Pic related is the final shot of the popular Game Of Thrones (2011-2019) T.V series. Say something nice about it

Pic related is the final shot of the popular Game Of Thrones (2011-2019) T.V series. Say something nice about it.

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I still don't see why people watched this


It was compelling for the first 3 seasons.

>Say something nice about it.
It mirrors the opening scene of the show in a sort of nice way.
That’s about it.
Also i thought the gate on the wall was destroyed and the tunnel collapsed?

>it begins with the nights watch beyond the wall
>it ends with the nights watch beyond the wall


*The first 6 seasons

I like boobs and bad pussy

all niggers are castrated and leave the country


When I read the shitty leaks my imaginary vision of this episode was still more kino

Honestly that was a bigger wet fart ending than Star Trek Enterprise

Don't stop-

Someone claimed that Jon's horse took a shit and they had to CGI it out in post. webM?

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>don't mind me, just fucking every single wildling girl I see and making an endless amount of Targ babies

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*the first 4 seasons

>no one even bothered to find out if Cercei was really dead except Tyrion

seems legit

It's their home, and its independent territory. In fact it's now better than what they had before because there are no white walkers and the winters won't be as harsh without the Night King.

Probably had a higher budget than Mad Men, ain't as great as the final shot of Mad Men.

>Say something nice about it
Oh. At least they paid the extras.

Are you retarded? Are you telling me they are going to settle the north again? Without supplies?

Yeah there's like an active volcano further north where the area is warm.

it's over, please stop posting about it

i actually think its a fine end shot, i'm glad they didn't try to turn it into this big grand epic moment or something.

lmao no

I think Breaking Bad is the only big show that ended gracefully even though it was the safest ending possible for the writers (that's why all discussion died when it ended).

Okay let's pretend that's not stupid for a moment there. Leaving the fertile lands to go live as an eskimo.
Why is Jon going with them? They don't know the way, he just wants to walk around with his old buddies?

Jon’s ending was good for his character.

It was also one of the first shots when the show started but with less Wildlings.

the americans had a better final episode

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Didn't you see the single green blade of grass growing? The north will be a green utopia soon without the night king making is so cold.

>burn down medieval metropolis
>go off to live in the Norf

>beginning with a scene that resonates with the very first one
poetic kino

its not going to be a frozen shit land for long. the walkers were making it like that, it was green before the walkers existed.

>Wildlings were trying to migrate south to avoid winter
>Return North just as winter is starting


winter is over dumb ass

Greyworm was fucking pissed when the white people suggested Jon be sentenced to life fucking white women out in the ice land.

It was the most okay ending for the series. The final shot and ending with Jon was good.

Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go
oh I want to take you down to
Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo

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Yeah yeah, why is Jon going with them tho

>Return North just as winter is starting
You can literally see a green plant starting to poke through the snow past the wall.

No, the long night is over. Winter is still just starting. In Westeros it lasts for years regardless of what the white walkers do.

how many weeks at sea before the crew rape her?

"twas hubris that killed my mother Jonny boy"

It should have ended with the gate closing. It would have mirrored the opening shot of the first episode

He wanted to

I thought it was metaphorical of the Others (white walkers) returning Norf. Like them walking back amongst the trees was parallel to the Others figuratively coming out of the trees like in the Prologue. At least that's my take I don't know if the whole Others - Wildlings metaphor works that well in the show like it does in the books

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So she's Christopher Columbus and is off to discover the GoT New World and some native Indians.

The Gift would still be better and the north is depopulated. Also they didnt bring any supplies north. I honestly can't tell whether this is a rangeing party or not. None of it makes sense.

Winter was just a few weeks long?

because he agreed to go up there and there are no walkers or zombies anymore. he can do whatever he wants up there and get the fuck away from the drama of the kingdoms

What was that plant growing out of the snow beyond the wall then?

greatest tv series ever created

I'm more curious as to what the fuck she said to the captain
>hey m8 point the ship west
>there isn't anything there
>ok sry west we go!!!

Yeah they have a normal season change now

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in the show the walkers bring winter. did you not pay attention during these scenes?

the tree where the children of the forest created the white walkers is north of the wall. it was all green before the walkers existed. the implication is the white walkers cause winter.

Eh, he took the Black and can't do what he wants.

>Stay at Castle Black where half of the fucks there were a-ok with murdering you + night's watch duties.
>Go with the wildlings to whom you are a hero at the least or a death-defying god and you're prettier than half of their women + free to do whatever the fuck you want beyond the wall.
Tough choice

It was compelling for the first three seasons.
It was a decent continuation of a compelling first three seasons for the next three seasons.
It has a horrible, horrible seventh season.
Season 8 is barely a season, they just threw together some endings.
We will never know what happened to the night king, what Dany’s reaction to king’s Landing would be, or how Jon Snow handles learning his heritage.

Probably recruited people that were willing to go.

the nights watch doesnt exist, it was just wildlings living in castles

>where to captain?
>second star on the right, and straight on til morning mr. boatman
>aye little girl

wonderful final episode


The ship had a Stark flag so I'm guessing Sansa funded the expedition with a little help from Davos.

He's a fucking legend and the whole Night's Watch thing was just a work to make Dany's cronies shut the fuck up

That was eastwatch I think, not castle black.

This + lots and lots of money and potential glory.

ahhh I did not catch that I was pretty shitfaced last night, well that makes more sense I guess


the picture symbolizes subscribers leaving hbo.

I would love to see some of their numbers from now compared to a month from now. I'd have to assume the decline is going to be absolutely massive.

I've got another month to watch Chernobyl but then I'm out.

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The wall represents facing death. Compare this quote from Jon Snow:
> "The Wall was like that. Sometimes he could almost forget that it was there, the way you forgot about the sky or the earth underfoot, but there were other times when it seemed as if there was nothing else in the world." - Game of Thrones p. 58

With a quote from Heidegger:
> "One says, “Death certainly comes, but not right away”. With this ‘but…’, the “they” denies that death is certain. ‘Not right away’ is not a purely negative assertion, but a way in which the “they” interprets itself. [...] Everydayness forces its way into the urgency of concern, and divests itself of the fetters of a weary ‘inactive thinking about death’. Death is deferred to ‘sometime later’ [...] thus the “they” covers up what is peculiar in death’s certainty-that it is possible at any moment." - Being and Time p. 302

While everyone down south is playing politics, death is looming. And how should we face death? Should it be as a 'Being-towards-death', as Heidegger describes? Or do we ignore the problem living in a state of 'Everydayness'? Jon Snow faced death, he stood on the wall, but in the end it also killed him did it not? Or perhaps, by willingly facing death, he found life again?

don't you dare make a somewhat intelligent post in my thread again bucko

Game of Thrones is about the question of being. The throne is posing us a question: given death, suffering, and all the chaos - what is the correct way to live? Who should be king? Who should sit on the throne? The metaphor of a throne as a higher state or ideal is not new. Often thrones are are shown with steps, representing the spiritual journey or distance, and with the divine right of kings idea, the king is seen as a representation of God's. Game of Thrones adds an extra layer to the symbolism by making throne out of swords - swords which are the tools made by man, but also a source for our pain, struggling, and wars. In this way, to sit on the throne is to "sit above" the problems of man, to transcend war and death.

> "I swear to you, sitting on a throne is a thousand times harder than winning one."

Each of the characters represents a potential solution to the question of being. From this perspective we can view the world of Westeros as a giant simulation which is attempting to explore how different modes of being manifest. Is it better to be cunning? A great fighter? To be honorable? Ie. what sort of qualities will let you win "the game of thrones?"

All of this is set against the backdrop of two fundamental problems or forces which all characters must contend with. The first is the problem of death, represented as the white walkers; the second is problem of nature, represented as Daenerys and her dragons.

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