Which one was the better tragic hero death?
Which one was the better tragic hero death?
>my kang
>torch a city
Unironically Dannys. Boromir was literal who that tried to take a ring. Danny was the mother of dragons, breaker of chains and a righteous ruler with an tragic end. Boromir did factually nothing in a single movie while Danny was with us for 10 years
Daenerys' death was only tragic because we need more Mad Queen in our lives
boromir tried to take the ring, then redeems himself by sacrificing his life. dany burns kings landing to the ground then ..... decides she wants to "liberate" (kill) the rest of the world then dies
boromir was a misguided hero.
danerys was a crazed dictator.
>generic redemption arc about a small mistake vs the fall of a wise ruler
Why didn't Jon help his lover like Jamie did to destroy his whole character arc?
Have sex
Because as bad as Cersei was, Dani was worse
It showed Dany was the most realistic character
bend over
that doesnt make her a hero user
>subplot in a three-hour movie is better executed than the climax built up over 73 hours
samefagging doesnt make you right
>Lotrfags actually believe this
Danny had more character development than that pitiful cast combined
>Danny had more character development than that pitiful cast combined
You dont actually believe the dogshit you type out do you?