relationship that lasts more than a year or two, now they are old and miserable.
Just find a girl in her early 20s that you can trust and teach her not to become a degenerate who shares her intimacy with anyone and you're set for life, if you waste your time all that's left are old used hags.

>getting married within the first 2 years of being together
Uhh yeah, needless to say have sex (non casual).

You're not supposed to have sex until you're married unless you're finna boutta get cucked.

It's well known that Jap women make the most fucked up doujins.
See: Shiori and her mountains of brutal and horrific loli rape doujins.

I wouldn't marry a woman if we are in a polyamorous relationship. What's your point? Monogamy works just fine for those who are committed to each other. There's nothing wrong with casual sex outside og that, you're saying it is, and you're wrong.

Shaming little insecure manchildren that are repressed little cowardly shits that don't want to put in the effort into bettering themselves or learning how to socialize and pull insanely hot women is what ruined society, fucking mongoloid. Maybe if more of you stuck your penis in a hole other than the one in your hand every now and then there'd be less shootings going on.

You're inexperienced and outright retarded in your beliefs.
Sex is healthy natural and everyone loves to fuck. Your gf, if you have one, is extremely unlucky to be paired up with a retarded dumbass such as yourself and she will leave you the first moment your giant ego shrivels up when other men give her attention.

If two people commit to each other and it doesn't last, they have made that commitment for the wrong reasons. It has nothing to do with sex in any capacity whatsoever, at least on the girl's side. Guys commit out of scarcity and fear, not out of devotion or love, that's bullshit and that's why it all falls apart after a year.

Why haven’t you had meaningful sex yet?

Spotted the redditor.

eh lars vars tier kind of already did sexual torture porn a least a dozen times. it's really beating a dead sexy horse at this point.

Wow, do white people actually believe all this retarded shit.

OK libtard

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Because I'm not married. You do realize if she's willing to have sex with you before you're married, then she'll be willing to have sex with someone else right? You're just asking to get cucked.

>Any girl should become more social, more outgoing, learn to make connections, friends and healthy sexual relationships in her life
You are a woman right? If not nice bait.

Why are americans so obsessed with cuckhold shit? If having sex with a girl you’ve been dating for two years makes you think of cuck shit you need professional help.

Good lord the subject of this comic sounds so typical student film/thesis that it is hilarious. Oh so edgy so dark ohhhhhhh, rape and death.

Make sure you get close ups of pills rolling on a table and filter everything to have darker colors so that everyone understands this is very serious and we should feel something.

Think outside the box you idiot.

No, it's just logical and statistically proven that women who have sex before marriage are more likely to cheat on you. But I mean if you like playing the lottery then go for it.

I hope that there will be a day when you will have the opportunity to have sex with a beautiful young and hot tight girl with no strings attached and then we'll see how strong your beliefs are, you hypocrite little shits.

What do my political views have to do with social conditioning? Your assumptions are weak.

Hello brainwashed by religion and conditioned by society pathetic little man, I strongly recommend you stop drinking the nice guy kool-aid and stop taking yourself so seriously.

>You are a woman right?
No, I'm a man.
And I take that as a huge compliment, because that's how you pull hot women, by understanding how they operate and working with that. All girls want to fuck, just like you and me, it's guys like every little manchild here that ruined sex and everything with it to hell.

Have sex.

OP here, yes, yes, I know its pseud bait, but on the other side it is ALSO a porn movie and you are supposed to fap to it, not analyze it.

Overdose as representation of the crave for social acceptance.

post hog chud

Sorry, I'm not white enough to believe in fucking retarded shit like "polyamorous relationships."
Where I come from we call that friends with benefits and just accept that we don't want to commit to one another instead of trying to build a broken, shitty "relationship" that will never function.
But I understand that white people are fucking retarded, so I'm not surprised.

god you're just that insufferable weirdo faggot that jerks off to arthouse and erotica aren't you?
jesus christ I bet you think italian bullshit like Salieri or whats' his name is ultimate porn kino dont you faggot?

this manga is so fucking tame. go read something actually degenerate

I know all girls want to know the world and fuck the world. But women dont know what they really want. As a man you are supposed to prevent them from committing those mistakes. Your dick is what separates them from total ruin.

We get it, you’re here for game of thrones. It’s statistically proven that the more partners a woman has in her life the more detrimental it becomes to her in the long run. I know you leftists hate statistics but that’s just the way humans are. Now for the final time, it think it’s time you went back to whatever little sheltered subreddit you come from and never come back.

Actually, I am a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This sounds good actually. It can be a critique on the violent white extremism as of late

Not enough budget for your furry tentacle bullshit

>I wouldn't marry a woman if we are in a polyamorous relationship. What's your point? Monogamy works just fine for those who are committed to each other. There's nothing wrong with casual sex outside og that, you're saying it is, and you're wrong.
So you never had a serious relationship? That's pretty sad.

like what?
asking for a friend

Adapt Flower of the Battlefield instead as a Chick flick starring Richard Gere and make billions on the streaming rights.

I hope Shindol sues you for plagiarism.

Her mom kicks her out because her dad raped her. It makes no sense.

I bet you go to Full Sail University.

What does race have to do with anything? This is why everyone feels pressure around you, it's always some stupid shit about race around you. Who cares what's it called? Polyamorous, fwb, what do you think you need to make up your own little phrases to stand out? Stick with your imaginary language ebonics shit already and take a chill pill.

You don't know what you want. By the time you reach 30 you'll be asking yourself what was half the shit you did for and then spending the next 10 years realizing how much of it was in reaction to others and with no proactive feeling or thought of your own, the individuality you think you developed and had wasn't even yours to begin with.

I've never watched one ep of that in my life, in fact this is my first time in tv actually, I saw this on the main page and remembered I read this garbage doujin some time ago. I'm just expressing my thoughts on something I have experience with, you got a problem with that you can close the tab and go to hell.

I've literally had harems in my twenties. You are the one that's sad. You probably didn't even have sex with a legal age hottie, it's probably why you got attracted to this bizarre comic in the first place. It's ok, I've been there too kind of then I stopped being a little shit.

>What does race have to do with anything?
Whites are stupid and believe in the moronic shit you spout, it's why your race is largely a joke (especially white women).

Im 33, 10 years with my wife, I started dating her since she was 19. I cockblocked her from knowing the world and fucking random people. I won. My relationship is healthy, society lost a potential whore and earned a loving wife.

In 10 years? I will have 20 years together with my current wife.

Hello mental illness.
Race has nothing to do with anything I've said or believe in. I hope you're not american because it's sounds like you need massive mental help and I wouldn't want to be caught in a venue around you fucking mongoloid.

No, I just wanted to make some edgy porn. well Pardon me mr. gucci loafers

Positives of casual sex: it feels good.
Negatives: chances of stds, chance on pregnancy, the more partners a woman has the worse off they are in the long run, jealousy ect.
You are not intelligent. You are not enlightened. You defend hedonism because it makes your peepee feel good.

Im guessing you have not had the misfortune of seeing student work enough to understand that OP is being painfully unoriginal with the subject and themes they picked to focus on, aside from it being weeb shit. Students ALWAYS pick stuff like this to work on. Go youtube thesis work and demo reels next break you take from posting GOT memes

Based and whitepilled

Sounds like I struck a nerve.
Sorry m8, race ABSOLUTELY has everything to do with it.
There's a reason you only see this dumb shit in white countries.
Even Muslims and their literal harems don't pretend that they're functional relationships, they just don't give a fuck and consider women property (which is based as fuck).

Yes. Im pretty sure a lot of students pick up porn movies

He’s an idiot who unironically watches msnbc and late night propaganda “comedians” so I wouldn’t really listen to a word he says. He’s just your average 105 (see: low) iq reddior who sniffs his own farts and feigns moral superiority. Just your average bay area type. Can’t blame him though, they are really going on overdrive with the propaganda lately.

>Race has nothing to do with anything I've said or believe in
It does actually, most of these believes are mainly held by white people or whitewashed non-whites living in white countries.

>how the people kill a homeless girl in the street for nothing.

Probably not that hard to spin it since they technically didn't kill her outright but they probably did cause a miscarriage, and they had financial gain by stealing a lot of money from her.
It is only after losing it all did she overdose.

You can have it as any sort of thug after her unprotected stash of cash who gets violent enough to RIP the baby whether on purpose or accidental.

The most out of place aspect of it was that it was just a couple of students who did it but that harkens back themically to how cruel her classmates were back in school.

First post best post, kill yourself op

In 10 years you'll be raising the same socially inept and inexperienced cowards like you and her, continuing the cycle of fear and irrational conditioning further into even more cultural decay. I hope she can forgive you for your stupidity when your kid shoots up a school.

Positives of casual sex:
It feels good and
It teaches you to socialize
It teaches you how to grow physically and mentally
It teaches you how to understand the mechanics of sex and biochemistry between a man and a woman while completely outclassing porn
It teaches you screen and pull hotter women in a upward scale
And so much more

Use a fucking condom you religious zealot. I have had sex with hundreds of women and I've never had an std. Not once. Because I'm not a fucking retard and I'm not conditioned
have sex

Unironically kill yourself. Society would be better without you.

It doesn't. I've been around people of all races and skintones that were killing it with women better than I could ever do and it's the most retarded fucking shit to listen to brainwashed minorities bullshit themselves and others with excuses when in reality they're just coping like the lazy little shits that they are. I had to literally ask my instructor on bootcamp to pull away a small indian guy because he was the most proactive person in the venue and I just couldn't do anything.

>those “positives” of casual sex
lol, not even trying

>I've been around people of all races
In white countries.
Where they and people like them are a minority.
Did you even read my post or are you literally illiterate in addition to being a retarded /pol/nigger?

>In 10 years you'll be raising the same socially inept and inexperienced cowards like you and her, continuing the cycle of fear and irrational conditioning further into even more cultural decay. I hope she can forgive you for your stupidity when your kid shoots up a school
Based coper. Went from HAVE SEX to WELL maybe you have sex, and maybe you have a healthy relationship but your kid will shoot up school lmao

>Unironically kill yourself. Society would be better without you.
Right back at cha family.
Thankfully, I don't even have to lift a finger, you're already killing your race anyways so I can just sit back and laugh as you go extinct.
And y'know what?
The world will be better off with you and your race gone.

Positives: it feels good, the rest of your bullshit is cope.
Negatives: picture related
Your corpse status: dabbed on.

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Is this no longer on Ex? can't find it

Can we go back to my movie please?

Another idea I had is I would pay some surgeries to a willing actress so she can physically change, like getting bigger tits and lips. Since Im westernizing the plot it doesnt make sense she becomes a ganguro.

So maybe she changes from regular flat schoolgirl, to instagram bimbo THOT, then homeless dead bitch.

I bet I could find a lot of women willing to film a porn movie just for the free tit surgery and it would add to the movie a lot.

blame fakku

Bitch. I've been all around the world, from working as a shitty assistant sleeping on floors next to smelly indians in fucking that "consider the left hand impure" to suites in the dubai with hapas and mulattos golddigging their way into a bunch of old guy bankers' pockets and giving them kids while telling themselves and their families that they hate themselves and want to be more like the other race instead. This is the power of social conditioning, it's not about race and never was and never will be. We all bleed the same color and breathe the same air, and if you don't want to get out of your imaginary hole and meet life point-blank just go die in a hole quietly somewhere.

I replied to you thinking you've made it. You haven't made it. You're a delusional retard that thinks he accomplished something when you've just laid down a ticking bomb that others will have to deal with. There is and never will be anything wrong with casual sex and the longer you sit here bullshitting yourself the worse it's going to be. Given the chance for instant gratification you would fuck that 10/10 if noone knew about it and we all know it, but you're just a giant pussy and so you'll keep mentally circlejerking your hollow "achievement" like the manchild that you are and like the one you'll "raise".

I never knew that people on this website would be this delusional and so averted. I sincerely hope you never procreate at least.
Lmao. I used to read these bullshit statistics, isn't it funny how you would rather believe some image about things you've never even seen, having never gotten outside rather than actually go out and explore life and make your own choices by yourself? The irony is amazing. You'll never make it and never get out.

7 years ago when I was browsing this place there was still hope, now there's no point in sharing anything with you retards anymore.

This is what you get when fall for the "have sex" meme and dont anything else with your life and the ones you love

have sex

Because I had so much sex, that helped me out in everything else, finance, management, public speaking, socializing. You are just retarded and you don't even know yourself or what you're capable of and the sad part is most you retards never will because the koolaid of bullshitting yourself is way too sweet and requires 0 effort.

>a retarded leftists call statistics “bullshit” and tells me to believe in anecdote
Why are leftists so retarded bros? Is there a gene that makes them unable to comprehend statistics or something? It’s fucking uncanny how they are always like this.

>your choices of escapism are either kike propaganda or chink degeneracy

>I've been all over India and parts of Asia, I know everything there is to know about all non-white people all around the world now!
This is why no one likes white people.

Cope. Your grave got dabbed on and now you’re even calling statistics “bullshit.” Unreal.

>In white countries.
*In the US or UK

For all the Anglo memery, casual sex is far less pervasive in continental Europe. People are still properly slutshamed


Your statistics are anecdotes. You remind me of that one dumbass who kept on spamming about virginity and marriage rates and literally everyone shat on him, even the most hardcore neckbeard would try to explain to him that correlation doesn't equal causation and anecdotal studies is not empirical research. Then he made a giant post about how he finally scored a virgin and TOLD status everyone and a few months later he got cheated on and everyone told him to kill himself and he actually did it on stream. You can go find this on /adv/ archives. I will always refer to this when I see you purefag weebs try to delusion others with your inexperienced bullshit.

Alright boys. I'm gonna conform to the social conditioning of this board for once and do exactly what you guys do.

Have sex.

the mom felt threatened by her more attractive daughter, it happens all the time in hentai

kill yourself faglord

I got plenty of reasons to live. Clearly one of them is not coming back to this waste of space website anymore. Maybe put all that effort you put in bullshitting yourself from replying to me into making your life more proactive and maybe you won't be thinking about death or be dead on the inside.

>the “correlation isn’t causation” used as a get out of jail card to all statistics now
Hey retard you know statistics are a multi billion dollar industry right? Insurance companies, banks, how do you think they calculate things like prices and interest rates? I guess they are just pretty lucky since correlation never ever ever implies causation right? Oh cute more anecdotes as well, I don’t give a fuck about your little incel story from /adv/. Sorry nigger “correlation != causation” has just become a cope term for “I don’t like those statistics.” God I fucking hate psueds like (you) who just write off all statistics you don’t like but then when it comes to something like global warming you worship them like law. (I do believe in man made global warming before you call me a conservitard.) Those statistics I linked show a pretty obvious causal link between the number of partners and the other variable. Fuck I hate hate hate psueds.

Stick to reddit m8, it's painfully obvious that you're another electionfag shitting up this website.

Yeah, please leave and go back to redddit. Nobody wants you here or in real life.


Can a mod just ban this fucker? What the fuck this has to do with my movie? In my movie the girl is a whore and gets punished for being a whore. Its a PORN movie. Not a fucking essay. You are supposed to jack off to this flick.

Thanks for the anons who contributed to the thread.

Global warming? What?
I'm not interested in brainwashing myself with statistical data that may or may not be true. I have real life experience that works just fine, if you wanna believe it? Lmao ok, more girls for me.

Seriously boys, have sex. Things will get better, I promise.

Sorry, the degenerate just needed to be educated. Atleast I’m bumping your thread. Why can’t you just show exactly what happens in the manga?

>Your statistics are anecdotes. You remind me of that one dumbass who kept on spamming about virginity and marriage rates and literally everyone shat on him, even the most hardcore neckbeard would try to explain to him that correlation doesn't equal causation and anecdotal studies is not empirical research. Then he made a giant post about how he finally scored a virgin and TOLD status everyone and a few months later he got cheated on and everyone told him to kill himself and he actually did it on stream. You can go find this on /adv/ archives. I will always refer to this when I see you purefag weebs try to delusion others with your inexperienced bullshit.
Read this again and try to tell me you dont sound like a retard

why would you try to make a move when you can barely capture how fucked up the story is?

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>White people suddenly don't believe in statistics when they come to a conclusion they don't like
Like pottery.

If you have sex some hobbos will rape you and then you kill yourself. Trust me, irresponsible sex is not the answer in this thread.

>people say this is heartbreaking and horrible
>when she LITERALLY chose all her bad decisions
incels should be banned from anime

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Thanks for your capitulation. Try having an actual partner to (have sex) with. I think you might find that a little more fulfilling than banging whores.

Of course it sounds retarded but it happened and it just shows how stupid all of this delusion is, try to show your bullshit little graphs to people on the street they'll think you're on molly or some shit. It sounds like some alien's interpretation of what sexual relationships are like.

Yeah you schooled me. When does the actual sex with multiple hot women come in? Is it after the whiteknighting and nice guy routine? Doesn't seem to be working out for you.

How I will make you seethe when I make this fucking movie and put it for free for everyone to watch it. What will you do? Reply me with your own movie? I dont think so faggot.

I will raise a whole generation of THOT patrollers and there is nothing you can do about it.

Dude what’s up with the white people hate man? Jesus I agree with you that this guy is a fucking idiot but why are you obsessed with saying it’s a white person thing? Black people for instance don’t like when you bring up 1350 either. You’re obsessed in your hatred of whites man get a grip.

Jesus christ dude, just go back to /r9k/, it's painfully obvious that it's where you belong.

oops wrong reply, meant

Yep. I've capitulated. Now show me where's the actual sex after all of this? And I don't mean for me to get on my knees and suck your proverbial cock. When does the sex with beautiful hot women come after all your bullshit, if ever? Show me how do you pick up women.

I expect(ed) more from whites, I never expected anything from blacks.
Imagine having the entire world in the palm of your hands and throwing it all away to appease your retarded women.
That's whites in a nutshell.

Whiteknighting and nice guy? Dude I fucking hate the average woman and I’m lucky to have an actual non retarded one by my side. When did I ever white knight? I was making a case that most of them are whores and pay for it by having casual sex. Are you schizophrenic?

Noone will watch your shitty little movie.
Because you don't have the social or marketing skills from going to public venues and becoming a better person.

Zoomers think it will trigger /pol/tards. I'm not even sure whether they're /pol/ or Tumblr, but they are pretty pathetic.

emergence is a masterpiece. the ending is kino.


Did you not read the manga? She gets kicked out because the father lied and said the daughter seduced him.