/got/ general

High IQ Drogon edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


first for stannis

Can't believe Stannis came back

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*saves your series*

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Post your reaction watching episode 6

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to all the people itt, how do you feel when you watch this?

They ever consider that allowing the North to secede with no consequences will only set a precedent for Dorne and the Iron Islands to break off like that as well? Doesn't that set up for even more conflict as kingdoms isolate themselves further and vie for territory and influence

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They did it AGAIN.

i thought black water bay was the harbour?

so, how many new baby Targs will be north of the wall now?

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>he wants suffrage

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>that world salad in OP

Is this how you idiots convince yourselves game of thrones is >deeeeep

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So glad he got to rule westeros in the end

Dabid are truly genious

And he killed Jamie after it!
Based as fuck

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I still have some questions.
> what happens to Targaryen conquests in Essos? they're overseen by mercenaries (Second sons) who no longer get paid due to their employer's death, how will locals and overseers react?
> if a rebellion starts in Dragon's Bay (Sons of the Harpy or whatever), is it put down by the Second sons? Does it get independence from Westeros? Is slavery reinstated?
> if a place of exile is "needed" as mentioned by Tyrion, why is the Night's Watch recreated at THE EXACT SAME PLACE that is now COMPLETELY POINTLESS AND USELESS because there's a hole in the Wall and no white walkers?
> Wouldn't it be more useful for the 6 kingdoms to send their exiles to a Watch with a real purpose, like watch over the Narrow Sea or keep dothraki immigrants in check?
> if Drogon flies Daenerys' body to Asshai, how can he communicate to the red priests that he wants her resurrected? He only growls
> if Drogon flies Daenerys' body to the Lands of Always Winter for resurrection, what will he find there, now that there are no white walkers or children of the forest?
> what did Bran mean with "maybe I can find him"? Is Drogon the next three-eyed raven and Bran the next Night King?
> will future Westeros follow the Faith of the 7? Starks (Northerners) are the most powerful house now and their traditions include the Old Gods of the Forest, also Jon Snow was resurrected thanks to R'hllor, the dothraki have their own religion, and Bran's powers have literally nothing to do with the Faith of the 7 - will Bran force one of these religions on the Westerosi or will multiculti eclecticism be the norm?
> how does Master of Coin Bronn finance his projects now that Daenerys has wrecked the local economy and murdered the best customers (Lannisters) and assets (Golden Company) of the Iron Bank?

D&D please explain

>You will never watch a kino series of some civilization like Lordran and its fall to the Abyss and the fading of the flame.

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rickon got killed by rramsey, its what starts the battle of the bastards
shaggy dog was his direwolf

>that scene where Olenna meets Brienne for the first time, and sees that shes built like a brick shithouse, and is the only person olenna didnt instantly roast

*looks up*
"Oh my word!"

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drogon and jon are cousins, right?

>Hold up
>Wasnt there a young stark that was with bran for a bit that faked being burned? One younger than bran? He named his wolf something dumb like dog?
That was Rickon you dumbass, did you miss the part where he became gay emperor of Essos?

For North

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Bravo D&D

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>being a globalist one worlder

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For Tulisa's fat ass

its a joke you silly willy

... is a shit character.

>they brought back Edmure for 2 jokes

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>> how does Master of Coin Bronn finance his projects now that Daenerys has wrecked the local economy and murdered the best customers (Lannisters) and assets (Golden Company) of the Iron Bank?
gotta build brothels before you can tax em

Guess I'm moving to the Vale now.

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Did an SJW write this garbage?

Strange cripples in moving chairs distributing rape is no basis for a system of government.

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I wonder if Preston likes the new Chadrobin.


i'm glad it's over

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y'all going back to tumblr now?

>/pol/ projecting
Also independent north is fucked

Gendry's so /fa/ now.

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the only successful subversion and the writers had nothing to do with it

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predict the prequels/sequels
what do you want to see?

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>Becomes a chad and lives the rest of his life just chilling and fucking whores in his sweet castle.
I guess Sweet Robin really was the most based character.

I don't have a good enough AAAGGGHHH for this feel

Cutest psycho!

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What if Stannis is faking his death to fake out Jon into making a rash decision leading to his death via the stabbings so Stannis has free claim to not only the wall and the empty castles surrounding it, thoughts? Stannis could've easily influenced the other Watch members to assassinate Jon then have him be elected the 999th Lord Commander.

You know he's making a cumtribute one out right now.

Post yfw Robert's wish of the Baratheons and the Starks joining houses died because el goblino Arya wanted to fuck off and sail around the world instead of marrying Gendry.

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I didn't believe the spoilers, but I should have.

never have I seen a person so revolting jesus her face looks like a caricature of quasimodo

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Wait, so how the fuck does Bronn actually become lord of the Reach and everyone is okay with this? How is a literal peasant sellsword being the lord, of one the strongest and most prosperous regions in Westeros accepted by the big houses in the Reach like the Hightower's or the Redwyne's?

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Hold up
Wasnt there a young stark that was with bran for a bit that faked being burned? One younger than bran? He named his wolf something dumb like dog?

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bend the knee

Stories aren't obliged to tie up all possible loose ends. In fact traditionally epics begin and end in medias res. The Illiad doesn't show the sack of Troy, the Trojan horse or the death of Achilles.

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Why was Brienne on the council when her father is still alive?

Why was Sam the Grand Maester? Did he manage to forge his chain proving he is well-learned in all the different areas of study in a few months, or was he chosen because he knows Bran?

How do the lords of Westeros feel about the Hand of the King making one of his sellswords the ruler of the richest region?

The ending shows Westeros falling into cronyism worse than ever before.

the adventures of ninja pirate princess Arya Stark on the Western Sea, searching for new lands and dicks.

who's sansa gonna marry then?

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do you think Jon is going to get some wildling puss north of the wall?

>Wait, so how the fuck does Bronn actually become lord of the Reach and everyone is okay with this?

Ah who cares we got star wars now.

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Greyjoy Rebellion. Victarion and Damphair on one side, Stannis and Thoros on the other.

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Yes and you can go back where you belong

Rickon? He got killed in the BotB

He was the dumb kid who run in a straight line so he could get feathered by Ramsey


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Sam is the grand maester so there's no lord of the reach otherwise

Conleth Hill is my favourite cast member

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strong womyn no marry

The Reach is actually a big fan of the show and they loved Bronn so it's alright.

I'm past the point of being angry or unexpectedly disappointed; right now, it's just acceptance and disinterest. I only want Martin to finish the books, but according to his "update", that will never happen.


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I just started the 2nd book and holy shit is he an asshole.

>not wanting brann to 'waaarg' into you

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>they think this is the ending

Lol can't wait for winds of winter and all these shitty seasons are retconned out of existence.

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>Why was Brienne on the council when her father is still alive?
Lord commander of the King's Guard
>The ending shows Westeros falling into cronyism worse than ever before.
>building your own little Holy Roman Empire and expecting long peace

>Greyjoy Rebellion
This this this this
I want to see how ironcunts get their shit pushed in


Who are your headcanon lords?
Here are mine, from L to R

Nestor Royce
Deizel Dalt
Harys Swyft
Tytos Blackwood
Ronnet Connington

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>grey faggot never got consequences for killing pows

The actors need to start calling out D&D more.

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>tfw no dark dany gf

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i'm ok with this


>lit just ripped armour

Brienne is Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

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Dance of Dragons movie trilogy with proper CGI would be kino. Also between AWOIAF and Fire and Blood the storyline is basically 75% already wrote

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what made you start?

I've read 4/5 and plan on doing ADWD in the summer but this "reveal" I'm kind of feeling demotivated to even begin.

He would be a much more interesting Jon

So I guess Bran will just warg into any opposing lord and give him a brain anuerysm right? They talk about Dany ruling through fear being bad but my god imagine living in Westeros now being ruled by a seemingly omnipotent magic overseer who is watching everything, can mind control any living creature and is always 3 steps ahead of you. Oh and failing that he has the military support of all the remanining houses that matter

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She'll just fuck some Northern chad till she gets a son, no need for marriage

Brienne was presumably Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, who historically had a place in the council. Bobby B just told Barristan to fuck off.
The rest is just shitty writing

I started re-reading Dance the other night. My second re-read since I've only read it once and that was when it first came out. I've read the series through at least two-three times. Stannis is indeed a dick, especially to Jon in the first Jon chapter where they are arguing over the castles on the wall.

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>when her father is still alive?
We dont know that. Also shes lord commander of the kings guard. They always get a seat.

why did Robin's regent get a vote as well as robin?

>Brienne was presumably Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,

Even though she swore to Catalyn to protect Sansa?!!

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There's no Master of Law. So war crimes go unpunished.

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Should have stuck a cheeky tenner on Bran back when the leaks sprung, but it was so dumb I jut couldn't believe it.

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>this is the body language of someone who wants to murder both the person they're talking to and also their entire family

Well he does say he is working on it, and despite what the other cynical bookfags say I still believe him. Now if he will live long enough to actually finish writing them is another story.

show should have ended when Drogon flies away with Dany, the whole "council" is an abortion jesus christ.

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so whos the 1000th commander of the watch.
was it shown who was in charge when jon arrived?

Why did Tyrion say "We have hungry to feed" when the entire city has literally been killed?

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Sansa is queen, she no longer needs protection.

Sam was never a maester though. He was training to be a maester as part of the NW.
He did break his vows, but the NW was disbanded (at least until they remade it for some reason), so by all logic he should have the choice to return to the maesters or to be lord of horn hill (ie: be the lord of the now most powerful house in the reach).

This, I'd take Cersei over this anyday. One slightly treasonous thought and the party wagon will be round your house in a flash.

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based NORF poster

>Wyman Manderley (recast)
>Dickon Manwoody
>Leyton Hightower
>Jason Mallister
>Harras Harlaw

Only if they got good writers (i.e. not D&D)

>Just remembered they took 2 years to make this season

What the living fuck happened? We better get some documentary on this

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Stannis will be the 999th Commander just to spite Jon and get the castles surrounding the wall which he was autistic about. Maybe Theon as the 1000th Lord Commander. Theon would make an awesome Lord Commander now that I think about it.

when offscreen the average westerosi reproduces at least 2 times a minute

The Maesters answer to the Crown. King Bran the Broken named him grand maester. What is the citadel gonna do about it?

A much more satisfying ending

I should clarify. I didn't mean the Small Council, but the meeting they had in the Dragonpit.

I was being sarcastic as well; obviously she was there because the audience knows who she is and doesn't know her father, but this show used to be more about things making sense in the context of the world it built rather than convenience for the writers.

so what about Essos?

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Why was the small council chamber in pristine condition and looking identical to the original when a couple weeks beforehand the entire castle was in ruins

Jon before the assasination was the 998TH. Then Ed became the 999th until his death in the long Night. I suppose is impliced that they didnt elected another commander until Jon returned, so he was both the 998th and the 1000th Commander

bro sir bronn of quipwater master of quips lord of quipgarden was SOOO funny

They kind of forgot about that.


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>what made you start?
The 8th season. I started the first book after the 4th episode.

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You cant (i hope) possibly fuck up a story that is almost completely already written. Even D&D managed to do a more than decent work as long they were asked simply to potray a story written by someone else

Denys at the shadowtower ofc. Jon just deserted immediately anyway.

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Stannis really did come back? Wow.

>The Maesters answer to the Crown.
No they don't.
>King Bran the Broken named him grand maester. What is the citadel gonna do about it?
Tell him they had a grand maester and even if they didn't they had established processes for advancing in the organisation. Sam didn't even do enough to earn a chain, did he?

"The fanbase kind of forgot you can be relieved of an oath"

Why live bros

why did sweetrobin become sexy? he kept distracting me from the trash scene where they decide to be a representative democracy and bran gives his sister an entire sixth of his kingdom

they did the "avengers retcon"
from thousands of people dead, now the official toll is only those few lannisters grey worm executed, jaime and cersei, and that rapist northmen that jon killed

everyone in king's landing actually survived

>still needs a master of whisperers

Here's your Arya Stark bro.

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My king, I'm not sure your new rape laws are-

After Eps 1,2,3,4,5 HBO usually upload an "Inside the Episode" thing on the GOT channel which gives DnD a chance to explain the incomprehensible nonsense they just put before us
I've literally never been more interested in one but it appears they don't even want to upload it.
What the fuck.

>especially to Jon
I'm not there yet, but his character is set as an asshole in the prologue to the 2nd book.

>No they don't.


All of those theories are stupid
>Bran is the night king
what the fuck? Not only is there no evidence for this, not only does it completely contradict the White Walkers as just walking death, but it would also be a complete asspull just to have a surprise villain. Also how would this play out, the Wights don't die when the NK is killed and then Bran says "hah you fools it was me all this time" and then they just stab him because Bran can't run away.
>Jon will rule
Possible, but GoT is not that kind of show.
>Tyrion is a targaryan
Wow way to go, with one fact you'd completely ruin one of GoT's best relationships. The thing about Tywin and Tyrion is so interesting, because Jaime is a gloryhound and Cersei is an idiot, but Tyrion is cold and cunning and sp in many ways he is Tywin's trueborn son, "his writ small" as its said in the books. Tywin however cannot accept Tyrion, because not only did he kill Tywin's beloved wife, but his stature is that of a cripple, and therefor unacceptable to a man like Tywin who despises weakness, but fuck all that complexity because everyone needs to be a secret Targaryan
>Cercei will be killed by Arya
Oh yeah, its not like Arya's entire storyline is built around the fact that violence, revenge and hatred only breed further violence, revenge and hatred, but lets just abort that storyline for another YAAAS MY WOLF CUB QUEEEN YAAAAS moment

Normie fucking SHITS

Daenerys will return next week riding Drogon with a host of troops from her Slaver's Bay territory after being revived by Kinvara.

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You think the books will fix things but whatever GRRM writes will be influenced by whatever the TV series did. It wouldn't even have to be him trying to be faithful to the TV series. Whatever he told D&D and whatever was in the show now has to be thought about in some way even if it is ignored. Having the TV series continue beyond the books was a mistake and I honestly think there's a good chance GRRM won't bother actually finishing them because whatever comes next will be compared and contrasted into oblivion

he was... other things to watch.

Jon left beyond the wall straight away. It seemed like he didn't even join the nights watch.

He's absolutely right. Varys deserved so much better than that.

Did Arya just dieded?
Has she never heard of Brandon the Shipwright?

he's not a "nice guy" that's for sure

That jon killed dany, and that drogon destroyed the iron throne and flew away with her corpse is the only kino thing that has happened in this entire sesaon. Everything else was just cheap crap.

Is it bad that i felt genuinely sad when Dany died?

The people who shit on characters like Bronn and Olenna and anyone else who was genuinely, consistently funny are the biggest contrarians around tbqh, eat shit.

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i feel the same, the most surprising thing for me is how little i care that season 8 turned out to be utter whack

>yfw they cut the night's watch election plot down to just two scenes because the guy playing mallister died while filming

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What's the verdict on our queens feet?

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Sophie Turner said in an interview filming that shot where Robin Arryn is introduced after they just arrive at The Eyrie was a nightmare to shoot, since Lino Facioli kept messing up his lines.

Apparently Lino couldn't get his lines right, or kept messing up the scenes, all while he suckled on Kate Dickie's breasts. Everytime the scene was about to be over, he would mess it up in some way, or misspeak the lines, and then we'd have to start over. The only time he wasn't fucking up the scene was with his lips around his pretend-mother's nipple, looking extremely pleased with himself and smug.

Eventually they just gave up and discussed about getting another child actor to play Robin Arryn, at which point he stopped messing up completely. Sophie said it took like an hour to film that 3-4 second shot because Lino was so fucking terrible. By the end of the day, Kate's nipples looked like strawberries.

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>I've literally never been more interested in one but it appears they don't even want to upload it.

D&D didn't feel like explaining this one because they already killed it.

Your grace, may I present my latest machination.
Made from the corpse of Rhaegal and some radioactive iguanas from the summer isles. It stands twice as tall as the towers of Harrenhal. Its radioactive breath could render entire kingdoms barren and burned.
In Asshai they call him... gojira. I hope it pleases your grace.

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None they'll all be Tormund's

>not supporting a global libertarian white ethnostate

There's a King I would follow

>One episode later she is not even in the horse

Nigga some adaptations fuck up even stories that are already complete. Not to mention D&D literally asked Bryan Cogman, the real MVP of the show btw, to help them structure the first season when the show started. Seriously read this shit:

Bronn was good for a while but he outstayed his welcome. Olenna was consistently good.

Calloused. Would probably not lick.

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My point exactly. Every single popular normie theory was so ridiculously stupid and not in line with what ASOIAF is meant to be about.
So when I see them say "our theories were better than the ending we got" I'm just laughing, because they really weren't.

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mainly this

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Based Waif(u) poster.

Because Tyrion via the Starks have built up a lot of goodwill with the people. Arya killed the Night King. Jon helped Dany dethrone Cersei and the killed Dany when she want full mad queen. When Bran got named king, I think people pretty much just decided, fuck it, if the kid wants the sellsword to rule Highgarden let's just fucking roll with it.

I'm not autistically obsessed with Emilia like some of you are but I'd like to hang out with her. She seems like a fun, genuinely nice person to be around.

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>bronn is lord of highgarden

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Danys vision for the future was about as white as dorne.

Robb was hard done by in both the books and the show. By far the most under-represented character from a narrative perspective considering his role in the story.

>I am back home again now, and back once more in Westeros, working on WINDS… which, let me add once more, has NOT been finished and hidden away for years. (sigh)

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"It's good that Bran did that"

>Jon helped Dany dethrone Cersei
Did he?

>House Reyne are now Lord Paramounts of the Reach forever and ever

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Her father wouldn't have been there, Tarth is a poor backwater. She was there (I guess) as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard- never mind who would have named her that in the interregnum, but whatever

who is lord of Casterly Rock?
who is lord of the Twins?

Through the council ending D&D have made a very astute comparison to late Sengoku Period in Japanese history when Hideyoshi died.
The clear implication is that the realm will be split in two in a few years and a new King will finish the job.
However I wouldn't expect simpletoms like you guys to understand this.

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>Jon suddenly forgets who he is and isn't sure about killing innocents

>who is lord of Casterly Rock?
>who is lord of the Twins?

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You *could* say she was there protecting the stark kids, and got a say because she was a knight, in addition to being the heir to Tarth

So, what took them 2 years? Everything was so rushed...

Honestly this ending sucks because there's no way to reproduce it faithfully in CK2

>Why was Brienne on the council when her father is still alive?
She was Sansa's bodyguard.

>the north will be an independent kingdom


He took part in the attack and was instrumental in gaining Dany the Northmen's support. Dany's own forces were too small after the battle against the white walkers at that point. Without Jon bringing her new supporters, she would have been in a tight spot.

Tyrion is the hand

Episode 3 was bullshit, but 5 and 6 were a return to form with surprisingly a satisfying conclusion and on top of that it btfo'd all of the worst parts of the internet
Danyfags btfo
Normiefags btfo
Twitterfags btfo
Tumblrfags btfo
Modernfags btfo
Alt-RIghtfags btfo
Nihilismfags btfo
Theoryfags btfo

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Let us all join hands in unison, close our eyes and begin chanting the hymn that will generate the cosmic energies that will allow GURM to establish the canon following the ending of GoT to be a base D&D setting from which everyone can create their own stories.

is anyone even remotely surprised? the fat fuck will die before TWOW is finished let alone even starting ADOS

>"I can see all, the past and present. But do you know what I saw of the Dothraki? I saw not one moment of a spark of intelligence or culture. They exist only to pillage and rape those who actually produce value for the world. Based on their behaviour and lack of genetic purity... it would be perverse to suggest that they were even humans. Would it not, dare I say it, be better to wipe this virus from existence? Should we not use the ash that once blanketed this city as our inspiration?"
Whoa, why did Bran say this on his first day of being King?

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her unbiased king brother

i meant sam's sister
time had passed clearly, thats what the beards showed

It's also not REALLY stated that Bran is a "good" person after becoming the 3 eyed raven. Being emotionless and autistic doesn't really imply either way. If anything you could make a pretty strong case for Bran orchestrating every major event of this show since the beginning just to get to this point. Who knows what that creepy little fucker is going to do now.

How would these daddies feel about the state of their houses after the finale?

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based cheers

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>series is over and D&D didn't shoehorn dany saying "im the queen and i command you to fuck me" for my jerk off fantasies
seriously its all i wanted out of the show. i dont even care about who wins or how it ends.

My husband

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where is Meera?

It’s like that Treehouse of Horror episode where Bart is an omniscient overlord and everyone lives in 1984-esque Thought Police terror.

he swore the oath to tyrion thats why he recites it there
for what episode

Yea sure a bad director/write can fuck even the best story. I simply think it would be suicidal to choose someone like this for a sure cash grab like this trilogy

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tell me where is Harrenhal


I should have turned the fucking show off after Drogon flew away with Dany, that was it. That should have been the end.

Worst episode ever

Tywin and Roose would both find the state of affairs laughable


I need the roasties so I can finally put this show behind me.

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>He thinks a hand can't be a lord

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>, Kate's nipples looked like strawberries.

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t. Euronchads

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Jon ran off to live the life of a wildling in the last scene.

Because HBO literally demanded that they put him into important scenes because he is a fan favorite

I guess all the dragon CG took a lot of time to render.

Still not an excuse for the shit writing.

Where do the Northmen keep respawning from? Their best men died on campaign with Robb, their second best men died in the civil war, the goodmen died when the dead attacked, where are all these old bearded bastards coming from?

>the whole episode could be read as a manifesto against radical feminism

/ourguys/ all along and we didn't even realize it.

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So, roughly speaking, how long will it take until the realm is plunged into another massive war? Bran is a northerner ruling over only southerners, has no armies, no dragons, no claim to the throne, no gold.

"stories" don't unite people

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i have big bonner

ned was perfectly happy with his fishfu

Bran is an absentee king like Robert, the Small Council are ruling for him and will keep shit ticking over

They found Qyburn's lab.

he did technically join the nights watch, and might be i dont know brand ambassador with the wildlings now

>all this fawning over Dany after she killed a bunch of people and Sansa after she became a manipulative bitch
I have a feeling /got/ is into femdom

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The show told me the Reach is deserted now
Somehow the Reach = Highgarden


somebody post twitter meltdowns I need my schadenfreude

>imagine living in Westeros now being ruled by a seemingly omnipotent magic overseer who is watching everything, can mind control any living creature and is always 3 steps ahead of you
Alternatively, imagine that they didn't rip off God Emperor of Dune.

bran has an army because he has kings landing, its the targ demense, bobby gave the storm lands and dragon stone to stannis as viceroy

>he did technically join the nights watch
Did he?

Crazy girls are best girls

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>So, roughly speaking, how long will it take until the realm is plunged into another massive war?
Next generation, or right when North recover from war and became worth enough to be conquered

There are no more white walkers and the wildlings are chill now. the Nights Watch is finally what everyone always assumed it was - an internment camp for degenerates, criminals and other undesirables to keep them far away from everyone else

They're probably literally who minor houses and smallfolk. There's thousands of literally who houses no one cares about.


what do we do now?

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no he wasn't cat

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h-haha dont be silly user

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who /readthebooksbutnevertouchedtheshowbutstillshitpostingaboutthefinale/ here?

The crownlands has barely any men even before war and nuking KL.

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>There's thousands of literally who houses no one cares about
No? That's not how the feudal system works.

Wait for the Euron spin off

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So uh.

There's still like half an army of dothraki screamers on westeros who were promised raping and pillaging, and their only controlling force was just killed.

Catelyns actress did have fishy looking lips. Like the lines at the edge of her mouth just keep going

i think the last 2 episodes generated more salt normies will move on pretty fast now

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I feel empty. I’m going to start rewatching the whole series.

>"itoko-san, I've killed them all, nothing stands between us now"

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1. Mereen's probably going to enter into an arrangement where they're kept on retainer as the city's army and paid out of the city's exchequer like any other branch of government
2. It was never part of Westeros to begin with, even nominally. It was part of Dany's personal fief but it wasn't Westeros. That's the funny thing about feudal power structures: you can be overlord of two different polities at once, like how William the Conqueror was both King of England but also Duke of Normandy, and thus nominally a bannerman of the king of France. But that didn't make the King of France the King of England by default. As for slavery coming back, the city of Mereen has a strong incentive for keeping Slaver's Bay free so they'll probably pay the Second Sons to continue acting as their garrison to ensure that it doesn't.
3. Bravo D&D
4. B R A V O D & D
5. what
5. ...what??
6. Bran's going to spend his time warging into crows and shit looking for Drogon. Kind of bad to have the world's only documented living dragon flying around unaccounted for, especially since it might have a grudge.
7. Stark's are nowhere near the most powerful house, and even if they were, they're not proselytizing their religion anyway. The Lord of Light might make inroads into Westeros since they're keen on attracting new converts and it's reasonable to assume people's faith in the 7 may be shaken since the fiasco with the High Sparrow and the Faith Militant, but its been the dominant religion of Westeros for centuries, even prior to Aegon's Conquest, so its not going away any time soon. It seems unlikely that Bran's going to care who prays to what.
8. Bronn keeps getting more and more OP. I doubt he'd make a good master of coin at first, but he's shown himself to be resourceful and he's got a vested interest in learning how to do the job right. He's also got the rest of the council to keep him in check. Yes Dany did wreck the economy but that doesn't mean it's ruined forever.

miscast desu, she was supposed to in her early 30s and a top milf

What are you talking about? He isn't even a POV character in the books.

9 years....
what do I do now?

>Jon why didn’t you fuck your aunt on the Iron Throne? She was so wet for you, Jon. As King I could commute your sentence but for passing up that chance, you’re never leaving the wall again. All that beauty gone to waste.

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They got deported dude.

I guess if part of Bran's ability is to find out if people are conspiring against him then I guess it won't be much of a problem?
The real problem is that right after Sansa declared independence for The North all the others would probably want the same.


I hope this is bullshit

He unironically deserved better

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This was probably one of my favorite moments in the whole series. they tried to recapture it but it fell flat on it's face.


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They made everyone older in the show.

Sansa wasnt even in that scene and the milk tits were props.


Well, they do have great respect for the laws and commands of Westerosi lords so that makes perfect sense.

>wildlings are chill
arms make people less likely to attack, theyll need the nightswatch in a few generations espeically if they conquer beyond the wall as the snow is now melting as shown by the sapling
and? they should have run out of mercs a war ago yet kept going, honestly danny didnt even need to fight for kings landing she could have just got the rest of the seven kingdoms and put kings landing under siege and done in a month

>Ned: "Ser arthur, i was looking for you, i-...what are you doing?"
>Arthur dayne is scribbling in the book and jumps up when he sees Ned
>"Wait why are you saying that i'm your brother in l-"
>"You know what i'm just going to leave..."
>"You must continue the line STARK! You must out your ICE into her STARFALL, you must show her how winter is coming, show her your sword in the morning-"
>Ned turns around and runs away in fear, muttering "noh" under his breath
>"You cannot escape me Stark, its written in stone now. MY SISTER NED you must FUCK my SISTER! DO YOU HEAR ME!"

Is this the single greatest video the normies ever realised?


They got what they came for. Plenty of rape and pillage.

They could have done a better job of casting her but I wasn't bummed with Michelle Fairley. I think she did a great job.

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>I now remember feeling excited for season 5 after this finale
How times have changed.

I'm honestly legitimately surprised Littlefinger and Stannis never came back. I was sure at least one of them would make a comeback.

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Based Bran


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>shit writing is good when it disappoints people I don't like

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Mm-mandatory age 12 and upwards?! My liege im not sure about this...

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enjoy our little time left here until we get banned from the board

>do you think Jon is going to get some wildling puss north of the wall?
Tons. So many male wildlings died in the battles that dick must be in really short supply north of the wall.

Minutes after the show ended?

What's stopping Bronn assassinating Bran with poison or slitting his throat when he's asleep?

I guess none since Jon's a good boy to a fault and he's not allowed to.

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>how long will it take until the realm is plunged into another massive war?

Literally when ever those lords get back to their realms

that's retarded and you fucking know it, in medias res means you start in the thick of action and explain the world as you move through it, not that you get a free ticket from a satisfying ending, you retard. the iliad gives all the explanation and payoff for the main characters it's built to. the odyssey even more so, fuck the aeneid ends with 'and then they made rome,' though granted it's just greekaboo fan fiction

Fuck off D&D shill. Everyone knew it wasn't gonna be the same after they ran out of the books. The thing is just that they could simply put written it better. When random people online come up with better plots you know you messed up.

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Ned was Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North while being hand.


Probably not for a very long time. The war with the whitewalkers was a pretty unifying event for those involved. The Starks, Lannisters (Tyrion) and Baratheons (Gendry) are basically bros for life for a few generations because they all took part in that event. That's a pretty big deal consider each family's histories with each other. The kingdoms not directly involved like Dorne would probably not be able to do anything even if they wanted to do to the combined armies of The North and the Crownlands, and the Stormlands too if Gendry's behavior is par the course and he allies himself with the Starks. Which he would probably be likely to do that joining forces with the Iron Islands or Dorne.

>no jorah

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What a brutal mogging.
>sheep eyes vs wolf eyes
>small skull vs huge skull
>short vs tall
>jawlet vs strong jaw
>no cheekbones vs great cheekbones
>shit hair vs great hair

>warg inti an opposing lord
No. He could warg into Hodor because he was retarded, and it was still difficult and painful for both of them.

The official Dany costume power rankings go:
Dummy thicc Pentos Dany > Mereen Dany > Obersturmbanfuhrer Fraunationalsozialistische Dany > Guts finally gets off the goddamn boat Dany > Khaleesi Dany = utterly forgettable Dany in Qarth arc


It's how it works in this universe. Major houses get name drops and screen time, but there's countless other irrelevant houses out there. That's the entire reason for the TTG game, to explore what one of those irrelevant houses are going through while the drama of the bigger houses take the stage.

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