Why.. why not try democracy?
Why.. why not try democracy?
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Fuck off Sam your a nights watch and a maester how the fuck can you be head of a household?
That whole scene was retarded.
"Democracy? huehuehue!"
like, what?
The only good part of the last episode. Fuck democracy lmao
> I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children
t. Sam
It would've been more believable if he had mentioned how they did it in the night's watch
They will regret it soon enough.
Most retarded character ever. Also shouldn't he be on the Wall?
Yeah funny though, "Shall I give my dog a say too". Sam's a fucking embarrassing retard though why the fuck was he even given a vote.
He's a Tarly which happens to be a powerful house
didnt he give that up when he became a member of the nights watch? and then again when he became a maester?
>Could've made a point about how Ironborn choose their king
>Could've made a point about how Night's Watch chooses their Lord Commander.
>Could've made a point that retards whose only achievement at life is jumping from the right cunt, bring destruction and death only
>Thus logically concluding that having best people (artisans, maesters and political elite) wisely choosing their king by the merit, courage and his lifetime achievements is better than sucking up for any retard.
>M-muh democracy m-maybe let everyone choose the king?
I cringed so hard I wanted to punch him in the mug. No wonder he got laughed at, he was a fucking NPC.
Makes sense, since Sam is literally a cuck
it was literally a 'fuck you' to reddit
Yeah, but apparently he became an archmaester while having a wife and his wife's son, so all rules are out of the window. Together with Bran.
Is his dick father still alive or did he bite the dust?
In the books, still alive and being a dick to Brienne. In the show, Daenerys burnt him and his other son in the previous season.
> he didn't watch Season 7
lol, muh democracy, brainwashed liberal leftist halfwit
because democracy is just ochlocracy
Appropriate. You can't build democracy without generations of people thinking about the ins and the outs.
> he DID watch Season 7
We don't even have a democracy though. We have republics; where elect representatives to vote on our behalf.
If they had democracy in Westeros, it'd be tyranny of the masses.
how THE FUCK can you have a democracy when you have a large population with no printing press technology/media to distribute information, educational institutions or a developed middle class?
He's not a beta cuck like fucking Jon Snow
Majority of society are mindless plebs. You really want the uneducated making decisions when they'll probably vote to get rid of the nobility while they're at it? Yeah, it was funny and stupid. And of course, the plebs that saw it last night is seething because if that scene. You're stupid if you want to hand the field hands power
I don't know let's ask ancient Athens
a raven in every household?
ancient athens was practically a city state with a tiny population compared to westeros
Athens was a city in which political discussion and involvement was an essential element of its culture.
that was a funny moment, I'm glad it was just a trolling
>give everyone voting rights
>everyone has to vote for the lord of their region or they get slaughtered
>The Reach has a population big enough to completely dominate the popular vote
>Reach also has the biggest army to threaten smaller kingdoms into voting for them
Democracy can only work as long as individual rights are a thing. And good luck with that in a medieval society consisting of completely inequal kingdoms that are constantly at war or in conflict with each other.
Sam is fucking retard.
>democracy when 90% of people can't even read
A guy in the Indian elections cut off his finger after voting for the wrong party. They are illiterate and so vote by choosing the picture they like and get marked after they voted. He realized he picked the wrong picture, chopped off his finger and went to go and try to vote again but got recognised and stopped.
Democracy is the weakest form of government and should never be used imo.
Nah, it was poking fun at the fan theories that this would end is democracy. I appreciated that.
But they pretty much went with that anyway since Bran was chosen and the next king would have to be chosen.
The ((nobility)) would never allow that.
laughing way harder than I should at this
fuck niggers and fuck democracy
got a template for that?
you're trying too hard
top kek it was the iron bank behind it all
dude everyone in the reach is fucking dead they wanted to give it up to shitskins get it together >_
All yours, fren!
>Albert Einstein? He'll obviously never amount to anything!
You cant even define the difference between leftism and liberalism
Nahh, better share your wall of text from your favorite ivy tower marxist professor
Read John Locke if you want liberalism you uneducated child. Read Marx for leftism.
>lol dude you know basic political stuff you're a marxist
In Athens the entire population also didn't fucking vote. Only the political elite.
democracy is fucking retarded. It is rule by mob. We only think "democracy is the best form of government" because our schools and media have brainwashed us to think that way since day 1 so we don't question how retarded the system is.
Mob rule of the actual blood and slil nation is better than being ruled by (((representatives))), at least in the American context.
Athens was a city where only 1% of the population were allowed to vote.
What's the problem? 20% or 10% voting is fine and it's actually not unusual.
not at all. Tyranny of the masses is worse than anything an actual Tyrant could do. Western civilization would collapse within 10 years if we ever switched to true democracy.
Elected representatives groomed for leadership, even corrupt ones still make better decisions than retarded plebs.
Athenian democracy was restricted to a small group. Even Poland-Lithuania, an elective monarchy with a strong parliament, was more democratic and had a bigger franchise. Democracy in the modern sense was only a thing since the French Revolution and back then it was considered an edgy movement by fedorafags.
maesters take another vow of celibacy so he unironically did it twice
>- How about democracy?
>- Ahahah
Who did this joke first? I only know about Sapkowski
it was making fun of idiotic reddit theories. i thought it was hilarious
An actually tyrant AND tyranny of the masses is exactly the future the west is headed towards
>Democracy in the modern sense was only a thing since the French Revolution
And even than the majority of people was not allowed to vote.
Like much of this episode it was way too on the fucking nose. Also nice green trees and waterbottles, great attention to detail.
shouldnt robin be pissed that sansa ordered the execution of LF?
and wildfire was found at ground zero.
It was an inside job! Braavos did this
This shit shouldn't be a Marvel movie
Waymar probably explained it to him and Robin probably understood
thats yohn royce you stupid shit face
>expecting a cuck to use logic
not really. The west is lead by oligarchies, competing with and sometimes aligning with each other based on self interests. Democracy and voting is only an illusion to pacify normies and plebs like you who don't know any better.
Sorry I just reread the first book and was thinking about his Chad son
>green trees
uhm, what's your problem? This was weeks, maybe months after the previous scene.
Game of Fan Theories
What an incredible winter.
well memed
You are a massive fucking retard if you think the rule of these oligarchs aren’t tyrannical and if you surmised that I believe democracy isn’t a sham
jesus i cringed at this scene
the laughter only slightly alleviated the cringe
Based and dragonpilled.
Westeros could have a republic like Rome were the majority of the votes went to the patritians as the people only elected a shitty cultural related office.
Give the people a treat but keep all the power to the nobles.
The Bran thing was retarded
Oh fuck that moment when they offered a eunuch the chance to start his own house and take his eunuch friends to repopulate a huge area.
you need to get out of /pol/
Liberals nowadays are fascists
You haven't paid attention to American elites. Most are not even American. Foreign nationals should never rule.
Hell yes.
>together with Bran.
Lol nice
Look at this absolute moron!
Democracy is how we got Drumph hahahaha
>how THE FUCK can you have a democracy when you have a large population with no printing press technology/media to distribute information, educational institutions or a developed middle class?
You can't. Don't forget about the wars to deprive the King of executive power and send it to the Prime Minister.
pretty funny desu
what an idiot
>he was a fucking NPC.
Actually he wasn't. The rest of them were NPCs.
Fucking kek. These are fucking gold.
Shut up and drink your bottled water
>thinking democracy is better than monarchy
*laughs in helicopter*
Because democracy is mob rule, fat fuck
They still exist in a feudalism based society, at this point the peasants are uneducated retards so yeah democracy won't work
Wanting to be ruled over by clueless incest babies is degenerate
I'm afraid someone beat you to it
I genuinely cringed at that scene
>why not a system where we, the rich and powerful, continue to hold our power and create a government where the peasants can "vote" for some representatives that we control with lobbying, secret societies, and the media .That way, the peasants will forever be satisfied, thinking they can change anything by "voting" for representatives that have in actuality do our biding? This breaks the wheel.
D&D are secret fascists.
Same bro. It was like a fake scene someone would write in a shitpost here to make fun of the show except it was real.
Did you see how many wildling sluts were eye fucking him at the ending? Dude is gonna have an army of Targ spawn.
there was a moment, where I actually feared that the writers are so retarded, that this really will be the ending - they all agree to implement democratic government.
Yeah, and why don't we let my dog vote too. Fucking dolt
So many of the 'funni' moments this season were shitty marvel movie humor.
felt like making the point last night that the finale felt very hobbesian, a miracle they pulled it off in today’s woke world
Actually, the Westeros nobles are puppets too, they are actually controlled by the Iron Bank through their debts.
So much talk about breaking the wheel and Dany didn't even bring up the organization that funds literally every tyrant and usurper-wannabe and which has a hand in the slave market despite coming from a city built by slaves.
>GRRM finds out he's jewish
>immediately starts ripping off other works
The (((braavosi))) also destroyed the valyrian empire. I'm starting to see a common thread...
But who or what actually IS Luaithe? Please enlighten this poor pleb.
There and back again...
>and your other son
Democracy only works among people of the same race.
That scene was a highlight of the season I swear.
How did (((they))) let it go through?
This. There's no one there to make him uphold his that bullshit. The Always Winter Lands belong to them now.
democracy was a terrible mistake, only a fat beta cuck would suggest such a faggot system
Every now and then they will let goyim know the truth.
Yes, the (((Iron banksters))) finance all the wars, while the (((Maesters))) keep a lid on any sort of technological innovation, to the point that buildings like Storm's End and the Sunspear and the Wall itself now seem impossible to build by human effort alone. I bet the (((Maesters))) still remember when the sleeper ships made planetfall.
>How about we elect our king?
>First king they chose is a immortal with the memory of everyone that has ever lived
What happened to gilly? Why didn't he wife her?
8 years faggot
>marrying a girl who fucked her own dad
I don't get politics, why are people laughing at him?
Giving iliterate peasants the power to choose their rulers is fucking retarded.
well good for him, it sucked
>why not try eating less bread
fantasy BTFO
They decided to use the Vatican system instead.
He's a big guy
Because it leads to a mediacracy, where the people who control the minds of the people decide what happens and then eventually when they start letting in millions of foreigners from somewhere else in exchange for votes it just reverts back to a tight crypto-oligarchy which you see today sam! SAM! Don't you see this Sam? Wake the FUCK up!
>all in favor of King user the Broken, say aye
He just worged into each and everyone of them in a split second and planted the idea of getting elected.
All hail God Emperor Bran.
>tfw no bf
>give NPC townsfolks "power"
>give real power to merchants and other wealthy people
user please
Because Westeros has never been exposed to the GLORY OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC and thus they don't know how to properly run a society.
absolutely based
Democracy is for retards.
>How about we elect our king?
something something about some certain empire, they have counts as electors tho
>most based character in westeros' entire history
>implying anyone is going to tell him he cant dick his chub wife on the daily
Modern democracy only came about due to mass literacy, a middle class, and wars/reforms that take away power from the aristocracy.
>implying both aren't ulter retardation but for different causes
The irony is that democracy is worst because now the people have the illusion that they have the power
Despite being described as the same size as France and even more densely populated, one noble house fell, so the entire kingdom is "empty".
Incidentally, why did no one ask the wildlings to repopulate the arable North (their desire from perpetuity), which actually IS empty?
What a ride
The fate and well-being of the monarch family is tied to the well-being of the state. There is clear encouragement for the monarchy to allow the state to prosper and the monarchy doesn’t need to worry and do ineffective but popular moves in order to get and stay elected.
also dont forget the fact that one is being trained from birth for that office
You've permanently warped your brain, lad. Consider suicide.
an hero
newfags as far as the eye can see
You might have missed the part where she turned into literal Hitler with a dragon over the course of two and a half episodes
It's impossible to "try too hard". This is invalid criticism. If you think someone is trying too hard, you're probably a fat loser hooked on antidepressants who wants to find fault in everyone doing more with their life than you.
Why sin't he in the night watch exactly?
Even americans understand that pure democracy is a mistake.
>What about the Iron bank though? They have total control of news posts. Aren't you worried about their influence over such a system
10000 hours in paint
We learned that lesson too late
Not quite true. Any male citizen of Athens was allowed a vote, but the poorer rural farmers would rarely be able to journey into the city to vote, so democracy tended to be handled by an urban elite.
>large population
it was both a joke and a warning
saved. woman were a mistake. all femininity is is consumerism. nothing she added is functional(coat hangers aside). like everything else, just bangles, long nails, makeup, perfume
>pure democracy
what a meme
there has never been a pure democracy except for maybe athens
jon should have thrown him off the wall in the first season.
>hurr if we break one rule for a necessary reason why don't we break every rule for no reason
I hate that argument
I was honestly surprised they didn't try and force Edmure to say some shit about "Making Westeros great again."
Fuckin hacks.
I liked it because I started booing when Tarly suggested Democracy.
The lords of Westeros are very ignorant of outside cultures. They might not even know what a republic is. I'm pretty sure if you asked them what kind of government Braavos has they'd either say they don't know or they'd think it was a kingdom.
I suck at photoshop, can someone do this with the "Sunset found her squatting..." text?
>Proud of having watched season 7
holy cringe. Have sex.
fucking based. Bran will now begin planning his own Golden Path
>laughs in Roman Republic and Athenian democracy
talk to my wife
t. owner of hundreds of throw pillows
elective monarchy is pretty great
it's a way to have absolute power and still make sure the ruler's retard son doesn't get the crown
>democracy is the preferred model of governance by a fat inept retard
Pure poetry. The only way this could’ve been more on the nose is if a Bravosi banker with a hunched back and hooked beaky nose suddenly appeared asking for his debts to be repaid and Sam gave him every last piece of coin he had
back to /pol/ with you
Pretty sure in Braavos only noble houses can vote too.
You're thinking of the rest of the Free Cities. Braavos allows a good portion of its citizens to vote, although I'm pretty sure it's limited to male adults.
yeah, look at that shithole switzerland...
why do morons think they deserve to state their retarded ignorant opinions?
Still, don't know why you think nobles wouldn't know that. Besides Braavos is one city not an entire fucking continent.
Because why would the nobles know that? The only relevance Braavos has to them is the Iron Bank. It's like expecting some Roman patrician to know about the people and culture of China.
You can’t even have direct democracy now, way to easy to fake votes. Look at Florida in bush year.
People who advocate for destroying their own rights, freedom, and power tend not to think these things through.
Will this shit ever get an adaptation?
No it's not retard, Braavos is very close to Westeros and is one of their main trading partners, they've interacted with each other many times. One of the Kings even tried to marry his daughter to the Sea Lord. What you're saying is like saying a Roman patrician wouldn't know Egypt has a king.
best one
I'm assuming that the King/Queen of the X Kingdoms can waive all prior punishments and vows, regardless of their severity and duration. Just as how the King/Queen can legalize bastards and allow them to establish noble houses. Samwell was either a "lord" by default (he is the only Turly left iirc), Daenerys, Jon, or Sansa revoked his vow (allowing him to abandon the Watch), or Samwell was included because he had inside info and was a close confidant to the Starks like Brienne was.
well done
why did everyone but brienne forget that plate existed?
I know it's a ballache to make and wear, but surely once you've made it once, you can just reuse it with different tabards? It's aesthetic as fuck.
Thats quite funny. They all think democracy in Westeros is a good decision, but we know they still are feudal.
So this will rather bite them in the ass after bran is gone or gets an impeachment if he is now longliving.
those are exactly the things that make democracy shit
Even with a dragon 6 million jews still looks like a lie.
Two Jews writing a fantasy series set in a place where literal dragons exist and they still have to kvetch about how some blonde folk threw a bunch of random people in the fire. They just can't shut up about it.
>one of the best parts of the shitty episode was this liberal faggot getting shot down and laughed at
now imagine if that was the whole episode with dany btfoing all that would question her divine right to absolute authority
>filling an already small space with absolutely non-fuctional, commercialized junk
Funk why are women so bad at interior design? Literally nothing she added would be functional or needed and would be claustrophobic as fuck.
As a minimalist this makes me cringe so hard.
Fuckin kek
Democracy didn't make sense in a medieval setting because only like 1% of the population could read, it had nothing to do with morality
lost at the cafe paris in the back
>drew three animals into a guys life
I knew it
It was the only scene of that episode that wasn't retarded.
>so why are you still so fat?
>During my time upon the wall, the good maester taught me of lands far with systems of government that allow for these sorts of transfers of power regularly.
>...implementing a system of electors made up of the most powerful families who, among themselves, vote on a sovereign to rule for the remainder of his life.
>We can call them whatever we want, I quite like the name "elector counts"
That's how you would've saved the show.
Someone post a brienne writing the navy sniper copy pasta
I like you
Democracy? What's that thing?
>fan tries to theory-clash why characters dont change because of offscreen normal life
Come on, you knew he was pointing out that GoT tries to be realistic so he would loose weight on a long travel on foot!
Democracy is retarded.
Shall I also acquire the opinion of my equine friend beneath me!? MUAHAAHAHHAHAHAA!
Only 10% of athens population could vote.
"We are the Knights Watch, we are faggot white boys. We submit to bigger nigger alpha males as our true sexual overlords. Our hungry faggot asses pucker in anticipation of being filled by superior BBC. I, Jon Snow, Faggot White Boy of The North, hereby surrender any and all claims to my ass to the nigger race. May our girlfriends, mothers, sisters and daughters as well as my own faggot ass be WRECKED by large African members. I, faggot faggot white boy of the North, will forever be in service to nigger dicks and the niggers who bear them, may my Watch never end."
dude NOT cool!
haha le damn I just lost Le Game xD
well played good sir!
More like God Emperor BRAIN!!
Someone mentioned that it might be an exception because he’s the last surviving heir.
>House Tarly has joined the Populist faction
The whole tyrion scene with Jon in prison was a fascinating exposition of the Jewish mind. Literally "they came for X but I did nothing..."
So his mother and sister were raped and killed offscreen by the dothraki horde, right? The whole 'Reach is empty now' thing?
>Aragorn was a great swordsman, friend, and lover.
>He had a kind, but strong heart, and a smile that inspired confidence.
>But what about Aragorns tax policy?
>You see, just because Aragorn was a good man, that does not mean he would make a good king.
>Herein follows the account of the burning of the shire, as adapted by GRRM.
have sex
ok bros seriously
how do we counter this?
its like the next u mad
and you know
there is literally nothing you can say to
u mad
except have sex
which is even greater
so what the fuck do we do
How about you have sex?
But the Iron Bank, Sam. THE IRON BANK owns everyone.
More men to raise their wives sons!
>Just did. Your mom says hi.
They grew up privledged and seeing the small folk as illiterate inbred peasants. With how close minded their society is, it makes sense.
And with how close minded redditors are when it comes to their progressive political views; it was fucking hilarious to watch
Democracy always ends up being corrupted. That's why the US founding fathers decided upon a federal republic instead of a straight democracy, so too much power isn't placed into the hands of relatively few people.
It was the only based scene. For a moment I was thinking they were actually going with the absolute joke of a meme ending that was being dreaded here. At least D&D knew better than this.
It was not only a dumb ass retarded idea by sam, it was dumb ass retarded screen writing
Didn't see them making Aemon targaryan king
It was talking about the upperclassmen thinking the plebs as shit as dogs you mong.
Would've been pretty kino if we had seen Sam lose weight over the seasons. Guess the actor couldn't be bothered to put in the effort.
Actors are overpaid and not dedicated to their roles. Dude could've made an excellent visual effect for the viewers by just slowly losing weight in the north and fattening back up while studying the the library
The average elected representative is retarded though
>That whole scene was retarded.
Its just that overused joke where a movie takes place in the past and then someone suggests something that is common in our time, and then everyone laughs because LoL, iT wOuLd NeVeR hApPeN.
>magical elements mean that any logic and consistency goes straight out the window
This is one of the worst and most disingenuous non-arguments out there. It legitimately makes me angry.
have sex isn't an insult you retard
it's a compliment
would you prefer someone to tell you don't have sex?
why did gilly get fat
Could someone post that shot of the dothraki sickles?
You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
>the myriad of
Jokes on you nigger
that was so fucking stupid to suggest. thank god they laughed at him
Magical fat cells
I think Bran is only immortal if he turns into a tree
Or any blue states since 2008
how about inventing the printing press first, chum?
All according to keikaku
Volantis also had full on democracy
and not the nice modern day democracy either, the dirty 'knife your campaigners in the street' democracy
back then "Citizen" meant the pol elite not anyone who isnt a slave u fag
So fellow bookfags, are we satisfied with this ending?
how come they use the word democracy when in this world greeks don't exist and therefore greek words don't?
I've always wondered this
I wondered if he would lose weight in the books, using his chapters as an unreliable narrator to hide it until he inevitably returned home to confront his family
As opposed to England which does exist in that world, so not a problem.
It's not an insult, it means literally nothing
It was originally spammed because of annoyance with constant capeshit threads, its entire meaning is that it has no meaning
It is not his son, the baby is Craster's
I dont have PS installed or I would have used the right font
>England which does exist in that world
Lucky bastards.
>carpet on top of carpet
fucking kek
*American Revolution*
LMAO what a cuck
>Oy vey! All I did was aid and abet a traitor, one of the most skilled warriors in the land
>All he did was try to save the life of your sworn enemy, your majesty.
>But I did it for noble purposes.
>He was going to help remove some obstacles from our path such as that nasty Tsar... I mean Queen.
>We would be able to really transform Westeros for the better after that, your Grace.
>And besides, you blonde Targeryan types like your sense of honour right?
>Well Jamie did owe me money and a Lannister always pays their debts.
>So I couldn't let him rot in prison with that weighing heavy on his soul.
>Speaking of loans, could I interest you in a small loan from my friends at the bank of Braavos?
>You know, to help rebuild the city?
>Perhaps 100 million gold pieces?
>At a very reasonable interest rate of course.
>Just 13.5% interest, compound recurring naturally.
>Just put Ser Bronn's new whorehouses up as collateral.
>(((Imps))) like me really are very good at managing adult establishments, ya know.
>s oyboy writers trying this hard to insert modern humor into a feudal setting
Who hired these idiots
he got her pregnant again, they say it in episode 4
Sweetheart, you either have a windmill or a watermill. Not both. The gears would break.
he is the real brainlet