Endgame is over, Star Wars is over, GoT is over and posting will die in a week

Endgame is over, Star Wars is over, GoT is over and posting will die in a week.
What's the next big normie magnet that will completely take over the catalog?

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>no more Jazz
>My 600lb Life season is moving on to "where are they now" episodes
help me bros

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IT Chapter 2

Kaijushit will be the true successor to capeshit and starshit in the 20s.

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Go Go Godzilla!

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>star wars is over
You bet your retarded ass that """"""""""leaks"""""""""" are gonna start spewing out soon about the new one to keep discussion about the film ongoing until release. We'll have a new trailer for it to go with Toy Story or Lion King as well. Rise of Skywalker is going to rule this board for the better part of a year the same way TFA and TLJ did.

Fuck the stupid redditors who made this board the way it is. You pieces of shit who came here to talk about TFA in 2015 are the reason Yea Forums is the way it is now. Fuck you.

>CGI monster A punches CGI monster B for 1 hour and a half
God I hope not. Though the chinks are stupid enough to buy that

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>star wars is over
they’re already making another batch of shitty garbage movies in a few years

.................................................................. well ................ fuck, i don't know

Based dubs.
I'm still in favour of making a dedicated board for flavour of the month crap and keeping Yea Forums pure.
Something like the /his/ rule but the movies discussed here must be at least 5-10 years old.

GoT sequels and prequels


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Yes I completely agree. It works well for /vr/ but for film I think a rolling 10 year rule would work out fine

The Disney takeover of Hulu
Well, the whole streaming platforms war... We are going to see a lot of money wasted on in-house productions now that Disney and apple are also getting in
Imagine the garbage JJ will pull off on applel plus

Also this is the perfect time to add YouTube content as a valid topic of discussion

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You wish.
You get at best 10mins

I never really got into thrones, but i watched it casually.

a few months before it premiered, i had blown out my back and lost my job, i also got a auto immune disease at the same time.

i was 22 then and now I am 31, I remember enjoying parts of this show because it gave me a little motivation to see how one can strive thru adversity.

the ending of thrones made me realize how much time has passed by, how my life has not gotten better at all, how i missed out on so much life.

There are people who became obsessed with thrones and spent so much of their free time obsessing over forums, watching and rewatching the show, arguing over it, etc.

I did none of that, and yet those people are in far better positions in their life then I am with mine.

I am so ready to kill myself, i need to find the courage first... because this aint living.

>took a fingercto the bum to metaphorical
>has aids now

Don't do it dude. Even if you're a NEET on disability life is worth living. Just get off the internet.

Are you still a virgin?

"the ending of thrones made me realize how much time has passed by, how my life has not gotten better at all, how i missed out on so much life."
Yeah, this. I was 19. Time to die.

>Star Wars
It was over in 1983. Then it was zombified. Star Wars will not die in your life time.

>and posting will die in a week
What did he mean by this?

i'm hoping we'll get some more shows like rome back up and running. the period doesn't really matter. could be set during the power struggle between rome and etruria or the fall of the western roman empire

posting about got, numbnuts.

And talk about... what? Actual films? It would be dead on arrival. Do you genuinely believe the mental deficients who frequent this site are capable of proper film analysis? They can barely comprehend run-of-the-mill capeshit. Make a “pure” Yea Forums board and it would be overrun with “cast them/kinos for this feel” trash threads in less than a week.

If you want to talk about films don’t come to a Taiwanese finger painting website populated by retards and reddit refugees. Literally every board that isn’t Japtoon related is shit for actual discussion.

Hansen vs Predators

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Where do you discuss with 'intelligent people' then, captain bigbrain?
Why are you here in the first place?

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Oh my god, are we going to have threads based on something different than the big three now? Thank fucking god it's over.

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You need to be delusional or legit retarded to Think Yea Forums isnt shitposting central:movies edition.

john wick

Star Wars 8 was shit but according to the leaks 9 will be absolute kino

To shitpost like everbody Else newfag

So basically capeshit 2.0


Where should i go to talk to about movies then

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there will probably just be 1 season

GOT is over, I guess sheevposting is back on the menu boys

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Based. Vidyakino will be the salvation of us all.

It was over in 2005. That's when the canon stuff ends, fuck Disney and their horrible fanfics.

Start bettering yourself. Read + workout + eat healthy + find a job if you dont already have

the show started when i was in middle school. now it ended and im about to be 21.
went in a kid, came out a man.

say what you will but im gonna miss this decade

Living the American dream

The live-action remakes of Spongebob Seasons 1-3.
It’s actually being filmed underwater.
Directed by James Cameron.

Godzilla is my most anticipated movie of the year but I am guessing it won't generate tons of discussion, since Godzilla movies generally have pretty simple stories.

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Jazz Jennings s06 Harvard boogaloo

this; written by the same assholes and also just another mousehole for king disney

Amazon LOTR.

>went in a gay, came out a fag

>went in a kid, came in a guy.

The Simpsons S11E05 20th anniversary

this is going to be the biggest shit show this board will ever face. imagine the yes kween black elf memes and seething tokein fags. are you guys really ready to dedicate your thoughts to this garbage for your future free time?

I have a feeling it'll be Gaiman's Gormenghast if it takes off. Then again Peake's aren't exactly pop culture like LOTR or ASOIAF were. The shit posting would be fun though.

As a seething Tolkien fag, it's going to be tortuous.

what happened to jazz

Everyone are ending their series to be ready with new hot stuff for the 2020s.

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