GoT ending worse than Dexter ending?!?!?

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I'd say sure but they at least tried a bit of fan service at the end for GoT.

Dexter was worse but then again I stopped watching D&D when twyin died and watched Dexter the whole way through so maybe it hurt more to be feeling the end of a whole decline rather than laughing at other people feeling the hurt of the end of a decline watching a different show

god I can't believe how how fucking fast dexter went from great to trash fucking faggot writers going on strike I swear

Normie norming more than any sjw normie?

what happened? I couldnt bear watching the last season

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Yes, the Dexter ending wasn't even bad (season was shit though). Him killing Saxon with the pen, getting interrogated by Bautista and Quinn who know something is up but look the other way was kino. It's a pleb filter

Yes, especially since Dexter is coming back to kill his son.

official trilogy of bad endings
lost > dexter > got

Lost > got > Dexter > breaking bad (muh Nazi massacre)

9.9/10 bait

ill never watch dexter, is it possible to explain why the finale was so bad?

It's not bait, dickhead. If the ending was placed in a stronger season it would be regarded highly. People didn't even give it a chance because it's trendy to shit on

Here's some ending kino:

-Deb told Dex in season 3 that if she was ever on life support she wanted to be put down
-Dexter giving up his "hopes of a normal life" to start over and kill people with an alias
-Saxon's death
-Quinn and Bautista telling him to take off, "I only wish I could have done it myself"

Echo chamber, original reviews for the finale were overwhelmingly positive until Reddit started shitting on it, and subsequent reviews joined in.

The final season was shit though

Wait, is this true?
Idk, the series was already being dogshit since season 5, maybe was because he did jot died for good.

not even close, it's just normie cucks overreacting and jumping on the bandwagon

There were visible water bottles in the GoT finale..

not by a long shot, I feel like the people who keep saying this shit never watched Dexter.
The GoT ending was just disappointing, the Dexter ending was a complete betrayal of everything the show was. Not only did in barely make sense contextually, it obliterated any notion of a satisfying completion. It's so completely disparate from the rest of the show that it makes you wonder what the fuck they were thinking

Dexter has the worst final season and series finale ever. It makes the ending of GoT look like a masterpiece.

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Educate me on what made the ending so bad, without getting into Season 8 itself. You're just saying it's bad because it gets you upvotes on Reddit

He gives the baby to the other serial killer woman (forgot her name) and fucks off to the woods to be a lumberjack (no, really.)

I'm talking about Dexter's ending not breaking bad here, to clarify. How is it a "complete betrayal" of anything?

>fucks off to the woods to be a lumberjack (no, really.)

Another brain-dead dipshit. In season 4 Dexter says Oregon has the highest concentration of serial killers. Guess where Dexter goes to continue killing after taking his death..

Imagine every single fucking characters in the show suddenly making the dumbest descisions they can make.

it was well, well off track long before the finale or even the last season
concept/character were played out by s4 the latest

Ive seen it, that's not what happens. I want to hear you explain why it's bad without just mimicking popular sentiment:

I'll wait

This, but season 7 was pretty good

Oh I know. That really doesn't do anything for me on any level though. Then they put out comics. *yawn*

They let Jackson write it.

basic things, like Dexter abandoning his own son, entrusting him to his wanted serial killer girlfriend who takes him with her to Argentina. surely this will make things right and protect his son.

His sister dies when he decides for no reason to leave a killer alone for her to pick up and arrest. The killer then kills Deb, Dexter kills the killer in front of a camera in the jail where he is and no one cares cause Deb was killed. He drags Debs body onto his boat and drops her in the ocean like all his other victims and sails headlong into a fucking hurricane.

Fade to black everyone thinks Dexter is dead

last shot is Dexter pretending to be a different person in the woods as a lumberjack.

>If the ending was placed in a stronger season it would be regarded highly
yeah and if Napoleon won we'd be speaking French right?

same goes with all that other trash you mentioned, it sounds like you're talking about an actual show there but it's merely a stringed together set of ideas that barley relate to one another that creates the ILLUSION of a show, in fact what you were seeing had once been a show, something somewhat alive and purposeful in its design, but was hijacked and RAPED by WILD PACKS of women and metrosexual men writers at almost the exact moment Rita was brutally murdered in front of her own child, with the seasons preceding that event being anywhere from very good, to adequate,all of them having interesting and at least somewhat THEMATICALLY APPROPRIATE plots and adventures for Dexter to go on and give viewing pleasure for the audience that were hooked by the first episoe, of the first season, but then, right at the same time a bunch of limpwristed neck beard fucking Yea Forums poster faggot degenerate writers from LOS ANGELES AND THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS decided for some reason that their tiny dicks and CRUSTY DRY PUSSIES weren't getting their fucking whistles properly whetted by the PEOPLE in the film and television industry with the POWER as in CASH they stopped doing their FANFIC WRITING AND WENT BACK TO THEIR DAYJOBS AT GAMES WORKSHOP and FUCKED ME IN THE ASS BY LEAVING A DECENT SHOW TO BE WRITTEN BY THE ONLY PEOPLE STILL WORKING IN THE BUSINESS TO FEED THEIR FUCKING SMACK AND PORN ADDICTIONS: NOSE PIERCING GLASSES WEARING FAGGOTS AND LESBIANS OVER THE AGE OF 40 and let them write the show for SEMITES in the Dexterâ„¢ MARKETING DEPARTMENT who thought the best audience to swerve this on coming truck of a TV show about murder for EDGY TEENAGERS and UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE into was MOMS and GIRLS WHO WANT TO PRETEND MICHAEL C HALL IS THEIR BROTHER AND HAVE HIM FUCK THEM UP THE ASS because HE'S DANGEROUS and so they FUCKED IT ALL UP

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Thanks for telling me what I know, fool.

>dropped dexter before the last season
>dropped got before the last season

You should all stop watching shows when they go to shit.

they both went to shit right as season 4 ended too, weird

Game of Thrones ending is 10/10.

>lol reading is hard
The fist person asked what happened and I gave a bit of detail left out of the first reply. What exactly is wrong with being helpful?

Both end with the main characters as lumberjacks.

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