

Attached: 3535393-batwoman3.jpg (1214x933, 1.32M)

Other urls found in this thread:


that will show 'em

ugly tattooed skank

Another woke capeshit series

i happens all the time in comics, somebody changes something, everybody is angry but buys the comic the same (or more)

>All the seething incels

What is wrong with having a Batwoman? Batman is still a thing they're not replacing or removing him

Looks like shit like the rest of DC’s tv shows.

Honestly I think they just make miscasts and pick bad scripts on purpose so they can deflect legitimate criticism.

>I'm not gonna let a man take credit for a women's work
>steals batman's outfit and gadgets
>that suit is literal perfection
>not till it fits a woman

Even normies in the comments are cringing.

yet fags on Yea Forums will still watch it

Fuck off fatso. When they killed Stark and shilled Bendis’ negress, I dropped the title. When they niggered Jean Grey, I didn’t preorder the Hickman X-Books. When Tom King made Batman a cutter, I dropped the book. If you piss off people, they stop buying. If they care enough, they can just pirate your shitty funnybooks. Meanwhile, when Morrison came and announced a purely cosmic Green Lantern book, I preordered that thing the moment I was able to.

>The CW
why do you watch these shows user


>strong independent woman
>bumbling black man comedy relief
Why do they always do this?

That part was just on another level.

Comic Batwoman is actually a fun character and Ruby Rose wasn't the worst casting for the role but god damn CW and their entire writing department.

This could've been good.

lol if the whole world is mostly incel you're FUCKED (figuratively)

I have a deep suspicion that the reason you all love this forced meme and find it so cutting is that have not ever actually had sex.
I've had sex. It doesn't suddenly change your views on anything, except maybe whether or not the person you just fucked is worth being around anymore.

Have you seen the shitshow that is Supergirl? They literally took a character known for her confidence and sass, and turned her into a mousy feminist with a chip on her shoulder. Every storyline is a hamfisted political propaganda fest.
So what do you think they'll do with Batwoman?

ha all them incels are mad

She looks like one of those discord trannies.

Damn youtube trolls are at it again!

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>Here's you're batwoman bro

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>What is wrong with having a Batwoman?
Lack of ratings? Wasting money when this shitshow ends after 3 episodes?

Someone get this hothead out

Its honestly sad that the russian trolls and incels are at it again cant you fuckers piss off already?

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Of course, its just like how only virgins call other people virgins.

>anything getting canceled at CW due to ratings

This will be better to follow than GoT. I hope its super popular just to see you shits lose your mind about it every week

who the fuck cares?

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Is there any girl on girl in it? Might be worth the watch if so.

I was open-minded to the show until I saw that bit. Plus the self-congratulatory tone.


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>everybody is angry but buys the comic the same (or more)
Why have comic sales steadily been plummeting for over a decade then?

Digital comics and scans. Everybody just pirates now like everything else.

You are not the audience.

I've had sex and share views that probably more align with incel than anything else
I like the forced meme because I find the idea of it humourous, both the saying itself and the concept of someone saying it non-ironically

So everybody doesn't buy the comic then?

The channel doesn't get by on a broad-base. It basically maxes out the 15-25 year old girl demo, and nothing else.

Is this gonna be ghostbusters all over again?

And it seems neither are you.
It's easy asking for things to be made for you, but when the time comes you have to put your money where your mouth is.

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Lets give women sloppy seconds on a idea/franchise thats been done to death and call it empowerment.

The comics don't have an audience anymore.
And 10-25 year old guys have always been the audience of comics. They aren't writing these things 'for the audience', they're literally trying to propagandize feminism to the least likely group of people to accept it--teenage boys. Only 8% of grownup men are feminists.

meh, you sure bought the judge death copy knows as dark nights metal
go suck a dick, faggot

Honestly, a lot of what the people here scream 'incel' at, is just men talking about women the same way feminists constantly talk about men, hyperanalzing their behavior and drawing conclusions based on their observations.

>Why have comic sales steadily been plummeting for over a decade then?
because internet, to be real
the golden age of comics was in the 40s

I mean, it's just lame and lazy. What actually bothers me about it though is that I have no doubts about female talent and ability. I'm a massive fan of many women artists.

Which is what's so insufferable and insulting about neoliberal corporate woke progressivism... it makes all these inflammatory, divisive statements about women outcompeting men while only remaking male creations, while ignoring all the actually awesome and original work that women make, which doesn't need to be presented in a competitive way. You don't need to convince me that there are brilliant female artists.

>female super hero
>actress is sticc
Every time.

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We're going to do live action Adventures of James Gordon, Robin and friends; Batwomen but never Batman.


Suits me. More money in my pocket.
Fuck off King. I bought Azzarello’s EdgeMan instead.

Stay assmad, Yea Forumsmblr, American comics are fucking dead and communism will NEVER work.

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>You don't need to convince me that there are brilliant female artists.

I mean, that they keep trying to make that point is just so insultingly patronizing to women. It's like when a progressive takes a picture of a black person reading on the subway and shares it on social media.

>they both manage to come off as insufferable pricks
this has to be satire

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What the fuck else do you expect from a CW series?

Agreed, but unfortunately re hashing the same old shit sells more than original ideas nowadays


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Fuck off Yea Forumsmblr nobody buys your capeshit anymore, not even the SJW who saw fit to ruin it all actually buy the comics.

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There are many. The problem is, they all have such a massive chip on their shoulder that they refuse to get out of their own way.
Anne Rice doesn't write 'as a woman', she writes. That she's a woman colors her views, but it isn't something she feels a need to overcome, it isn't something that she needs to throw in people's faces. She just writers her stories.
Modern female artists have a hard time not making everything a polemic.

no one buys comics anymore, the industry is bombing

This. Why do they even bother. Fuck all the shit side characters, i just want a solo drama about batman himself, not the fucking extended bat family and all that shit. I don't fucking care about them

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>I need you to fix this cave.
>The cave is literal perfection.
>It will be, when it becomes a kitchen.

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This is not accurate

Wot if batman was a woman

Where do you people keep coming from? Do you just multiply?

How long is this shit going to go on for? I thought four years tops.

Fuck me they're still going. Still going with the women and minorities and gays are better than every single person on the planet thing.

have sex

The "Bat-Family" literally exists so tumblr landwhales and Yea Forums can draw and write a ton of cringey gay pandering shit

Dont want to watch trailer. Why's it disliked?

oh nononononooo

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Based varbie

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So is it canon that this is her internal monologe? That kind of shit just goes through her head constantly to the point where she has to stop and speak it out loud to give herself some rest?

Sounds pretty hellish desu.

It just genuinely looks awful, and the cherry is the whole "I'm a woman" thing.

I look it up on TV by the numbers. Average for the season is 0.28 in the 18-49 Demo. It averages less than 1m viewers.
In comparison, Series 3 (Tennant's second year and often considered a weak season) averaged just over 7m viewers.
So yeah, it's a flat-out lie.

Time to dialate

tell me a woman didn’t write this? Only a man could write fantasy wank about dykes like this

You bring the lube and I'll make you squeal like a goat at a mosque.

I mean is there a Batman in this CWuniverse or what? I actually don't like Kate in the comics and how she's super competent just because she was a muhrine

>I need to you to fix this suit.
>Okay. Until then, I need you to fix me a sandwich.

>xir does it for free

They mentioned in the crossover that he was missing and no one knew where.

user, men have pornhub-tier lesbian thoughts, nothing else.

not really.

>I hope its super popular
It's on the CW.

he exists in one of the earths, but then he disappears

did they mentioned russians already?

It reminds me of the shit that fat guy who draws himself as bear writes when he puts his lesbian fetish in his comics

You are overgeneralizing.

Don't you see how cringeworthy it is?

So do the feminists. But you cunts never complain about their hatemongering, overgeneralized 'theories'. Instead, you enshrine them in college courses.
Yet a man says the same things about women, and you lose your minds.

What is this and why boner

Alright. Thanks
Russian bots you mean.

>The American film industry generated $43.4 billion in revenue last year, increasing in each of the past five years at an annualized rate of just 2.2%
The evil pirates are stopping the growth

It is a YA writer who I'm 90% sure is actually a tranny.

25 year old females are called women.

Who is you? I'm not part of any group. The thing is that the current discourse in media is overtaken by loud incel feminists who will be cringed at by actual feminists. I don't agree with the dyke faction that hates on man and everyone but their perverted views. You can't win with retards who will always find a new thing to exclude others and put themselves on the top. This happens to almost everything. You think meat is murder? Sure be a vegetarian, what? No! That's not the right track, you have to be a vegan. What a vegan? No, us fruitarians are the kings and so on.
To cut a long topic short, don't take what's copy pasted here from dyke feminists or counter persons as the general opinion of either side.

Yeah, but the 10 year olds aren't, and if you say 'females' cunts like you throw a fit for using the proper term.
If you had a girlfriend, you wouldn't feel the need to white knight on the internet.


I don't, it's just funny to me when grown women are called girls.

This Batwoman show is anti-male feminist SJW garbage.

Gotham is a very diverse city. In just this group alone you see at least 4 Asians, 4 blacks, a couple of Hispanics. I only see like 2-3 whites.

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not today they're not

Sorry, bro, but I'm believing my own lying eyes over you.
You guys always do this when called out. You demand we ignore all the actual evidence of what feminists are like and instead believe in some mythical 'silent majority'. But I've taken the classes. I've read the articles. If you 'hidden' feminists need to start having a genuine presence if you want me to believe you're real.

it's trash, they made penguin a homo

They really hammer in that she's a woman and lesbian. Just waiting for them to hammer in that she's jewish too. They're making the classic and stupid mistake of defining a character by WHAT they are and not WHO they are.

What a great soundtrack tho.

>the current discourse in media is overtaken by loud incel feminists who will be cringed at by actual feminists
How did you even manage to write such a stupid sentence? "Actual feminists" are the ones in academia, politics, institutions like NOW, running the domestic violence shelters, etc., and they're the ones pouring this "cringe" into the mouths of the media, not the other way around.

>It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me

I'm just tired of all this.

He or she knows this. She's just offended that we've noticed.
Their problem is that they took some intro to college course 10 years ago and believed the propaganda without paying attention to the kinds of things actual feminists say and do. They expect us to ignore all the 'mansplaining' bullshit, all the 'manspreading' bullshit, and somehow focus only on the 'women are people too' talking point. Meanwhil,e the 'actual' feminists rant about toxic masculinity and scream 'Yes All Men!', write articles about how it's okay to hate men in the NYT and produce Twilight Zone episodes about how all men are monstrous demon-people.

>getting mad at the demographics of a fictional city that is supposed to be new york anyway which is mutt central

Nobody wants to see sjw dykes

The ones who pour the cringe into everything are the ones who did in fact not study gender or anything related. The cringe factories are purely done by newspapers and alike to virtue signal and generate clickbaity articles. I wouldn't even put these retards in the same bin like actual feminists who actually fight for equality or something. It's same as some fat retard says he is military when he played call of duty and suddenly knows everything about weapons.
I don't agree with the discourse that media is spinning in the anglo-sphere. Especially when it should be about overcoming forced gender stereotypes but all you hear is problem of women and so on.

You've already made up your mind. I'm not going to convince anyone here. Read the material you like, and call out hate mongering on each side. That's at least what I do. I don't necessarily agree with feminism and their issues nowadays.

Youtube will remove the dislikes and bad comments anyway. They always do.

If you don't agree with the establishment you're a troll and your opinion is removed.

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>like 2-3 whites.
I hope those are criminals... it would be problematic if not.

You are quite deep in a hate mongering rabbit hole. Ironically the same as hardcore femnazis are.
Did you pick that all up from /pol/ and demagogues on youtube?

who asked for this hahahaha

It's useful because I couldn't tell it otherwise.

maybe feminists need to start calling out these supposed "radical" feminists that keep supposedly spewing things wrong that feminists supposedly dont beleive. Yet anytime some feminist spews male hate and anti something views oh no no that was the radical ones we dont support that. CALL THEM THE FUCK OUT OR STOP PRETENDING!

Yeah, I would love to, but I don't have the prerequisite of being attractive physically.

>It's that dyke from John Wick 2

Fuck, she's even worse when she talks.

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what are they calling her?
Bryce Wayne?

anyways, as far as i recall, she was always "Batgirl", and is Bat's sidekick

why is batdyke wearing lipstick?

I'm definitely with you here. That's what pisses me off too.
Here is also one which blew my girlfriend's mind (she's a feminist with academia background, not american dyke studies), if the current discourse is to eliminate the gender binaries, why do you talk in terms like toxic masculinity. Derogatory terms like that shouldn't be used in my opinion when talking about gender and so on.

You have no argument. You know you have no argument. Feminism isn't obscure. You guys publish stuff in ever major paper. You push your gender studies bullshit throughout the media. Those people did study this in college--these days, you can't get a degree in anything without taking diversity courses. And you obviously do that to ideologically gatekeep degrees.
Stop pretending we don't all see what you're doing.

It's pandering, it's not meant to have quality, it's just a shameless cash grab for the current political climate.

very woah, much yikes

no she wasn't, you fucking retard. batwoman and batgirl are two different characters

You don't want the gender roles eliminated, that's full retard. You want them further defined and fleshed out.

>trailer for a show called Batwoman
>Batwoman doesn't turn up until 2 minutes into the 3 minute trailer
>shitty pop song
>trailer shows the entirety of the first episode negating the need to watch it at all
What a shitshow of a trailer

Typical feminist. Get's called out and starts slinging insults without anything to back it up.
Did the NYT not publish several 'hating men is cool!' op-eds in the last two years? Did the feminist writers of the Twilight Zone reboot not write an episode where every man in a small town starts beating on women for no reason and then title it 'Not All Men'? Is 'Toxic Masculinity' not a mainstream feminist theory? is 'mansplaining' not a common slur among feminists? Are Sister Shakes and Amanda Marcotte right-wing plants? Are they not the most popular feminist writers in America?
Nobody on YouTube made any of you do that. That's all your doing. Where are all of these non-feminazis you keep speaking of as if they're a majority, but can't seem to point out?

no, they're called females

They pretend to call them out only when someone like me brings them up. But in their presence, or with no prompting, are always silent.

Name ONE TIME YouTube Dislikes had any kind of effect on a show

This serie is already dead but it doesn't know

you should ask if i fucking care.

i really dont

media who calls themselves feminists after having a ptsd from a man whistling on the street =/= academia feminists

I don't know how it's in America, I don't study there. Did you have to take courses?

You need my big, fat BWC in your cunt to calm the fuck down and get the feminism out your system, i tell you what.


>The ones who pour the cringe into everything are the ones who did in fact not study gender or anything related.
Yes it is you fucking moron. The only way you arrive at something like e.g. equality of the sexes after studying gender is by giving up on facts and just rejecting reality in favour of pure power politics, which is exactly how feminists behave.
"Actual feminists" are the people pushing Warren Farrel out of all feminist organizations because he said maybe try to help the men too in abusive relationships. "Actual feminists" are the ones harassing and threatening people like Erin Pizzey into fleeing their home country because in running her domestic violence shelters she noticed that domestic violence is usually reciprocal and the women are as bad as the men. "Actual feminists" are the ones trying their best to destroy Christina Hoff Sommers' career because she looks up the stats they put in SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS (not media articles) and find the sources to be invalid or outright made up. All and much more done long before any of the "loud incel feminists who will be cringed at" existed.

Can literally write pages upon pages of evil, evil shit that feminists do in, again, ACADEMIA, POLITICS, MAJOR INSTITUTIONS, and every other organization that feeds INTO the media rather than the other way around, and have been doing so for much longer than I've been alive, but like you write in your profoundly unself-aware projection:
>>You've already made up your mind. I'm not going to convince [(you])

'There are many feminisms' -- a common refrain in gender studies.
You really, really love the 'no true scotsman' fallacy, don't you?

the cw is a tv channel with demographic of 14-25 girls. what the fuck did you expect, you dumbfucks?


I mean, every person who calls himself a republican owns a gun and has a past in slavery don't they?

Forget it. That one is so brainwashed, they're exactly like the christians who claim that any other christian who does something bad isn't a 'real' christian.
They pretend to be intellectual, but don't even realize that this is a very common accountability dodge/fallacy.

Who in their right mind is expecting people to tune in for washed up porn actresses in serious roles?

Not even a child would write something this cringe.

A lot of them do. Most of the major ones do. And you won't last long in the Republican party if you're not pro-2nd ammendment. You'll never get elected to anything.
And slavery was abolished 150 years ago. Stop pretending to be retarded.

The comics has been discontinued last year

You watch your mouth when talking to a comic pro, kid!
If i see any of that Trump shit i might turn you into a quadriplegic!

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>Now I understand why she was mute in John Wick 2.


I don't think that gender studies are purely about equating gender in positions in power, but on a social level to eliminate gender stereotypes. Weakest like, boys have to be tough, don't cry and so on.
I'm not on par with your discourse there. So I can't comment on what certain lunatics do in the name of.

>while ignoring all the actually awesome and original work that women make, which doesn't need to be presented in a competitive way
Now this is solid bait

>tranny hooker
>used her trans status to become a comic writer
>15 minutes came up
>back to being a tranny hooker

Some of the ultra woke Marvel comics are selling like 4 thousand copies each. That's not even enough to keep the lights on at Marvel and it's bringing down comic stores too.

Strong black men are stereotypes he has to be dorky.

Like how in the 90s all Black cartoon characters had to skateboard despite almost none of them doing it irl.

Alright. Lets make Wonder Man and see what the response is. We both know how that shit will go down.

At least the Supergirl actress is a cutie, who the fuck will watch Batgirl tv show starring this

>The way the Aussie accent comes out in the cave


Some of them are getting cancelled before #1 even leaves the printing press.

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She didn't do porn sadly

10 years ago this would have been just a joke.

well no, even the low ratings and loss of millions wont show em

>Batman: tell me, do you bleed?
>Batwoman: once a month

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Hon hon hon
Better watch porn than this shit

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Right? Like the feminazis act like they aren't just as immature and get triggered over dumb shit in the media just as much as the incel faggots. You're all faggots. Kill yourselves everyone please.

this. go outside; jesus christ.

Too bad a literal, self professed communist was somehow brought to write a GI JOE comic.
He even openly said his goal was to include as much as diversity as he could, including but not limited to, morbidly obese Samoan womenas part of the force, Snake eyes getting his privileges checked and getting told that he is culturally appropriating Asian culture because he does Karate. When the fans told him to chill the fuck out and control himself, he, of course, doubled down.
What really did him in was a 9/11 tweet that pissed people off so hard they boycotted both that comic and the toys into irrelevancy, until hasbro stepped in and demanded his gay lover at IDW kick him out.

>What really did him in was a 9/11 tweet

Yeah you're going to have to find that shit for the thread now.

>goes into a guys office she has no legal ownership of
>proceeds to break into a section of said office she has no rights to be in
>bullies/strongarms guy into fixing items she doesnt own
>steals said items and claims as her own
>supposedly a version of bat that goes around breaking into offices and stealing things all willy nilly
>also has a anti male way of talking
>hurr perfection is female
>durrr steal batmans legacy but how dare they think he stopped crime

this shit show one of many reasons why more and more men are slowly starting to ignore females and their complaints and whine

Walking lesbian cliché. Jesus...

I love it when woke businesses burn their own products to the ground then scream about how capitalism doesn't work.

Looks crap but am I missing something. Batman has gone missing and yet Gotham is still there. Where are the League of Shadows? They should destroy that filthy city with fire.

Why is the CW 10 years behind everyone else? It's like UPN but your mom watches it.

Somehow worse than the joke Batgirl show from the BatB finale youtu.be/OOwsb6wBRqs?t=125

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except nobody buys it. they always fail miserably

I lost it when "I'm a Woman..." started playing. How more obvious can you state that it's just political propaganda disguised as entertainment?

>brought in to make a comic for hot blooded Americans and patriots
>alienate said hot blooded patriots
It all works out in the end.
What i forgot was that despite getting "fired" his gay lover ceo of IDW forced his secretary to ghost write for him under the threat of getting fired, despite his termination explicitly stating that he will never be brought back and everything he worked on gets nuked.

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Why not just make Batman Beyond tv show?

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so weird, in the crossover event last year her character was way different

Because we'd have to deal with SPERM-OVERRIDING FLU SHOTS all over again

How do these people honestly get jobs? Is it just nepotism, like Kennedy hiring all those women for Star Wars?

Oops, be careful. Don't call them out for their use of toxic masculinity or they'll tell you that you don't know what it means. It's their current favorite motte and bailey.

where did all the budget went?

That show was kino.

Jesus friggin' Christ, I can't escape you tranny incels even in the bathroom stall.
That being said, the Batwoman trailer was so pissening, even I won't defend it.

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Jews and shills like to use this insult because it would cut them to their very core and they think everyone has the same insecurities that they do.

>tfw even sex has been ruined

It's just not worth the effort, you know?

Easy predictable trash for a audience of brainlets.
Standard CW, looks like utter trash.
Watched the entire trailer to give it a chance, still looks like trash.

Trannies are the most insufferably toxic group of people you will ever have the displeasure of meeting. What is the end goal here? why does such an extreme minority, who has contributed nothing outside of being outraged, have so much pull?

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CW was never this bad in terms of WOKEness until Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and Riverdale came along. Supergirl was the WORST offender by far, and yet the Batwoman trailer alone has already dethroned that show. Imagine what could happen in one full season.

What a cringefest. Why do we keep getting this shite. Who actually watches it. If i met somebody that did in person I'd publically shame them

Fence shitters like yourself will never amount to anything.

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Your problem is confusing trannies with hyper sexualized youths.
For a thought experiment imagine all the trannies are.
A) Underage
B) Predators
C) Mentally Ill
Suddenly everything will make sense.

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It was written by a bulldyke Nuyorican "latinx" YA author. Marvel intentionally searched her out and hired her immediately to write their bulldyke Latina character. This is how they operate now.

Wonder Woman Earth One. It's an alternate universe story where Steve Trevor is black and WW's society worships a benevolent master/slave culture. The joke should be obvious.


>Long dark hair
>Has a cat
Absolutely fucking perfect. I want to be her cute little kitty and stress relief toy.
Fuck this in real life meme where every woman I meet is a 2ft tall womanlet with blonde hair and no motivation.

I have an idea lads. Check this out. How about... a Batman!!!!!

From personal experience these people are on the verge of such mental decay that even the littlest of mishaps will resort to uncontrollable aggression, I wish I was kidding but they always seem to be one step away from killing someone over something minuscule.

Even if they are a minority I’ve seen some camera footage of a tranny going into a 7/11 with a fucking axe in Australia and just started attacking people for no reason. Google it, you’ll probably find it.

I bought these harcover Lucifer comics last week since I had been waiting for a while for a proper release, most of the main characters are women, the difference being the story is actually good and the female characters don't spend the whole comic waving their vaginas around to get free sympathy and/or merit. The comic industry is dying because of politicized stories, but new editions of good comics keep it alive.

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>So everybody doesn't buy the comic then?
One person buys a digital release, then shares it.

Complaining that sjws caused the printed comic book industry to tank displays a severe lack of awareness about the industry and its collapse that began in the 1990s.

What a gross bitch.

Its quite tiring hearing how all masculinity is toxic and then for them to then say that you heard them wrong when confronted.

More like Dykewoman

>the holy menstruation
We're reaching levels of cringe that shouldn't be possible


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After reading the youtube comments I changed my tune. The trailer is bad, but being a butt blasted adult man crying over some shitty girl power CW show is taking it to a whole other level of pathetic.

Why the dislikes? It's a classic DC thing.

I want her to piss in my mouth.

buff girls intimidate betas and landwhales

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Just to give a counter point while I do agree with your statement I think there are two kinds.
Growing up there was a "Drag Queen" in our street who would dress up in womens clothes big hair big makeup and do shows at pubs sing songs tell jokes ect ect, everyone honestly loved the guy he was a "bachelor" as my family put it and would sit out in the sun with the dads of the street drinking berry cider arguing about football and then talking with the women about the new hairdressers 3 minutes later, top fucking bloke and classy lady.
This new wave of shitters is the problem getting caught up on what they think the deserve rather than what the can make of themself.
We are all chimps man I just wish people knew it, Jamie get the clip.
>I wish you had just meme posted me instead of giving me an actual answer

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The reason that the graph uses the season averages is to mask the fact that the 13th doctor had a huge early season spike due to the hype around having a female doctor and then once that wore off, it rapidly dropped down to Capaldi levels again.
What's more, 13 lost half her initial audience by the time the end of the season had rolled around; there has never been a drop off that bad for a Doctor who season ever, even Capaldi and McCoy held onto their audiences better.

hollow muscles don't intimidate anyone

It's not like me to act like a waifu fag but.
MMMMM that's that good JoJo stuff.

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I know, right? Kate was a solid character who usually dealt with all the supernatural bullshit happening in Gotham. The only part of her characterization carrying over to this show is the fact that she's a gay former member of the military. And all the man-hating bullshit that's been added to the mix is fucking garbage.

Supergirl's personality has kinda moved around over time. "Confidence and sass" is more of a Power Girl thing.

Yeah I guess, they’re are the ones who go through with the transition by a psychiatrist to cosmetically exchange the body to fit the illness in order to alleviate the suicide rate and stress, depression etc. And the ones who just dress in woman’s cloths. Though I can’t say I’ve experienced something like you have, must be a rarity.

What the fuck is the issue. This trailer looks fine, the choreography looks fine, and the premise is interesting. You fuckers just hate it because she's a women.
Yeah she says a few feminist quips, but it's clearly just her confident personality, and not some anti-men propoganda. You people get more offended than the SJW you claim to be hate for their victim complexs.

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Oh yeah that chopping of the bits is way too fucked for me, but yeah in the UK Drag Queens in pubs was kinda normal? we had a big one called Lilly Savage aka Paul O'Grady and a whole bunch of gay dudes copied him and hey it worked good for them, If all trannies no matter how "passing" or modified let themself be men sometimes I think we would all be having a better time.
>Not that anyone asked but hey.

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I can see that because most drag queens are performers; they are in it for the fun of the show and for entertainment for certain people. Trans women aren't putting on a show. I honestly don’t see the appeal and makes them so entertaining for people, thought to back up you’re point in drag being different there’s is actually a divide in the LGBT community because of these people, they are even banned sometimes in pride parades because real trannys feel offended. It’s kinda funny lol.

Patrician taste

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Isn't Batwoman a separate character from Batman?

cucked and bluepilled

>"I need you to fix Wonder Woman's suit"
>"The suit is literal perfection"
>"It will be...when it fits a man"

You're acting stupid. She wants to don the suit and have all the achivements/feats that she does go under her name, not Batmans.
She's saying that she doesn't want to give batman credit for what she's about to do. She's clearly an arrogant person, but it has nothing to with feminist or some anitmale conapiracy like you seem to think. You're so quick to play the victim when you don't even understand what the character is saying

>ugly old butch dyke
>motivation is "i'm a woman respect me reeeeee"
>has quirky pet black dude
>steals all batman's shit and says "can't let a man take credit for a woman's work"
>plot is "men are useless we need a woman to take charge"
There's no way this isn't a parody. Fucking insane.

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looks like Toronto XD
only make it 4 East Asians, 4 South Asians, and a couple of Blacks

>They are banned
Huh, that makes me sad actually the guys guys in drag are a uhh fine bridge? if you get me.
My dad was the most homophobic guy ever and I cant count the number of times he said "Except James" (Who was the drag queen, he would even reffer to him as "Jamie" on accident) or "Don't end up like James" he would give the guy shit for his "friends" and how gay they were all while ignoring how gay the actual dude was cause he was "one of the boys" it was contradictory it was judgemental it was sometimes snide but even as I kid I knew that if someone talked shit about James it wasn't ok cause he must be cool if my dad he thinks he is cool.
I don't know if I expressed myself properly but the point I am trying to make is I wish they would toughen up take it on the chin and earn their place, it seems easier that chopping your shit off...but I guess you agree with me, glad I could it out though.
Good talk fag

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Why do I have a weakness for short haired dykes she's so hot.

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Get it out*
>Fails to get it out
HAH! that's funny.

> She wants to don the suit and have all the achivements/feats that she does go under her name, not Batmans.

Then why doesn't she build her own suit instead of appropriating something.

>You're acting stupid.
240k+ dislikes don't lie.
It looks like shit, the acting is shit, the set designs looks shit.

This is as stupid as protesting changing humans to huwomans. If the character even looked like a female in the first place it wouldn't matter since the suit would show womanly features by default. She should redesign the suit entirely then and stop taking credit for the work of men

>Then why doesn't she build her own suit instead of appropriating something.
She's not good enough. She clearly has the fighting experience, but she doesn't have the gear or knowledge to make her own gadgets/gear. We see her in the beginning of the trailer fighting without anything on. She's just being opportunistic, when she stumbles upon Batman's gear. It's akin to Arthur drawing excalibur/caliburn from the stone, he didn't make it but he made it his own.
>240k+ dislikes don't lie.
Mostly because people are obsessed woth the "feminist" quotes. People like to see politics in everything these days

What’s your discord, senpai?

Disgusting. I hope Youtube makes some adjustment to stop the misogynistic dislikes. A trailer like this should have the dislike button remove and only the like one avalaible.

SOMEONE NOTICE MY FUCKING MULTI DIGITS, fuck happened to this place.

The sad thing about this is that it takes horrendous writing around gender politics for half of you people to even notice that CW shows are dreck.

If you took these lines out, the show would be no better. It'd still be horrendously shot (a Batman show with flat lighting, barely any shadow), terribly characterised, and edited so that the action scenes are cut to shreds.

Arthur didn't break into someone's place to steal their stuff.
Just because some lady throws a sword at you doesn't make you a king.

>She's just being opportunistic
That's how hero's should be? selfish and opportunistic?
jesus christ what a trainwreck this will be.

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>hur it's your fault
How is it my fault Gotham was fucking horrible exactly?

oh no no no how will they ever recover. that will surely show those evil corporations
Yea Forums wins again based

wtf did I just watched

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>People like to see politics in everything these days
I'm sure it was not the trailer intention.

absolutely disgusting

That looks fucking shit.
Supergirl is my absolute limit for liberal propaganda, Batma'am is too much for me.

The are no multiple digits, no doubles, or triples or anything. The digits got up to 3.6, and only 3.6. You didn't see trips, because they are not there.

>Batman is still a thing
Not really, the stupid fucking bat embargo means we can't have nice things.
If they got some relative unknown, created an origin miniseries like daredevil for Batman and then segued that into their movie universe they'd be set.

Jesus that looks awful.

Pursuing women and getting some to sex me did make me a tad less women hating personally

Batwoman vs Supergirl
Dawn of Social Justice

It's not the fact that Batman is female it's about her being a massiv cunt in the name of "equality".
No one would complain if they would get the stronk woman right. There are multiple competent women as leader in Yea Forums and Yea Forums and no one complains because they are done right, not only does no one complain they mostly also have a massive fanbase which is for whatever weird reason male while being ignored by women because these type of characters don't throw a tantrum about being female with shitty stronk woman one liners.
Muh feminism my ass.

Saw this in the comments lol'd

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Get the fuck off this board right now you filthy fucking normie piece of shit.

why are SJWs so bad at writing?

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Wew they really nailed it didn't they?

I'm starting to believe that the retards on here aren't being ironic anymore.

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Never said it's your fault that these shows are bad, but good that you're open about your insecurities regardless.

Not to go all /pol/ here but it's simple.

Feminism is just replacing "patriarchy" with "matriarchy" i.e. rule by white liberal women. They think of blacks as their pets to be used (as a living dildo or as a source of entertainment). I'd argue that these women have less care for blacks than the most racist of plantation owners, at least he has a vision and purpose for their use.

A black man to a liberal white woman is the same as a little frou-frou dog they carry in their purse. If they die one at a time or in droves, they don't care....Unless society (i.e. TV and media) tells them they should.

Even then, it's just for appearances.

>she will never be your gf
Kill me now!

SJW shit is on the way out desu.

Excalibur was always intended for Arthur and was sent back to the Lady after his departure
This dyke just outright stole Batman's shit

Digits are arbitrary.
If we would use a different base than 10 then other numbers would be digits. Primes for example are always primes regardless of the base they're written in.
Check my prime.

How did legends go woke? I'm not totally caught up on the current season but feel free to spoil if necessary. If it's because the captainfu is a girl, she's also a bi slut, which is fantastic. If it's because clone lady is running the time office, she still answers to a white guy boss. The white men are portrayed as still being competent (maybe except for rory but he's comedic relief).

Roid shoulders. She should be ashamed. She's built like Carrot Top.

I'd throttle him to the brink of death, over the course of days. I hate these self-important, entitled faggots.

>that red lipstick

Comic companies are genuinely far left propaganda factories, they hire these people specifically and protect them most of the time

most girls think Ruby Rose is hot but we hate the Superchick because she's beautiful.

there already is 'wonder man'. we call him superman, you dope.

They changed how the metric were calculated during the latest series

IIRC, they only used overnights, then adjusted, now they include iPlayer numbers.


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Is this real? WTF?
Manga owning this shit..

>Youtube will remove the dislikes and bad comments anyway. They always do.
So...all of them?

It's called progress, sweaty.
Either get on or get left behind!

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Thank you brother, thank you.
I am the digits.

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Is he actually homo? It's been a while and I thought he was just having conflicting and weird feelings because he thought Ed was the only one who cared about him? That ends up not even happening anyways. He was a great character not the best Penguin. Not sure if I would have put him in the top hat and monocle at the end. He can rock the suits with the flaps but not those.

>This sword is perfection
>It will be when a woman can hold it

>"The suit is literal perfection."
>"It will be... when it fits a woman."

>"They think I'm Batman. I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work."

>The hero we need... is her(e)

Fucking christ, what the hell did they expect...

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>you're a female bruce wayne
>i'm a female ME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Why is DC so fucking bad?
>Who do we got? Batman. No we did that. Uh, the Joker. No, that's Batman. Uhh, Superman. No, we already have Super Girl.
>Uhh....Bat Woman!

Post face

The biggest transgression (keyword: trans) is them saying Batman has abandoned Gotham.

Because the agenda comes before everything else.


It's comic companies desperately trying to grow their viewership. So they seek out and hire people with large online followings. Anyone that could be seen as bringing in new readers. This happens a lot and like G I JOE the book rarely lasts that long or draws any attention that isn't this sucks and you're some kind of bigot for saying it sucks.

that was because they knew their target audience was the one pissed off about it. Batwoman's target audience aren't the one's disliking the trailer. It's people who weren't gonna watch it anyway.

>People like to see politics in everything these days
Seems like the opposite to me.

people keep saying this and it keeps getting worse

Did she hit the wall already ?

I was gonna watch Batwoman. I liked the character in the comics, and it wouldve been cool to see FemQuestion. Also wouldve been cool to have an actual 'stronk womynn' type character that wasnt cancered up by the current feminist bullshit
But here we are, and theres my dislike

>It's people who weren't gonna watch it anyway.
I'm not saying you're wrong I just don't understand how that makes any sense.

>it wouldve been cool to see FemQuestion

That's what I didn't like about Batwoman comics.

i saw your reddit word

>Marvel: Whoa, we got Spider-man back! Turn him into Iron Man right away!

>Could've made it into a proper thing

It's so tiresome. I don't even feel anger anymore, just complete apathy.

Lmao, it's that dyke that got ragdolled in John Wick 2. Even ignoring all this "it was her turn! We wuz batman" gay propaganda, how can anyone take her seriously as a badass after that asswhooping? A whole movie of buildup and John Wick throttles her with his superior weight and man-strength, then stabs her with her own knife in less than 15 seconds. WEW


DC is just a bunch of lawyers selling old IP

where tf do these bitches get steroids from? the deep web?

>Virgins this mad

>self-important, entitled faggots
You repeated yourself. Faggots are the most narcissistic mother fuckers you will ever encounter.

Come at me bro

>It's never about Bruce Wayne
>It's about the mask, about what I do

>I'm a woman
>Hey, did you look at me, yes I'm a woman. Also this other girl she's my girlfriend and she's a woman too. You heard right. Lesbians, but not the hot kind, we just sit and talk about how bad men are all day
>I put on batman's suit and they think I'm batman how dare they
>Everything's perfect now cause I'm a woman
>Did I tell you I'm a woman

This. What's sad is that I actually fucking love Kate Kane in the comics but she looks like shit here. Kate is a lipstick lesbian who's also not a condescending, arrogant bitch and also has a bit of a sense of a humor as well. Fuck this shit.

steroids arent illegal retard

>here's you are batwoman bro

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>"Quick Gordon, light the Virtue Signal!"

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>tv series

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>How did legends go woke?
They got woke in season 2. I dropped it at the halfway point but even then it was unbearable

>Einstein wasn't a genius it was his wife all along. He just took all the credit
>Slavery episode. Nigger on the team gets cocky thinking he can infiltrate a cocktail party at a plantation and gets caught. He learns slavery was bad. Wow who could have guessed?
>the white guys on the team feel the need to constantly apologize
>girl power signalling at every opportunity

She looks like a goddamn bobble-head in the suit. She's a stick.

Some absolute gold in the comments

>Batwoman: “what’s the difference between you and me?!”


>-I need you to fix this cave.
>-The cave is literal perfection.
>-It will be, when it becomes a kitchen.