Well, that was garbage

well, that was garbage
>90% of the movie is filler and John is back at the end of the last movie storywise
>even more non-binary/androginity shit than before (adjudicator, all the full-tattood manly rockability dykes)
>entire Halle Berry sequence was pointless storywise
>even more retarded lore involving biblical assassins
>MUH HONOR japanese killer that uses the meme blade instead of guns magically (dis)appearing out of thin air
>John would have been dead multiple times, but just survived out of sheer luck/plot armor (hotel nigger magically appears the second nippon was about to pull the trigger without even opening the door
>gunfights have been replaced with knife fights and kung fu shit
>literally 20 minutes of boring and completely generic fight scene against 3 nips, all of them decided not to kill him when they had 50 chances
>John falls from the roof of a fucking 10 story building, crushing multiple times on steel pipes with every part of his body
>he's not only alive, but also consciousness
it's unironically capeshit now

Attached: john-wick-3-poster-1872224.jpg (590x738, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


stopped reading right there

cry more, i liked it

>Every fight is now just John suplexing someone before shooting them in the head.

Also, what was the point of attacking John with swords on the motorcycles when we see that they all have guns? He's not wearing a helmet or anything.

The movie should have honest just begun with Bowery King getting btfo and teaming up with John. They wasted so much plot for everything to end up essentially exactly as it started.

I miss the days of John Wick 1 where he just fought his way through Russian mafia and there were only slight nods towards some sort of assassin underworld. Now, not only does every other person in the world seem to be a super competent assassin, but they also are suicidally loyal to their code. How the hell does this organization make enough money to support itself?

I'm left wishing that the end of John Wick 4 will reveal all of this has been some hallucination from John laying on the ground bleeding out after being hit by a car in the beginning of JW2

>John would have been dead multiple times, but just survived out of sheer luck/plot armor

Aww, was it baby’s first John Wick movie night in your town?

Imagine caring about the plot of a John Wick film. Retards.

>How the hell does this organization make enough money to support itself?

the first and second movie show that there are regular gangsters and mobs that operate at a high level, who all pay fealty to the thigh table. Viggo was one of them. Aurelio is clearly a chop shop owner,and the hotels have connections to the vatican and everyone invests in gold backed currency.

obviously the organization of assassins is centuries old and had a long time to accumulate wealth.

>Also, what was the point of attacking John with swords on the motorcycles when we see that they all have guns? He's not wearing a helmet or anything.

rule of cool

>The movie should have honest just begun with Bowery King getting btfo and teaming up with John. They wasted so much plot for everything to end up essentially exactly as it started.

I agree

But the action scenes in Parabellum were shit, so what's left?

I can’t understand anyone who would say they were any worse than anything in 2, which was legitimately one of the most boring action films I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

why does a secrete globalized organisation of killers use Ataris in their communication centers?

Cringe. This is the best of the trilogy if you aren’t a brainlet.

Because half of the newer fights were either knife or fist fights.
The cool and unique thing about John Wick was how the shoot outs were choreographed and the handling of the weapons.
If i wanted to see someone fight 2 ninjas with knife with a belt, i would watch literally any Jackie Chan film.

Nothing but for you to get a less shitty opinion

>the book
>the dogs
>knife room
>horse room
>the twins

Yeah, no. Fuck yourself.

>Action in an action movie is filler
>I don't understand honor or respect
Are by any chance a woman?

Gotta be. Bitches like a bitch.

I agree. Should have stuck to it's roots.

They are constantly trying to take it one step further and it's destroying the charm that the first movie had.

2 is one of the most well made action films of all time. You are a plen of the highest order

see pic related

Attached: 1558366001739.jpg (582x500, 43K)

>only slight nods towards some sort of assassin underworld.
this. JW1 used it more for plot convenience, so they can wrap up the cleaning of 20 bodies with
>professional cleaner
>cost 5 gold coins
but the more we learn about the organisation, the more retarded it becomes

confirmed to be a woman

That Club scene... Man if only


>John falls from the roof of a fucking 10 story building, crushing multiple times on steel pipes with every part of his body
why has no one addressed that yet?
the best part was that WE WUZ' henchman picked him up in seconds and literally push him around in a shopping kart.
John Wick literally has superhuman bones and organs.

Why can’t you just have fun? The man is clearly superhuman tier broken. That’s the whole point. What does realism have to do with it?

3 > 1 > 2
Fuck muh realism plebs

woman detected

Like four of those were just bad cgi.

Only a woman would respond with this.

Sounds like shit taste to me. CG looked great in this movie.

2 is the least realistic one though and it's the best

So glad I’m not afflicted by this brand of autism. John Wick is the best action series of current times and it really isn’t close. 3 trimmed the fat and gave me all I was looking for. Consistent creative action and cool worldbuilding.

Giant was obvious cgi, horses looked nice and so did the dogs but moto sword fight was ass.

do thyey ever offer an explanation as to how he sruvives that fall? Did I miss something? I fucking thought he was dead after that happened and still don't know how the FUCK that dude could possibly survive a fall like that after being shot

Shit is much harder to hack into. Same reason all these modern assassins are still using flip phones.

>John McClane should have died during any of the shootouts he had, out numbered and out gunned
>There is now way he could have traversed the building in the times he does, considering he had never been in it before
>Why did the hostage takers just kill his wife to enrage the guy killing all of them into a suicidal charge and saving their plans
>wtf the black cop didnt want to shoot why did he just decide to save the day at the end
It was a movie

>gunfights have been replaced with knife fights and kung fu shit
>not understanding that since the original John Wick had come out, modern martial arts films have greatly overshadowed it and that the latest movie acknowledges the elephant in the room by actually paying tribute to them through select fight scenes and even hiring two actors straight from said martial arts films
Good job exposing yourself as an ignorant brainlet with very little awareness of the world around you.

>What does realism have to do with it?
the entire point of John Wick 1 was to go back to more grounded action movies with hand made action/stunts and realistic gun fights.
In JW3 is was expecting John to jump in bullet time while shooting with 2 guns at the same time at any moment.

seethe harder libtard

> being shot
His suit is a fucking bullet vest , but yeah somehow he survived that fall. JW 4 soon...

>creative action and cool worldbuilding.
the action was completely generic, except for the dogs. I can instantly show you some moves from John Wick 1, because they were actually unique so memorable. I forgot every fight choreography in this movie instantly after leaving the theater.
And the entire end fight was way too long and completely generic brawl.
And don't even make me start with the world building.
Who decided that all communication assistants have to dress in 50s rockabilly fashion and use retro computers? Was it the king of assassins who sits in the maroccan desert 24/7 in case someone does the desert walk to meet him?

>Terminator is so unrealistic
>Sarah Conner should have died so many times its like shes a super human soldier
>In star wars why doesnt obiwan die to darth maul when he was an unskilled cocky trainee
>Why does ripley, a lowly ship lieutenant manage to defeat the perfect predatory creature in the universe
>Indiana jones could never have outrun the boulder irl
Have sex

>dudes, turn your brain off, it's just fun popcorn action

Attached: beardbaldsoy.jpg (442x620, 85K)

John has killed people with:
Pistols, rifles and shotguns.
Swords, knives and axes.
Garrote wires.
Cars and motorcycles.
Pencils and pens.
A book.
His goddamn BELT.
Fucking HORSES.
And his own bloody hands.

We don't watch John Wick because the story is good, we watch it because the story is entertaining. It is an action comedy that is funny because it is taking itself seriously. Its style is its substance. Calling it capeshit is fair in its portrayal of the main character as being superhuman and un-killable, but it is a sort of parody/omage/apex of action films.

>Action movies
So you want a 90 second film where Joh Wick gets bullied at the gas station and shoots the kid and then waita for police to arreat him?

Jw3 felt like someone watched the first two films and made a sequel to them, instead of the guys who made the first two.

Saw this poster and thought it was a joke, then laughed when he appeared early on.

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>Action films arent meant for entertainment
Oh cringe its one of those brainlets who rates and reviews classic action films 10 on lettwrboxd and nothing else

this is you

>So you want a 90 second film where Joh Wick gets bullied at the gas station and shoots the kid and then waita for police to arreat him?
no, i want a movie were a guy doesn't fall from a building, crushing all the bones in his body being completely fine and consciousness 5 minutes later

>Tick Tock, John

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So you are ok with one man killing 200 men in 48 hours though?

>Who decided that all communication assistants have to dress in 50s rockabilly fashion and use retro computers? Was it the king of assassins who sits in the maroccan desert 24/7 in case someone does the desert walk to meet him?
seriously, what the fuck was up with that? why even introduce such silly concepts to your world building?
also checked

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>Also, what was the point of attacking John with swords on the motorcycles when we see that they all have guns?
>rule of cool
It's a tribute to The Villainess.

The same way that the duo knife fight was a tribute to "The Raid" films by literally hiring the main enemy rivals of each film (pic-related).

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People also watch Mission Impossible to see the crew just going around doing spy shit but they need a believable spy story to facilitate all of it. Throughout JW3, I was just thinking "why... is he doing any of this?"

At one point its just to survive. Another to honor the memory of his wife. Another to kill the high table because that's the only way to survive as an independent man, working for the Continental, then for the Bowery? Why were people still going after him after he pledged loyalty to the Man Above the High Table but before he switched sides to the Continental? He was just bouncing from set piece to set piece. In 1 and 2, the entire plot made sense. Every single action piece was strung together well. Not so much in 3 where he just wanders into them.

i'm ok with the best assassin in the world killing 200 men in 48 hours
i'm not ok with the best assassin in the world suddenly being immortal

I have literally 0 problem with the movie. I liked it

>Game of Death reference
>The Villainess reference
>The Matrix reference
>The Raid reference
>Kung Fu Hustle reference
3 really was just a fanboy's love letter to action films

mfw disney shills see the john wick threat, if ultra violent action movies become popular than thier shitty comic book movies are fucked, so they have people like op shit talking

Your time is ogre mouse cunts

Attached: 3ef.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

that scene was so stupid
>be super assassin trained by super duper assassin in a world where assassins runs the entire world in secret
>come one, we won't kill you right now, we will give you a chance to kill us first. that's the honorubu way to do

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I enjoyed the two brothers but the fact that they didn't even establish WHAT they wanted to do is weird. Like were they going to keep giving up before beating him... until he beat them? What the fuck were they trying to do?

Eh, the two were shown as fans of John poking fun at how slow he's become since retiring. Nothing wrong with giving your enemies a bit personality to spice it up, especially if you factor the actors in this particular case.

They were fighting him for fun, their boss wanted to kill wick himself.

So they literally just were going to lose no matter what, sounds like a dumb premise for a fight

and that doesn't make any sense. John wasn't fighting for fun, he would have killed them the moment he got the chance.
so they either fight him until he's almost dead, which would mean his boss has to wait until he recovers for the honor bullshit kill
or they toy with him until he finally overpowers and kills them.
i understand these "let's have fun with guy before killing him"-villains and why it's used in media so often, but it doesn't fit a John Wick movie at all.

I kinda saw it as, they were eager to test their skills and beat the living fuck out of John, but like Iron Chef said before "No one kills him but me". They were there to wear him down, possibly mortally wound him, but there was no finishing blows allowed.

As for Iron Chef, I got the vibe that he just wanted the fight to go on as long as possible, to say "Holy shit guys I was in the ring for 10 minutes with the Baba Yaga himself"

Did they ever address how they can kill 5 men in public in straight sight of 100 people without anyone caring, not even when stepping into puddles of blood coming from the dead bodies?

Attached: sexface.png (1178x662, 1.21M)

They were making fun of John, basically they were up with themselves thinking that they could keep beating him down. That was just the start of the fight when they surprised him and later they seemed more serious about it (what with the knife moves and all) until John surprised them by actually sparing them speaking back at them in Indonesian.

Not exactly the hardest fight premise to get.

>well, that was garbage
stopped reading here, you're wrong, try to have less shit opinions in the future, thanks bye!

The action scenes in 3 are a magnitude better than 2

>i know you all like it but I have to be a contrarian because I need to feel unique.

> I can instantly show you some moves from John Wick 1, because they were actually unique so memorable. I forgot every fight choreography in this movie instantly after leaving the theater.

Absolutely smooth brain take
I implore you to rewatch these three movies altogether and realize that Wick brand of choreograph y and fighting style remained the same. If nothing else the choreography in 3 is way more complex than anything in 1 including the shootouts

All of the wick movies are 3/10 trash loved by reddit and unsurprisingly this board

I agree with you and the unwashed masses are only going to support it to where the next movies will be worse

Up until halle berry shows up its a 10/10 movie, then after it felt like an installment of time crisis

It was ok. Not postive why we need a fourth movie after this but hey at least the action was good.

>we watch it because its entertaining
Its less entertaining because the combat is less grounded

No, the catacombs is the best action scene in the series.

you're thinking too hard about it
its action shlock, it always was. imagine giving shit about the "story" of le global tattooed assassin guild

Have sex

They’re actually in the matrix.