Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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For you

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No one. Tesla is going to die soon, China and Blue Origin will blow past SpaceX. Musk will be forgotten in 5 years.

brendan fraser

Leslie Jones

Ryan Gosling because he can almost reproduce naturally Elon speech empeachment

He has a unique look. Honestly probably couldnt cast someone who looks even close to Elon...

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Literally Idris Elba


So since this id an Elon Musk thread, what do you anons think of his space internet shit he is doing?

if we're casting on looks alone

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I live in the first world, so it will have no impact on my life.

Where exactly is the first world? Please dont tell me the US. Because if so your internet speeds are trash. Also its apparently going to bring fibre speeds at a relatively cheap cost. So yeah it could have an impact on your life brainlet.

you mean the first world invaded and cucked by niggers or the real first world?

I know he isnt the only company doing it. But I pray this sort of shit actually works and sometime soon. My internet speed is atrocious and I am certain i wont be getting faster speeds where i live otherwise.

Same. Literally live in the states. Yet here i am paying $52 a month for a fucking 3 Mbps connection.

Come say that to me on Mars fucboi

Why do people here pretend to hate Musk and his companies so much?

John Cena

Sam Rockwell

Meme posting aside Musk really is a likely candidate for a biopic at some point in the future isnt he?