He would have made a good king.
He was of good character, was not controversial and had experience of statehood, as well as the Riverlands as a stable power base.
He would have made a good king.
He was of good character, was not controversial and had experience of statehood, as well as the Riverlands as a stable power base.
Why is everyone acting like Sansa is so much more important than him? Her base of power is even more devastated than his. Realistically, they should both be essentially Vale puppets.
Let me guess, have sex?
One day he'll march to winterfell with his armies and rape sansa for the disrespect she showed him today.
Does this actor get cucked in every show he appears? He couldn't even beat a cartoon bear in an election.
Why does an actor who is not poor have teeth like that?
Have sex uncle.
Probably not. Sansa was a cunt for interrupting him though.
I wonder what D&D have against this character, they couldn't resist shitting on him one last time
Have sex with me
Edmure didn't really do anything in the whole show except be a boob who messed stuff up. There was no reason for Sansa to chime in at all though as she declared independence a couple of minutes later.
He has the lead as "Prince Philip" in the new season of "The Crown" so he's getting the last laugh.
Lincoln Chafee, 2016 Democratic debate
>I looked for you in season 5, but you were not there.
This was actually a post-credit scene but deleted because of the controversy that would inevitably follow
The radlands also fought for independence under Robb. They should have independence too. Fuck Sansa and her bullshit sob story.
sansa has literal cheat codes for siblings
>she declared independence
>iron islands doesnt do the same
>sansa somehow has authority while jon snow is still king of the north
>ignoring the fact that Baratheon has a strong claim to the throne
>how the fuck is bran the heir of a now independent kingdom also the king of the other 6 kingdoms.
wtf is stopping 7 kingdoms from splitting apart again?
He'd have been far too easy to manipulate, and he had ZERO respect from his fellow Lords.
I imagine he'd be a similar ruler to Tywin's father. A weak ruler is bad for everybody
Have kex instead.
>wtf is stopping 7 kingdoms from splitting apart again?
It's the final episode, that's what
was sansa telling him off supposed to be funny? i legit thought he was going to become a king since he was giving a good speech and all
Why wasn't Bron the lord of the Reach there to vote.
He would've made a great Lincoln Chafee. All he has to do is show up and say, "Wow, I'm on stage!"
he needs to get lordship from tyrion, and he's still a prisoner on this scene.
He hadn't been named Lord yet
Radmure had his chance. Fuck d&d
Why were Brienne, Arya, Davos, and Sam even there?
The king's power is extremely diminished, so they probably can leave any time they want. Even if they don't, they will go back to the usual bickering. Eventually, one will get strong enough and conquer the rest and do away with the whole system. Dnd are retards that didn't read the books or know anything about history (elective monarchy after a while becomes very corrupt and even worse than heritatory inheritance, see HRE).
Bronn is in charge of the richest and strongest kingdom, will he just peacefully retire and be a good obedient lord?
He's a huwite male and their culture(?)/religion(?)/ethnic(?) group survives by antagonizing them and making themselves an other.
I wonder what Brans tax policy will be, that was never expanded upon
Probably, he knows not to over-reach
Brienne, possibly lord of tarth
Sam definitely lord tarly
Davos, knight, and major advisor to multiple kings
Arya, killed night king
>i spent years in a prison cell so i'm fit to rule
fuck off with you're retarded mary sue
More importantly, why was Bronn not there? He's possibly the strongest Lord Paramount now, he should definitely get a say.
He wasn't a Lord at that point, Tyrion was the one who made him Lord, and at that point he was still in jail guilty of treason
They completely missunderstood the book character, that is stunnborn and a little inexperienced in ruling, but far for being an inept idiot. They simply love to make fun of characters their either dont comprend or hate (looking at you Stannis)
Even worse the Reach was the only kingdom without a rapresentative on the electoral council. Bronn wasnt there and Sam was there as a neutral Maester. So they have no reason to be loyal to Bran and after they gave Highgarden to a foreigner thug and proposed the Unsullied to occupy the Reach they should have all the good reason to rebel and try to secede. Most cucked ending between all the kingdoms by far
>hmm should we make this character have to actually do anything to defeat his enemies?
>nah lets just let him do it magically by throwing some leeches in a fire
stannis was a mary sue
have sex
>sit down
He didn't spin a shitty monologue like Tyrion did so they shut him down. The characters have developed as short a attention span as D&D by the end of the series.
And yes, it was supposed to get a laugh out of you. This and the brother talk was supposed to get a good laugh out of you.
>:I'm a retard that can't pick up on context
everyone knows what he was going to say, retard
Don't you know that rape makes her stronger?
>be Hightower lord
>Cersei literally blew up the sept with all the Tyrells in it, but whatever, the new Targ is coming for her so we'll not get involved
>seems like they all died, aight then, I assume it's back to an independent Reach then, we'll summon the lords and decide how to rule it together, preferably either us or the Redwynes should take up the mant...
>what do you mean a meeting was held and some autistic stark cripple was chosen to be king, by whom?
>what do u mean this sellsword is now the lord paramount, who the fuck is he?
>why did they invite 5000 eunuchs and horseshitskins to live here? for what reason?
>fuck this, we have the intact army and land unlike literally everyone else, we won't tolerate this shit
What context, retard? He was building himself up perhaps to nominate someone else. We dont know enough about his character to assume either way. But I guess sansa read the script. You're a fuckwit.
Plus the best and fertile queen.
there is literally no reason for any of the realms to form anew around the rolling throne. there is no royal army, no sworn houses to the crown and everyone is tired of war. they all could just declare independence and mind their own biscuits.
I just wanted to see him and Roslyn cuddling in Riverrun or something.
Instead, they brought him back just to humiliate him for a shitty, out-of-character joke at the expense of the tone in an already-shitty scene.
And they never acknowledged where the fuck he was. The show has already visited Casterly Rock, King's Landing, and everywhere else that he should've been being held, and he wasn't there. He wasn't shown in captivity, and he wasn't shown being freed when any of those locations were taken from Lannister control.
What a dogshit way to treat /our guy/. This honestly made me more mad than anything else that came up in this episode.
you're autistic
>she's already "Sansa the Raped"
He BTFO Malcolm Tucker during the inquiry.
>the rolling throne
this. also why should the ironborn fall back into the fold. literally no one wants to invade their shitty islands. all they get from being in the six kingdoms is getting taxed.
Stop making sense and have sex.
>the rolling throne
No. You're just fucking stupid.
3er master plan was to take over westeros to let the weirwoods take over the south once again
>3er is king and we STILL don't see the God's Eye
He didn't get cucked in the Terror, just ded
to be fair though Edmure was a totally impotent character; why was there so much comic relief bros?
Wow I really am glad I stopped watching this shit after season 5.
you're literally have trouble picking up on the most basic of social context
It's not just a humiliation. Edmure embody the "Business as usual" nobility, not good, not bad, just mediocre king that would be fine in a normal situation.
But Westeros just survived multiple wars, a magical invasion, a genocide, so many death and treasons nobody believe in nobility anymore. They needed a major change, Edmure wasn't change at all.
>telling Marcus Junius Brutus to sit his ass down
I'm glad I don't give a shit about this
>hur dur check the context you tismo
>there is no fucking context
Bravo, you're the one with a broken brain.
step 1. get raped
step 2. become stronger
step 3. get raped again
step 4. ???
step 5. profit
Tyrion Lannister is de facto king because Bran is busy looking for dragons and watching people fuck from the spirit realm.
Deal with it fags.
lmao keep proving your autism
How Bron being the new lord of the reach possible ?
He will just show up here and go to the king bedroom ?
Reach people would never accept him as lord, he won't have any guards, any supports down there.
There's probably some nobility still alive in reach who could claim the castle
Save hex
whos the guy between him and sam? whos the guy next to lord royce?
In the show the Reach = the Tyrells and the Tyrells = bad at fighting except for the gay dead one nobody remembers.
If he was good at fighting, he wouldn't be dead.
I assume Davos was advisor to gendry
I thought he was standing up to appoint someone, I didn't believe the writers would be stupid enough to think that Radmure would be stupid enough to appoint himself, I didn't think the writers could have such poor timing and taste in comedy. Alas, I was wrong, and I cringed.
I did giggle at the part where his sword hit the chair leg.
But yeah, fuck those kikes dnd.
>no argument
>can't provide the "context"
Just cuz you clapped at that scene like a gay mongoloid doesn't make it a good scene. Have sex, gay nigger.
yeah it totally didn't sound at all like he was gonna nominate himself. No one thought that.
he was really stupid and ineffective. he'd probably get himself killed and ransomed the first month. he always overestimates himself hilariously
We'll never fucking know, will we? He sat down and stopped talking because his niece said "please sit". Keep clapping, you fat broad, but that scene was dumb.
Omnipotent keikaku wheel boy
>"Who are all these folk?" "My people." Edmure answered. "They were afraid."- Edmure Tully.
how can they shit on this guy honestly, he gave up his birthright for the life of his child, he let all his subjects into his castle, Edmure was pure and good,
you'll never know because you're autistic
Some unnamed Lannister, presumably of Lannispor
Some unnamed high up reach lord, I assume hightower
Which makes a shitty king, sometimes a ruler has to make the hard call which he will be hated for.
Edmure would have been weak as fuck and be cucked by every smart/strong Lord
>everyone okay with some random cripple
>wtf is stopping 7 kingdoms from splitting apart again?
I guess the official answer is that all the surviving lords like each other and so they won't start any more wars. Everything will inevitably turn to shit within a generation, unless Bran uses his omnipotence to squash any dissenters before they can act.
They're all aware of his superpowers and what he's done
marvel was a mistake
So she's like a Super Saiyan but with rape?
He spent most of the seasons in a dungeon, and being a shitty archer. But you also need to get laid.
That explains why the army of the dead didn't manage to kill anyone of import.
>Why is everyone acting like Sansa is so much more important than him?
In part because she commands respect. The fact that Edmure just sat the fuck down when he was told is proof enough he would make a shit king.
he fucked a tortured man once
They needed one last YAAAASSSS.
sit down faggot
>In part because she commands respect.
Honestly I was thinking literally this because the thought of Edmure having enough confidence to sit the Iron Throne himself is unbelievable to me. At the very least the past few years should have humbled him enough to not be a comic relief arrogant fop.
Fat cunt. I guess you read the script just like sansa did. I know what the director "intended" but it was badly delivered. We dont know anything about edmure and have no reason to assume sansa knows anything about his character either.
>Herp derp autism
You should seriously consider suicide if that's the best and only "argument" you got
>We dont know anything about edmure and have no reason to assume sansa knows anything about his character either.
He's literally her Uncle, you think he didn't interact with him growing up and hear stories off her mum?
Why would I assume that? It never showed it. They live in different countries. And why would we as the viewer have to make so many assumptions to have it make sense? Oh because the scene was bad.
Experience intercourse
>Why would I assume that?
Because that's how families work you fucking turbo autist.
If it's an alien concept to you that you'd see your Uncle growing up, or that your Mum would mention him to you then you lived a sad childhood.
Why would he even be lord in the first place? Surely there must be loads of other people who aren't just going to accept it?
>lets make this random cutthroat one of the most important lords in the land, surely this will lead to peace
Holy shit literally HAVE SEX
yup, it's sex time
But the VIEWER knows nothing about edmure, so what the fuck are you on about
And, no, they lived in different countries you turbo retard. Why would I assume they've ever even had a conversation
Bran has no base and when the cold hard facts of needing capital to leverage to run a kingdom raise there head his story wouldn't mean jack shit.
Sorry the show didn't spend 10 minutes with a flashback sequence to Edmure visiting Winterfell to show off his incompetence. Just to appease 1 autist who can't comprehend the idea of families interacting
>it was badly delivered
just because autistic retards such as yourself didn't get it doesn't mean it was badly delivered.
If you think that scene was well delivered you're a retard. Have sex.
I'm more worried about him immediately granting his sister Independence
Corruption, HALLOO?
Little known fact: raping makes radmure stronger
I did "get it". That's the point. That's how I know it was badly delivered. I'm capable of thinking. Try it. Then have sex.
I didn't say any of that, i'm just pointing out how retarded your suggestion is that:
>We dont know anything about edmure and have no reason to assume sansa knows anything about his character either.
>They're all aware of his superpowers and what he's done
They are really okay with a King that just, sat, by and did nothing while Danny burned a city of innocents, and the aftermath?
When he could've prevented all that real easy.
I'm basing that on the fact that we've never seen them interact. And we dont know anything about edmure except he goofed in battle and missed when he tried to shoot a boat. I'm looking at this from the point of view of somebody who desires good storytelling. Whereas you're using mental gymnastics to justify bad storytelling. Fucking pathetic user.
No, not have sex. Seethe and cope incel.
Is Edmure really incompetent (beyond his archery abilities)?
check out the brain on this guy
he was supposed to do some kinda lure attack against clegane in a battle but he pressed forward and won but they didn't capture/kill clegane which is what they wanted
he's competent but he makes mistakes
The writers of this mess had no idea what he was gonna say. The scripts says white boy gets interrupted and ordered to sit down by empowered womyn
Are you saying that chose to make a forceful breakthrough?
He didnt even make a mistake there
Robb didnt commincate anything to him and he is somehow supposed to know robb was doing a super secret move. Shit writing
I don't even think Edmure made a mistake trusting the Freys, how could he possibly know Walder Freys mind, that he had a massive unsated ego.
I mean, look where that decision ultimately led his (Walder's) house, betrayal was no a sound long term decision. I feel confident it would have ended in ruin even if Arya didn't unexpectedly speed up the process.
In Mount and Blade Warband maybe but not here
This but unironically. Why does everyone in the 6 kingdoms actually obey the council of clowns and Bran the cripple king. Who the fuck is enforcing his rule and why isn't anyone in a show full of backstabbing and intrigue find an opportunity to take the throne for themselves.
None of this makes any fucking sense.
>wants to break the wheel
>hotwheels ends up king
D&D hate strong jawed characters
Just look what they did to Stannis
I guess the rest of the Tyrells decided that they didn't want land or power anymore.
Engage in coitus
Yeah what was that?
An; I expect you to obey me, your sovereign - moment?
Does Robb really want people that don't seize an opportunity when it presents itself?
That's such a stupid trope that makes rulers look like assholes. However, I don't think that was their intention here.
Does that mean Benioff hates himself
All the Tyrells died in the sept
Too easily manipulated. He was pushed to get married (it was sheer luck she wasn't a dog) and he gave up his most valuable asset based on a threat. The level of cold calculation required of a good ruler simply isn't there. Bran outright sends people to guaranteed death that he cares about to ensure victory.
Bran is still a shit choice but the show took out the best ruler long ago. And no, it isn't Stannis.
All of them? Literally every Tyrell? So literally every single member of that powerful family left Highgarden to go die in King's Landing huh?
Seems awfully convenient.
It was like everyone had secretly agreed to keep silent just to make him look the fool.
Well he's a dirty liberal so yes
Yes every single one. poof went one of the biggest families of westeros
the fact that you may be a shitty king is no cause for humiliation, he wouldn't make a great king but he is a great person.
Also the only man to defeat Tywin Lannister in the field of battle! And the Mountain! But everyone forgets that...
>how the fuck is bran the heir of a now independent kingdom also the king of the other 6 kingdoms.
Henry IV became King of France after being recognized as a legitimate heir of Henri III after already being King of Navarre. Dynastic relationships trumped everything.
What a disrespectful little shit Sansa is. Doesn't she know what filial piety is?
Tarly represented the reach, don't you know your geography?
I can't believe they did my boy Radmure like that bros
better than a kid who can see the future?
The Tullys did nothing wrong
>letting a kid that can see the future on the throne
That's a bad idea in itself since he can manipulate any event the way he fits to benifit himself. It's kinda a Superman scenario where all you can believe is that he won't become a dictator and rule over earth.
Bran will get his own Lex Luthor.
>filial piety
turkish pastry ?
can only see in the past ,his sister rape on repeat
He could do all three until the NK touched him which stopped him from seeing the future.
The better question is why does Sansa even have a vote when she declares the north as independent from the others. Their king is none of her concern since she won't be ruled by whoever they choose.
she needed to be stripped and spanked hard on her bare bottom for that
It's criminal is what it is. Dabid just couldn't help themselves and had to destroy the only guy we had left.
Other than Robb, anyway. Robb does nothing but shit on the Lannister armies until he catches a blade.
she didn't partake in the vote though
Fuck off Brutus.
>a good king can't be confident in his own ability and must be humble and "aw shucks" about it
non-American poster