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So that means it's just gonna have cooler visuals but still be lame as fuck compared to the original?

I'm waiting on Yea Forums: Brotherhood.

So higher budget but otherwise worse in every way possible?


Why do you want a soulless remake?

currently watching FMA:Brotherhood, is it really worse or is that just contrarian trolling?

It's a contrarian thing. The whole reason they redid it was because the original was so poorly received

Brotherhood is based, follows the manga plotline instead.

Weaker start, but better ending (The real fucking ending of the series)

original was their own made up plot and it came off kinda like a fanfic to me. Brotherhood follows the source material and is just better overall

Don't listen to these pepsi drinking fags

Brotherhood had the better ending

The whole them being thrown into real life Germany thing was incredibly gay and I hate when people do that shit with their fantasy series

Dante was a far better villain tho

2003 > Brotherhood, we discussed that the other day and 2003 won:

In response to that user who asked how 2003 improved upon the manga/Brotherhood:

>spent more time focusing on the brothers' relationship with their mother, giving her death more impact and the eventual resurrection attempt more meaning
>took the concept of "equivalent exchange," something that was mostly akin to a plot limitation in the manga/Brotherhood, and fleshed it out into a centralized theme for the show to revolve around
>also turned equivalent exchange into a core principle by which the Elric brothers live by, not just in alchemy but in all walks of life, giving them more well-defined character and a reactive philosophy which informs everything they do
>made the search for the philosopher's stone THE integral plot motivator for almost every relevant party, allowing the sequence of events in the story to play out in a concise, logical way based entirely around the characters' motivation; whereas in the manga/Brotherhood, the philosopher's stone quest ends up getting benched (and is somewhat of a red herring) in favor of dealing with Father and the Homunculi
>the Homunculi themselves are fleshed out to be better, more interesting and well-rounded characters with solid desires and motivations that mirror that of the protagonists (the need to obtain the philosopher's stone and become human); every Homunculus in 2003 is a better developed and more interesting character than their manga/Brotherhood counterparts without exception (except MAYBE King Bradley)
>rounds down the side cast to a core handful of characters who are individually allowed to have more face time and thus become more developed (Sheska, Lt. Ross, Hughes, Hawkeye); manga/Brotherhood at around the Briggs arc starts throwing characters at the story and muddles the core cast of characters we're supposed to be invested in
>Mustang is arguably elevated from important side character to secondary protagonist

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The new generation of reddit immigrants think they have to be contrarian about everything to fit in. Brotherhood is objectively better at just about everything.

>original anime fanfic-tier isekai ending was better than what Arakawa wrote and intended

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Brotherhood has cooler visuals and sound design but that's as far as I'll go. It lacks so much emotional depth compared to the original and it veers off into a basic shonen series. I believe that in nearly every other aspect, the original is better.

The people who think '03 is better than brotherhood are the same ones who make capeshit threads unironically.


Brotherhood as abysmal pacing for the first 10 episodes (because it was made under the assumption that people watching it have already watched the original or read the manga) but the rest is amazing

I think you've got it backwards. Brotherhood seems to be more capeshit alley.

>n-no u
Solid take, brainlet.

'03 had good pacing and better art, it was the superior show.

The ending is better, but that’s it. It sorely lacks the same charm of original series. Compare the Tucker scene from brotherhood and the 2003 version, and it’s unbelievably obvious how much better the 2003 version is.

I watched Brotherhood in 2009 being a fan of the manga. Rushed pacing and mediocre animation isn't good you fucking losers. Watch more anime. I dropped it when Envy's "true form" was shot green bad CGI. If you accept that after seeing what it looks like in the manga you have no standards.

Brotherhood is better but fuck do I miss hearing Melissa when I started an episode

So basically asoiaf

You are understating just how much it matters that 2003’s beginning was better than Brotherhood’s. The beginning is easily the best part of the overall story, and Brotherhood was nowhere near as good as 2003 in the parts that they shared.

the man is a complete faggot
Brotherhood is 300x better than that fanfic nazis anime ending

>Watch more anime.
>t. just hit the 50 series watched mark on his MAL profile

And much better in the parts they didn't. If anyone wants the story they should read the manga. It's the only manga I'd buy but the company completely fucked up the original releases. They just started rereleasing them with full proper translations though, and the new ones look worth collecting.

Bones using intentionally bad CGI to make Envy look otherworldly and inhuman was kino, fuck off


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Is this supposed to be some sort of college movie about a frat house set in Westeros?

>uses MAL

even worse desu

And it's still less than 2000

>he actually has a MAL profile
Wow, what happened to this site?


I'm not from/tv/ I just came here for the GoT outrage but ended up finding bad taste instead.

>not voting your anime at the same site you vote your movies
>not even turning your movie rating website into a weeaboo site by suggesting them more and more anime and OVAs to get added

That's 8ch

>literal reddit tourist
You realize this surprises no one, right?

I don't use Reddit but if that's what you wanna believe. Enjoy bad fiction. At least with FMA Brotherhood you didn't waste 8 years.

You really don't understand Yea Forums at all, do you?