>Game of Reddit is FINALLY over
>Yea Forums will be free of one of the two cancers that have been plaguing it for years
Now we just need capeshit to finally stop being a thing and we're free. Free at last.
>Game of Reddit is FINALLY over
>Yea Forums will be free of one of the two cancers that have been plaguing it for years
Now we just need capeshit to finally stop being a thing and we're free. Free at last.
Other urls found in this thread:
you forgot star wars
once the John Wick capeshit threads die down too this place will be whole again.
John Wick is not capeshit, it's based action
>Implying that vidyashit is not going to take the market now.
>flop in the making
nah. Now we go back to bobby b posting
What, do you think the Reddit tourists are just gonna leave? There will always be trash for them to spill their soilent over and spam threads about. If it isn't capeshit, it's star wars; if it isn't star wars, it's the GoT spinoff that's probably already in the works. This board cannot be fixed. The people who don't actually care about film & tv beyond 2 1/2 hour ps3 cutscenes are not gonna suddenly start giving a shit about film & tv because some shitty show ended.
>frogposter talks about cancer
Pepe is intrinsic Yea Forums soul and I'd take 50 pepe threads over more GoT, capeshit or what have you any day
>intrinsic Yea Forums soul
We went from lost to the sarah connor chronicles to got, there will always be something to replace it
GoT has 4 prequels coming out within the next couple years.
You heard me
Banning capeshit will make Yea Forums a good board again since all people with shit taste will go back to /r/ eddit.
>he thinks HBO will let go of their biggest cash cow
>he thinks there won't be 5 spin offs in the next year
Oh you sweet summer child
yeah i'm sure we have much quality programming in store for us in the years to come
MCU is good whether you like it or not
Which nobody will give a fuck about
Explain why it's good
Capeshit is never good. Ever.
It aims for the absolute lowest common denominator to make as many brainless consumer dudebro zombies watch as possible.
dont worry nigger, alita and capeshit is staying.
idk if I'd say it's good but it's not shit either. I'd compare them to fast food. Cheap, good in the moment for a quick watch, but not fullfilling in the long-term.
Remove yourself.
>endgame signaled the completion of several core cast members' contracts
it is over brah, mcu will literally scale back to early 2000's era where most folks are just waiting for the new spiderman and everything else is just disney execs throwing shit to see what sticks. the trendy twitter crowd thumping the 'new and progressive' avengers are a tiny audience.
Alita is safely contained at least
How does it feel knowing that you are the reason this board is so shit?
how long until GoT trash threads (there are like 25 threads right now) and reddit invasion dies down? 2-3 weeks?
Sadly this.
A month at least, probably tapers off after a week then sits at a slow burn of "remember when it had good writing" etc. for another four or five.
A couple months
They'll try to fit in at first, then they'll realize the only discussion Yea Forums really has is waifus, underage girls and off-topic politics and social wars and they'll go back
Lol... Keep seething facebookfrog
>GoT is over
>capeshit is over
>Yea Forums won't actually do anything that it moans about because nobody here actually wants to discuss films or normie stuff because they're not willing to do it now
>Yea Forums isn't the change it wants to be, there will just be more meta threads like this moaning that something else has replaced capeshit or GoT or whatever and they won't actually make the thread about the thing they want to make it about (not that they ever explain what they want in the first place, or if they do, it's so surface level that it's literally a single atom thick)
This. Nobody can just be successful without being good.
wheel of time casting is soon
hold onto your butts
Oh sweetie. Then you'll be flooded by 40k and vidya shitters eventually
Lmao if you dont like it you can fuck off back to r/truefilm
You know how dead this board would be if we talked about foreign shit no one has ever heard of?
I bet you thought Black Panther would flop :')
They're just going to start wanking of His Dark Materials now.
Oh yeah, remove GOT and capeshit so we can substitute it with discussion about /pol/ shit
cool are we gonna get a deus ex movie
how do you know what that is
>capeshit is over
>Yea Forums is barren and only cunnyposting keeps it alive
sounds like a dream
>Implying we weren't already doing that through those two films.
There is literally one fucking thread on John Wick and about 100 on Game of Thrones. It is apparent what the cancer is.
Hello there fellow 60 IQ minority
You tasteless plebs from Yea Forums that pretend it isn't essentially the same numales that praise both?
They make like, what? More than 20 fucking movies and only three or maybe four of them are good. MCU is cancer.
Game of Onionss, capshit, Nu Wars and sneed killed this board. Reddit has sunk its claws deep into the very fabric of this board, it is beyond saving.
What if i watch The MCU. But dont talk about it on Yea Forums?
>frogposter crying about cancer
never gets old
there's a prequel series coming though
>oh my god my son died
Repeat for 22 films
i thought this meme was over already
Prove me wrong
this but unironically
it's spaceshit but it's even worse in some aspects
cry me a river, faggot
You mean troll face
Wow, you have absolutely no shame in being a cum guzzling capeshit viewer. Amazing. nu-Yea Forums, everyone.
Also, it causes colon cancer, is made by retards, and profits go to (((large corporations))).
Endgame is over unless it beats Avatar. No one cares about the rest of MCU anymore
Star Wars is dead we are safe until batman comes out
Weebshit first. It's plagued this site since 2004.
What is sneed?
unexpectedly good bait
game of throne was fun to shitpost about
Ah yes, I remember you guys back in 2016 saying the same about Warcraft and Assassins Creed, and yet every videogame movie is laughed at and flops hard.
>implying anyone would care
I, I actually unironically like the show now that all these people are comparing it to these white WASP faggots who get a management position at some company because of connections.
Day day by we get closer to people burning down the white house.