
Robert Bara Edition

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>tfw you believed the hype about a TWOW announcement
>after the episode Gurm is still silent
>he really ISN'T finished it
>we're never fucking getting it after all

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Was it actually madness or pent up sexual frustration?

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how did everyone find out jon killed dany? drogon flew off with her body. nobody saw her dead besides jon.

Daddy Robert "Bara" Baratheon


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Alright lads I'm going to attempt to write the most realistic conclusions to our characters/factions based on the set-up of the start of this episode...
>Jon: Executed by Grey Worm immediately, if not already burned by Drogon
>Dothraki/Unsullied: slaughtered in a final siege of KL as despised foreign invaders
>Sansa: Married to Sweetautist out of necessity, essentially a puppet of The Vale as The North has no power.
>Arya: Also married off to help the immensely weakened House Stark retain it's power
>Tyrion: kept around as an adviser by the loose Arryn-Stark-Tully alliance, if he's lucky
>Bran: also kept around as an adviser, but nothing else
>Brienne: still just a body-guard to Sansa
>Gendry: killed in a coup shortly after reaching the Stormlands as nobody can even prove he's Robert's bastard, let alone want an illiterate gutter-born blacksmith to rule them
>Bronn: Quietly executed as nobody's actually going to keep their fucking promise and let him have Highgarden
>Dorne: claims independence, nobody else can do fuck-all about it
>Iron Islands: claims independence, nobody else can do fuck-all about it
>Westerlands: claims independence, nobody else can do fuck-all about it, there should be some Lannister cousins still alive, right?
>King's Landing: destroyed and depopulated
>Ruler of the 7 kingdoms: nobody, nobody has the manpower to keep all the separate kingdoms under check
anything else?

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>jon meets grey worm who is executing prisoners
>jon goes to meet dany
>grey worm teleports and is standing next to dany in the next scene

How come Jon being a Targaryen and the rightful king of the 6 kingdoms doesn't mean shit anymore?

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>alongside his sworn brothers
they kinda forgot they only had Hightower in that scene and deleted Whent

Brienne filling in the Kingsguard book was a kino scene

Best girl got a great ending

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You got the ending. Enjoy.

they read it from the dragon's subtitles

I'd expect they saw Drogon flying away and went to the keep to investigate and found him sitting there dumbfounded like an idiot.

We aren't getting a release until 2022 at the earliest.
If the current trend keeps up we aren't getting one before 2026.

thank fuck Game of Thrones is over. What a piece of shit.

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>he didn't read GURM's blog

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Should've done it with him though as he tries to play down his deeds while she asserts that as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard it is her right and duty to fill in the book

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>of house starfall
lmao are they even trying?

>mfw Rickon and Dickon will never be the gay emperors of Essos

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Yeah well the great sword Daww wasn't white either. Selmy was full of shit and barely literate it seems.

Who’s Griffith?

who was the guy sitting between sam and kidnapped uncle

>this is the only ending to ASOIAF we will ever get

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do you also have barristan's page by chance?

Season 9
Get hype

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>Bran knew all along he was going to be King


This, and then this dumbass probably told anyone who came in first that he killed her with the same dumbfounded look on his face.


Howland Reed. Went to King's Landing to marry his daughter to the future God King Bran.

Sansa needs to marry matrillineally to maintain her house, so she'd probably have Arya marry Sweetrobin.

i assumed it was based howland finally returning after doing literally nothing the entire time

>Rob Bara, that fat fuck piece of shit died as he lived, eating cake and crying muh lyanna

Strange dwarves shackled in chains shouting nonsense is no basis for a system of government

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We don't know because they weren't introduced

"Great white blade Daww" Holy fucking shit they didn't even try

>She looked for him in the catalog




8 YEARS !!!!!!!


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This one? Or another one?

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Now that this shit is over, which character did they butcher the most from the source material? In order: >Stannis >Jon >Jaime >Cersei >Catelyn >Loras

Based on their "best" moment in the show. Excluding all the shit that happened in the later seasons.

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After Bran the treacherous killed his only son and heir? Not likely.

I'd move a few characters around but that list is decent enough to not bother


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I liked that they used the I Am Hers, She Is Mine theme from S2.

I could swear I saw Barristan's name during that scene, I might have to check that out again

Only ranking that matters

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If I knew events in the real world were going to play out as stupidly as they did in this show, I'd probably become autistic like bran as well.


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where's Radmure


>alongside his sworn brothers
Hm, but there was only 1 other kingsguard there in the show.


Loras going from genuinely gallant knight who goes on a fucking rampage because his love was murdered to chubby faggot who sleeps with rentboys was awful

8 YEARS!!!!!!!!!





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literally what was the point of this episode after Drogon flew away with Dany, the second half felt like something they scrambled together in an afternoon and shot it in the same amount of time.

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>seasons 1–7: "Winter is coming."
>season 8: "Winter is here."
>season 8 episode 3: The Walking Dead has a longer Long Night, despite filming in Georgia in the middle of summer

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Can someone explain to me how Jon would've dealt with Drogon if he decided to burn everyone? How would've he dealt with Black Worm if the snapped and started another war? And where the hell are dothraki? Did they just accepted Daeneris death and went home?

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>bad pusy above F
>smirkfu not SS
it's shit

Bran did nothing wrong, the 6 kingdoms will be safer under his all-seeing eye.




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Arya rode a horse out of Kings Landing just to turn around and ride back in lol

>tfw you will never have girlfriend that looks like that
Why live?

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Too much to debate. Khal Drogo, Viserys and Joffrey should be SS though.
Joffreys character was great from introduction to death.

Is that supposed to be Elia and Rhaegar or is it Arianne and Faegon?

Not a tit man I see

>not shit tier

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>Bran did nothing wrong, the 6 kingdoms will be safer under his all-seeing eye.
>Bran did nothing wrong
>Bran did nothing

Fuck Jannies

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Well you really want to get pissed? Check this out.

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i wonder how much longer we'll be allowed to have /got/ threads

>Blows off his first small council meeting
Yeah Bran's real interested in ruling wisely.

If she had brought Daario this all could have been avoided

Were there no survivors in King's Landing?

>The books help create interest in the show
>Has not released a single novel in the eight year lifespan of the show

Joffrey should be S, Dany should be A, Euron shouldn't even be on this list at all but I would give him D rank because that bridge scene was ok.


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>Misande that high
>bad pussy in A when you already put the hotter character with a bit more dialogue in S and you have basically the same character in D
Melly's the best but what are you smoking

This. We need more girls in armor.

>that heavy handed introduction in the ToJ scene
>that is HOWLAND REED.
>that's MEERA's father!
>this is never ever made relevant and we needn't ever know about Howland in the first place
Ahahahahahha please tell me this wasn't in gurms notes bros. howland HAS to be relevant right????

show is over you stupid faggots.
take your cringe fantasy shit back to r*ddit now.

Because its shit. Stop spamming.

Cutest psycho!

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>they literally say it there that it's too brittle to forge

he can see the future, he has technically already attended all of his small council meetings.

>Who was Varys writing to?
Probably various lords and other people he thought would be important to securing jons claim.
>What happened to Meera Reed?
She left this god awul shitshow behind and lives in her floating fort.
>What happened to Meera Reed?
Faster than walking, I guess? For all she knew Dany was coming back to double toast the city.

>Mine was some Targaryen girl at the Battle of Kings Landing My dragon took a bolt so I was on foot, slogging through the ash. She came running at me, this dumb highborn lass, thinking she could end the war with a single breath of her dragon. I knocked her down with the dagger- Gods, I was strong then. Caved in her lungs. Probably shattered every dream she had. Stood over her, dagger in the air. Right before I brought it down she shouted, "Jon! Jon!" They never tell you how they all shit themselves. They don't put that part in the songs. Stupid girl. Now the Targaryens bend the knee like everyone else. She could have lingered on the edge of the battle with the smart girls, and today her dragon would be making her miserable, her Unsullied would be ingrates, and she'd be waking three times in the night to burn a city to the ground. Wine!

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>Knew Dany was going to burn everyone, did nothing about it
Yeah, living wikipedia only has the good of the realm in his mind

>>Has not released a single novel in the eight year lifespan of the show
He's released a bunch of novels, the problem is that none of them continue the story. They're all prequels.

Howland is the only living witness who can testify about Jon's parentage. There's no way that won't be relevant at some point.

so what was the point of Jon being a Targaryen again?

That's how books are written tho lol actually read something for once


How would the sex scene between Jon and Mad Queen Dany at the foot of the Iron Throne play out?

valyrians used magic to forge it duh

I spoiled GoT to one of my professor.

>Sitting in library working on my masters
>Annoying group of 5 people behind me being loud as fuck
>They talk about GoT
>Two of them beg the others not to spoil
>To punish them for fucking with mine and everyone elses concentration, I pick my phone up and pretend to answer it loudly
>"Hey man. Yeah, I saw GoT last night"
>"I can't believe Jon killed Daenerys and then returned to the Night's Watch. Bran becoming King was pretty stupid. Yeah, shame about Jaime and Cersei being confirmed dead"
>Hear massive screeching behind me, as if a mother just lost her child
>Steps approaching from behind
>Feel a tap on my shoulder
>Turn around and notice it's my professor and some other professor I don't have in class
>They are both cherry fucking red in the face and asked me why I did that

I don't even watch the fucking show. I just googled the spoilers.

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My GoT fanfic: Bran & Sansa

"You summoned, Your Grace." Sansa knew to stop before stepping further.

Even at a distance, she could see he had that far-away look in his eyes, always slow to make eye-contact. The shaft of daylight through the broken ceiling beamed through the lazy shadows of the dim throne room and quietly lay over the steel, and glowed at the edges of his shoulders, still cloaked in fur. "Yes, approach, sister."

Rising from her genuflect, she looked up and was surprised to see him staring right into her eyes. His expression was as stoic as ever, but his eyes had something new, a single smoldering focus she'd never seen before.

"You understand," he began, "that we both need an heir, and they must both be Starks." His gaze remained fixed.

"Yes, Your Grace. But I don't know how we-"

"- And you're aware that my abilities are both limited yet expanded." Sansa thought she heard rapid breaths echoing in the shadow.

"Your Grace," Sansa stammered, "whatever I could do would only please me more than you could remember... that evening we shared a bath as children when neither of us understood our feelings."

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think it's Arianne and Darkstar

hopefully dany would rape me at some point

Best girl! I love her so much, it happens so fast

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He can only see the past.

He's got other things to see in his visions.

It's part of the books but requires too much intricacy to work so D&D were just like fuck it who cares

>Bran becomes King is supposed to be a grandiose moment in westerosi history
>all we get to see is the 5 retards in the council greeting him with BRaN the BroOKEN lol
>The North is an independent Kingdom and Sansa's coronation
>all we see is the same shitty dark feast hall with 20 dirty soldiers they've been using a million the with the now severely overused and boring QUUENINDANORF shit meme chant as if it has any emotional impact anymore

D&D are literally the most lazy pieces of shit on the entire planet.

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*pinches nose*
thow ith over thtupid faggoth
take your cringe fantathy thit back to r*ddit now

>The Ironborn start raping the Riverlands and Westerlands.
>Edmure has to swear fealty to the Westerlands king to secure an alliance to fight the Ironborn.
>Once the Ironborn are defeated, the war for Westeros continues between the Vale and the West. Dorne plays the deciding factor.

Long live the queen

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Maybe a lot more people die if he never becomes king.
It was a necessary sacrifice.

Based, shame you're going to fail those classes.

>the Hound not in the highest Tier
Shit list



Aye, that's a ranking i could get behind

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"I remember all," Bran said without blinking. "Come closer, let me show you how strong a memory it has become." Sansa stepped closer and noticed the fur blanket across her brother's lap seemed to glisten where it had been pulled away, and the pale contrast that she'd mistaken for a sword's pommel by his waist bobbed forward just twice, gleaming now. A sudden deep heaviness momentarily took her breath. She became aware that Bran was still gazing at her as she was staring at the firm passion at his waist, larger than she remembered. Much larger, so much that she momentarily wondered if Joffery and Ramsay had been ill in some way. She was finally distracted when again swift breaths seemed to whisper in the shadows.

"Bran," she looked up to meet his gaze, "that which I can do to please would not produce an heir," suddenly embarrassed that she'd wet her lips without thinking. A light smirk fell on Bran's face, his knees slowly but surely parting.

I think it's viserys and arianne

ALSO WHO was the guy sitting next to Royce (not SweetRobin, the other one of course)

To make people think its gonna be in the prequels so they dont cancel HBO subscription, oldest marketing trick in the book. Its called "seeding" you plant some seeds and hope that word spreading will do the rest of the job.

This is exactly how D&D baited us to watch the rest of the show and not drop it at season 5 when it started going downhill rapidly, but they let us think theories and make fake hype just to give us "cold shower" called season 8.

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>Dany's vision in Season 2 was the vision of her death and her joining Drogo and her son in the afterlife
>Quaithe was trying to show Dany that coveting the throne would lead to her death and her fate would be sealed as soon as she entered that throne room
Not gonna lie that's pretty kino bros

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yandere waifu tier

gendry made a dragonglass axe for hound you retard

>Daenerys dies before doing anything as a queen
>no population's reaction to Daenerys' rule
>no Sansa's reaction to Northmen participating in the rape of King's Landing
>timeskip immediately after Daenerys' death, no reaction from the Unsullied or Dothraki
>they decided to wrap this thing up in 6 episodes instead of actually showing us how Daenerys rules her kingdom

Nope, he can also see the future.
He knew about Cersei blowing up the sept before it happened.

Fat disgusting lazy useless piece of shit fuck.

Arianne and Viserys

Spamming? That’s the first time I’ve posted. But Bran being taken over by the NK like The Joker in Batman Beyond: The Movie and reviving Dany as his undead queen for a final dragon showdown (raising Rhaegal from the sea).

"On the contrary, sister. It is my seed that needs brought forth to produce an heir, regardless."


"Regardless of how it is summoned. But it is your womb that must accept the pure spirit of Winterfell. As it happens, my inability to deliver one of these is the same reason I can deliver both."

"I don't follow. How can-"

"Come forward, big sister. Show me sweet fealty and you will understand." Sansa looked about the chambers shadows, and then knelt before Bran, now aware that he 'd actually grown much taller than was apparent from being seated. Sliding her fingers through the fur of the blanket over his thighs, she felt her hand getting warmer as it came near the hefty pale stalk of flesh gleaming from the dark, leaning forward towards her as his legs parted farther. The blanket fell away, and for an instant she remembered a scent from long ago. It had changed somewhat; there was something new, like leather aged from work and sweat. Looking up, she saw his eyes were far away again, and parted her lips completely as her head sank all the way to his hips before closing over him, and in the rush of remembered flavors that filled her mouth, recalled the splash of bath-water and giggles that seemed a life-time ago.

Why in the actual fuck is Bronn there? Hes an absolute brainlet thats only good for benig a sell sword.

How is Gendry Lord Baratheon when it was Dany that gave him the title?

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since when do Starks have ships?

I don't know who actually makes the call, whether it be the publisher or whatever, but you don't dash your fucking words across multiple lines. It's considered shitty writing and shitty publishing. That's why if you aren't just licensing out your works to random retards, you insist on a set page dimension and it is not allowed to be published in any other dimension, exactly because of this scenario of words being split up across multiple lines, making it a shitty read.

about that

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Her sons supposed to be scaly with wings like a bat.

"You summoned, Your Grace." Sansa knew to stop before stepping further.

"How long have you been here?" asked Tyrion, looking at the young girl. Her blonde curls had finally been settled with the aid of the maid's hand. Sansa had never seen her this happy before. Her arms wrapped around him.

"You have been here for some time," he said. "You were my guard, my love, My Princess and my sister." He paused, and stared at it from different angles. "Do you need much persuasion, Your Grace?"

A small smile came across his lips. "We're doing fine, no harm or ill intent."

Tyrion's smile turned deeper, "We still need a lot from you, Lady Stonebuckle."

"You say that, but you're right. Your Grace, in fact, has not been happy for nearly two quarters of a year. We need more than that to be happy, and we shall have to keep it that way till we do," Sansa said with a slight frown, shaking her head. "Why don't we head to the river and drink your blood or something."

"Yes, that will probably do

The ONLY way you can justify Bran being named king is that he warged literally everyone at the Great Council to do as he said. Better yet, the only inheritor to the throne shall be the Three Eyed Raven from now on. And who knows how long Bran will live for? Or if he really is Bran and not just Bloodraven living on through his body?

Brynden Rivers actually won.

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literally only because of female viewership

gendry has magical kingsblood

Bran inhaled deeply, staring in the shadows beneath the broken ceiling where the sun warmed his face as Sansa's lips and tongue slowly inspected every inch of him, like an animal mother lapping its young to learn where it had been. Slow focused licks and tugs swiftly became hungry pulls until it was frenzied suckling, any shame of the noise it made obviously abandoned. That gave Bran cover to let a slow moan escape, both oblivious to the hollow echo from the stone walls.

Sansa lapsed from curiosity to driven desperation without knowing it, herself unable to prevent whimpers, uncertain the cause of her own determination, like she was chasing the answer to a question she hadn't formed yet. Faster and faster she went, feeling Bran's hands pull her dress up from behind, and instinctively rocked her knees to sit farther apart, feeling his broad hands cup and knead her bottom as one made its way to her opening, the fingers both parting and gently sliding within. His breathing became heavier, drawing deep through the nose and releasing faster and faster sighs, and seemed to echo. "S-Sansa... It's time. I need... I need you to..."

or gold? or food? how are they gonna eat anything, not a single field has ever been show in the north, what do they even produce

how come nobody brought up that jon was a targ at the election?

Because god's he is strong now

>the dothraki and unsullied are cool with jon murdering Dany

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The missing Dany and big pool of blood probably helped

Why did the bring back Edmure just to humiliate him?
Those weird jokes, quips and dead air are so unnecessary and ruin the tone.

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who the fuck was the new prince of dorne

Sansa, her mouth still full, looked up to Bran, his head back and mouth wide open. The breaths sounded faster, but they didn't seem to be his. Stretching his arms, he pulled the flesh below her hips apart. She watched his eyes roll up in his head, his jaw slack as he murmered "I.. I will give us an heir..." when she noticed the fast paced breathing she'd heard was now joined by sharp rhythmic clicks on the stone floor from behind her.

She almost let Bran out of her mouth to turn, but his hand quickly pushed her head back down. Yet she knew what she'd seen in that moment. A shaggy silohuette against the light, the fast breathing, the clicking of nails across the stone. There was no time to think, no time to react, it was already happening. Bran leaned forward and back again, his fingers clenched in Sansa's braids as she braced herself, there was no decision to make, it was going to happen. Bran began to throb when she first felt it, a second set of limbs straddling her shoulders from behind, fast feral breathing at her ear as Bran moaned above, a wet tongue dangling at her neck.

bruh democracy rulez

2022 is a safe bet. It took him from 2010 to 2015 to write TWoW to the point where he was "in editing" before realizing he had killed a character he wanted alive and scrapped the book. If we assume it takes the same 5 years plus 2 more to dick around with whatever editing is 2022 seems realistic.

You are an ill-made, spiteful little creature full of envy, lust, and low cunning. Men's laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors since I cannot prove that you are not mine. And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. But neither gods nor men will ever compel me to let you turn Casterly Rock into your NEEThouse. Go, now. Speak no more of your rights to Casterly Rock. Go!

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and who has a better story than bran "a kid we had to shelve for an entire season because he was so boring" the broken

>you will never be Jon and fuck your cute fascist conquering wife every night as you rule the kingdoms with a powerful dictatorship
>you will never be King of The Ashes and wake up each morning to your high energy wife who has more plans to conquer and rule all
>by day you fight her battles and destroy everyone in your path
>by night you have the craziest, wildest sex only the conquering mad Queen of Ashes could provide


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Except I’m not watching any fucking GoT prequels LOL. I’m not gonna watch The Avengers with no Avegners left either.

>Be with me, build the new world with me

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what was the point of him being a targ anyway, dany still loved him, she didnt try to kill him

>i was quiet in the library as always and had a fantasy about getting some sort of attention


My GoT fanfic: Bran & Sansa Stark

Fandom: Star Wars

Pairings: Bran Bran, Sansa Stark

Summary: The two main female characters in Theon Greyjoy. Written for me by /u/Giant_Fur, but you might actually enjoy this for some other people too.

Warning: This story is about Theon's younger self, born in a different galaxy with nothing to his name. His name means "to be born".

For the reasons listed above, we're gonna start this story using Bran Stark's younger brother's perspective. If you're an old Dragon reader who didn't have the pleasure of reading the books before, please do bear with this one.

I'll explain some of what's in this fic in a bit. After that, please just enjoy it until the release date of the TV series.

Part One

I always remember seeing you standing in a room, smiling at me, when I first saw you. I remember seeing the sight of you in those early days, standing in my living room with that familiar smile in her eyes. You had big eyes too, maybe a little taller but so big…I

and Victarion (kek)

Beta brown guy has more brown dudes with spears and no cocks

Sansa felt hair pressed against the back of her thighs as the penetration began, wildly rapid thrusts entering her as Bran gulped air while pushing Sansa's head down. Sansa felt Brans stomach softly bashing her face while hot slender flesh entered her from behind. Sansas whimpers and Bran's moans mixed with the feral grunting and in a flash, Sansa felt worlds entering her from both ends and meeting within. It had happened, Bran would have his heir, a pure spirit of Winterfell to sit upon the throne.

Bran slumped back, spent and exhausted, panting under the shaft of light, floating wisps of ancient dust swirling about the throne. Sansa, weak from her effort and strain, fell back on her haunches, taking a moment to wipe her face before looking up, still wondering how to understand what she was about to see. Both sat panting, gasping, as Bran finally looked down, and laid his hand over her braids, caressing her cheek as he drifted. "No worry, sister. He will be a Stark like you and I." Sansa finally returned his kind gaze and looked up, too confused to know what expression to wear. Finally, she could wait no longer and looked behind her.

Targs arent exactly popular anymore.

Even for the sake of argument, I can't even come up with an answer. What a shitshow.

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>Excluding all the shit that happened in the later seasons.
That's cheating.

Joffery was portrayed by a good actor, the character himself was dumb.

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Jon's such a fucking retard holy shit


Why wont all the kingdoms just become independent, Aegon is the only reason these retards even unified and now that he and Robert are long gone there is no reason to kiss King's Landings ass anymore.

If it's any consolation, neither will he.

this, how would they sustain themselves now that they're Northxit?


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Ill do you one better, why isnt Gendry considered to be the king since obviosly after being legitimized as Robert Baratheon son, that sheer fact makes him the heir to the throne, since Jon legged it theres nobody elese who has stronger claim to the throne than Gendry. Also why is everyone so cool about North being autonmous, dont all Kingdoms want this? Do they really enjoy paying taxes to the crown?

This show makes no sense it doesnt respect its own rules and laws...

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Brienne completing Jaime's entry was one of the few genuinely nice scenes in that clusterfuck - I almost got a bit emosh.

>Ramsey above Joffrey
He's literally the same character but more boring and LMAO EVIL XD

>tfw Twow never gets released because gurm is a based jaimefag

A soft silohuette lumbered to his feet, yawned silently and looking lazily about. sauntered towards a breezy chamber door. Bran chuckled. "The Spirit of Winterfell has a long journey back to his master." Sansa flashed a polite smile and looked away, still unsure of what had happened and what new future lay ahead.

Stopping at the door to take one last look back, Ghost seemed to be waiting for something, but the thought passed and licking his nose, strode through the arch and disappeared. Alone, together, comfortable in the quiet coolness of the great chamber, Sansa reclined on the fur blanket still under Bran's splayed feet as he softly stroked her damp hair, her cheek against his bare thigh, both shining with sweat in the light. Both heard the footsteps of a servant approach and leave again, but neither stirred to look.

_________ /// __________

can you imagine fucking earlier seasons like this?

>joffrey poisoned
>next scene is tyrion's trial


The north is a shithole anyway, but Bran should have gotten a coronation scene with hundreds of extras at least

Someone do me a solid and post Shae, the fenneh hoar

What's done is done
I would

I would regardless

What's that webm from?

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Bruh, this is easy.
You get to fuck your qt slightly crazy aunt while rekting people on dragons and restoring the targ dynasty for all time.

OR kill her and get sent to a fucking freezing wall for your entire life


Euron, Barristan, Bran, Rickon, Tyrion, Varys, Littlefinger

Shae, the fenneh hoar

>Arthur Dayne, the sword of the morning, the greatest swordsman of all time, his best accomplishment is knighting Jamie Lannister
Fuck D&D

So why the fuck is King's Landing still a seat of power. It's a ruin and for all we know, it's deserted. Half a million corpses.

The final episode made it seem like Westeros is a barren lifeless wasteland now.

she seems rather normal now

not even mad

and jonny just murdered her

He was. And he was also 80 feet long and could breathe fire.

Why does the North need independence? Also is Sansa aware a future king will annex it anyway?

>no stannis

You could tell he was the prince of Dorne because he was wearing the same clothes as the last prince (who was killed by some ladies because ???).

what happened with the Dothraki?

Ya know, now that I think about it, state-owned brothels whose profit goes back to the Master of Coins isn't such a bad idea per se

the other guy already mentioned stannis i was just adding to his list fucktard

they probably didn't bother thinking about it since he's not named

they became urbanized and decided they liked the city until they were told to kindly leave

what was jon actually punished for? he slew an invading genocider and was punished for the sake of people fucking off to die at naath

They went back to their home planet.

>wanting to be a tyrant
>literally becoming a mass murderer and supporting a ruler who is far worse than joff or ramsay just because you're desperate for a fuck
>not wanting to go live north with your best mates and your dog while you sit cozily by the fire every day and drink and eat
>you can finally, after the walkers are dead, FINALLY make an expedition to the far north and have a legendary adventure that would be worth its own tv series all by itself
You people are honestly quite weird

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Speaking of fanfics, Ashara fapfic when?

As Reddit as it gets, there used to be a time where you would get called out and discarded for shitty bait. The true 2019 4channel experience.

jon my son
you have to make choice now
Beautiful psycho incest wife
or designated criminal snowlands

Tanling about his stillborn baby with Drogo tho

Ramsey had a reason to be retarded and insane.
Joffrey was just born insane and raised as a spoiled brat by the two richest families in the kingdom.

Ignoring the page on the left?

It's Quentyn. But in the show he was so late to make his proposal to Dany that he arrived in Meereen AFTER she left for Westeros. So then he sails back to Dorne finds out his dad and the sand sneks are dead and becomes Prince. Idk why he didn't declare Dorne independent


They overthrow Bran 2 months into his reign because they're not following no cripple autist on a fucking chair

Tundras are shit bro no one wants to live in them unless they evolved in them like Sami or Inuit. Can you imagine living in a place with no trees I would kill myself.

They were walking at the docks for some reason

>the iron throne unironically turned into an elective monarchy
Elections will turn into a backstabbing shitfest, how the fuck is this a good idea?

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to be honest dothraki don't care, when the leader dies they fight and choose the next top dog
weird this didn't happen, they should have fucked up everything according to their usual living style

Because there is literally no other Baratheon alive

He was being punished because Grey Worm was upset about it and he had a huge army. Grey Worm then left with his whole army, presumably never to return, so they could probably have just told him Jon was going to be punished and then not.

Anyone got that shot of Drogon behind Daenerys?

who was the guy who tried to shill himself for king before arya (i think it was) told him to sit down

>bran sees them plotting
>just had them all genocided because everyone wants to do it anyway

you remember these guys?

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This. I almost cried during that scene.

Jon is their new Khal

But Trystane is the heir to Doran in the show, implying that Quentyn doesn't exist in the series.

Bran could write that out 500 years later when no one remembers it because he's still on the throne


they brok the whiel


Bran cant change the future if he sees himself being killed there is nothing he can do.

They only made him better.
In the books he is beyond pathetic

King cripple dick

With what army?

Because said invader's entire army was still there holding everyone hostage. Unsullied, Dothraki and the Ironborn would take a big steamy shit over everyone as Westeros was in a piss poor state. Most of the main characters would've also died there and then.

Yet Clarke also had another, more personal reaction to Dany’s meltdown. “I have my own feelings [about the storyline] and it’s peppered with my feelings about myself,” she admits. “It’s gotten to that point now where you read [comments about] the character you [have to remind yourself], ‘They’re not talking about you, Emilia, they’re talking about the character.”

Like many actors who have played the same role for a long time, Clarke identifies with her character and has put much of herself into the role. She believes in Daenerys’ confidence, idealism and past acts of compassion. As the actress wrote in a New Yorker essay in March, she played the Breaker of Chains through some life-threatening personal hardships, secretly enduring two brain embolisms during her early years on the show. “You go on set and play a badass and you walk through fire and that became the thing that saved me from considering my own mortality,” she wrote. Clarke has drawn strength from Daenerys and infused Daenerys with her strength.

“I genuinely did this, and it’s embarrassing and I’m going to admit it to you,” Clarke says. “I called my mom and—“ Clarke shifts into a tearful voice to perform the conversation as she reenacts the call: “I read the scripts and I don’t want to tell you what happens but can you just talk me off this ledge? It really messed me up.’ And then I asked my mom and brother really weird questions. They were like: ‘What are you asking us this for? What do you mean do I think Daenerys is a good person? Why are you asking us that question? Why do you care what people think of Daenerys? Are you okay?’”

“And I’m all: ‘I’m fine! … But is there anything Daenerys could do that would make you hate her?’”

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i fucking hate thenns

Yeah I thought the iron throne would just disband I mean i has no power anymore

Why didn't he kill him on the spot? Why did he accept the new king choosen by those fancy ass lords after he hated nobles all his life? Is this what they call "bad writing"?

my mom works at HBO as a janitor and she says Stannis is coming back next episode

So now Shansha is absolute monarch of da Norf without even any internal noble scheming left huh?

wow those motherfuckers never corrected the record

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>Most advanced and civilized of the wildlings in the books
>"LOL EVUL CANNIBALS" in the series

Bravo Dabid

based, reminds me of a story that just happened

I walked into the local sorority with my 10 inch dick out and said "Game of Thrones sucks" and all the uggo girls got angry but all the hot girls (who just so happened to be 10/10s) got horny, handcuffed me to a bed, and took turns riding my raw dick. Pic related had the most gos

btw if you don't believe me you're a cuck

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>middle of nowhere snow in the biggest winter our lands have seen
>nazi wife willing to destroy everything with you
your priorities are weird man.
It's not like you can't explore the fucking ass-end of the north after you conquered everything.

imagine adventuring on uncharted territory with your dragon wife

Did the ashara fapfic get done anons?

>he really ISN'T finished it
Public education, everybody.

>teleports beside you

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The guys who are actually well read and hold Westerosi customs despite being North of the Wall? Who were character assassinated as being some cannibalistic subhumans in D&D's interpretation?
Yeah, I still remember them.

ending was just pitifully bad.. why would they elect bran most dont even know of his magic, why would they allow Sansa to secede and not expect every other major house to do so, why was bronn made coinmaster (is he even literate) AND lord of highgarden, what about the dothraki, why is grey worm happy to let jon and tyrion live, why are they joking about brothels being rebuilt when the entire kingdom is a mess

>uncle.... sit down
How was that allowed? In earlier GoT that would've been grounds for a fucking killing, man or woman
Infusing the show with modern politics was the bane of it

Who the hell can outsmart God King Bran?

>implying Bran won't plant a weir wood tree in order to live for centuries as King until they forget he was elected


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They'll just get tired of it all one day and either storm the keep or fuck off back to sandland

>Jon refusing to conquer the world with his cute auntwife
He should have been directed straight back to the signpost when he entered castle black tbqh

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Based Jamie writing down the facts.


Can't backstab someone who can foresee your every move.

Yes lol
Anybody got a link to her porn?

I don't watch this show but my family does.

Who won in the end?

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>I'll ask my horse!

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How did Bronn become lord of highgarden if Cersei bite the dust? Didnt that fucker also antagonize the north how isnt he getting his head cut off?

Did Emilia really not see her character going mad at the end? However her story is basically ruined by condensing her decent into like 30 minutes and making her rule for a total of 10

It was what?

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im crying bros
im not ashamed to admit it

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Aw, that's actually really sad. Funnily, I think her performance this season has been one of her best so far. It's too bad she got so fucked in the script.


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>when Bran has complete archival access to all of existence past and present
............does being in a wheelchair mean you also can’t use your hands or can this guy draw Arya up a map or just map the whole world real fast?

Unfortunately Jamie's story is nearly wrapping up. If we assume Cersei's show story is Young Griff's, and she's going to be either locked up, killed, or executed then it doesn't leave much for Jaime.

kek. when I got hold of the spoilers, I asked my frends if they want to see them. they said yes so I did. they dismissed them as fake until they were proven right after ep4. then they got mad at me somehow for spoiling their faggy show.

Tyrion packing the small council with cronies and yesmen. He's still a shitty hand.

I honestly feel bad for her and kit. The writers rushed to end the show as quickly as possible because they personally wanted to move to other stuff and fucked over the actors in the process. The worst part is it's all so fucking unsatisfying. If you actually think dany's personality turn was not rushed and didn't hate the hitler speech you have brain problems.

based royce

Well lets be honest at least 80% of us who shitpost here pirate the show, but i bet large percent of normies who pay for HBO sub will stay and watch it.

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emilia not seeing her obvious arc is her own fault

I was honestly hoping a guard would come in and strangle him or some shit

This is not okay
Emilia's pretty chill all things considered. Poor girl


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Why the hell would he trust fucking Bronn the guy threatened him and Jaimie for shekels. Its out of Tyrion's character to trust people who threaten his family.

they enriched the local culture

>designated criminal snowlands
fucking kek, top post

Season 8 was so bad that I pirated it too and I STILL want my money back.

Also fuck the prequels. It's an SJW shitfest.

Like I said he's a shitty hand.

I wouldn’t wanna have more than an 8 or 9” dick desu. 10+ is like having G tits, disgusting.

bran the broken

>u "Filmovi" folder

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I loved crazy Dany and it was Emilia's finest performance, but it was rushed

cope but also redpilled

The endings loosely make sense but just gloss over so many details and even the characters themselves - ie Arya has spent most of her life trying to get back to Winterfell (she only went to Braavos because she thought everyone was dead) and now she's off West because? It makes vague sense for her to do that, but that means Jon (who's seen her like 4 times since leaving for the Wall the first time) will probably never see her again is just "okay sure bye bye", and then he's off to the Night's Watch (which does what now and also who rebuilt the Wall) and then is leading the Free Folk (who can live in the North where people can actually live now but don't want too) off to be King of the Lands of Always Winter because?
It makes sense in broad strokes but the details and characters (which is what made the show great) make very little sense.
Everytime I think about any aspect of this episode or season, my brain starts fucking melting. Bronn is a Master of Coin that can't read, Brienne is a Lord Commander after being a knight for a week or two, Grey Worm (and the Dothraki?) somehow don't kill Jon asap or cut off all his limbs for killing Dany, Sam became a Maester offscreen, just ugh.

Doesn't matter when the king is actually possessed by a 200 year old Targ basted and might even be imortal now

>We don’t have to run away! We can build our new galaxy together

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Yohn "Bronze Caligula" Royce

bob the builder

It would have worked even at this pace if they made dialogues decent instead of turning her into the emperor of evil at the last second. A bit of regret and "i did what had to be done and i will carry the guilt" would have worked but then Jon wouldn't have a real reason to stab her and show wouldn't end.

>no more got memes

l-lads?.. where do we go from here?

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What she was doing in the final episode was completely sufficient motivation for her followers to turn on her and label her a domineering tyrant. Her heel turn in Episode 7 was bullshit and not foreshadowed at all. Her becoming a warmongering tyrant absolutely was.

If you remove that whole burning King's Landing sequence, the season as a whole plays out much better and still feels in line with her character. Portraying someone who decides to nuke a place and kill thousands of innocents for no real benefit when it doesn't make sense for your character must be jarring when you at least can understand why they feel what they're doing is right most of the time.

Dream is not even begun

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I never liked her and called her out as a developing narcissist megalomania daddys girl airhead seasons ago.

Her story was fine. Her acting was spot on. What sucked is how the writers steamrolled the story arcs all flat in an effort to get the season over with with no writing talent or passion and simply wasted mega bucks on battle scenes that were tedious and ridden with trite tropes. There werent even any intertwined sub plots in the extended Long Night battle. It was just a series of tropes that didnt even build on the nature of the battle that had been built up for seasons. It was supposed to be a fight for life and humanity and ended up just being a zombie flick with ham fisted digital grading so bad that you couldnt even see it.

best house and best lord

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Primarch Horus


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lel i'm an asshole didn't think that one true i feel bad now

So let me get this straight. GRRM told D and D that this was how the books was going to end.

So the books even though they may have different characters and be different in other ways, will still end with Dany Dying, Bran becoming king Etc...??

>Bran made one of the members of the family that killed:
his father
his older bro
his mother by proxy
his aunt by proxy
his younger brother
mutilated his adoptive older brother(Theon)
caused one of the greatest deathtolls in Westerosi history
Lead to his own older sister being raped
lead to his younger sister having to run away to another continent just to not be killed

Holy fuck Bran what the hell!

>120 years later he finally won the throne

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dont worry, 8” here pal

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>Stannis: REBORN

>Now Varys' ashes can tell my ashes "I told you so"
Tyrion finally got a good line this season

>who actually makes the call, whether it be the publisher or whatever
>considered shitty writing and shitty publishing
>insist on a set page dimension and it is not allowed to be published in any other dimension
>Criticizing a prop sample of handwritten text produced by a fucking medieval society that has never even heard of a printing press
I feel so baited

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Ne brate napravicu novi folder za svako sranje koje skinem

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>suddenly everyone is jumping on the Vale bandwagon just because the creepy little kid stopped hunching over

ffs, I've been pure Vale since day 3




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Clearly Grey Worm had already been to the Red Keep and Fast Travelled there

>thanks for saving humanity with me dany but

aren't the ironborn part of the North? They aren't considered one of the 7 kingdoms? So are they still part of the North or part of the new 6 kingdoms? And does that make them 7 kingdoms again?

Arya mentioned the west thing before in the show, she's always had adventurer attitude. It doesn't make sense that she's a captain tho.
The wall wasn't rebuilt, they were at the black castle, which is still on intact wall.
Everything else you mention is an underestimation of how retarded the episode was. Gods, it was shit.

Preston bet on the right horse.

>implying bran won't live forever


Edmure went from the lord who opens up his castle for peasants because "they were afraid" to a guy who compares smallfolk with dogs.


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I remember being trolled when season 4 ended that in the books joffrey comes back as zombie like the mountain
Zombie King Joff wouldve been better than season 8

if he announces the book is finished within the next 4 months i'm going to assume the deal actually was real.

You're proving my point. The handwritten books of great importance like that would be insisted that they skip to the next line to fit in the word. Are you retarded?

That sounds like cancer.... Bran being King is the most boring thing imaginable. Why the fuck isn’t he Hand or master of whispers or soemthing. Why as king does the fucking guy need a master of whispers if he can right click on reality and open up its memory banks? mfw Bran’s organized memory folders. Rape is like twelve-million terabytes

Im sure that intern that had to write that just forgot how Bobby B was named.
>Robert B...
>Barton? Baratonon? Barabaron? Fuck it, it was seasons ago.

Anyone with a bike lock it would seem.

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It's entirely possible to have compassion for the smallfolk without thinking they should be trusted to make decisions on politics and governance that are too complex for their tiny peasant brains

Horus was a brainlet, Magnus being manipulated into destroying earth's phychic defences was the one who lead to the Emperors defeat

Somone post the screenshot of the thread of Dany vs Jon with the Dialouge from Revenge of the Sith

For a laugh about whorehouses being rebuilt before the fleet.
If you really want an explanation, it would be because Highgarden is a traditionally rich kingdom, so they have a good pulse on what is going on in the economy.

>Not allowing Dany to rule to show the horrors of conquest

>Dany's death dismantles her entire state
>Welp, let's just go home man idk

>Dragon doesn't kill Jon

>They don't end the series with the burning of the iron throne, shoehorning a republic

>Sansa "regretfully" banishes Jon North
>Secures power for herself

>Allow the North to seperate
>Allow a foreign Northman to rule you

>We're getting a fucking spin-off with Arya mary-suing her way West

The writers should be hung.

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he would have made for a good king

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>Arya mentioned the west thing before in the show, she's always had adventurer attitude. It doesn't make sense that she's a captain tho.
No I get that, it just needed some more explanation given her journey and everything, more than what was there.
>The wall wasn't rebuilt, they were at the black castle, which is still on intact wall.
I guess my point was more about how vague all those sorts of things are, ie the NW and the Wall etc.

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fuck it, thread’s 404-ing anyway

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ChadJon and Stannis the Mannis

just harvest his brain already

Also, I'm a bit confused, is the Long Winter still coming? I mean, they're still going to be facing freezing temperatures and lost crops and a starving populace and shit, right?

I thought in the final episode there was both ash and snow but then during Tyrion's trial, there was no snow at all. Are they implying that with the Night King's death, winter just doesn't happen anymore?

>winter is coming
>doesn’t come

>episode 3 happens
>friends wondering "Did Ghost survive?" after he charged in with the Dothraki at the very beginning
>mention that Ghost was in the episode 4 preview
>friends blow the fuck up on me like I just spoiled the entire fucking series

I don't get it. Why would that be a spoiler if the intended you to see it before the next episode?

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Drogon was literally covered in snow


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>make an expedition to the far north and have a legendary adventure that would be worth its
>tfw nothing but flat boring icy plains as far as the eye can see

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No, the shit falling in the Throne Room is just ash.
They kind of forgot about the winter.

I thought it was ash? Plus it’s summer at the end of the episode.
< fuck this guy

donkey punch her to death

It's unclear if it was snow or ash and later, after the small time skip there's no snow to be seen in King's Landing.

>Natalie Dormer is 37 and will, or rather is, hitting the wall within your lifetime
sad day