Filthy communist cunt

Filthy communist cunt

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Guy in another thread was saying she's inherently right-wing because she committed genocide, and it's automatically not leftist if you do a bad thing

Your opinion?

Absolutely retarded. There was nothing right wing about her.

But genocide is bad, that makes her right-wing because leftism is about educating people toward egalitarian worldviews, which is good

People are calling her both Hitler and a communist. I'm starting to think both sides are spouting bullshit

imagine believing this. So Stalin and Mao were right wing?

Sounds like communist talk to me...

Stalin was but what Mao did was acceptable because he was standing up to racism

she nazbol queen

>he was standing up to racism
Tell that to the Tibetians and Uyghurs. Imagine being such a dumb leftist cunt.

Ask yourself

"liberate people from tyrants (and merchants & traders aka capitalists)"

>is this rhetoric of someone right-wing

Constantly talk of reforming/reshaping society anew

>is this the rhetoric of someone right-wing

Communism > Capitalism

White male incels win again!

>Tibetians and Uyghurs
no such thing

B-but my generalised view of an ideal society is 100% correct and nothing bad could ever be associated with it, or result from it!

>two groups of religious reactionaries
How is liberating people from repressive dogma "racist"?

But she was literally Hitler

fuck off zhang


Fuck off back to you libtard shill

ever hear of the horshoe theory

Hitler did a lot of commie shit, the only right wing thing about him was cultural preservation

Death to all commies like her

>invading a nation to extract their resources and destroy local identify and culture
It's literal colonialism

>+1 社交分数,加油!

Imagine being so deeply brainwashed into political militancy that you have to try to label even shittily written characters in a fantasy show according to your manichaeistic worldview.

>my family deserves to rule the world

Either a white supremacist or a neocon.


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you are saying dangerous things, comrade

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Daily reminder that people who think like this are retards

And the privatization of national industries aka the exact opposite of communism.


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Imagine being retarded enough to actually believe this.

The breeze that must flow through your vacant mind...

Fidel Castro and Kim Il-Sung confirmed Nazis

>”But the War is not over, Comrades! We will not lay down our sickles until we have liberated all the people of the world! From Winterfell to Dorne. From Lannisport to Qarth. From the Summer Isles to the Jade Sea! Women, men and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel. Will you break the wheel with me?”

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we're so far from being completely shot out of the overton window, the left not only does not know its own history, or the history of it's ideas, its members flat out dont know what they stand for other than "whatever is opposite of the bad things TV tells me."

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Based dany killing white people with her hordes of brown invaders and trying to impose a totalitarian regime that she controls and censors at will like the based jews want. Based as fuck af fuck.

SEETHING weak degenerate faggot. Bran will be overthrown very fast, he is weak cripple. Dany would have ruled great with strong fist.

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Söy boys btfo!

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was thinking the exact same thing. it was very Animal Farm that speech

It's fucking dumb trying to pinpoint where mediocre fantasy characters in medieval world stand in the modern political spectrum, but I guess you are all so fucking retarded you bring me on your level:
>Brotherhood without Banners (Berric, Thorros)
>Freefolk (King-Beyond-the-Wall, elective "monarchy", way more progressive than following the westerossi line of succesion)
>Highsparrow (if you exclude the religious fanaticism that was just the means to achieving his goal, he succesfuly armed the opressed classes of westeros and gave place to revolutionary circumstances)

"The left not only does not know its own history"

Hey look, you're retarded as well!
Grow up and stop putting people into giant boxes you fucking brainwashed cunt.

Genocide is a leftwing pastime

>inherently right-wing because she committed genocide
please be bait

>fuck weak wh*te peepoo!!11!!
>we will make an ethnosate with religious fanatics and sterile cucks

>stop discussing things ever durrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr

>wants to start world war
>communists never started a world war
checkmate fascists

>stop putting people in boxes

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Communists killed more people than Hitler did.

Daily reminder that neocons are Trotskyists and 100% of their evil can therefore be blamed on the left-wing

Was that supposed to be ironic? Or just showing your lack of self awareness?


>discussing groups is bad because mine invariably sounds like shit
You're worthless

This user is correct.

Also denying Darwinian evolution and solid science. I mean you couldn't put 6 decades of republican 6-day creationists in one room and get this level of scientific denialism than the left has

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communist how? do we even know her social and economic policies outside of if you ask her for stuff you get it and slavery is bad?

>Hitler did a lot of commie shit
Like what?

Leftists are profoundly evil by definition, and evil right wingers are only ever the product of leftists getting out of hand, like an immune process going haywire.

An enlightened centrism is the only way. The answer is really a balance of hippie-ish and ancient/traditional notions, all and neither.

stalin was unironically
banned faggotry and burqas

i am sure you NEVER pointed out ANYONE'S race or class in any political issue EVER. No you're a strict individualist

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>muh minorities
>muh slaves
>muh liberation
Think it's pretty clear she is a commie even without her tax policy.

>because mine invariably sounds like shit

There's shit on both sides of the vague coin you fucking retard.
Like most actual real life individuals I have both left and right views on differing subjects. But reality just doesn't fit in with your shit slinging does it?

There is no stable or true leftism, it's constantly moving its goalposts by its definition.


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oh no the Nazi's were very Laissez Faire

>13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

>14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

>15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

You're stupid

Dany is not only a leftist, she's a contemporary verson... a post-Foucaultian, power-politics 'woke' leftist.

She's like the Twitter-Beyonce axis logic taken to its destructive conclusion, and unsurprisingly that crowd identifies with and supports her unreservedly.

She is a Neocon.

WELL I try NOT to. You should TRY the SAME.

More neoliberal progressive than hitler or stalin.

This has very little to do with communism. Unless your version of non-communism is to simply bow down to overlord jewish billionaire shekelers.

In practice the Nazis privatized stuff. The only things they nationalized was stolen Jewish properties.

Yeah, as I said here
But yeah neoliberal is also the word for it.

>believeing in left - right meme
everyone is fucking stupid

>Genocide is an extremist pastime
Fixed that for you.

What comes to your mind first when I say Jeff Bezos?

You don't think about his wealth or class at all no, or Amazon's tax accounting

I dunno man. The only thing I was thinking during her speech and Tyrion’s subsequent criticism was “D&D is really beating us over the head with anti-American imperialism”.

The way they were talking was literally screaming “I represent the Bush Administration saying they will greet us as liberators in the name of freedom” as they topple the “evil man” Saddam Hussein.

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>What comes to your mind first when I say Jeff Bezos?

Natural Monopoly. Nationalization.

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>16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

>17. We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in land.

>18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

"very little to do with communism"

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The first thing that comes to mind is “richest man in the world”. What the fuck are you thinking when you hear his name?

Which is a type of Trotskyist

Dick pics...

But sure, the guy's wealthy and in a position of power.

>7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood.

>9. All citizens must possess equal rights and duties

>10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically.

>11. All unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

>18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death, regardless of creed or race.

>25. The creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Why’d they put communists in camps too exactly?

>You should TRY the SAME.
Why? So we can come across as ignorant of a crucial dynamic in human interactions, too?

except that they nationalised the banks after competing private banks in the Weimar Republic

except that they nationalised workers unions (see German Labour Front) after the private unions and workers contracts in Weimar Germany Hitler deemed didn't go far enough in protecting workers' interests

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A final-stage communist society would have no social classes, no hierarchies, no private property and no state.

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Go ahead and explain that crucial dynamic in great detail for us.

In reality these "shekelers" helped keep Germany afloat after the great depression.

And how much of that was carried out when they gained power?

We did it reddit!!!

Most prominent Trotskyists were just Jewish politicians who turned right-wing and couldn't fit into the old club club since the Paleocons were anti-semitic.

That's what I mean though, I don't believe in left or right, but I recognize that many people out there do and act on it.

But I don't think they really even know what they believe, or that 'left' or 'right' even has any stable meaning. You really shouldn't even be worried about whether something conforms to one or the other when you're assessing things. I might agree with progressives or conservatives at any point, it has no meaning, and neither is taboo for me or has any authority or anything I feel faithful to.

because eliminating your competition isn't a thing that's ever existed, ever

But using your own logic

Why did they kill former generals of the Army in WW1 in the night of long knives who were conservative revolutionaries?

Why did Bruning's conservative government shoot at Hitler and the brown shirts and imprison him in the early 1920's?

>"liberate people from tyrants (and merchants & traders aka capitalists)"
sounds like the USA

This whole thread is just /pol/tards saying hitler wasn't a nationalist just because it said it in the name but he was a socialist because it even said it in the name, also soviet union is a dystopia because rich people/pseudo-intellectuals that merely serve the market and own my education system and the mass media, told me so... and there is nooooooo way that capitalist countries of the world were worse than the soviet union, it's not like they even sent the first woman in space while there were actual zoos with black people in them in the usa, it's not like there have been just as bad or even worst famines under capitalism at that age, it's not like illiteracy dissapeared in the early soviet uniom, it's not like stalin tried to quit FOUR times... but no it was a totalitarian dictatorship and my freedom hurr durr... Yeah ok I agree with Dany on this, people shouldn't have the freedom to oppress each other but I am sorry lads there is no way she is a communist. strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.
"Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." You dumbasses probably don't even know what democratic centralism because your mommy and your daddy told you that the bad commies are dictators.

any act can be left or right depending on the motive. Dany it seems was trying to reform society for some unnamed greater good, which i think makes her leftist, like stalin, who did nothing wrong

Doesn’t matter. Nazis were commies. Eat shit.

"Nationalizing" unions doesn't mean what you think it means.

yeah exactly

There's nothing communist about her.

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Nazis didn't believed in any single of Marx's principles.

They would have thrown Marx into a camp for having Jewish heritage.

it amazes me how uneducated American's are in regards to what communism actually is.

You can't just expect strangers to write books for you every time you're ignorant of something.
People show racial biases from pretty close to birth, people seem to inherently prefer the company of those genetically similar to them, all of human history seems to show a massive interwoven tapestry of ethnic and religious conflict in addition to class conflict

Do you read anything besides "both sides are dumb" Rick and Morty memes on facebook?

No, it's not communism. This part:
>and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose
is also non-existent in the manifesto.

You're so retarded that you're unable to understand that there is something besides the two extremes - capitalism and communism. Hitler understood that there must be a balance between individualism and collectivism, between a person wroking for himself and himself only and the greater good - his nation.

That is why he advocated for private property but not at the cost of hurting your own nation like you have with capitalism. Hitler wanted to prevent a society where a few billionaires are above the law, above the country and can literally oust your ass and move their business to China where they can employ slave labour at your expense, all the while continuing to profit from the things your country provides to their business. Don't get me started on the needs for immigration that these global conglomerates need

You want to live in a world where global corporations decide your life? Ruin your country? Import masses of uneducated migrants that would gladly work for a few shekels Moshe gives them? A society where you country has no cultural or anything close to a unity? Because that's what you have with "capitalism" right now. Not that different from communism, really. It's just a different brand of Jewism.

Communists are competition to...communists?

literally nothing she said or did had anything to do with communism

you retards get more retarded by the day

Well I was hoping you were conceited enough to write a book for me...

Better throw some more stereotypes at me pal!

holy crap dude come back when they teach you about paragraphs in summer school

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They literally are called national SOCIALISTS you fucking retard. Socialists are just the social aspect of communism which is the fiscal aspect. They were commies.

If nazis were commies they would have been treated the same as the USSR. that is they wouldnt have been crushed by the global hegemony of the UN and instead left to their own devices until they collapsed at the end of the century. Nazis were crushed because they are fundamentally reactionary looking backwards into a traditional aristocratic heirarchical society. Communism is the total opposite of that.

Hitler boasted about this in his speech to the Rhienmetall-Borsig works in Dec 1940

"For the first time in German history, we have a state which has absolutely abolished all social prejudices in regard to political appointments as well as in private life. I myself am the best proof of this. Just imagine: I am not even a lawyer, and yet I am your Leader!"

Fellow anons, this here is an example of a fag that has watched too many Crowder and Sargoy of Cuckadd videos.


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Kings landing was the Los Angeles of the seven kingdoms, are you telling me you don't want that place burned down by a dragon?

Marx didn't invented socialism.

Calling yourself something doesn't mean you believe in any of the principles of the movement.

The Eastern Front was just leftist infighting apparently

how embarrassing for you and your family

This. If you dislike hierarchy and embrace change you're not right wing.

>quoting monty python
cringe and bluepilled
>that paragraph structure
what the fuck is wrong with you
>Yeah ok I agree with Dany on this, people shouldn't have the freedom to oppress each other but I am sorry lads there is no way she is a communist
ok so you are basically saying that if you were the dictator in dany's place you would've built the real utopia?


>Nazis were socialists
>Nazis invaded the Soviet Union rather than allying with them

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>Socialists are just the social aspect of communism which is the fiscal aspect
The absolute state of this thread

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>social prejudices

Literally super-structure shit, nothing to do with economics.

Marx would tell him to fuck off with that non-materialist idpol nonsense.

you realize Marx was anti-semitic right?

He wrote an entire book on how the Jews and Jewish culture are the personification of capitalism

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Did you even read the manifesto posted ITT? They were all about power to the workers and away from economists and management. Only reason it worked is because they stole all the money from investors (jewish elite among them) before they had a chance to flee.

Not only did Hitler implement marxist ideology, he made it more efficient.

Do you really believe the Nazis had abolished all social prejudices for political appointments? Nazism and Communism are both abortions of democracy which is why you can compare them, having things in common does not make them the same.

Trotsky died of natural causes

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>knowing this little about the politics of Europe from the beginning of the 20th century to the beginning WW2

>lefties are completely unified and never have disagreed or had infighting

Their "turn right-wing" was only really in terms of supporting America over the Soviets, and capitalism over state socialism
In all other ways they are egalitarian, and they believe in creating a single world order where nationhood becomes an "outdated" concept (except for Israel, of course)
They're weird and Jewish. It's like "okay, guys, Marxism and Trotskyism just aren't kikey enough anymore, what if we had that PLUS we're still allowed to be ruthless usurers?"

>He wrote an entire book on how the Jews and Jewish culture are the personification of capitalism

Yes and?

That's just making accurate observations of Jewish behavior and culture.

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Was Dany going to abolish the monarchy and get rid of all the noble houses?

So how were they their competition if working toward the same goal?

if he had implemented Marx economics, he would have had to kill the entire German middle class.

Hitler wasn't that great a diplomat, but he wasnt fucking retarded

>Guy in another thread was saying she's inherently right-wing because she committed genocide
That moron is a butthurt plebbitor who knows nothing about history

>They were all about power to the workers and away from economists and management

That entire sentence is nothing but gibberish.

It's impossible to get away from economics, the economy is the very engine that powers human survival and development.

>Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one.

Hitler wasn't communist or capitalist. They're both jewish in their design, meant to benefit jews at the top.

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That's a perfect leftypol bait.
They're already raiding the thread en masse.

Marx wanted to abolish all social classes.

Marxism isn't about killing people for having money.

Middle class dies in marxism because the investors flee.

Can't have investors leave your country if you demonize them, jail them, and confiscate their belongings.

Calling yourself something and being a something are two very different things mate. Jewish Socialism was nearly the exact opposite of National Socialism.

good pic related

>state and race are one

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>Nazis didn't believe in a single of Marx principles


>Nazis just believed in the same accurate observations that Karl Marx wrote an entire book on

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Literally did nothing wrong. Those children were tyrants and evil men

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>common weal
>private property
>not internationalists
>race solidarity

All these are basic right-wing principles of the time.

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don’t expect these brainlet fucks to be reasonable or even attempt to be.
I’d assume they’re all women

By race he means Germany for Germanics, French for French, etc. Obviously not the clusterfuck of niggers, pajeets, gooks, whites you have in America.

The Jewish Question isn't about how to create a Communist society.

Mein Kampf is mostly propaganda that has nothing to do with reality.

what you just said is so cringey to anyone with an understanding of pre and post WW1 Europe

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alt right fgts get triggert by the words horseshoe

prepare to be shitted on

>All these are basic right-wing principles of the time.
On paper. Nobody really followed them.

>power to the workers

Because nothing says “power to the working class” like banning trade unions.

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Also Hitler claimed to be against capitalism but Nazi Germany was a capitalist country that worked to the benefit of the biggest corporations, including foreign ones.

you only say that because in Mein Kampf Hitler admires the social democrats and their plan to subjugate representative democracy

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>was a capitalist country that worked to the benefit of the biggest corporations, including foreign ones.
lol what? care to give some source on these claims?

Right-wing and left-wing terms are retarded in a pre-modern world because they never existed before the French Revolution and you are a brainlet for using them.

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>from Dorne to Winterfell
I mean she was fond of melting them...

The Nazis followed all those principles though.

So enlighten me instead of attacking the questions.

le things aren't real man

With the ultimate goal of establishing herself as the ruler in their place. So still a monarchy.

One example:

>Hugo Ferdinand Boss was a German fashion designer and businessman. He was the founder of the clothing company Hugo Boss. He was an active member of the Nazi Party as early as 1931 and remained loyal to the Nazi German ideology throughout the duration of the party's existence.

This tv show didn't end until 2019, which is several years after the French Revolution

Sure, they did. But i'm talking about right-wing parties in the rest of the world back then and especially now. Keeping to their principles is what made the National Socialists so great.

"Yes, certainly, we jeopardize the liberty to profiteer at the expense of the community, and, if necessary, we even abolish it. British capitalists, to mention only one instance, can pocket dividends of 76, 80, 95, 140, and even 160 per cent from their armament industry. Naturally they say: 'If the German methods grow apace and should prove victorious, this sort of thing will stop.'

They are perfectly right. I should never tolerate such a state of affairs. In my eyes, a 6 per cent dividend is sufficient. Even from this 6 per cent we deduct one-half and, as for the rest, we must have definite proof that it is invested in the interest of the country as a whole. In other words, no individual has the right to dispose arbitrarily of money which ought to be invested for the good of the country. If he disposes of it sensibly, well and good; if not, the National Socialist state will intervene."


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They don't even make sense in a pre-industrialised world.

she just wanted to crush opposition, noble houses could stay if they bend the knee.

That's what they told the Bolshies in Russia, but they found a way

The Role of Private Property in the Nazi
Economy: The Case of Industry


I don't understand what you're trying to say. Hitler never forbid private property or companies, as long as they served the interests of the country and not the interests of the board that ruled those corporations. That's the basic gist of the regime. You can do whatever you like so long as your actions do not hurt your fellow countrymen.

More examples:

>Through their subsidiary, Dehomag, IBM supplied Nazi Germany with the capabilities to easily and efficiently identify Jews and other undesirables, as well as the technology necessary to track their transport to extermination camps.

>Hitler hired prominent German auto designer Ferdinand Porsche and his company, then known as “Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche GmbH,” to develop this car. It was through this project that the classic Volkswagen “Beetle” shape was designed.

>The Coca-Cola Company benefited financially via Nazi Germany. In fact, the company’s product, Fanta, was birthed during the Nazis’ reign.

>However, unlike many of those companies, Kodak started using their subsidiaries in neutral European nations, like Switzerland and Portugal, to continue doing business with Nazi Germany. They also continued to have control over their German branch thanks to their close relationship with Hitler’s personal economic adviser, Wilhelm Keppler.

Whatever you say.

They still lost the war for being arrogant and stupid and bloodthirsty and getting rid of all the minority talent.

>extermination camps
Stopped reading right. No point in reading anything else after you dropped the holohoax meme.

>you can do whatever you like as long as you don’t hurt your fellow countrymen
>*kills countrymen en masse*

>They still lost the war for being arrogant and stupid and bloodthirsty and getting rid of all the minority talent.
Yeah, I'm sure that's what they teach you in Mutt History class.

In a socialist country you wouldn't even be talking about dividends at all.

You could make a case for the Nazis being similar to European social democrats, but they weren't socialist or democratic either.

I am not sure you have the intellectual capacity. You literally think because they eliminated communists, they could not be of left bent whilst ignoring the plethora of right-wing generals from the first world war, and conservative revolutions like Hermann Rauchning who briefly joined the party and feld rather quickly after finding out what they were all about.

your mind is so incredibly simplistic, it isnt your fault, but it is.

An example:- any anarchist who says they are left-wing, the USSR fervently pursued the Russian Anarchists for years until their complete demise in 1921. So by your logic, no-one could ever be left and an anarchist correct?

According to your straight lined logic of history, all anarchists from 1921 onward are right-wing, unquestionably, correct?

based spurdo

Yeah, communism is a tool for capitalism to subvert countries and blindly rob them of their wealth and possessions leaving them in poverty, stagnation and quasi-religion instead.

>According to your straight lined logic of history, all anarchists from 1921 onward are right-wing, unquestionably, correct?
What the fuck is even an anarchist? Desolve all borders, cultures, people, etc and every person is out there for himself, hunting, killing animals and building a small house in the woods? What kind of ideology is that?

>he thinks socialist economies shouldnt make money at all

Now i see why people start starving the minute your ideas are applied.

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>No point in reading anything else after you dropped the holohoax meme

There is plenty of evidence and you are just an edgy contrarian.

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>you literally think because they eliminated the communists, they could not be left bent

The claim was nazis were communists themselves, not “left bent”. Don’t move the goalposts mate.

Liberate people of the world

But capitalism doesn't even exist in Game of Thrones. And, no a rich folk among the nobility doesn't count.

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And that's a good thing

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According to Hitler commies were a greater enemy to Nazis than Jews.

>doesnt answer the question applying their own logic
>just sidelines to a greater question thats not at hand

>There is plenty of evidence and you are just an edgy contrarian.
No, I've read more than your tiny little brain can comprehend on the holohoax. There isn't a single shred of any state policy regarding mass extermination going on. Slavery? Sure. But that is an entirely different ballpark.

Is there a Communist regime on the planet that never purged "undesireables?" It's a default action.

I think we can all agree that anarchists should be killed on sight regardless of whether you are a leftist or a conservative.

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>being this desperate to see your political views reflected in pop culture
Daeny became a supremacist with no interest in teaching or learning values existing outside of her own. Sounds pretty right wing to me.

The claim was actually "hitler did a lot of commie shit"

stay with me here, i know its hard to focus on seven words, but clap the syllables if you have to

Not from Muttmerica.

This. Coming from a former Eastern Bloc country, I can confirm. They purge anyone who even has the potential to be a small threat to the regime, even other commies.

Dany is quite blatantly an analogy for the overreach of contemporary social justice. I was pretty surprised as it became EXPLICITLY clear that the writers were doing this knowingly. The words came straight out of Tyrion's mouth.

>When she murdered the slavers of Astapor, sure, no one but the slavers complained, after all they were evil men. When she crucified hundreds of Meereenese nobles, who could argue, they were evil men. The Dothraki Khals she burned alive, they would have done worse to her. Everywhere she goes, evil men die, and we cheer her for it, and she grows more powerful and more sure that she is good and right. She believes her destiny is to build a better world for everyone, she believed that. She truly believed it. Wouldn't you kill whoever stood between you and paradise?

Attached: woke_tyrion.jpg (1280x720, 33K)

>But capitalism doesn't even exist in Game of Thrones.

>Iron bank

So you don't know what the Soviet Union is.

Attached: Soviet_Union_GDP_per_capita.gif (952x565, 38K)

According to Hitler communists WERE jews.

>Too brainlet to understand that capitalism doesn't apply to nobility.

Sorry user, capitalism is a bourgeois institution, not an aristocratic one.

Which was a response to someone noting a difference between Hitler and Communists. The response was “Like what”, and then is further responded to by posting supposedly communist shit about the Nazis. Ergo, effectively saying Hitler was a communist. Step up senpai.

The USA literally has the largest prison population on the planet.

Attached: 1024px-Prisoners_world_map_png2.png (1024x559, 188K)

Capitalism is when people trade and use money.

Also the Aztecs were capitalists.

And? They’re alive aren’t they?

>Socialises the means of production
Pretty communist for me. No your shitty identity politics aren't communist as doesn't try to end the explotation of the workers

imagine calling a monarch a communist

For a while.

>Each year in prison takes 2 years off an individual's life expectancy. With over 2.3 million people locked up, mass incarceration has shortened the overall U.S. life expectancy by 5 years.

This. Capitalism is simply the exchange of goods and has existed as long as humans have.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Commies traded and used money too.

She's a combination of neo-con and neo-liberal. She wants to invade everywhere and install her own puppet regimes in the name of creating a better world for the less fortunate. Tyrion's speech to Jon about her mindset and motivation was pretty good at highlighting the dangers of both of these similar ideologies. Blue haired cat ladies nowadays have the same mindset which is why they cannot see why those philosophies are so destructive and why Dany was a villain.

>Smoking is capitalist too now cause it shortens life expectancy


No, capitalism describe the rise of bourgeoisie class as opposed to the aristocratic one.

Communism confirmed for capitalism.

>asspained Muslim/Buddhist organ bag

Attached: DkyT9CWX0AAXgTI.jpg (749x818, 106K)

Literally what Franco did

Wrong. Capitalism is when you own private property (a god given right) and trade with other private property owners in free enterprise. Human society cannot exist without Capitalism.

Killing capitalists is not a crime.

>Smoking is capitalist too now cause it shortens life expectancy

It kinda is, corporations used to lobby the government to be able to market their product without stating their harm.

>Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers

Ten years of this and it's more dead people than what Stalin killed in Ukraine. The Holols deserved it though.

In--universe she's an enlightened absolutist who is a few centuries too early. Things get weirder when you realize that her military base is a mashup of hordes and janissaries, and her social base is formed from a slave revolt and her killing the other khals.


Attached: 1513578204932.png (720x960, 905K)

>god given right

Attached: Db14KGoV0AEfzpb.jpg (960x960, 164K)


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>ever hear of the horshoe theory
Yeah, you're fucking retarded because you were hit in the head by a flying horseshoe as a baby

Attached: tiptip.jpg (353x334, 21K)

Based communism killing people on the shit they DO, brainless fascists kill people just because they look different.

Yeah, thats happened a shitton of times man. Look at south america

>fascists kill people just because they look different.

Attached: 1503319330200.png (565x871, 670K)

But most of those are niggers. If Africa were a first world continent that had humans in charge of it, then it would just be a prison continent (because it's full of niggers).


>can't argue
>post pictures

Tibetans were living under a literal theocracy where most of them were peasants under the monasteries. Fuck the Dalai Lama and all the Western pseuds who pretend that Buddhism is just some laidback feelgood religion. Tibet is unironically better than it ever has been. The Free Tibet people are stupid that whenever the Chinese build any infrastructure in Tibet they protest bitterly.
This is more debatable, but its not anywhere as bad as the hundreds of black sites that the US has around the world

Not an argument.

isn't that's triggering to leftists though because they honestly believe that there is no such thing as leftist authoritarianism?


>people mock for my retarded views so I won

gnot a gnargument

Attached: artworks-000179621054-n5eeg3-t500x500.jpg (352x500, 109K)

lrn 2 female pronoun, dumbshit.

Everyone else would fit in, but Varys is just a backstabbing cunt who pretends to care about the realm

>she did nothing wrong

Attached: 1557773736626.jpg (774x1033, 74K)

>making any argument

Why did the leaders of communist russia try to have the leaders of communist yugoslavia killed?

Against all of those point it could be argued however that:
1. Nazis didn't want to abolish all private property like commies.
2. Nazis spoke out against rentals and debtors who can be argued that are parasitical agents who don't produce any value in an economy and only leach off of other. So they wanted ndustrial capilatism instead of financial capitalism and they didn't let useless parasites to leach off of and enslave the population, basicly enpowering a 1%. Legit and wholesome goals i can agree with desu.

This reminds me when my mother said that only abrahamanic religons where sexist and I told her that following the Tibetian buddhism being reincarnated as a woman was a punishment and buddhist considered woman impure and wanted to have the least contact possible whit them to the point of promoting gay relationships

>Equality and freedom for all
>Wants equality of women in politics
>Liberated slaves
>Talks about liberation all the time
>Uses military violence to achieve all goals, yet has no clue about warfare and is against militarist policy
>Broke a well-functioning feudal system and fights culture and traditions of slaver's bay
>Wants to end the wheel of wars and power, wants to purge the other "tyrannic" nobles, wants to end hunger and make a paradise for the ordinary people
>Is massively incompetent and kills people just to fulfill certain quotas (such as the 163 Meereenese noblemen)
>Relies on bureaucratic advisors to do everything
>Makes all Dothraki equal; bloodriders
>Only provides homeless with a fought-over soup-kitchen
>Rises to power in areas inhabited by poor people, yet completely crashes the economy that they are the basis for
>Causes civil unrest through political goals of class-warfare and propaganda
>Class warfare
>Uses slaves of Astapor to overthrow and annihilate bourgeois and aristocracy of Astapor
>Uses people of Yunkai to overthrow the Yunkish bourgeoisie and aristocracy
>Burns Meereenese noblemen
>Defines murder as justice
>Defines the law as law
>Dothraki in S1 to build a new society or fuck off
>Tells slaves to kill the noble neighbours that they share their culture with (class over nationality)
>Tells people to die in their old world or live in her new one
>Old people, women, children can't adapt because of "progress"
>People murder each other, starve and stay homeless
>Drags her people into a war for ideological reasons
>Neighbour cities of slaver's bay return to the old ways, in rebellion, because they feel threatened by new system
>Westerosi are motivated to fight against her for patriotic reasons
>Tells her troops that their goal is to liberate the entire world from tyranny
>Systematic purges
>Civilian deaths are necessary and justifiable
>All others can't choose, she knows what is right
>Supreme authority
>Double think

Attached: gommunism and sonik.png (720x502, 125K)

13 years fascism VS 40 years socialism

Attached: Dresden.jpg (1570x526, 418K)

None of her politics were communist

>I will break the wheel
>not communist

not an argument

She's a standard leftist demagogue. They all come to power promising to raise up the poor and liberate the oppressed. Then once they have power they kill whoever they need to to keep it. Calling her a communist is wrong. Calling her a radical leftist tyrant is not.

Name 5 leftists that believe in monarchy. She literally thinks her bloodline means she is the one who should rule over everyone else.

The main point of Marxism-Leninism is class war, to fight the bourgeois (the worst, exploitative class), imperialists (capitalists) and fascists, to abandon all differences from the proletariat class, going beyond all ethnicities; internationally.

The main point of National Socialism is race war, to fight Jews (the worst, exploitative race), Bolshevism (communism), international finance (capitalism), to abandon all differences from the Aryan race, going beyond all classes; nationally.

Class and race are two major differences.

Attached: NatSoc.jpg (1024x878, 196K)

stalin, mao, pol pot, kim il-sung, castro
monarchs by a different name

>implying genocide is limited to certain ideologies
genocide has been committed by literally every single political system and ideology in human history including liberal democracies

Like execute all the socialist members of the NSDAP during the Night of Long Knives. CLASSIC leftist infighting!

not a real communist, stalinism is right-wing revision of socialism in its worst form with its rampant nationalistic rhetoric and militarism
not a real communist, maoism is a corruption of marxism-leninism because farmers can't be the vanguard of the revolution
>pol pot
not a real communist, just some asian rebel LARPing to get Soviet guns, he was just a lunatic
>kim il-sung
not a real communist, his regime is closer to racial fascism than anything else
not a real communist, just another banana dictator trying to get Soviet help by LARPing

So no actual blood-right monarchs, cool.

And Wal-Mart is just a Holiday Inn by a different name

That's like saying the USA is randomly killing people around the globe every day. That would be really bad!

>being this much of a /pol/shit brainlet
leave this board and never return

The subhuman fucktards who are retardedly calling that inbred whore muh "evil" hitler are obviously a bunch of kike brainwashed mongoloids who still think glorious führer gassed 6 gazillion verminous kikes.

And yet she cant further her line with children. Furthermore, monarchy just means the rule of one, it is not necessarily hereditary. She took power because she could. Not because she believed in the law of the land, because she destroyed those laws everywhere she went in order to create her own. She spends the last episode giving speeches about how she will bring freedom and justice to the world. All that's required is the blood of anyone who stands in her way.

>not true communism
So tiresome

*dabs on your ignorant ass*

That is the cucked take that they have to take bc no one would take their master race shit seriously anymore. Their whole ideology rests on the false notion that each race wants to dominate all the others. Not to mention Germany invaded the rest of Europe

She was literally Hitler you fucking commie, don't try to steal turbobased Dany from us

Attached: literally hitler.webm (520x292, 2.34M)

NK works on bloodright

>seething leftist niggers

Attached: happy laughing.png (333x293, 15K)

Hitler wouldn't have given a shit about Jews if they weren't bourgeois for the most part.

Good point. Hitler was leftist because he killed all German Communists in concentration camps. I'll make a youtube video about it.

Her whole character arc is a giant middle finger to people like you. People who think they can do no wrong because their intentions are good. Reality disagrees with you.

And the USA is not right wing
Yes, “Conservatives” in the US are rebranded Troskyites or Market Liberals

Take that back, scum.

Attached: baby Dany.jpg (317x265, 12K)

She's not either, she'll never have kids. Monarchy does not mean hereditary monarchy. She just wanted to rule. Same as stalin and all the others.

>hurr communist dictators are just like monarchs durr
>if you disagree you must be a leftist shill herpderp
Christ Almighty, /pol/shits really are stupidly retarded. The difference between the communist dictators you listed and monarchs is the source of their legitimacy. You see, monarchs derive legitimacy from the divine right to rule - by the grace of God they rule for they were meant to rule. Communist dictators derive legitimacy either from charisma or buearucratic-rational sources; mostly a mix of both.

Horseshit. She wholeheartedly believes she is destined to be the ruler of the world by way of who she’s related to.

>le not real communism

Her whole character arc has nothing to do with either fascism or communism aside from superficial aesthetic similarities put in so modern-day brainlets could relate to the events unfolding before them.

If you unironically believe a character who derives her motivations and legitimacy from her birthright and blood is "communist", you're a mouthbreathing retard.

If I had to choose between killing the slavers or the slaves, I'd choose to be a leftist and kill the slavers any day. Come at me nigger.

She wasn't born in power you cretin, she was a slave sold to a shitskin savage. She took Westeros because she had the force necessary to do so.

She was still the heir of the Targaryen

So the Democratic People's Republic of China is democratic, by your logic?
Private property is still there in NS; class differences are still there in NS; industrialists and aristocrats are still in place in NS; private employment is still there in NS; corperations are still present in NS.

What you call "SOCIALISM", was the idea of protecting Germany from the international finance market by centralizing the banks and linking the value of the currency to the worth of labor, to keep the gold standard.

What you call "SOCIALISM" was the idea to create a solidary system, based on race and traditional family values, where all German people would pay taxes so there could be support for child benefit (to support families and birthrates), pensions and insurance (to support workers), common cultural and social projects (to further unity), money that would improve the living standard and working conditions of all Germans (to promote healthyness), while obligin every man to work, a system that was thought could ensure the existance of the German people, specifically.

They also were obsessed to oblige all German men into the army, to finance an armed state (Wehrstaat) that could protect the people and wage war to conquer new territory (Lebensraum), that can provide food, resources and shelter for the Aryan race (Herrenrasse).

NatSocs like to use terms derrived from biology, from racial anthropology.
National Socialism is in no way a form of Marxism, understand that.

>Communist dictators derive legitimacy either from charisma or buearucratic-rational sources; mostly a mix of both.
based retard poster

That's not all her motivation you dolt, were you watching her character arc?

Viserys would fit your description.

Semantics, the veneer is different but in practice they end up similar
Probably because Monarchy is one of Mankind’s default forms of government

So did Viserys. He wouldn't have freed any slaves to get there.

I didn't say anything about communism. I said she's a leftist demagogue, which she is. And youre literally proving my point about her arc being a middle finger to people like you, because as soon as someone who embodies your beliefs and desires for the world does something you don't like you immediately say "nuh-uh next time I'll do it better"

The message is power corrupts, regardless of your intentions. And the fact that you think you can do no wrong means you're just as bad as her.

You didn't have to choose though. Her councilors all told her not to kill the slavers.

Franco actually killed commies though, makes you think between dilating sessions, doesn't it?

> Communist dictators derive legitimacy either from charisma or buearucratic-rational sources
They derive legitimacy from previous forms of government like all other monarchs. It's mostly a form of divine right in the form of false exoteric beliefs such as equality, democracy or other such nonsense that never materializes

What kind of argument is that? not everybody is a tranny like (you)

>implying I'm a communist for saying that Dany isn't one
your /pol/ is showing

He gave a shit about the gypsies though.
Why, they weren't rich, now were they? They were racially inferior, degenerate subhumans.
He gave a shit about the homosexuals, because they were racially inferior, degenerate subhumans.
He gave a shit about the Eastern European Jews, in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine etc. that were so poor that they would traditionally go begging every year.
He gave a shit even about the last of the mountain Jews in the Caucasus.

Because in his eyes, they were racial filth, especially because they were so dirt poor.

Two posts above you, there is my answer to your post.

Attached: 1518218465671s.jpg (92x125, 2K)

race is a meme used to demonize social classes for political use

>your /pol/ is showing
Implying that is any bad, reddit.

Attached: deddit_thready.png (900x359, 77K)

If you believe that obvious retarded bullshit..I bet you also retardedly believe all these bullshits about Hitler
>he killed himself
>he has only got one ball
>he was a kike
>he was a socialist
>he was a globalist and not a nationalist
>he poisoned his dog
And the most biggest retarded bullshit:
>he gassed 6 million kikes

Attached: 4L_GfkixbCO.jpg (549x435, 24K)

sorry i hurt your feelings /pol/ tourist

>a /pol/ack, coming from a board more infested with boomers and r*ddit scum, has the gall to call someone else a redditor
just follow your leader, bite down on a cyanide capsule and shoot yourself in the head

>straw-manning gets exposed
>tries to meme out

>e gave a shit about the homosexuals
>he gave a fuck about race
Communist both persecuted gays and engaged in russian ethnic imperialism. It wasn't Russia that was used by the communist ideology, it was a portion of the russian elite that used the communist ideology to favor their own interests.

Communism is borderline retarded as a political or economic theory if you want to achieve any sort of socialist worker's utopia, but works wonders as a pseudo-religion used to justify ethnic expansion and centralization of state power. The whole thing is a lie.

Attached: 400px-Kazakhstan_demographics_1897-1970_en.png (400x303, 37K)

>woman in lesdership role
>right wing
The absolute state of things in the West

>right-wing because she committed genocide

Attached: socialism[1].jpg (510x567, 56K)

Not exactly related to my post, now is it?
I was talking about the importance of race to Hitler, not the political properties of race itself.

But while we're at it, you have to provide some evidence for your posts, otherwise your opinion will be discarded, like the garbage it is.

Attached: 1b7.png (599x491, 114K)

>Hitler wanted Europe to be raped by niggers, sand niggers and other faggots, and then go on and rape the rest of the world with them
Sup, Herschel.

I'm a different guy, my friend.
Now that is some bait of excellent quality

>>straw-manning gets exposed
How is calling somone /pol/fag because that board lives in your head rent free is exposing a strawman?
>inb4 muh capitulation

>t. capitulated incel

It's not that they were bourgeois that Hitler hated, it was the fact that they were rootless parasites that placed value on themselves and their own culture at the expense of the of the country they resided in and the people that there. This is the problem with jews today and throughout history.


Attached: 1556835565130.jpg (2048x1536, 849K)

>everything I disagree with is bait
isn't bait. Just stating some uncomfortable historical factoids to make tankie mongoloids upset and force liberal faggots to insist that the USSR was actually a fascist state all along.

>21 million
Oy vey, 106 trillion was the actual number.

Also, no evidence for whatever you say.
You're not qualified to break down ideological systems, that you have no valuable knowledge about and I am to be the judge of that, as you have to provide evidence for your invisible tea kettle in space, that is your post.

Attached: 4db.png (860x650, 60K)

None of these are monarchs, brainlet

>If it has a SOCIALISM in the name it must muh a leftist ideology
Fucking profoundly retarded worthless subhuman scum.

Attached: 4L_1yyPLxie.jpg (545x478, 39K)

>implying you can ever get /pol/ to admit the USSR post-Lenin was a fascist state
They jerk off to fascism and think the Soviets are the boogieman. You should know your efforts are an exercise in futility.

Btw, I love how the Night of the Long Knives is often used by liberals and historians as an event to prove that Hitler wanted to remove opposition to his power and how if the "Nazis" took power again, they'll do the same thing

In reality, the Night of the Long Knives was a revolt started by the heavily left-leaning of the NSDAP in order to force Hitler to go the Trotsky rout of starting revolutions around Europe, etc. Hitler only did what any sane leader would do - he squashed it.

>uncomfortable historical factoids to make tankie mongoloids upset
I correctly get called out as /pol/ack, only to be named a "tankie", because I don't believe some conspiracy about the supposed fascism of the USSR.

Your argument seems to be that socialism was never tried, which would make this the most ironic post I have seen in this thread.
(Schizophrenic as well)

It's all too funny how much of a pleb you are, to use "mongoloid" as a supposed insult and use the term "factoid" to disguise your opinion as truth.

Attached: insufficient evidence.png (899x547, 62K)

Hitler had a hard-on for race but no one gave a shit until he tied it to social classes.

Once you establish that all jews are bourgeois, all gypsies are criminals, and all blacks are thugs, you've put social classes and race together in a simple package that'll galvanize the masses.

So who is making the conspiracies, /pol/ or /leftypol/?

You BTFO'D yourself quite comfortably.

Attached: 3xdance_ww2.gif (567x850, 2.18M)

Fucking idiot,shut the fuck up you dumb cunt and stop embarassing yourself.

>Once you establish that all jews are bourgeois, all gypsies are criminals, and all blacks are thugs,
Aren't they true for the majority of them, though? Gypsies especially, speaking from a personal experience here.

>Hitler had a hard-on for race but no one gave a shit until he tied it to social classes.Once you establish that all jews are bourgeois, all gypsies are criminals, and all blacks are thugs, you've put social classes and race together in a simple package that'll galvanize the masses.

Source: my ass

Attached: proofster_.jpg (400x300, 26K)

Majority maybe, but that doesn't justify racism.

He' even more retarded retarded than TIK

It does. I don't want them in my country and my country would be better by not having them. It's that simple.

>everything I disagree with is bait
I just noticed that implication.

Funny how all of your posts are made invaluable by posting the proofster.

Attached: proof_prove-nothing.jpg (580x426, 34K)

>that doesn't justify racism.
It does. Look up Gypsie crime statistics, look up notable individual cases, you're going to see that the behavioural differences between populations are inherent.

Race is a reality, from skin, over bone-structure, to muscle weight, to even few differences in cranology.

>You're not qualified to break down ideological systems
Ah yes, only qualified marxist academics are qualified to break down communist ideology.
lol. Also, I'm making fun of liberals precicely because they use the word "fascist" as a generic marxist boogieman propaganda, and never try to analyse it as its own socio-political theory as it describes itself.
I don't believe that it wasnted to be fascistic either, just that every empire ends up kind of operating that way. It's impossible to separate ethnicity or self-preservation.

The USSR originally wanted to ban the concept of marriage and ban the traditional family. It backfired, as they ended up trivializing children as property of the parents and generating millions of orphans. Then they later realized that to their own state to survive they needed a strong family unit, so they ended up as a highly reactionary state that persecuted gays and fomented a kind of fanatic nationalism stronger than the Tsar.

What I'm trying to say here is that communism is an accelerated form of what we see as progressivism in liberal society. It's so contradictory to the very maintence of civilization that it just had to turn into something else in order to survive at all. It became some weird form of beurocratic imperialism.

Leftists believe in the power of blood so much they want to kill all white people.