How does it feel knowing that The Walking Dead managed to maintain higher quality across 9 seasons than Game of Thrones...

How does it feel knowing that The Walking Dead managed to maintain higher quality across 9 seasons than Game of Thrones managed across 7 and a half?

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It didn't. Both shows suck.

Never thought that the last season of GoT would be worse than a season of TWD without Rick Grimes


It sucked from season 1


ftwd is better

>TWD even gave us a proper winter episode unlike the entire final season of Game of Thrones

can't make this shit up

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the moment they found Alexandria is when I dropped the show

Are you dumb? Anyone got the gif of Hershel firing his unlimited shotgun? Show sucked after Shane died.

Season 3 was the best season of either Walking Dead show. Then Gimple came in and fucked everything over to turn it into The Morgan Show.

This was unwatchable shit a few seasons ago, so I stopped. Now the cucks that continued insist it's good again, but I know they're just justifying it to themselves.

Nah. The show died in the first half of season 4

Season 9 was considerably better than season 7 and 8 and has the best cinematography since season 1. It still wasnt as good as seasons 1-6 though.

it's more consistent maybe. more consistently shit, but at least you knew what to expect.

This is the correct response. 9 put the show back on a better trajectory towards quality; however, it will take another season or two of equivalent and/or better quality to help make up for what 7 and 8 did to it. There are bright spots in those two seasons, but the filler / writing mess found across them really did a number on the series. Negan will hopefully be given more screen time and semblance of responsibility / semi-leadership to bring the group back to the way it should be.

It died with Shane.

It was better than season 6. Season 6 was full of all the cheap misdirection and cliffhangers.

fuck no.

Season 3 was the start of the decline, are you retard?

I wish they did a whole winter season, it was a good change of pace.

Oh it's the daddy from Shazam

TWD is just sort out in an out when it comes to quality. It can have a great season, then end terribly. It can have two terrible seasons and then a good one.

>Winter is coming!
>Oh no pipes are busted!
>Let's leave red brick buildings and head into another community, where people live in crude wooden huts and rusted trailers.
TWD is dumber than GoT. Way dumber.

>higher quality
Someone clearly didn't watch Season 7 or 8. Did we forget that they felt an entire episode focused on Tara was necessary?

thing is up to season 5 GoT was a different level to Walking dead. Then season 7&8 we're as bad as the worst of the walking dead

It's interesting how seasons 7 and 8 of TWD and GoT are quite terrible as a whole. Season 6 of GoT might even be of lower quality than season 6 of TWD.

still an improvement over the comics, in which the pikes had no fucking consequence to the communities.

on the show Hilltop has no one else willing to lead and the Kingdom died with Henry.

>still an improvement over the comics
>Negan arc end. Eugene organized bullet manufacture.
>in comic everyone actually properly armed and mask wearing freaks rightfully afraid of them. Good representation of civilization rebuilding.
>tv - everyone went full medieval.

>there will be a biigg change coming to the show
>its something weve never done, so exciting
>one episode of snow


>still an improvement over the tv show
>rick dies a few seasons ago

TWD was a hell of a mess for a while, the "all out war" between ricks group and the saviors was plain bad.
They clearly didn't have anyone on set to explain to them how weapons function and CGI somehow got considerably worse.

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Underrated post

I don't get it. I didn't think it was so bad. at least it had rick. I prefered it to the current stuff.