The absolute state

The absolute state

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kino rap


>some French faggot thought this was worth posting
Yea Forums should only discuss things going on in the United States desu. Nothing else matters.

I clapped to this post, and if you don't clap along you are a fucking commie scumbag.

I agree fook france.

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Kill all niggers.

based. france is basically an african nation at this point anyway.

White people are a mistake.

why are there so many blacks in france? Isn't Algeria arab?

paul joseph watson is a hypocrite piece of shit

I'm ok with blacks finishing what Hitler started.

unironically agree



After WWII the niggas that fought for France got to stay

Who hurt you, user? Was it /pol/?

>samefagging this hard

There's no such thing as white people. Everyone used to be black, before excessive inbreeding in some parts of the world led to a disease of light skins.

Why are French people like this?

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Does that mean I'm black? Hell yeah my niggers.

Based. Fuck Francekistan

can i make a song about killing niggers

I know that guy, his shows are always full of white women.
I don't know why.

In all fairness, if I was a nigger I'd also escape the hellhole I was born into. And he has the right idea, the ones we should be rounding up and disposing are "our fellow whites" who vote and represent for the alien horde.

based i can say nigger and get welfare now

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well he is just doing what niggers do

France took over the parts of africa england didn't want.

>people on this board unironically follow Paul Joseph Watson

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No wonder the blacks hate them.

I clapped

yea fuck the frogs. dirty people with bad teeth deserve the caliphate
>letting notre dame get burnt down by muslims
>not immediately purging them out of your country
fuck them

Good, whites are suicidal trash

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This is such a cancerous law. French women are such massive whores. You'll never find a french woman that has only fucked one black guy.

Niggers and shitskins are invading europe

wow, frenchies really do want to get blacked LOL

you can't censor art. it's called freedom of speak

Das rite white boy, no paternity test. It's yours.

frenchfag here
Based, France deserves no respect. A country that not only allows muslims in, but also enforces their acceptance by law by making racism literally illegal deserves nothing but to drown in a sea of piss.

Is it invasion if you're invited?

This all goes back to the French revolution.

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>average black penis 8 inches-20 cm
>average white penis 5 inches 12.7 cm
>average depth of vagina of white woman 8 inches-20 cm
yes i wonder why. White wombs were literaly made for accepting big black dicks. if you count for melanin receptors inside white women vaginas you have reasons why going black is only option to have orgams.

Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Benin, Ivory Coast, Congo, Guinea, Gabon, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, Central African Republic are all former French colonies

Always makes me laugh.

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based Robespierre fuck france

>let's go to Paris on holid-

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Seek help

Very much this. France is Africa already

That's poetry right there.

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Holy shit the caricature in the background


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Fuck Muttland too

reposting on Yea Forums.
came here looking for fagatron GOT posters but actually found gold.

is there a webm of his crushed face at the ending of the votes?



ay yo nigga where my reparations at? pay up white boy. my ancestors were ancestors of slaves n shiet

this is unironically true

Frogs please go.

Based and red white and blue pilled

Sounds like this'd better fit on Yea Forums

Based and scientifically accurate

It was ended when he poisoned his dog and shot himself in the head.

Fucking incels downvoting this urban kino.

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>liberal education

do whites get reparations too

He's literally strangling her

good. fuck white people, jews and mutts. we must secure the existence of our people and a future for black children.

not racist to hate on a religion. it's not a coincidence that only microdick arabs and nigs would be willing to follow Islam and sharia law though because they can't see the semblance of a womans ankle or shoulder without thinking about rape


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>be nigger
>allowed to live in western country with modern luxuries
>use freedoms granted to you to shit on and talk about how much you hate the country housing your nigger ass
Holy fuck how ungrateful can they get? I bet you could give a nig a million dollars and he'd be talking shit about you the next day.

>It was ended when he poisoned his dog and shot himself in the head.
That's a cover story, he escaped to Argentina via submarine and it's been confirmed with CIA docs. He would never hurt an animal.

Yea Forums - Television & Film

I never got to watch this live and instead watched it last night, and the moment this happened I knew some fucker would turn it into a webm.

>be Frenchman
>slore girlfriend/wife gets pregnant
>baby comes out a niglet
>can’t legally do shit and forced to race Le Tyrone’s turdlet

The state of France

BASED user

Excessive inbreeding + bestiality with neanderthals = whitey

>pol retard: kill niggers
>rap retard: kill white people
>pol retard: :O

I'm dying

>one little chimpout means the entire city is fucked
Have sex

Have a tip my fellow MIGA pede,

You realize neanderthals are smarter than the average nigger, right? Or were, at least. That's why people who have more ancestry with them, AKA the Europeans are smarter on average than niggers.

White women are leftist sluts anyway, they probably enjoyed this so who cares
>defending braindead whores

How many kikes have infiltrated this site? Lmao

Can someone, anyone, please explain to me why europe becoming less white than it has ever been is supposed to be a good thing?

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It is if you're invited by kikes

>be invited to city while you claim 'refugee status, gibs me da food whitey and da free housing'
>actually receive it
>pay back the generosity of the white man by turning his city into a shithole
Why run from a shithole only to make the city that now houses you into a shithole as well?

they're redditors retard just look at the catalog

as a chinese I hope they are never brought back to china after the new chink colonialising.

take a bio class fag

white man bad

If you are french and aren't getting your musket ready to shoot this guy you arent a man.

based and High IQ

France causes wars in Africa all the time and sends refugees back home.

Based and patriotpilled

Cope more you fucking cheese eating surrender monkey.

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The early hominids were brown, not black. And it wasn't a disease, it was a mutation that occurred for higher access to vitamin D.
Inbreeding happened because of low populations, not degeneracy.

>Be white
>Beez smort
>Get called names
>Don't go ape
>Watch apes go ape cause you dont go ape
>Laugh while sipping your cup of wine

It enables the creation of a European Federation. That's why they're passing gun laws and stuff right now. The future of Europe is to be a unified, racially mixed super state led by Jewish elites. (literally what one of the guys behind the whole thing said)

But if the average is 8 inches, then surely it's not big black dick but merely AVERAGE black dick. Right? The ABC.

because they had a weak government and corrupt police force and let ((("humanitarian"))) ships directly import millions of africians into their country with no oversight

This isn't a joke post, there are literally ships that dock in Africa then sail directly to France to unload them, and nobody in france can stop them because then you're called "racist".

Cuckoldry is a virtue in France. Everyone practices adultery. Which is why Muslims are seen as so bizarre since they hate adultery and would ideally want it to be illegal.

This but unironically

Kalergi Plan, kikes want to rule over a culture-less mixed mud race

>focusing on identity politics while economies collapse, environmental catastrophe, expanding war economy, the destruction of representative, free speech and ownership rights in favor of old money ultrarich sociopaths
You swallowed the real bluepill you faggots

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EU is falling apart. The new member states don't want to accept migrant quotas.

France owned like half of Africa. Most Africans speak French to this day. Most of the colonies are also only "released" on paper but France still holds them in their grip.

But in exchange to this people could move all across the empire.

There are French books about Paris written in 1700 that talk about how big of a shithole Paris is with more blacks than whites. It's not a new thing at all and has always been the case.

CIA made a investigation but couldn't proof one side or the other. as far as i know it's a 50:50 chance.
but it's known that lots of high nazi guys escaped to argentina. people still find nazi goldcoins in some places. maybe hitler escaped too, who knows...

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Jews are the superior race. The richest families are all jewish. They own every media. The president of the United States had to deliver his daughter to their bed for their support. It's just a matter of time before the chosen people rule the world openly.

imagine being a small dick white boi

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Honestly, I hope you chinks don't let them in either. They'll fuck your shit up just like they've started doing to us whites.

>Yesterday, hundreds of undocumented migrants took control of Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris France. Approximately 500 migrants seized the terminal.

>“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.

>The protest was organized by the migrant support group “La Chapelle Debout,” which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.”

>The group comes amid the country’s months-long “Yellow Vests movement” over tax reforms; French citizens are required to carry yellow vests in their vehicles for emergencies.

>In an official statement, the group asked to meet with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe over the country’s asylum policy and the leaders of Air France. They demanded that the airline “stop any financial, material, logistical or political participation in deportations.”

>Later Sunday, an Air France delegation met with the group, a member told local newspaper Le Parisien.

>A migrant who took part in the protest warned it wouldn’t be the last.

>“We have targeted Air France, and other actions will follow,” he told the paper.


isn't it called houton plan to breed out whites?

They're inbred, hideous with hooked noses hunch backs and public hair on their head. It's just a matter of time before History Repeats Itself and they're murdered in mass.

Hey if it's not biological you don't have to support your kids. If it's societal then that's societies problem. No child support because that would upset the preservation of peace in French families. No child support because that's for fathers and fathers are determined through marriage, not biology. They can't test your paternity legally. GG EZ.

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Your ancestors were black. But now you are just a diseased half-neandarthal whitey.

Imagine being a nigger and having the only thing you can brag about be 'm-muh dick!'. That'll sure save you when whitey shoots you dead, won't it tyrone?

Lmao Pissrael is full of dicklets, they need some diversity

This except unironically

>implying all of those things aren't made worse by the mass immigration of third world niggers into Europe
>implying lefties care about climate change when they refuse to switch to nuclear power
>implying lefites care about economic or climate catastrophe when they refuse to address the exploding populations in Africa and India
>implying lefties care about free speech and ownership rights when they want to censor anything they disagree with and support carbon taxes and climate deals which would rescind your right to own a car

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>TFW visited Vietnam
>Asian women literally took pictures of my average as fuck 6' penis and I was confused as fuck
>Turns out their men have 4' on average so I was extremely hung compared to them

I feel bad for vietnamese men.

That's somebody's daughter. How are they so retarded

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>faggot posts faggot shit

We are failing. Our race, genetics, culture, heritage, homelands, legacy, all of it will be raped by leftist shitskins. If there isn't a race war within 50 years it may be too late.

I wish i had a black daddy that would breed my sissy boypussy

I don't really like the man myself, but you can't really argument against his points.
He is a reasonable guy.

you ok reddit?

>believing in the holohoax
You will always be their puppet.

>nigs and their jew pets try to start a race war
>white man gets on rockets and heads to a space colony, allowing the jews and nigs what they want in world ownership
>begin raining down ordinance from space on them
>laugh while they send comms begging us to let them in

>reproductive health?


Who gives a shit about that sand nigger shit hole?

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fuck you leftoid, I WANT the world to die due to global warming if white people are getting wiped out by you fucks.

enjoy your dead world, shitskins and kikes.

You have already failed

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im okay with this but i feel bad for the animals

It should be 0% in Eastern Europe. They are slavs.

Imagine having a dick that cant get hard cause you got diabetus

They literally have Alpha fucks/beta bucks enshrined in their legal system. Hilarious.

We already know our president is a fag, just look at him

>he thinks the holohoax is the only time kikes have been purged

Try over 100+ times and counting, jews always lose

There's no such thing as people.
Everyone used to be apes.

There's no such thing as Mammals, everyone used to be single cell bacteria.

Fake news, it's just that you can't use it before courts.

Why don't you "people" realize that it's only natural white people are dying out. You're too low IQ to function in this world.

It was inevitable that Jews would take over as the gap in IQ between Jews and white "people" is too big to ever be gapped.

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Pretty sure it's already too late when 4/5 of the white population and world leaders think it's okay to discriminate against white people and not the other way around. Only thing left to do now is to die whilst standing and be content on the fact that the world will literally fall apart without white leaders to guide it.

Fuck that's embarrassing

> it's just that you can't use it before courts.
so you have to pay for children that arent yours no matter what kek. thats cuckoldry my friend


Fuck France tho.

Why can't Frenchies ever handle banter?

That's a meme. Peron (Arg president) took some Nazis like Engineer Kurt Tank for their weapons expertise. Thanks to this Argentina was one of the first countries to develop a jet fighter (pic), on par with the ones Americans and Soviets had at the time. Americans were opposed to Peron so they slandered the country with the whole Hitler meme. Lots of German descendants in Arg (most came before WW1) so it was easy to slander the country.

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Less native births so the elites need to import subhumans to keep the economy going. It's only a good thing if you're a shit skin seeing as how the government pays them to live on European soil.

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Based and Jewpilled. I, for one, welcome my Ashkenazi overlords.

Pissrael IQ is sub-100, inbreeding has made them literally retarded

>no source

Paternity tests in Germany are entirely legal.

shit is so fake
tell me why it increased over 10 points randomly and from a small sample size

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