
>army instantly dies too

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why did the other white walkers die with him? that made no sense even if we accept that the dead are somehow tied to him

Night Walkers were useless since season 3, don't know why people were surprised he got killed so easily

Because the writers are retarded

So Arya could one-hit the entire army

They killed the head vampire, just like in the movies.

because it was the only way the writers found to defeat the army they hyped as undefeatable for 8 seasons straight

>blows up
>droid army shuts down

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Literally the most disappointing part of the show. All this hype about muh winter muh great enemy and it went fucking nowhere. We never found out anything meaningful about his motive, his background, nothing. Just that hes le big baddie who dies like a bitch and somehow all his people and his army die with him.


He was an ice werewolf. They had to break his curse.

>whos this guy
hes the bad guy, he wants to kill everyone
hes evil and hafes everyone

10/10 writing


He was trying to save us from Bran's tyranny. Night King was the good guy.

He'd still get beaten in fat man's books but he'll probably deal a lasting damage, fat fuck has two books in queue winds of winter and a dream of spring.

This,absolutely piece of shit ending to that character.

>be ultimately a pointless antagonist
What did Dabid means by this

It's magic bro don't think too much.

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Can't believe they wasted what appeared to be the overarching story for what appears to be subversion

>whole army disbands instantly

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There is no night king in the books. There is Night's King, but that's a different character.

many such cases

You have to realise that they came up with an ingenious way of solving any plot that would be too complex or require effort to resolve.
They just kill off the character and ez
Ser Barristan? Fucking dead m8. Jorah? Fucking dead m8. Cersei? Fucking dead m8. Euron? Fucking dead m8. Varys? Fucking dead m8. Dragon Fascist? Fucking dead m8. Night King? Fucking dead m8. Stannis? Fucking dead m8.

You don't have to write a conclusion for them or finish their character arcs if you kill them off. I'm half surprised Sam and Bronn didn't just get killed off too out of laziness.

He made them, brainlet. They are former human babies.

Oh right, fat bitch wasn't specific about what happened, I remember.

I mean, this is a fairly common trope. Keystone Army.

le epic stronk womym saves all of humanity

They needed sam and bronn alive so they could have the happy council ending at the end.

I think they killed Barristan out of spite because the actor was very vocal about the bad writing.

They literally only made his character up for this.

>Loses most of his army in battle while attempting a siege
>His death cracks the earth
>Most of remaining army gets crushed by the earthquake
>The ones who are left flee demoralized by the destruction of the command chain
KYS nigger loving faggot

>hold out hope that bran will explain in the final ep how arya teleported

i don't know what i expected

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Biggest fucking copout ever. I hated it when Whedon used it in the first Avengers flick and I hate it now.