So he would have died IRL, right?

So he would have died IRL, right?

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It's not the voltage that kills you, it's the amps.

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20000 volts? Yeah he’d look pretty cooked my dude.

I learned something today.

The relationship between electricity and the human body is a strange thing. It usually kills you. But on rare occasions, not.

i dont know what the difference is

What about the relationship between a young boy and a 20 foot drop?

Fairly sure his muscles would've actually contracted and he'd be keeping hold of the wire.

Voltage represents the difference between potential energy of a particle relative to ground. Current represents the rate of flow of electrons through something. The flow of electrons through something (you) is what kills you.

in real life he wouldnt be chased by dinosaurs

electricity 101 always use water analogies to explain simply
>Voltage is the speed of the waterflow, or pressure
>Amperage is the amount of water

Attached: ohmvoltmp.jpg (736x800, 90K)

Kids seem to have a weird ability shrug off usually deadly forces so maybe not, but with the way he was holding it his muscles would've locked onto the cable essentially deep frying him. And if they didn't all the water in his arms would've flashed to steam when his bones turned red hot instantly from the current and exploded.

If he was a 44 year old Chinese man I'd say instadeath but kids get zapped so ????

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The electrify would pass through him. Unharmed. Him being shocked at all is unrealistic.
Now, if he was touching the ground, he’d be fucked

Obviously, watch any video where someone gets electrocuted IRL. If you're holding something that electrocutes you, the current tenses your muscles into an absolute deathgrip on the source, it doesn't send you flying.

His muscles would have constricted causes him to grip tighter and not let go. He would then. turn into bacon after a minute or two

it depends on where the elictricity goes in and comes out. if it goes through your heart you're fucked. if it goes into your ellbow and comes out at your hands you can survive. the burnig is another story...

gosh, what a qt

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No, it's precisely the voltage because that's what clamps onto you as you as getting fried.

ITT: no one understands electricity

Nothing would have happened to him. He was not grounded. His body would have been brought up to the same electric potential as the fence. The same reason that birds can land on power lines or that linemen can work on a high voltage line from a helicopter without getting cooked.

How is this board so ignorant?

How did she hack the Unix system in seconds when Sam Jackson couldn't do it?

That scene at the beginning of JP2 is weird.

Best post.

Wrong, amps lock you up senpai.

He wouldn't have even gotten shocked because he wasn't grounded. Same reason birds can stand on powerlines.

god i wish that was me

>being this stupid

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Well, most people do not work directly with electricity.

JP2 is a pretty weird and dull movie overall

The only real answer here.

she knew the magic word

Because she didn't really hack it. The system was completely rebooted. Mr Arnold died going to reboot the breakers. Had he not, he would have got the system up very quickly

ITT: wanna be electrical engineers

Other way around retard. millions of amps at 1 voltage will do absolutely nothing.

Millions of volts and very low amp will make your heart explode. In fact that's how electrocution works.


Yeah, I still don't know how they were able to avoid getting a higher rating when they show her bare asshole on screen for 10 full seconds.

She still needed to log in somehow.

A volt is a joule per coulomb and an amp is a coulomb per second.

You're already this drunk, desu. One more ain't gunna hurt ya

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Only if he was touching just one line. More than one means he is in contact with alternate phases and electricity would pass through him killing him.

fucking checkd

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That's true, didn't think about it being 3 phase

It can be survived easily. Without breaking anything? That's trickier.

Yeah, was a pretty weird and out of place scene. Especially when Ian Malcolm started to sniff her Nutella cave and lick his lips.

This. It’s like having a huge ass pipe but only dripping water out of it

Wouldn’t a electric fence that kills be a bad idea?

shouldn't it be more like this then? Also why am i not surprised the soulless chinamin is trying to kill them

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May god save you're soul

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Wouldn't his hands have been firmly gripping the wires given electricity forces your muscles to flex?

>Jurrasic Park
>good ideas

lol no american electricity is laughably weak low currents and weak pussysauce voltage

>it's the amps.
Thread is about nerve gas though


that drawing has been around for like 70 years and is just to demonstrate the basic idea of ohm's law to babies. but i'd say no. in this representation, volt is a person and there's only one of him. there isn't a force of several voltages surrounding him.

That's because it takes such a low amperage to kill you, genius.

Attached: fatal_current.gif (160x433, 4K)

>yfw Jurassic Park was a origins story about superhero “Human Toast” but Universal Studious dropped it mid-production and went on with the dinosaur island subplot

wasted digits, leaf (I know you are). It's the volts, you 'tard. That's the pressure that latches onto you. Idiot.


ALAN caught him. Dislocated should for Alan Tbh

Go touch a car battery 1 hand on positive 1 on negative.
Most car batteries are from 300-600 amps.

Tell me what happens, moron.

t. Electrician

I'm confused. I thought as long as you're not touching the ground or something you can touch power lines. Something about it not being a complete circuit? Like, that's why bird can sit on power lines and shit.


can we get an edit of the arm replaced by a giant cock?

>300-600 amps
It only takes 0.2 amps to kill you. What's your point?

>He was not grounded.
Not till he gets home, wait till his father hears about this!


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haha do you think his little pee-pee shriveled up when he got shocked? wouldn't that be embarrassing haha