Just according to keikaku

>Just according to keikaku

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I don't want the throne.
>Actually it was my master plan to get the throne all along.
>But also I don't want it.

>you now realize that every future "elected" king will just be the next 3 eyed raven

What is his master plan?
this one?

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Hey man, the only thing better than a dynasty is an eternal supernatural dynasty.

Is Bran the God Emperor then?

Of course, he will warg into each next king or queen, lucky bastard

How did he somehow morph into a short hair Cersei?


He will warg into some dude and rape Sansa till she bends the knee or dies from internal anus bleeding. Such is the will of Bran the rapist.

warg powers

Didn't the last Raven live so old he turned into a tree or some shit? What if the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms for several centuries was Bran as a tree?

Bran is dead, "ran the boy who fell from the tower at the start of the book died in that cave when he downloaded 3eyedraven.exe, the three eyed raven, this ancient entity which lives in the weirwood trees overwrote Bran's personality with his own, The Three Eyed Raven has all of Bran's memories now, it comes with the vessel, but he isn't Bran anymore.

Same thing happened to Brynden Rivers before him.

a giant humanoid sandworm would like to have a word with you

>dany wants to break the wheel
>the new thrones is literally on fucking wheels

So deep

Having bran as king is like having Dr Manhattan as king.

How the fuck do you have a person who doesn't perceive time the same as anyone make decisions for you

what´s even the point of having bran king?
the only scene with him as king features him leaving the small council right after showing up.
would have been nice to see him actually do some ruling

>Bran is dead
No. I think Bran is still part of it. He said as much. And this is why his manipulations favor his family.

you forgot
>a guy called "the broken" sits on the new throne of wheels

and is also totally detached from his humanity
great writing

Is there anyone left that can stop the tyrant Bran and his eternal rule?

>you forgot
>>a guy called "the broken" sits on the new throne of wheels
Not him, but thanks user. Did not notice that.

>game of thrones
iron throne vs wheelchair throne

What was the point of the melting the throne scene

To show you that it was all for nothing man just like the night king

>Finds out about Jon's parentage
>Tells Sam and Jon
>Pressures them into telling Dany knowing it'll cause her to go batshit

Best game player.

nope, bran can literally just warg into every person who dares to approach him with a knife

the dragon shares a kindred spirit with dany (kind of like a warg, but the dragon has more influence, which is why she burned King's Landing, the bells "woke the dragon") and she didn't want to burn the man she loved

melting the throne was part Dany's fury, not wanting Jon to take her place, etc

>What was the point of the melting the throne scene
Bran removing a symbol of the past order perhaps.


He could just warg into Dany and do whatever he wanted. He is OP as fuck but never uses his powers.

>the incel rape-apologist won

They were told the ending. Even if you think they have literal Downs Syndrome, they knew the ending.

Bran is the best.

What's the point of him becoming king? Why didn't they give it to Gendry?

>They were told the ending
But then they kind of forgot and used the LotR ending instead

>bran is the stinky faggot chap Brits
>manipulate everyone else to do their bidding
>end up controlling the entier world.
Now it makes sense.
All the characters must represent important countries of the world. Lets figure em out.

>>They were told the ending
>But then they kind of forgot and used the LotR ending instead
Sauron wins?


will he find drogon? and how will they retrieve danys corpse from the ocean

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What the fuck does "warg" mean?
t. Hasn't seen a single episode of game of thrones

tune in next week to find out

Tyrion is Ireland, Bronn is Scotland, Sam is Wales. Yara and Theon are Sweden. That's all I've got for now

>What's the point of him becoming king?
Compromise. He's a cripple so he'll carry no lineage. He has no desire so he'll rule fairly.

>Why didn't they give it to Gendry?
Because they all realized it was stupid to just give the position of ruler to whoever happened to be born into the position.

its a sex thing.
>webm related
choose your favorite warg

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based drogon throwing out the trash

why does he constantly look like he's on something

the r-verb is one hell of a drug

Dany is America

hes basically on a constant mushroom trip

It looks dramatic on screen and symbolism

That's exactly what a body snatching entity would want you to believe

Bran can only warg into animals and retards he can't just take over anyone he wants

No Meera, no bueno - King Bran

Frodo was exactly where he was supposed to be.

that sand snake > the red woman > that whore next to shae > smirkfu > dany > that whore under the red woman > shae > theon's slam piece > the black one > theon > ygritte

>anyone in season 8
>not a retard

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He's on whatever is the equivalent of spice in the GoT universe because we ended up having a copy paste ending on the immortal god emperor worm

wot fucking race is this

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He's just tsundere.


Is it still a dynasty when you're the only one on the throne for thousands of years?

making room for brans wheelchair


Just another piece on Bran’s chessboard


It's not even about him being on the throne and a ruler that is an issue. It's about how the fuck do people of WHOLE Westeros will tolerate an autistic tree boy as their king. Sure, some parts of aristocracy close to the throne agreed to support the autist, but there's no fucking way all of the elites will be okay to be ruled by a random fuck no one knows about, who is impossible to sway and has no right or desire to be in the throne to begin with. Like there's no fucking way other lords, wealthy merchants and powerful scholars will suddenly support some group of misfits some of which were considered traitors before and hold no REAL power or ability to project that power just because they survived the attack on Kings Landing. Fuck this shit.

>Tyrion. I require you as a my hand
>...And your other hand

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Deepest lore

>A Song of Ice and Fire

I burst out laughing at the sheer cringe. Holy fucking shit.

Bongistani. As much as it sucks that god's least favorite island is invaded by the hordes of muslims, it might do their gene pool some good in the long run.

>That's exactly what a body snatching entity would want you to believe
Actually he has more often emphasized that he is not Bran than that he still has some Bran.

His behavior is what makes it obvious that he is still Bran.


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ah yes the brown people who are factually very inbred are better for genetic diversity

dumb nigger

>It's about how the fuck do people of WHOLE Westeros will tolerate an autistic tree boy as their king.
They're not going to declare that he is an "autistic tree boy".

They're going to present a "great story".

"anglo" means anglo-saxon, i.e saxons who moved to angland as opposed to saxons who stayed in saxony. These are Britons, who were the 'indigenous' brits before the saxons came and who got shoved over to the west squashed up against the welsh. maybe they're the same as welsh i dunno but they're not fucking anglo-saxon

You know, Bran looks pretty cute to me, and i don't think he changed that much from when he was just a little boy in season 1. He has cute eyes.

It might be when shit like Maisie Williams is what you're starting of with.


That's good though, he will be able to make the right choice thinking about the big picture

difference being maisie is considered ugly in the UK, in the middle east she's a 9/10

The Drowned god gets another sacrifice.

Wow, that kid got ugly.

As a tits guy, Ros was the only one with tits worth something. The rest can fuck off

>Drogon last scene flying towards Volantis

Is this some coping bone thrown to Danyfags thinking she will be revived by red priests or what?

>the series boils down to Goverment surveillance winning and the constitution (white walkers) failing

Bran had a weird phase where his eyebrows looked like they would fuck him over, but he's shaping up nicely.

That said, the bar was placed very high with how he looked as a child, no wonder he couldn't live up to it.

Bran the Breaker

Surely at some point people will start wondering why the fuck a new king never does public appearances and/or feasts and when he does why does he look like a fucking stoner. Like there's no fucking way this dude will last more than a generation. And by people I mean upper classes, lowly peasants are irrelevant. Even in history retarded kids only were formal rulers, when in actuality powerful regents held absolute control. But they were powerful regents cause people supported them. Aside from people connected to the North, who the fuck supports anyone from the council? People suddenly like Tyrion now after his betrayal? Or a random mercenary getting new lands is somehow okay with everyone else? Who the fuck is that soft spoken fatso? Jesus Christ.

So if the tv show has the same ending as the books, how are book characters gonna play into bran on the throne? Like lady stone heart, victarion, strong belwas and patchface

Hell yeah. Just setup and warg into new replacement bodies, influence and mind control your electors, and defeat all opponents by knowing all of the past and future. It's so easy you don't even have to stand up to do it.

actress by far

Bran wanted a mobile throne.

You can't really absorb all of someone's memroies and experiences without some part of that being reflected on you. But Bran the boy who dream of being a Knight who wanted to hold Meera and kiss her, he's dead, that boy doesn't exist anymore. The Three Eyed Raven remembers these feelings and thoughts that this dead boy had, he remembers what it felt like when Robb sat there at the edge of his bed holding his hand and weeping about his fate. he remembers what it felt like to have Theon steal his home away from him, that's all in there but the Boy who had those dreams, he's gone never to return.

We have his memory, that's alive, and in GRRM twisted mind that means he lives on and I think that's a sentiment a lot of people share, but it's no different than him being dead. He's got total recall of Bran's life but there will never be new Bran memories new Bran feelings, he can summon up what you might call the "spirit" or "essence" of Bran from his experience and make an educated guess as to what Bran would say, do, or think given a certain situation but the main consciousness driving Bran's body is that of The Three Eyed raven.

the absolute madlad has been playing 78D chess all this time

Brann won't change anything, letting the North become independent opened the door for the remaining 6 kingdoms to also leave and why wouldn't they, the Wheel remains

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Bran is going to be possessed by the bloodraven and subtly manipulate his way onto the throne

>as a tits guy
>judges on size instead of shape
found the underage lurker

Bad pussy has the best nipples by a fucking long shot, good god those look like they'd be fanstastic to suckle.

Why do people think Bran is some evil mastermind? Knowing the future doesn't mean you can influence it, was already established.

>Surely at some point people will start wondering why the fuck a new king never does public appearances and/or feasts
No, they really won't. Where the fuck are you people getting the idea that anyone below the highest level lords even give a shit who the king is? The dirt farmers of Westeros probably aren't even fucking aware that Robert's dead.

That's retarded. Memories are stories we tell ourselves about the past, not the other way around.

Bran isn't Bran anymore

He has Bran's body, his memories, and motives that would be consistent with Bran's.

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When did I say they were the opposite?

Also the writers forgot that the three eyed raven can't see the future.

bro did we watch the same series? EVERYWHERE is decimated by Dany and the night king, at a certain point you stop giving a shit about who is king

>Also the writers forgot that the three eyed raven can't see the future.
If you know the past you can predict the future to some extent.

> Tyrion asks Bran to became the king
> "Why do you think I came all this way?"
> flashback to the very first episode
> Jaime pushes Bran
> however Bran grabs some lump on the wall
> looks into the camera
> "let the Game of Thrones begin"
> wink
> willingly continues to fall in slow mo while opening theme kicks in

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>he won the throne by using, like, 13% of his power
Bran is Shaggy

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Just as planned.

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You moron did you not see the episode?

>a faction of starks put a stark on the throne immediately in the chaotic post-attack period but there is a legitimate baratheon who doesn't get the throne because reasons
>oh i guess anyone can now take the throne by either overt or political force if birthright no longer matters hello 777-goldencompany i require your services post haste

the rapes westeros

they are beautiful
so beautiful

my first act as king is to legalize the first night and rape

my kingdom will be beautiful

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> despite using only 13% of his powers Bran now rules over 50% of Westeros

Yeah maybe if you have a planet-sized supercomputer.

Name ONE character that would be objectively better as a king than the 3 eyes raven. You can't

Can't Bran see visions of the future before becoming the three eyed raven

You idiot didnt you watch the episode?

Westeros has literally had crazy people as rulers before like Baelor the Blessed. They've also had rulers that were unpopular and uncharismatic like Viserys the Second. Bran being uncharismatic doesn't matter a great deal and it's a plus for the major houses that he cannot work up a crowd and convince people so he cannot accumulate too much power or turn people against the houses. The council that chose the king are supposed to be the powers that be from all over Westeros. Most of them have the wealth and power to make someone a king, or even potentially rule for themselves.

>Also the writers forgot that the three eyed raven can't see the future.
Only kind of

vayrs, jon, dany.

This is what I'm talking about tho, the upper classes, high lords, people with money and armies. Only Northerners know who he is and I only think Starks actually support him, while others may just bow to Starks. But others? What stopping them from plotting against some unknown dude with shaky power grip over a burned down castle city once people forget about the brutality and become soft again? Is everyone nice in GoT cause Lannisters are gone? Fucking bullshit, how the fuck the inner council supposed to keep other high lords under control, those who will feed the crown, protect the crown and fund the crown while having almost no control over it cause an autistic tree kid is impossible to both predict and control.

Why does he ask questions at the meeting with his advisors like he doesnt already know everything that happens?

Hopefull westeros goes full crisis of the third century.


fuck fire and fuck living people

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>what´s even the point of having bran king?
Because Bran (or alternatively some other entity controlling Bran) wanted to be king.

Why would anyone willingly watch these episodes?

wide brained Anglo, the natural phenotype of leaders

Right...yet we got Obama

I'm not talking about being uncharismatic or unpopular, I'm talking about power projections. Those kings had power, people who will defend them, dragons, weapons, riches, allies. Bran has fuckall aside from Sansa, but North is absolutely eviscerated at this point, even moreso than other regions.

The only good one you mentioned. Dany is a ruthless thot and Jon is too much of a pussy

So he's a god? If anything bad happens to you, it's his fault since he could've stopped it and anything good that happens is because he made it happen. He can't lose a war since he can stop it before it gets to that point, he can't be tricked because he can see that. He can do with the world whatever he wants and nobody can do anything about it.

Night King seems like a better option than this.


where the fuck is meera? I want my time refund

Drogon knows that the people will need all the raw materials that they can get, so he decided to give them a helping hand.

>"King Bran, we need to talk about Rapeday. A lot of people are rather distraught that one of your first actions as a king is to alter the weekdays and add such a day to our calendar. Plus it really messes with..."
>"It was beautiful"
>"Yes, but some people think you are taking it too far and shouldn't force the maesters to put every historical event onto this day..."
>"The rape, it was beautiful"


It's cool because he prefers warging into crows instead of all of that

>inbreds fucking brown inbreds
Can't wait for an island of inbreds to turn into an island of slightly browner inbreds.

What other high lords? The council was made up of the powers that be with some random extras thrown in. If those with power didn't want Bran to be their weak but wise cripple king they wouldn't have voted for Bran to be king. Obviously nothing stops them from conspiring and politics as usual will carry on, but being king seems like it may be a weaker position than before.

Yeah, he would have been a good leader, the other two were supposed to be shit to show how shit a leader bran was. Also should have been Stannis.

So they can stop being fucking idiots


Fucking vitiate from swtor

Damn, Game of Thrones looked like thaaaat !

>if Bran just shut his mouth about Jon's parentage and told Dany where Euron would be, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved and Jon and Dany would be ruling

Really makes ya think.

It truly was a "game of thrones"

That Bran doesn't have dragons, weapons, riches, and armies is a plus for nobles that want a weak king that will serve their mutual interests rather than rule over them.

In terms of pure tits quality.
Ross > Melly Sanders > One shot actress > My Sunday > Snek > Ramfu > Pornstar > Ygritte > Dany > Smirfu
Speaking in overall hotness i would change the last few around so we get : Smirkfu > Dany > Pornstar > Ygritte

Instead hundreds of thousands are dead, and Bran is king.

And the only winning move was not to play
Bravo. Just bravo. I'm clapping irl

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Ravens > Dragons

Bran is the perfect example of a moron's attempt to write an intelligent character.

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In a symbolic sense, it's a bit strange. The throne is burned down just for a new king to be chosen right after.
In a narrative sense, if you give agency and intelligence to the dragon it kind of makes sense. Though having bran means that nobody has agency. Take of it what you will.

He's not supposed to be "intelligent" though, he literally just has superpowers carrying him.

Isn't the three eyed raven immortal?

2 out of 3, but Bran is still dead. it's debatable if his motives are still consistent with Bran's. if Bran were still the conciseness controlling that body he wouldn't have been so cold to Meera and unaffected by her departure, Bran loved her, Three Eyed Raven knows how Bran felt but doesn't share those feelings. Watch youtube.com/watch?v=SnvGaQhL1RY again.

His motives are those of the Three Eyed Raven, Bran is just another perspective he, the Three Eyed Raven, can summon up from within, like you can imagine what a dead relative might say in a certain situation, except in this case you'd also have access to a complete copy of all that relative's past thoughts, feelings, and memories. It's the same notion that if we remember someone they're never really gone as a part of them lives on inside us, it helps people cope with the loss of loved ones, even though we all know that they totally are gone and will never return, but in this case what if you could record that person's complete memory into your being, would they in that case ever really be gone even if they are no longer a living person. I'd say they're still dead, like Bran is.

You are now aware that Bran will just become a tree and will keep constant surveillance on the world now.

1984 end, so "bittersweet", thanks GRRM and D&D! He just loves his shit characters like Sam and Bran. Even with better writing and pacing that ending is going to be a fucking mess. Mad Queen and Jon will be fine, but that actual ending, Jesus.

translator's note: keikaku is a word that means plan like in intrinsic idea and there really is no English equivalent to how powerful that word is so we have decided to keep it as keikaku

>If anything bad happens to you, it's his fault since he could've stopped it
Unless he thought it was BEAUTIFUL

I hate idiots like you that want to end series or movies in the span of 5 minutes.

Via possession

That's because the Iron Throne symbolise War, Daenerys even tells the story of how it was made earlier in the scene.
The symbol is that the new King isn't one because he conquered, but because he was elected

The last one survived like 300 years, and had no real signs of being close to a natural death. Bran could rule as godking for 1000 years


Yeah, I could buy that. It makes sense.

>the stupid nobles have no idea they just elected a near immortal emperor
>he will probably do nothing, ensuring that he eventually inherits the North when contrivances lead to Sansa bearing no children
Oh no no no no

>GRRM decided that Tolkein didn't do a good enough job of leaving LOTR with a happy ending with a human king being "good"
>Decides that a good answer to the question of kingly succession is a republic ruled by a Good emporer
>This theory of goodness is outdated when Dune was written in 1965

A Targ is still on the Throne.

The 3ER was Brynden Rivers a bastard of Aegon Targaryen.

>long may he reign
>smirks to the camera

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Did you shoop his face? He look fucking retarded.

Tell me more Will.

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>How the fuck do you have a person who doesn't perceive time the same as anyone make decisions for you
He's still hungry, thirsty and shits at the same time as everyone else, he's nothing like Dr. Manhattan and you're clearly retarded

>It's about how the fuck do people of WHOLE Westeros will tolerate an autistic tree boy as their king.
Bran will have them by the balls one way or another. He can be the bird that chirps in the window while a brother and sister fuck each other. He's pretty much the NSA of their time, information is power.

>Surely at some point people will start wondering why the fuck a new king never does public appearances and/or feasts and when he does why does he look like a fucking stoner.
Why wouldn't he appear publicly? Are you feeling insecure for somebody else? fucking lol
>People suddenly like Tyrion now after his betrayal?
>people caring who the nobles are and what are they doing as long as they can live their life in peace

It's a synonym for plan, but implies something more grand and spiritual

When will he execute order 66 and form a Westerosi Empire?

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I have never watched this show
Would it have been very stupid if this guy faked being a cripple all along?

And Jon was rezzed why? To kill Dany?

At this point no.

Yes, fight fire with fire.

Whether his intelligence comes from his superpowers or his brain is irrelevant, dabid clearly wanted Bran to come off as a mastermind who is constantly a step ahead of everyone else, except the only actual indication of this was him explicitly stating it.
I'm not a writer and even I know that "show, down't tell" is like the first, most basic principle of writing stories.


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what race is this?


>Bran plotted for his brother to get his heart utterly crushed
What a cunt, and we thought Jon was a cold bastard

>those hard nipple

>my quest which cost me my humanity was to be a cheeky cunt on an interregnum council totally not to stop the fuckhuge army of the dead and the Lich King
fuck D&D

He is no longer his brother, he is the three eyed raven, like Arthas was the lich king after getting the helm

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Based Drogon.

I was just meming, lad

Except the Arthas stuff was completely retconned, Ner'zhul no longer existed and Arthas was in full control, which is why the Undead didn't completely take over everything mindlessly.

Bran the hot wheels, breaker of wills

So, he actually wanted the throne but said he doesn't want it because Varys said to Tyrion something like "a king shouldn't want". Tyrion realized he made a mistake because of the KL burning and Varys was right all along so he thought of the ideal king, a king that doesn't want, and that was Bran.
That's some high level 4D chess

he said maybe. Maybe a good king wouldn't want the throne.

It was 2d checkers

everything is easy when you can see the future

one of us

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what was Bran's tax policy?

Why the fuck was everyone alright with Sansa just fucking out of the kingdom?


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didn't watch this
is the North still part of the Seven Kingdoms?

Why didn’t the lords just let Jon do whatever the fuck he wanted after the niggers left?

no. They all decide to make Bran the king, then sansa goes, yeah nah. I'm the queen of the north latta.

>yfw Bloodraven’s master plan to make a Three Eyed Raven shaman king dynasty worked

Why did Bran pick the most incompetent people for his council.

What the fuck is Bron going to add as the master of coin other than being a Jew and spending it all on booze

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why is the North independent if there's a fucking Stark on the iron throne

Because he just killed the queen. You can't excuse that shit. They hated Jamie for like the entire run for the same thing.

haha bro remember all these characters haha

>All the same body type
Well it's the best one at least

But she was mad, and Tyrion shares the blame yet he’s hand

Bran has
>the North ruled by his sister
>beyond the Wall ruled by his cousin
>the Vale ruled by another cousin
>the Riverlands ruled by his uncle
>the Westerlands ruled by his Hand and brother in law
>is actively warging Drogon
>can see all timelines and realities
>is damn near immortal and will rule for centuries
King Brandon the Broken will be fine nigga

He can control drogon too if he wants to

Am I the only one who would be happier if they killed Bran in season 1?
I can´t stand that cripple

She wasn't their queen - she was a foreign invader. Hell fucking Yara being that angry over her death was ridiculous enough given they'd met once and she had no reason to care for her.

And anyway as long as Jon was alive she didn't actually have a claim to the throne.

Also the idea Grey Worm/Unsullied/Dothraki actually kept Jon alive and prisoner rather than chimping out and killing him on the spot was retarded as fuck.

Because the stark wasn't Sansa.

she never got to the throne so she was never actually queen

>Jon kills dany
>time passes

Is the lord of fire Allah?

Didn't watch it, whats this i hear about Sansa and Bran's dick?

He won't be king forever, they agreed that future kings will be chosen by a council of nobles across the seven, or six now, kingdoms. This is all done in a 3 minute conversation, did you rike it?

if anything even more kingdoms should have fucked off. If even another Stark doesn't want to be ruled by Bran, why would the Dornish and Ironniggers be ok with it?

Who were the other guys at the meeting? Based yohn, robyn, radmure and?

Sansa shames bran and says he can’t be king because he can’t have kids

Because only Sansa isn't a mindless robot

>Bran wargs into random northman
>Rapes Sansa

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Can't just have unnamed characters on the small council bro

This is the worst part of the ending. Before Aegon there WAS no Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, there was no iron throne. The plot contrivance of needing a king to pardon Jon was the only reason there needed to be a central king. Ending should have been no central King; everything goes back to the way it was 300 years before when there was no Aegon.

Could've had fucking Davos as master of coin and Yara as master of ships

Ackshually, if we're specifically talking about inbreeding depression, one group of inbreds breeding another group of inbreds helps both populations.


The Anglo was cursed for harming God's most loved children the Irish

And yet the red haired Celts prevailed again. Southerners either got burnt or got Bron of the Whorehouse as leader. When will you learn that Northerners are superior in brains, fighting ability and magical warging powers.

they didn't even stop calling Bran "the King of the First Men" after the North (the only part of Westeros where the First Men survived the Andals) seceded

Imagine if Cersei quickly popped out her baby and put it on the throne before dying

All this senseless murder that happened it was just like it was suppose to be.

Why did Sansa BTFO of Edmure midspeech when she was just going to declare independence for the North anyway?

Why would anyone outside the North accept or even understand why Bran was king now?

Last few episodes really did make it feel like there were only 10 or so nondothraki/nonunsullied characters left in the whole realm and it's hard to imagine what is going to happen to them next. Jon went beyond the wall for no reason, Arya returned to her home planet and things are now set up in such a way that there is definitely going to be a war of succession the moment any half decent fighter realises they can take Kings Landing by calling the boys, turning up and tossing Bran out of another tower.

That would have been a lot better: Enough time goes by that Cersei gives birth. Dany kills her child, and that's why Jon and Tyrion kill Dany.

His master plan was for Dany to kill all those people.

So did even the Dragon feel bad for wiping out a city or why didn't he make BBQ out of Jon

why did they say bran is "the first of his name"?

what about his uncle. what about bran the builder. what the fuck

A more realistic ending would have been all the kingdoms seceding, seeing as there was a total collapse of central government with no clear succession. Westeros would have entered into a period of warring states like the japanese Sengoku Period or something

Are you telling me nobod before Arya EVER tried to see what is in the west? EVER?

There'd be no need for warring. They lived together peacefully fine enough before Aegon.

Arya killed them

Who fucking knows, but Jons might have been fireproof like Dany for all we know. The dragons definitely accepted him as their own.

he was the first Brandon to be king of Westeros, not king of the North
same reason why James VI of Scotland is James I of England

He should have been revealed to be R'hllor or in reality just being the purpose of all the magic shit in the world.
It would make sense. Jon's resurrection to kill Dany so his claim would also be forfeit as well so he can take over, Being an entity to mindRAPE people to do his bidding as he did with Hodor, letting faceless men change faces so they can train Arya to kill his Arch nemesis the Night Kang, him actually being the reason why the dragons eggs hatched so Dany can burn King's landing and destroy the uncomfortable seat he would have to sit in.
It would have a well done twist. I think i'm objectively smarter than every writer that worked on this shit. Hire me.

Seriously. People say that he was useless and didn't do shit, but he did few seemingly tiny things that landed him on an Iron Throne.
As Game of Thrones players, both Varys and Littlefinger can get bent in comparison and the implications are entertainingly scary.

The entire game of thrones was the warring period. I agree no king would have made more sense though, but whatever.

Says who? They can figure out a way to induce a boner and milk Bran for an heir. He damaged his spine, not his balls.

So Bran could place his wheelchair there easier.

Brandon trolled everyone and it is glorious drinking the tears of bandwagoners.

>Why did Sansa BTFO of Edmure midspeech when she was just going to declare independence for the North anyway?
Edmure is comically inept and he was about to make a claim to be ruler of the seven kingdoms. She just told the guy to shut up.

But what about the rape?

If you were a tits man you'd say Bianca or Bad poosi even
You ain't no kin of mine

He is not a Stark.

He kinda looks like cersei there

Ahahahahaha, shit.

Yes, Bran Stark is not a Stark.

>Why the fuck was everyone alright with Sansa just fucking out of the kingdom?
Who the fuck is going to stop her? You just elected her brother as your King who is obviously completely fine with the North becoming independent, winter is here and they're all the fucking way up there with much more experience fighting in cold conditions than any other kingdoms, your armies are decimated from the wars. What kingdoms actually have an incentive to keep the North in enough to fight for it? Riverlands are decimated and they have family ties so it's not in either of their interests, Lannisters are decimated and Tyrion wouldn't go for it since he's hand of the king, Stormlands wouldn't since Genndry wouldn't want to fight Arya's family after losing his virginity to her, the Reach wouldn't since Bronn doesn't give a fuck, Dorne wouldn't because it's on the other side of the continent, the Iron Islands probably actually benefit from the North not being it's own kingdom since it means they can pillage to their hearts content once Bran kicks the bucket.

After 300 years people are used to the current system and the stability it provides.


If those stupid ironiggers had voted for Gylbert Farwynd they'd be living in a land with no winter where every man is a king.

Thinking about the right choice is what got Jon killed in the first place.

Because a Stark won't be king forever.

Why is Sansa so sure Bran can't have children?

That's where you got it wrong

What's Drogon's tax policy?

Southern Ambitions Plot Status: Won

Independent North: check
Meddled in the South: a Stark put on South

Hail Rickard Stark, the real mastermind

Attached: rickard.png (305x394, 152K)

>Who the fuck is going to stop her?
the problem isn't Sansa becoming independent, it's the fact that the people who have way less reason to be loyal to Bran don't follow her and also declare independence. Why the actual fuck would Dorne stay in the Seven Kingdoms when they already betrayed the Baratheons

I guess his dick is paralysed as well

Every nation left declared her queen, and the only house that didn't was just turned to literal ash. She was queen.

Salsa was just saving everyone the embarrassment, including Radmure.
She's based like that.

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bran has jewish admixture

Fuck... I guarantee this is at least 50% why they made Bran king.

>DABID DABID remember break the wheel?

>Bran on his death bed
>subjects have come to pay their respects
>"oh... such a spritely young lad..."
>"Come closer... my child... your king would like a better look at you"
>"yes... closer..."

Attached: 1556372152288.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

>Asha says that an Ironborn would never break an oath
>her father broke literally every oath that he ever made
what the fuck was her problem?

I remembered Smirkfu as having worse tits than that.

You're talking about people who are used to there being a king, though. Why would they go back to being independent, especially when all the kingdoms are fucking decimated from the wars? Sansa refusing to let the north stay in the seven kingdoms is what doesn't make sense, her own fucking brother is ruling them. It was literally done only to give sansa some kind of conclusion to her character arc of "I got raped and then became the new littlefinger"

bad writing for her character

Wow, that's actually a superior way to tie everything up. Why was Dany considered to be mad again?

I choose Roslin Frey because I'm not a faggot

You guys are idiots
>Muh used to a king
There is no more federal government. There are no more systems. The wheel is broken. Every Lord would benefit from not having to bend the knee to a central king. Why the fuck wouldn't they want independence? There is literally no benefit of there being a central ruling authority. That's why it didn't exist until Aegon. The central authority only exists because somebody lusts for power to rule over it. You cannot remove the lust for power and keep the office designed around it at the same time. Logistically and thematically it doesn't work out.

>Bran wargs into Sansa
>gets raped by random northman

> I came here to laugh at you

Dragons are supposed to be highly intelligent. Drogon perhaps knew that Dany's true killer was her lust for the Iron Throne and decided to destroy the object that ultimately corrupted and destroyed her.

Meant to reply to

>Why was Dany considered to be mad again
Because the show became fanservice in season 5

>There is literally no benefit of there being a central ruling authority
Imagine living in a world that's more centralized than it has ever been and better than it has ever been as a result and typing this out without a shred of irony.

>Compromise. He's a cripple so he'll carry no lineage. He has no desire so he'll rule fairly.

First act is to give North independence in a blatant show of favouritism.

Maybe if you're a europoor

Compare westeros to Earth you dumb retard. What you said makes absolutely no sense. The iron throne exists to serve the king and the king only. Westeros did not prosper more under any king than it did before the conquest. It didn't even develop technologically.


what's so hard to understand?
he can literally look at any time in history and do fucking everything properly

Also having multiple vassal states on the election council. Sam, Brienne, and Davos shouldn't get a vote.

Wasn't it a major plot point at the beginning of this season that he couldn't see the future anymore for some reason?

Sam, is a lord. Brienne, and Davos yeah, and Davos pointed it out.

Oh, you're a social darwinist? Well sure, then you want as much chaos and misery as possible. Probably not what the people living at the time would want however, thus why they'd want the irony throne to exist.


>centralization of power = good
Get out.

You know what subverting expectations means Dabid? It means that those in charge of the script get critized by every clever little twat sitting on their fat asses.
But if they start subverting their own expectations, that’s the end. For them and the clever little twats not knowing what subversion is.
This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot watch the show and keep getting subverted.
And then we move on and you get to destroy Star Wars and we get to wish that fat jew basterd had finished the job.

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but Bran actually knows the right choice unlike the cuck Jon

>be the lord of a minor house
>throw a shit fit because you don't want an autistic king
>your liege lord slaps you in public and tells you to behave
problem solves


Yea wow it’s almost like the tree god hivemind made up of genocides wood elves had their own agenda

was it? I guess the Night King was fucking with his perception


That guy is not Brandon Stark, how many times does he have to say it.
If there's anything more pathetic than watching this show is criticizing it for the wrong reasons, when you have thousands to choose from.

>the children of the forest and the three eyed raven's last hurrah against the first men was to kill a whole bunch of the golden company, the lannisters, and dany and install their own three eyed crow as king while the real "first men" in the north get autonomous kingdoms

Yes but it's never implied that he ever got his abilities back. They were like "Bran, you have superpowers, can you help us." and he's like "Nah senpai."

Anglo (aryan)


So basically he's Paul Mua'Dib embracing the golden path instead of running off into the desert.

Would have been amazing to be honesr


The darker features of Bran suggest pre-Aryan invasion DNA.

it seemed a bit too fucking convenient for me
>lololol symbolism 3deep5me

That scene was the entirety of the budgets of the last episode of Game of Thrones ever


Also lead by their one true king

Fucking brilliant

Except he burned himself on that lantern way back when.

I remember when that board was all over branflakes.

all the Yea Forums memes became reality

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Sam is a Maester can't be a lord, also even if he was a lord he's not a lord paramount he's Bron's vassal so Bron should have gotten the vote.

But sam needed to make the democracy joke!

Sam is also a member of the nights watch, so who the fuck knows.