What was his fucking endgame? Why was he so loyal to Cersei for no fucking reason?
What was his fucking endgame? Why was he so loyal to Cersei for no fucking reason?
if you did STEM you would understand, you literally worship someone who gives you funding for your projects
Cersei gave him full funding and access to do his experiments that he got kicked out of the Citadel for.
because he's the supreme gentleman
>literally become on of the most powerful man in the world
>get unlimited funding for your hobbies
>no reason
What was Littlefinger's? (note that this isn't a rhetorical question: what was Baelish plan?)
why didn't he use his time machine?
>Was hated by all for his vile experiments
>Cersei made him hand of the queen
Varys always talked about him being the most dangerous guy in Westeros; and with the whole "chaos is a ladder" speech I would assume he was eventually aiming to become king. He already became de-facto head of the vale, with the right political scheming and alliances maybe he could have had a successful rebellion of his own.
Galaxy brain schemes involving the crown and getting into at least one Stark girl.
He wasn't repeating "chaos is a ladder"
He was making it a statement to Littlefinger.
All hail king Bran
They never mention the public's attitude to his experiments, or if they even know about them. All we know is that his experiments were considered unnatural by the citadel and he got kicked out. But the show also shows the Citadel to run by incompetent, crusty and closed minded old men who constantly advocate against doing anything useful.
Cersei was spreading her cheeks for the old loser
I was talking about Petyr making the "chaos is a ladder" speech in season 3. Littlefinger said it in a conversation to Varys, and about how "the climb is all there is." He's talking about his own aspiration to become king.
cersei gave him the money and freedom to do his wacky experiments
He wanted to fuck the 7 kingdoms and considering the ending the 6 kingdoms are utterly fucked.
I never got the impression he was out to harm the kingdoms as his end goal. Varys just made it clear that Littlefinger was ruthless as fuck and wouldn't have minded being a king of the ashes, so long as he was king of all of it. Turns out it didn't matter anyway, since they got a queen of the ashes instead.
Everyone else treated him like a weirdo but Cersei supported his research and took interest in him
>All we know is that his experiments were considered unnatural by the citadel and he got kicked out.
Yeah and we get a scene of him looking like Dr. Frankenstein over Gregor's body. If you can't take a hint then there's no hope.
>But the show also shows the Citadel to run by incompetent, crusty and closed minded old men who constantly advocate against doing anything useful.
Just like any long running institution omg, obviously they know nothing! Millenia of scolarly investigation: Discarded.
Kinda wish he'd survived it all.
>Ser Gregor, obey your que-
Qyburn is Literally cersei’s Jorah haha
Before Cersei he was a disgraced person with no future. She gave him everything.
>Yeah and we get a scene of him looking like Dr. Frankenstein over Gregor's body. If you can't take a hint then there's no hope.
I understand he's the evil scientist. I was just pointing out that the general population probably didn't know what the fuck he, or any of the other nobles, were up to at any given time.
>Just like any long running institution omg, obviously they know nothing! Millenia of scolarly investigation: Discarded.
Why are you so upset? The Citadel is shown to be a wonderful place of learning, just like your average university. And yet home to a shocking amount of ignorance, just like the average university. I wonder what experience they were trying to convey Sam having at the Citadel. I couldn't possibly guess.
I wept for Qyburn. He was /ourguy/.
People forget that Cersei is really, really hot.
qyburn was basically a no one in the eyes of the general public ("qyburn who? oh, the dude who made the mountain a zombie...") but i've always liked him very much
i read that his character in the books is not as gray as in the show tho
he did no perverse forbidden dark art experiments, he went into mechanical engineering for some fucking reason
A true Renaissance man like him can't be tied to any one field. He's likely the smartest man in Westeros.
that would be jaime
That would be Daario, retard
when you give an incel sex, you gain his eternal loyalty
But she didn't. She gave him the green light for his experiments. Unless he invented the onahole by breeding extra large toothless leaches
He represents parasite scientists who require protection and support from the government through grant money in order to conduct their unjustified experiments.
stop asking questions to which there are no answers retard
the fucking jew writers didnt think about it that hard, why are you racking your brain with shit that was forgotten about by the writers lmao
>Climb the lada
>become king
>give sasha a creampie
Thats about it
Who cares? The more screen time for elderly British Shakespeare actors the better.
Kino post
Make Westeros a superpower by 2020
Develop a space program
New scorpion tech
>Unlimited funding
>Zero ethics
>Endless supply of test subjects
>Position of power he wouldn't come close to with any other ruler
He was a person Cersei wasnt a dick to and who she respected