Movie adaptation when?

Movie adaptation when?

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I wonder how long he lasted.

Did they fug?


Fake article. This is why nobody takes you guys seriously

did she give him discount?

Value for money.

After he fucked her I hope he grounded her and gave her a spanking

It'd be wrong to give him anything but the friends and family discount.

looks like a mutt

Unironically this for once

yes they did

the man and woman totally have every reason to publicize their meet

I hope he fucked her asshole raw and was all "do you like the way daddy punishes that dirty little asshole you fucking whore? You think you can just wear those sexy little panties around the house you little trollop?"

fuck k that's hot I'd fap to a porn of that

So did he fuck her then or ask for his money back?

we live in it

>hahaha, but seriously I did pre pay


Based and incestpilled.

Attached: daddy's girl.jpg (770x433, 61K)

Didn't those two commit suicide?


This is literally the most shakespearean tragedy of the last hundred years. I fully blame society for what happened here. They could have been happy.

gief cute daughter to fuck

Sadly yes.

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Did he think about it rationally?

H-hapa d-daughter

>implying this isn't advertisement for the site

Well, they're american

Murder suicide. Dog Bless America

youtube? liveleak? efukt? come one Yea Forums, you dropping the motherfucking ball!

It's terribly sad, nonetheless. All that love and life just fading away in an instant. It reminds me of my maternal grandparents. They passed away about 12 years ago after having been married for 50 years. They died only about 30 minutes apart. The police said that's very common in a murder-suicide

Not a hapa, the mother couldn't look more american

He killed them all and then himself.

He shot her, the baby and her adoptive father with an AR-15 while they were trying to flee before offing himself.

Just like my japanese anime

That's how it is for yankees when someone runs off with their prize pig. Yankees can't live without fucking animals.

I hope he paid the extras for anal

That girl was adorable. Shame.


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I'd imagine the dad have her a big tip

I think I might hit my pipe and think about this logically

1/4 native american

were services rendered?

Twin Peaks FWWM

Attached: lelandfwwm.jpg (1000x442, 269K)

An urban legend like this has been around for a while. It even inspired one of those network TV movies from the 90s.