They really gave no shits, didn't they?

They really gave no shits, didn't they?

Attached: ffs.jpg (740x510, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I think it was a joke. Put a cup in every episode of the final season to see if people can find it.

oh no no no...

Viral marketing. Every show will have it soon, even movies. The water bottle did not get past the director, the editor, or the continuity person. Stop being so naive.

I think this was a ruse from the cast because they knew the writing sucked and this is their symbolic revenge for being betrayed by D&D.

yup ,its definitely viral marketing, there's no way no-one noticed that

watch the scene, he moves his foot and you can clearly see it. it's not marketing, it's incompetence

No one is going to decide that they suddenly now want to watch a well known and hugely popular show just because they saw a tweet about a piece of garbage being left on the set in the series finale.

no, you're a youtube link

No, it's about selling that brand of water of which now everyone who was addicted to that show has already researched. Now they're planning to buy that brand of water, if not already. We're in the final phase where entertainment is solely for shilling products since all plots are recycled.

you're fucking retarded

I think the production was being rushed hard as fuck by D&D. Add onto that the cast and crew being frustrated and giving up on the show and it's not hard to see how it could have happened.

You're a mental infant. Sure hope you don't drive or operate other machinery. There is no way that got past the legions of people on set, and it sure as shit didn't get missed by the editor.

Why do they have zippers on their boots?

Attached: 1510559424665.png (360x360, 12K)

Big water paid for this

^this person believes the official story on everything

Unironically, yes. It's about profit, not entertainment, especially since it's over.

Performing mental gymnastics doesn't make you superior to anyone, dumb fuck. This is an occam's razor situation.

you're fucking retarded

Attached: 1494584927215.gif (400x241, 1.47M)

This person is a normalfag and paranoid as fuck

^s o i-infused GoT fans in denial. :D Your show literally totally sold out.

Continuity, set dressers, the director, his assistants, the editor; etc. It's on purpose you simpleton.

>I think the production was being rushed hard as fuck by D&D

> Six episodes

> Took 18 months

> Rushed

maybe they were low on money after all the shots with the dire wolf

what brand of water?

This. I've never drank water in my life, i'm a strict Mountain Dew diet. But after watching this I drank a bottle of water. That's how fucked up my mind has become watching this trash.

I could find out, but that would be fulfilling my end as the consumer, so I won't. If you check, it's got a yellow band on it, so soon you can be drinking official medieval GoT water! :)

>maybe they were low on money after all the shots with the dire wolf

the one from the finale is literally a shot from season 4 pasted in

The bottle looks like nestle, literally f tier water.

It’s like the snail in adventure time. Revolutionary

I have no idea what any of that means.

Looks like Poland Spring to me. Can't really tell though.

Nah watch the season 4 scene it's not the same, that is if you mean the one at craster keep

First the starbucks coffee now this

Who's letting these people drink beverages ON-SET anyway? The guy just puts his water down behind a chair in between takes? It's so dumb

He's a fat fuck.

Jesus Christ put this retard in a straight jacket already

Attached: 1546991963392.jpg (565x561, 33K)

>that delusion

There was another in the same scene, right behind Davos's foot.

90% of people think it's lazy directing. Even if it was true what you said, it would be even more retarded.

it's not intended though

God, you're such an NPC.

>90% of people think

>Even if it was true what you said, it would be even more retarded.
Now you're getting the reality we live in. Keep going.

>water bottle
It's schwepps

^--the point. You------------------->

I'm not wrong
I don't even watch this gay show

That's some fine autism. Vintage 1998.

It's like they don't know how cameras work.
>yeah, don't worry I'll just put it behind my leg, just don't move the fucking camera by an inch or anything

You sound like such a fucking cunt, dude.

Attached: exasperated-man-6163095.jpg (400x267, 24K)

There's another bottle around 46min 49 seconds.

Attached: water.png (653x562, 482K)

Haha, you're literally calling me names because you're angry that your short-sighted logic shorted out.


Attached: 2019-05-20 14_23_18-Window.png (549x565, 345K)


>short-sighted logic shorted out.
is that really the best you could come up with?

That's a big forehead

^notice how the NPC recoils at the truth, see how injured they seem.

>yfw in the future you will have to pay a premium so that the shows digitally hide the commercials that will be playing inside scene with the products.


:D -lolz Really enjoying the GoT fan pain. hahaha

t. Star Wars fan

There was a website a few years back that had a shitload of behind the scenes and production photos of the show, organized by season and episode. Does anyone still have it? I've been searching for an hour.

Attached: 1380487561198.gif (320x240, 1.17M)

Well that sure explains the unbridled autism you've shown throughout the thread.

>being this autistic

>>brandless water bottle clearly hidden behind a leg
>must be viral marketing

Attached: images.jpg (226x223, 5K)

Nah, just schadenfreude, mein arschlock.

>clearly hidden
>calls others simpletons


I don't think you understand what that word means, my GSL friend.

You’re retarded dude

If it's supposed to be viral marketing they're doing a shit job since you can't even tell what brand of water it is.


You are so dumb that you made me «Reeee» irl, fuck you, you stupid piece of shit, this was the leastbrushed season that has ever been filmed ever.
Kill yourself, you fucking shit eating mongoloid

That is exactly what the word means, taking pleasure in the misfortune of others, which in this case is laughing at the pain GoT fans are going through after having the misfortune of watching that garbage for years all for it to end in the most retarded way possible.

you only see half of the small bottle so yes it is for 99% of the viewers. and yes i call you a simpleton because you are.

Delusion of grandeur!

t. seething GoT fan who threw so many hours of time away

>spewing an avalanche of drivel to cover your tracks after being outed as an idiot

>showed my mom this screencap
>think she was going to find it funny
>"Who gives a fuck? did you see it yourself? Are you the first person to see it? Wow a fucking bottle so what. It's just a small mistake it's not like a sound guy is on screen. You're just copying other people why do you even care?"

What the FUCK was that?

>you only see
>it's hidden guys!

t. Sloth from Goonies.

>selling that brand of water
>is brandless water bottle.
absolute degenerate.

Attached: 1552546841371.gif (746x479, 196K)


They clearly didnt give a shit to the point even actors are saying they where disappointed

ANOTHER mistake???

Attached: manicure.png (613x649, 529K)

>is brandless water bottle.
>with a label
>eye am smahrdt

>a bunch of small, prop-based continuity errors
>being even remotely comparable to leaving world-breaking trash in the middle of a shot

Attached: 1557152147560.webm (1920x1080, 843K)

This, it's post-ironic and meta as fuck. It's this kind of detached sardonic approach to filmmaking that we need right now.

t. non-German speaker

it's a viral marketing action to sell the bottle of water not the show, just like the cup of coffee a couple of episodes ago

>Who knew GoT fans were so dumb?

Qyburn invented the water bottle


words taken out of context. typical degenerate.
where is the label you waste of skin?

Attached: 1558369377540 copy.png (124x344, 36K)

This show is fucking garbage, and you're all brainlets for getting triggered over a fucking bottle. There, I said it.

"but but but it's just several examples! It's not marketing intruding directly into entertainment! My reality is not crashing down you insane non-intercourse having bigot!"

that doesn't even make any sense.

Based boomers

>words taken out of context
You claim it was hidden and then stuck by it, proving you don't know what hidden means.

because it's pointless bullshit that no one cares about. it has no bearing on the story at all, just a production mistake.

Stop trying to imply that you're having sex and actually have sex.

Funny you should say that considering the fact that I'd kick your ass at chess right here in front of everyone.

It does, but you're giving the standard response when your kind is cornered. You'd make a fine politician.

>Sam, what the hell is that.
>Ah, its the newest thing. The Maesters have come up with this new material, and House Dasani of the Reach has started using it to produce easy to carry containers of water.

Viral marketing for unbranded water.

You fags don’t try very hard do you? This is like the third thread I’ve seen you claim this in, too.

Have thoughts.

i am saying it's not in front of your face and half of the bottle is behind a leg. 99% of viewers wouldn
t catch that.

thats called product placement

It has a yellow label and can be fully confirmed as to what brand it is, for anyone that really cares that is. Go for it, girl.Your name is Julie.

Attached: Have sex.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Be honest, user. Are you a flat earther?

Yes and it's stepping up. 10 years ago the cup of coffee would have said "Ye Olde Cup o' Joe" in very small print in a cup in the style of the times that, but now they're being EXTRMEEEEEME.

FUCK! Where is the one true king, Stannis?

I bet if you had the choice between thoughts and sex, you would be in a lobotomized state right now, considering for how much of your life you've spent fantasizing about what pussy feels like.

No. See, you know you're wrong so you have to try and paint the "other side" as crazy. Typical NPC.

oh i love that brand

How the fuck do they know what the three eyed raven is when Tyrion mentions it?

I don't believe you.


>actors are thirsty during long takes
>water bottles hidden on set
>script supervisor notices and complains to assistant director of photography
>assuming DP is there, he says i dont care we'll erase it in post if its in the shot
>the shot makes it to post
>post production house doesnt get the note or the note is given to a brainlet, work doesnt get done
>D&D dont notice it, episode is approved and sent to HBO
>HBO doesnt notice it and pays the post house
>episode is on their global CDN and too late to fix.
>episode airs

>editors are infalible
I bet you think all CIA agents are high class operators

Remember that Evian water spelled backwards is NAIVE.


I didn’t see the label in either one of those shots. Are you sure you’re not just a desperate copefag? Seems like you probably are.


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Blessed Sergey, thank you for letting me see this post so I can appreciate myself for not being this level of faggotry. Amen

There is no way the water bottles(plural) got past the editor, true. Unless they weren't doing their job, but that's assuming that the set-dressers(plural) are all dumb too. In fact, your side of this argument is exactly the crazy paranoid side because you would need so many people to be incompetent at once. What luck!

For that matter when did Tyrion find out about it?


Attached: cia.jpg (1252x1252, 113K)

just popping in here to say you got EXPOSED

this is why all entertainment companies should hire internet autists to do a final review before shipping

ITT: SEETHING GoT fans that cannot accept that their fav show ended with viral marketing

product placement is the only reason TV was created in the first place

That and social engineering*, but we're all part that, so they're taking off the entertainment mask and going full capitalist. (not an anti-capitalist)

*"Bewitched" was cute and innocent, or was it? Nu-Sabrina literally worships Satan.

exposed as what?

If it's someone's job to do something it has to be done well. You are probably the kind of person who asks for no pickles on their steak and then when it shows up with pickles on it you have a meltdown because you can't comprehend why someone would make a mistake and do something they were instructed not do. You may not think you have a problem and that everyone else has a problem but guess what they do you're right and that problem that everyone else you!

This show still has fans? After the shit-show that was the final episode?

Did you find it ?
You have a thread abt. It? I'll look too

I won't let Big Water get away with this.

*past that

Slippery slopes are always real. TV shows in the future will be 100% indiscernible from actual shows.

You think they' trying to put us on this new water shit?

>pickles on their steak
Who the fuck puts pickles on a steak? Didn't read the rest of your post.

>literally the most watched TV show in the world
>"""accidentally""" places a popular brand mug on a table, obviously visible by the cameraman as well as many others
I just hope for your sake D&D are paying you

*past that

Slippery slopes are always real. TV commercials in the future will be 100% indiscernible from actual shows.

Asking the real questions.

what's the brand then?

It's time to take your meds and stop posting, Grandpa.

NPC: Filed response #457 engaged, *beep*

They don't. The Prince of Dorne, Yara, Edmure, autist mommy's boy, who, who and who all should of said "what the fuck is a Three Eyed Raven and why are you telling me I can't rule the Seven Kingdoms because of a mutant bird?"

Post pics of your tinfoil-wrpped trailer home, faggot

I watched part of an episode back in 2010, it was so boring. GoT was a soap opera. Blech

>hey really gave no shits, didn't they?
fattie does. LARPing as a water drinker

lol Be more angry that your show imploded. Also an apartmentfag projecting a trailer home?

At what point in time did you decide I or anyone in this thread was a fan of this show?

Gay-ass Drones

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-20-14h57m04s033.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

Not an argument, detached and stacked tree limbs.

Are you a real person?

Attached: 1517773402869.png (491x585, 56K)

the only coffee brand that's know in pretty much the whole world


Maxwell House?

wrong. it's from a local coffe shop. seems like the viral marketing failed it's very purpose, making you recognize the brand.

not how that's spelled.


literally never heard of it until now

imagine paying millions of your marketing budget to have your unidentifiable bottled water appear half-obscured for 2 seconds instead of just buying a regular commercial spot

I love that there are actual shills here shilling to save the honor of a show which is now over.

I suppose they still want you to buy the home media.

not that user but,

Is it really THAT out of field of an idea? Remember that rick and morty szechuan sauce cancer festival? I don't know about GOT, but I could totally see studios having "accidental" product placement to generate memes on social media to sell the product

It's spelled 12 different ways. Jahwol is also right, so is Jahwoll, Jahwhol;etc.

other than fatty who were other two ?

Javoll; Jahvol are also acceptable. Althought the speaking use that spelling pronounces the "v" as an "f" as per the language.

educate yourselves

Attached: 235234556.jpg (648x530, 52K)

>not knowing this is blatant marketing to drink more water

how is that a mistake

not even a shill, i just get frustrated over litteral idiots like you. the very point of viral marketing is to make you recognice the brand and you failed both to tell what brand the watter bottle is and you were even wrong about the brand of the coffe cup.

>calling the staff grossly incompetent instead of galaxy brain marketers is "defending the show's honor"

what am I supposed to see there

If you're a dumb mutt, maybe.

Why his boots got holes?

Attached: image.jpg (1760x1492, 594K)


This reminds me that the German for "20";et al for example is pronounced and spelled two official ways. "Zwansig" und "Zwansich" with the latter being the most refined form.

Anyone have the time where this happens exactly?


>Viral marketing.
They have do disclose advertisements legally, otherwise it is a violation of FTC regulations. Also, OP's screenshot is photoshopped.

You're just an ignorant fool who feels threatened.

so you can see the brand of socks he is wearing

Yeah, that's probably it.

>They have do disclose advertisements legally, otherwise it is a violation of FTC regulations
You think they give a shit? This site really has been overrun with normies.


>Also, OP's screenshot is photoshopped.
^HAHAHA look at this cope.

It's not viral marketing but it is intentional, as a desperate try to get more social media discussion.

I'm reporting Generic Water to the FTC as we speak. We can not let Them get away with this.

>it is intentional
We agree on that.

>how is a french manicure on a women who just went through a zombie apocalypse and a literal holocaust a mistake?
They could have roughed up her hands a bit.

Looks like Starbucks or Tully's.
ITT GoT fans getting thirsty

The unsung hero of GoT.

All she did was sit on a dragon and smash the fire button. Hardly needed to have her hands dirty

the starbucks coffee cup on the table in front of Dany

>drink Water™

>What the FUCK was that?
Sounds like mom is tired of everyone of her friends on kikebook bitching about GoT.

Your mom sounds like real (((cunt))).

>believing the coverup

I don't, I just think it's funny that they scrambled to edit it out and also, their attempt to cover-up their FTC-breaking viral marketing attempt.

They've been keeping bottled water from the peasants all this time. Based.

>continue to use plastics
>continue to use styrofoam cups
Damn, the anti-environmentalist lobby is powerful

>unbranded water bottle
Damn, the water lobby got me again

Former GoT fans are going to be forever tormented by water bottles and coffee cups.

Attached: gain er phones.gif (480x270, 2.74M)

>All she did was sit on a dragon and smash the fire button. Hardly needed to have her hands dirty
the fuck you talkin' about, user? that's a proper french manicure. how could her nails possibly look that way? she may have been wearing gloves but she's still holding on as hard as possible to hard scales (remember all the blowing about and fighting with the NK in e3?)

how can you possibly think that is reasonable?

What am I supposed to be seeing in this clip?

That is a Kirkland Signature water bottle, sold only at Costco Wholesale, $2.99 for 40 bottles. I can personally (though anonymously) assure you, this is not how Costco and their marketing works. There arent even commercials or billboards for Costco, marketing is done at the warehouse level by a small team of hourly workers who work in the office next to the food court. There is no viral marketing except for me, right now, telling you that the $2.99 40 bottle KS Water is just one of many items that will have your membership paying for itself. Go to your local Costco and sign up today

Attached: download (16).jpg (225x225, 8K)

t. lying based shill

>costco shill thinks I'm buying his democratic bottle
Should have marketed to the dragon instead lol

Kirkland Signature Water from Costco, $2.99 for 40 bottles. So affordable, that its the go-to bottled water of most large-scaled productions and businesses. Download the Costco app today and see the amazing deals we're offering this month on items in all departments

Attached: Kirkland_water.jpg.750x750_q85ss0_progressive.jpg (300x300, 13K)

>assholes are always leaving their drinks visible in every scene expecting you to edit it out for them later
>last day on the job editing final episode
>leave one of the drinks in as Fuck You
>go home and find million dollar paycheck from the water industry in the mailbox


I was on-set for that season, it was hot as fuck, every extra had bottles of water, some of which were just tossed aside. The brand is just some local Belfast water in a thin cheap bottle.

You daft American wankers.

All complete truth

^"P..plea please don't investigate. FTC!

To fetch a crimmy bottle of water? They should have been catching Dragon creatures!

Right, you're a lying shill. Stop watching modern TV unless you want your show to be the commercial.

fucking kek

Im literally reporting to you the marketing behavior of a business I'n familiar with, why are you so schizophrenic?

Can someone list everyone who was present at the council? There were 2-3 faces I didn't recognize.

There were two completely new unnamed extras there that seemed to represent the new lords of The Twins and Harrenhall

Attached: 1536196418393.png (540x400, 221K)


this is the future Their agenda is pushing for

Attached: 1553094347675.jpg (700x495, 185K)

Please literally kill yourself. :)

>qyburn can bring people back to life, but the invention of plastic is off the table

prove to me that that isnt glass

>ITT: schizos

Is this a David Foster Wallace reference?

t. ADL on vacay

that's just meaningless now I guess

>that's just meaningless now I guess
480p was HD in 1997.

based and kirklandpilled

it is 720p by legal definition, but was encoded by a potato

This actually makes sense. Sam’s last scene has him talking about water purification as the grand maester, thus reinforcing the idea. It’s like Leonardo DiCaprio in INCEPTION.

Wow, my mind is blown.

>Sam’s last scene has him talking about water purification as the grand maester, thus reinforcing the idea. It’s like Leonardo DiCaprio in INCEPTION.
Then they're further along than I thought, once again.

>he fell for the meme
Proof that people on here are fucking retards.

Fucking wrecked.

And they know we're blocking ads online, or simply walking away from a TV when a commercial comes on, ruining their audio+visual double whammy on our psyches when we mute their shills. They have to get us somehow, so here we are.


I admit they made me lol.

Not him but I am, it's the only thing that makes sense.

Not that guy, and am the guy whom he questioned, and don't be stupid. Flat-Earth is just cover for hollow Earth. Don't believe me? Try and go to the open hole in Antarctica and not get shot down or sunk.

I'm still baffled that people don't think the Starbucks cup was intentional

I don't get it. What am I looking at here?

what scene is that?

They've been conditioned to believe the most preposterous explanations for 911 and other events like it, so this isn't surprising.

in every episode of adventure time you can spot a snail
the same thing in every "little critters" childrens book with a spider, which is my favorite series as a man since I am legally retarded and support jons faggot actions

Is this a water pipe?

Attached: circle.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

Thanks for explaining, user.

but what would that achieve other than weeks of non-stop talk and publicity for the brand among the fans of a really popular tv show, popular enought to get ~the media~ to talk about the totally accidental incident

There is no hole and Antarctica is just a giant ice ring separating us from other hollows in the earth.

It obviously wasn't intentional, it was just sloppy editing. And it wasn't a Starbucks cup either.

>There is no hole and Antarctica is just a giant ice ring separating us from other hollows in the earth.
Wtf do you think a hole is?

this was probably the cast being passive aggressive because of how shit they show had gotten

They would be talking about how the show was sloppy, the editing was sloppy, and that this was another insult on top of the injury dealt with the non-YAASSSS KWEEENNNNN SSLLLLLAAAYYYYY ending everybody wanted.

No, think of the Earth like a plane with many divots in it. We're one of the divots, north is the center of the divot, and south is everything away from the divot

There's an entrance to the north as well.

Attached: NorthPoleHole70s.jpg (637x365, 85K)

im sad that its over
even if i hated it so much

what can i watch to make me feel better bros

See below your post.

>user's mom reks his entire basket weaving club friends

bitter cunt, your mother need some cock

> I ment to do that!

> The fat fuck gets dehydrated sitting on his lard ass.