8.9/10 IMDB

>8.9/10 IMDB
>5/5 facebook
>94% RT
>98% google reviews
>snubbed by emmys

If you're not watching this, you're missing out on the best show out right now. Seriously, is anyone else watching this? All Yea Forums does anymore is bitch about capeshit and GoTs when this golden gem exists. Yea Forums is shit.

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I can't take karate seriously

>mfw when a show has high ratings on websites

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Karate is also nerd capeshit. Take up muay thai or krav.

I watched the first and manybe the second episode last year. Didn’t really pull me in. What’s so good about it?

>Muay Thai
>Krav maga

Because gen z and a who spam this board with their normie shit don't know kino
It's a gen xy thing
Either you get 80s shonen like karate kid and dbz or you dont
I couldn't either it's why I quit

What about taekwondo or Japanese jiu jitsu?

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>Muay Thai
>Krav maga
Just take a self-defense class. Krav maga is just a glorified name for self defense classes. Hell, hitting in the eyes or crotch is nothing new, Karate also does that stuff since ever.

Season 1 was alright but was let down hard by how it was obviously setting itself up for a sequel which I have no interest in because that'll just happen to it as well.

The show doesn't take karate seriously. Just when it gets too serious, a "straight man" character will usually come in an point out just how ridiculous two grown men with warring karate dojos is.

It pays homage to classic 80s tropes while simultaneously deconstructing the tired "good guy/bad guy" dynamic. I'm not saying the show is a 10/10, but its definitely a solid 8/10 in a world flooded with 4/10s.


Tae is good for learning kicks and has some useful techniques but it's more sport oriented.
Jiujitsu is great for grappling but if you are learning japanese Jiujitsu you're also going to explore the philosophical part of the martial art. But it's great and it has a few differences with BJJ.

youtube videos can't be nominated, no matter the production quality, they are at same range as kitty videos.

Is this show 100% free to watch? I don’t pay. Inb4 muh trial subscription because I don’t do those either

Taekwando more like take my doe

>Meme Maga

Are you fucking retarded? It literally go nominated for an Emmy. Are crayon eaters like this what passes for acceptable on Yea Forums now?


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The better question is who would you main in a Cobra Kai fighting game.

>Asian Bert

like the first season, just as daniel & johnny about to close their rift shit happens that's out of their control and they're back to square one. i really feel for johnny too.

plus the show has it's fair share of waifus too if you guys are into that sort of thing.

Wait a second people actually pay money to watch this show? What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

The first season was definitely good.
I couldn't finish the second season, far too many plot contrivances and other scenes grasping at drama, for the sake of drama.
After giving up watching I read some spoilers and I'm happy I didn't finish it, it looks like the second season ends with some fucking soap opera level drama.

I liked the first season because it showed things from a slightly different perspective. That Johnny wasn't entirely the bad kid and Daniel wasn't necessarily a hero.
You can see the value in both Johnny and Daniel's theories on karate and fighting, while also seeing the darker sides of both (theme being, fighting leads to more fighting).
Ultimately, I didn't see where they could take it after the first season without going retarded, which is basically what they ended up doing.
The drama has escalated to ridiculous levels and when you have an entire school of kids constantly fighting in the halls and on the streets, it's hard to maintain suspension of disbelief.
A kid got his back broke, and yet the police aren't even asking questions... It's beyond ridiculous.

Not me. Got the free month then cancelled it after I was done

>98% google reviews
Woah! What a surprise!

It's really good man.

>police arent asking questions
we dont know that but good point.

>karate kid 2
>innocent as fuck pure hearted jap girl actress
>see her now on youtube
>shes american and in no way pure anymore
>even her face has sharpened up to show the total loss of any innocence or purity

damn :(

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