How about a popular vote?

How about a popular vote?

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In a world were 90% of the people are illiterate retards. Sounds epic.

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Bran should have kept him off his council for suggesting something so retarded.

democracy is shit today, its hard to imagine a worse option for their world when literally 2 scenes later they're pondering the benefits of clean running water



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Based Vale boomers

not much difference from today

So current politics America?


Why should Riverrun get the same amount of votes as the Reach? The reach has more people under the king, and therefore deserves greater representation.

>only taxpayers, landlords and men over 21 should be able to vote

WTF did Sam just suggested a Republic during the Middle Ages?

based and northpilled


A representative democracy, not a republic.
Which is worse.

he only suggested it because it was the only avenue that could possibly lead to him being king

>How about we upvote our favorite?
Based D&D shitting on reddit

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How did they get away with it?

Only land owners should vote

Did Raimi direct this part?

I suppose you're the enlightened minority, yes?
I wonder is anybody else they are smarter than those they disagree with?

So basically today?

Based asf

>implying dogs don't eat dogfood

Only land owners should vote and their should be no taxes beyond property tax

>I suppose you're the enlightened minority, yes?
I mean we can obviously read

So fuck everyone but the Reach? They have the most people so they get to choose the king every time.

Everyone can read in America though. Excluding niggers.

based and Rubenpilled

>peasants life are very important, enough to kill the person that saved the ass of the whole continent
>lmao not that important tho fuck off we rule dem peasants

>50 years later Westeros is in ruins and swamped with people from Sothyros and Essos because they gave women the vote
Democracy is more deadly than the white walkers

All the other kingdoms together can easily outnumber the reach. Don't pretend to be retarded.


is that sweetrobin?

Yeah, turns out mommy milkies turns you into a guido chad.

I agree, can’t believe more people voted for hillary

I fucking hate Sam the Fat Fuck. Totally useless, is morbidly obese, has the stupidest look on he's face. Really glad the shitshow that is GoT is finally over.

>How about a poll tax?

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this is why in america literacy tests are considered racist

sit down maggie thatcher

Keep in mind, all of those votes came from NY and LA--two states where illegals are allowed to vote in local and/or statewide elections, where they refuse ID laws and would not allow a federal audit of their voting roles.
I doubt that she really won the popular vote if you exclude illegals voting illegally.

We should just give the democrats a vote for every black person over the age of 18 from the start. It's racist to expect them to be registered and actually show up to vote, and many of them don't even realize the importance of their vote due to their systematic oppression.


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I didn't know they brought on Raimi as a guest director

>Maggie invented poll taxing

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representative democracy is a form of republic.

I-if I may. H-how about instead of, y-you know, doing the monarchy thing again we instead choose our new king or queen r-randomly. B-by picking names from a hat. And t-then we do it again every ten years.


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